The family is the nucleus of civilization что значит. The family is the nucleus of civilization: перевод произведения William J.Durant US historian, краткое сочинение (эссе) о вашем мнении на английском языке.

Презентация по английскому языку на тему » Семейные связи» (11 класс)


«Современная профориентация педагогов
и родителей, перспективы рынка труда
и особенности личности подростка»

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Family Ties Spotlight Form 11

Translate the words of wisdom “The family is the nucleus of civilization.” William J.Durant, US historian

Learn the new words: Nuclear family- семья, состоящая из родителей и детей Immediate family- ближайшие родственники Extended family- огромная семья Engaged (помолвленный), married, divorced (разведенный), separated (проживающие отдельно супруги), single (одинокий) Generations- поколения, relatives- родственники, ancestors- предок Wedding, marriage Single parent, foster (передавать на воспитание) parents- опекуны

Learn the new words: Siblings, in-laws- родные брат, сестра Stepmother, stepfather, stepsister, stepbrother Stepdaughter, stepson Mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law Twin-sister, twin-brother Widow, widower

Translate the words: Get on well with- ладить с… Argue, quarrel, obey, disobey Support, respect Family honour Elderly people, disabled people Treat well/badly- относиться хорошо, плохо Betray- предавать, never betray

How do we call people who have decided to marry have got a wedding and a certificate of marriage have adopted a child or children don’t live any more together have got mental or physical problems have lost their husbands and wives

Write the female equivalent: Great-grandfather Stepfather Nephew Brother-in-law Half-brother Grandson Widower Twin-brother Ex-husband

Answer the questions: Are families important or not important to Russian people nowadays? Why? Whom does the traditional Russian nuclear family consist of? Are families usually large or small in Russia? Who is the head of the household in Russia?

Answer the questions: 5. Who usually works in the family? 6. Who is responsible for household chores in Russian families? 7. How do children treat their parents? 8. Where do Russian families usually live?

Answer the questions: 9. How do they entertain themselves? 10. Who is the head of the household in your family? 11. Do you help your parents? How? 12. Where does your family prefer to spend free time? How?

Guess the families of famous people

I love my family and you?

Your home task: Write a composition about your family using the new words of the lesson (ex.8 p.11 will help)

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Класс: 11

Презентация к уроку

Оборудование: презентация, аудиозапись.

Ход урока

Начало урока. Объявляется тема урока (слайд 1)

How do you understand these words of wisdom?

The family is the nucleus of civilization.

William J. Durant, US historian

Now listen to other explanations (слайд 3-4)

Name the features of a family. (слайд 5-12)

What is the family for you? (слайд 13)

Let us listen to the song and it translation of Yana (слайд 14-16)

Take a look at your family tree

Spreading back through history

Learn the names and hold them dear

Without them you would not be here

Family ties are the ties the bind

The strongest links you’ll ever find

Through dood and bad, it’s plain to see

The closest bond is family

Treasure all of your relations

From all of the generations

In the future, in the past

Family will last and last.

Семейные связи

There are a lot of monuments devoted to the family and one of them is in our native town.I hope you have seen and visited it. Can you name the aim of it? Why does the government pay attention to the family? Do you agree with Leo Tolstoy? Discuss this in pairs. (слайд 17-18)

Let us introducule to the vocabary. (слайд 20-21)

Read the text on pp. 10-11. Which person/people.

1. explains that their behaviour can affect their family’s reputation?

2. say that people have high regard for the older generation in their countries?

3. doesn’t have any siblings?

4. won’t choose their own husband/wife?

5. don’t live with both parents?

6. wishes they could see a member of their family more?

Listen and read the text again. Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning.

idea, seniors, customs, boring, walk, help, scheme,
become less, mother’s, is the most important
thing, continue to be, ranking, comply with, no
brother or sisters, good reputation


Write five family names on a piece of paper.

Swap papers. Find out how your partner is related to each person.

