The forest dedicated server что это

Как создать выделенный сервер The Forest

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

С выходом патча The Forest 0.59 