Who’s Peter? He’s my grandfather. He died before I was born

Fill in: engaged, married, divorced, separated;


At home explain this Look around and you will see Everyone needs family.

All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy got it all wrong. It’s the unhappy marriages that are boringly similar to each other. It’s the happy ones that are so extraordinary and eccentric and unlike anyone else’s. Andrew Davies


Use your answers in Ex. 7 to write a short text about your family for the “Teens” magazine. (60-80 words)


Nuclear family extended family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Нуклеарная семья это семья. Family слайд.
Immediate Family and Extended Family. Нуклеарная семья это семья. Family слайд.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear and Extended Family. Single parent Family. Нуклеарная семья.
Nuclear and Extended Family. Single parent Family. Нуклеарная семья.
Nuclear family extended family. Immediate Family and Extended Family.
Immediate Family and Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family and Extended Family.
Nuclear and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family and Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Нуклеарная семья.
Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Нуклеарная семья.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear and Extended Family. Extended Family перевод. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница.
Nuclear and Extended Family. Extended Family перевод. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница.
Nuclear family extended family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family or nuclear Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница.
Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family or nuclear Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница.
Nuclear family extended family. Нуклеарная семья. Nuclear Family.
Нуклеарная семья. Nuclear Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Types of Families. Types of Families топик. Kinds of Families.
Types of Families. Types of Families топик. Kinds of Families.
Nuclear family extended family. Нуклеарная семья фото. Nuclear Family vs Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница.
Нуклеарная семья фото. Nuclear Family vs Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница.
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Нуклеарная семья. Nuclear and Extended Family. Nuclear Family vs Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Types of Families. Nuclear and Extended Family. Single parent Family. Types of Families топик.
Types of Families. Nuclear and Extended Family. Single parent Family. Types of Families топик.
Nuclear family extended family. Immediate Family or nuclear Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family and Extended Family.
Immediate Family or nuclear Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family and Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Нуклеарная семья. Nuclear Family. Nuclear and Extended Family. Преимущества нуклеарной семьи.
Нуклеарная семья. Nuclear Family. Nuclear and Extended Family. Преимущества нуклеарной семьи.
Nuclear family extended family. Расширенная семья. Фотография семьи. Расширенные семьи это. Многопоколенная семья.
Расширенная семья. Фотография семьи. Расширенные семьи это. Многопоколенная семья.
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Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. Nuclear Family. Нуклеарная семья демотиватор.
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Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Famous Family презентация.
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Nuclear family extended family. Extended Family перевод. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family перевод. Nuclear and Extended Family.
Extended Family перевод. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family перевод. Nuclear and Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Семья. Расширенная семья. Многопоколенная семья. Расширенные семьи это.
Семья. Расширенная семья. Многопоколенная семья. Расширенные семьи это.
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Nuclear Family meaning. Nuclear Family advantages and disadvantages. Nuclear Family перевод. Nuclear and Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Многопоколенная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. Многопоколенная семья фото.
Многопоколенная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. Многопоколенная семья фото.
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Nuclear Family meaning. Nuclear and Extended Family. Презентация my Family traditions. Family meaning.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Нуклеарная и расширенная семья.
Nuclear and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Нуклеарная и расширенная семья.
Nuclear family extended family. Extended Family перевод. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Nuclear and Extended Family.
Extended Family перевод. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Nuclear and Extended Family.
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Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Family photo session. 100pro Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Многодетная семья. Семья картинки. Семья на земле.
Многодетная семья. Семья картинки. Семья на земле.
Nuclear family extended family
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear and Extended Family. What is Extended Family. Nuclear Family meaning.
Nuclear and Extended Family. What is Extended Family. Nuclear Family meaning.
Nuclear family extended family. Фотография семьи. Большая семья. Фотосессия большой семьи. Расширенная семья.
Фотография семьи. Большая семья. Фотосессия большой семьи. Расширенная семья.
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Types of Families. Different Types of Families. Types of Families in English. Nuclear and Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear and Extended Family. Types of Families nuclear.
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Nuclear family extended family. Нуклеарная семья. Малая нуклеарная семья это. Нуклонная семья. Простая семья.
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Nuclear and Extended Family. Биг Фэмили. Nuclear Family meaning. Big Family тим.
Nuclear family extended family. Расширенная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Большая семья. Многопоколенная семья.
Расширенная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Большая семья. Многопоколенная семья.
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Семья вектор. Нуклеарная семья картинки для презентации. Mother and father picture for Kids. Nuclear Family meaning.
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Nuclear and Extended Family. Nuclear Family advantages and disadvantages. Immediate and Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family
Nuclear family extended family
Nuclear family extended family. Types of Families. Childless Family. Nuclear and Extended Family. Family Definition.
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Extended Family перевод. Types of Families топик. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family meaning.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear and Extended Family. The Family values. Nuclear Family перевод.
Nuclear and Extended Family. The Family values. Nuclear Family перевод.
Nuclear family extended family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Nuclear Family meaning.
Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Nuclear Family meaning.
Nuclear family extended family. Нуклеарная семья рисунок. Nuclear Family. Nuclear Family meaning.
Нуклеарная семья рисунок. Nuclear Family. Nuclear Family meaning.
Nuclear family extended family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Nuclear and Extended Family. Extended Family схема.
Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Nuclear and Extended Family. Extended Family схема.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear Family. Нуклеарная семья фото. I Live nuclear Family. Nuclear Family from Instagram.
Nuclear Family. Нуклеарная семья фото. I Live nuclear Family. Nuclear Family from Instagram.
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Нуклеарная семья. Семья среднего класса. Ядерная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото.
Nuclear family extended family. Расширенная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Extended Family. Расширенная семья фото.
Расширенная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Extended Family. Расширенная семья фото.
Nuclear family extended family. Spanish Family. Typical Spanish Family. Extended Family. What is Extended Family.
Spanish Family. Typical Spanish Family. Extended Family. What is Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Нуклеарная семья. Nuclear Family. Nuclear Family картинка. Nuclear and Extended Family.
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Nuclear family extended family. Immediate Family and Extended Family. Immediate Family перевод. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family meaning.
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Nuclear family extended family. Immediate and Extended Family. What is Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family and Extended Family.
Immediate and Extended Family. What is Extended Family. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница. Immediate Family and Extended Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Пиктограмма семья. Семейный значок. Для всей семьи иконка. Семья рисунок.
Пиктограмма семья. Семейный значок. Для всей семьи иконка. Семья рисунок.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear Family meaning. Nuclear and Extended Family. Семья смысл жизни. Нуклеарная семья треугольник картинки.
Nuclear Family meaning. Nuclear and Extended Family. Семья смысл жизни. Нуклеарная семья треугольник картинки.
Nuclear family extended family. Большая семья. Фотосессия большой семьи. Очень большая семья.
Большая семья. Фотосессия большой семьи. Очень большая семья.
Nuclear family extended family. Different Families. Different Types of Families. Types of Families nuclear. Nuclear and Extended Family.
Different Families. Different Types of Families. Types of Families nuclear. Nuclear and Extended Family.
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Большая семья. Расширенная семья. Фотография семьи. Разные семьи.
Nuclear family extended family. The Family is the Nucleus of Civilization перевод фразы.
The Family is the Nucleus of Civilization перевод фразы.
Nuclear family extended family
Nuclear family extended family. Фотосессия большой семьи. Большая семья. Фотосессии больших семей. Фото большой семьи.
Фотосессия большой семьи. Большая семья. Фотосессии больших семей. Фото большой семьи.
Nuclear family extended family
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Nuclear Family advantages and disadvantages. Extended Family advantages and disadvantages. Nuclear and Extended Families Pros and cons. Immediate Family and Extended Family разница.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear Family meaning. Nuclear and Extended Family. Types of Families nuclear. Extended Family meaning.
Nuclear Family meaning. Nuclear and Extended Family. Types of Families nuclear. Extended Family meaning.
Nuclear family extended family. Семейная фотосессия. Большая семья. Фотография семьи. Семейный портрет на природе.
Семейная фотосессия. Большая семья. Фотография семьи. Семейный портрет на природе.
Nuclear family extended family. Family in 1950. Nuclear Family meaning. Нуклеарность. Нуклеарная семья фото.
Family in 1950. Nuclear Family meaning. Нуклеарность. Нуклеарная семья фото.
Nuclear family extended family. Многопоколенные семьи. Эндогамная семья это. Extended Family. Family in uk.
Многопоколенные семьи. Эндогамная семья это. Extended Family. Family in uk.
Nuclear family extended family. Большая семья. Фотосессия большой семьи. Большая счастливая семья. Большая дружная семья.
Большая семья. Фотосессия большой семьи. Большая счастливая семья. Большая дружная семья.
Nuclear family extended family. Многопоколенная семья. Расширенная семья. Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья это семья.
Многопоколенная семья. Расширенная семья. Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья это семья.
Nuclear family extended family. Атомная семья. Нуклеарная семья рисунок. Ядерная семья. Ядерная семья это в психологии.
Атомная семья. Нуклеарная семья рисунок. Ядерная семья. Ядерная семья это в психологии.
Nuclear family extended family. Nuclear Family перевод. Нуклеарная семья рисунок. Nuclear Family meaning.
Nuclear Family перевод. Нуклеарная семья рисунок. Nuclear Family meaning.
Nuclear family extended family. Extended Family advantages and disadvantages. Nuclear and Extended Families минусы и плюсы. Nuclear and Extended Family. What are advantages and disadvantages.
Extended Family advantages and disadvantages. Nuclear and Extended Families минусы и плюсы. Nuclear and Extended Family. What are advantages and disadvantages.
Nuclear family extended family. Семья несколько поколений. Семья из нескольких поколений. Расширенная семья. Фото несколько поколений.
Семья несколько поколений. Семья из нескольких поколений. Расширенная семья. Фото несколько поколений.
Nuclear family extended family. Расширенная семья. Сложная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Расширенная и многопоколенная семья.
Расширенная семья. Сложная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Расширенная и многопоколенная семья.
Nuclear family extended family. Многопоколенная семья. Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. 1. Нуклеарная семья.
Многопоколенная семья. Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. 1. Нуклеарная семья.
Nuclear family extended family. Большая семья. Фотосессия большой семьи. Большая счастливая семья. Счастливая семья на природе.
Большая семья. Фотосессия большой семьи. Большая счастливая семья. Счастливая семья на природе.
Nuclear family extended family. Счастливая многодетная семья. Большая счастливая семья. Семья с пятью детьми. Семья с четырьмя детьми.
Счастливая многодетная семья. Большая счастливая семья. Семья с пятью детьми. Семья с четырьмя детьми.
Nuclear family extended family
Nuclear family extended family. Нуклеарная семья. 1. Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. Nuclear Family.
Нуклеарная семья. 1. Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. Nuclear Family.
Nuclear family extended family. Расширенная семья. Многопоколенная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Фотография семьи.
Расширенная семья. Многопоколенная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Фотография семьи.
Nuclear family extended family. Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. Nuclear Family. Малая нуклеарная семья фото.
Нуклеарная семья. Нуклеарная семья фото. Nuclear Family. Малая нуклеарная семья фото.
Nuclear family extended family
Nuclear family extended family
Nuclear family extended family. Расширенная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Большая семья. Большая дружная семья.
Расширенная семья. Расширенные семьи это. Большая семья. Большая дружная семья.

The family is the nucleus of civilization что значит

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«The family is the nucleus of civilization»-this phrase was written by William J.Durant. I agree with this statement. In my view, a civilization is a cultural society. And where is the culture born? The culture of communication, behavior and good manners should be learnt from the childhood. Man become a part of society at a young age, from birth. His family is his first small society. This is where he begins to know the culture of communication. Subsequently, the parents teach us how to live in a cultural society. In my opinion, it all depends on parents. As initially they have taught you, so you will live. Everyone is a part of the civilization. Civilization is a culture that instilled in us from our childhood in the family. That’s why the family is the nucleus of civilization.

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Английский (топики / темы): Family Problems

Some people like big families, while others think that small families are better.
As someone has rightly said: «The family is the nucleus of civilization». A person’s upbringing and education starts in his or her family and it is in the family that values, norms and ideas are communicated from generation to generation. Families can be big and small. Some families consist of parents and their only child. But there are families where several generations live together and where there are a lot of children.
In my opinion, big families are better than small ones. Firstly, when there are two or more children in the family, they are used to helping each other and sharing responsibilities. They learn to live in a «community» where every member is equal. Secondly, when a child has brothers and sisters, he or she is not likely to become egoistic because parents share their love and attention between all their children. And finally, it is difficult to feel lonely when one has a big family.
However, some people say that they would prefer to have a small family. First and foremost, one needs less money to support a small family. Parents who have only one child don’t have to work much and therefore they can spend more time with their son or daughter. Besides, when several generations live together, there is often misunderstanding between older and younger people because of their different experiences, opinions and habits.
To conclude, it does not matter if the family is big or small. The most important thing is that it should be happy and united. That is why it is essential to maintain harmony and the atmosphere of love, mutual respect and understanding in the family.

Nowadays quite a lot of young people choose to conclude marriage contract. Others say that it is an absolutely useless thing.
Unfortunately, nowadays a lot of marriages break up. For many men and women divorce turns into a nightmare because it is often connected with quarrels and partition of property. Sometimes a wife and a husband can become real enemies arguing about who will take the flat or the car after their separation. If they have small children, everything becomes even more complicated and painful.
Personally, I am convinced that it is wise of young people to conclude marriage contract. Marriage contract is a mutual consent about mutual rights and duties before marriage, in marriage and after it. The contract takes effect on the date of the civil marriage ceremony. It regulates property relationship between spouses and determines their rights and duties. What is more, marriage contract can determine property rights and duties of spouses as parents. It is very convenient that spouses can change their marriage contract during their marriage. They also have the right to cancel it.
However, some people say that a person who concludes marriage contract shows that he or she does not trust his or her spouse. And if there is no trust in the family, it is likely to break up. Besides, when young people are going to get married, they should think about love, not money. But I still believe that both men and women should be responsible and they should think about their future.
To conclude, it’s up to you to decide whether to conclude marriage contract or not. But in my opinion, it makes people’s lives easier in case of divorce and helps avoid quarrels.

In modern society old people and their grandchildren usually live separately and don’t communicate too much. Some people say that it is quite natural, while others think that the old and the young should spend more time together.
Nowadays there are few families where several generations live under the same roof. Children and their grandparents don’t see very much of each other. But is it good or bad for both the old and the young?
Personally, I think that children and their grandparents should spend more time together. Children always need much attention, but their parents usually work too much. But pensioners always have time for kids. Old people feel useful and needed when they have somebody to take care of. They also become more active and more interested in life and their physical and psychological health improves. What is more, grandparents can pass their knowledge, skills and experience to kids. At the same time the young can show the old how to use a mobile phone or a PC.
But unfortunately, there is less and less contact between children and their grandparents nowadays. Some families live in small flats where there is no room for grandparents. Other families leave for big cities and have neither time nor opportunity to visit their ageing relatives. As a result, many old people have no contact with children and feel lonely and depressed. Children who are separated from their grandparents also suffer from lack of attention, love and support. So I think parents should do their best to bring the old and the young together.
To conclude, the advantages are enormous for both the old and the young. If grandparents and children spend more time together, they will learn to understand and respect each other; consequently, there will be less conflict in society. Besides, there will be fewer lonely old people and more happy kids.

Nowadays a lot of people adopt children from overseas. Others are sure that there are many children who need parents in our country.
A typical family usually consists of a couple with their children. However, some people can’t have their own children for different reasons and they choose to build a family through adoptions. In recent decades international adoptions have become increasingly popular.
Nowadays the growing number of men and women adopt children from foreign countries including Third World countries. Every time a Hollywood celebrity adopts a child from overseas, more and more ordinary people want to follow his or her example. To my mind, it is not right to adopt children from abroad only because it is fashionable and because other people say that it is good.
On the other hand, many people believe that adopting children from foreign countries has a number of advantages. Firstly, children’s biological parents will hardly interfere in their lives. Secondly, people think that international adoptions help build bridges between communities and create a culturally diverse society. Personally, I think that it is not wise to adopt children from foreign countries when there are thousands of orphans in our country. They also need loving families and permanent homes.
In general, it is a good deed to adopt a child either from abroad or from your own country. Anyway, people must be responsible and they must take care of children who need their love and attention.

Some parents think that young people would better live independently, while others believe that it may spoil the relationships between children and parents.
All parents dream of raising responsible and self-reliant children. But when their nice little kids grow older and demand independence, most parents don’t know what to do. Moms and Dads can’t stop wondering if they should let their sons and daughters live independently or if young people would better live with them.
To my mind, young people should live on their own. I believe that children’s job is to try their wings and parents’ job is to let them fly away. For example, in the USA young people usually move out of their parents’ house at the age of 18. A grown-up person who is still living with his or her parents may be considered «immature», or «tied to the mother’s apron strings». Young people who live far from their parents and try to earn their living are usually more responsible and emotionally mature.
Some Moms and Dads want their children to be independent so much, that they stop influencing their lives. As a result, young people completely forget about their parents1 existence and visit them only once or twice a year at the best. Some parents feel unhappy and lonely because they have to live in an old people’s home where they miss their children and grandchildren. I strongly feel that parents ought to love, protect and guide their children in order to avoid such a sad situation. And children ought to take care of their aging parents in their turn.
To conclude, I believe that lifelong bonds between parents and their children are extremely important. No matter how old you are or where you live, you must never forget about your parents.

Some parents think that if their children are disobedient, they should be stricter with them. Others say that love and understanding will help solve the problem.
Have you ever met an ideal child? I don’t think so. Small children are very active, inquisitive and sometimes naughty. There are kids whose behaviour can be called notorious and unbearable. They constantly give a headache to their parents and teachers. Why does it happen and what should parents do in such a situation?
Personally, I think that if parents want their sons and daughters to be cheerful, self-confident and socially successful, they must be loving, caring and attentive to their children’s wishes and needs. Grown-ups ought to show warmth and affection towards their children. Of course, sometimes parents should be strict, but they must always remain fair. They should use punishment and praise appropriately. I love and respect my parents because they prefer discussions and explanations and value compromise.
However, some Moms and Dads are still convinced that if they spare the rod, they will certainly spoil the child. They think that if they punish their children, their sons and daughters will grow into well-behaved adults. Such parents choose to be very strict with their offspring. As a result, adults achieve the contrary effect: their son or daughter becomes estranged and feels rejected. I believe that pressure and fear are the worst methods of upbringing.
To conclude, it is parents1 duty to make their child happy. Many psychologists say that there are no problem children, there are only problem parents. Mothers and fathers should be wise, loving, considerate and consistent. As soon as children feel that their parents love, understand and support them, they will have a desire to please them and to improve their behaviour.

3. Подробный перевод в словаре Мультитран . (В часы перегрузок Интернета работает медленно, но словарь хороший.)


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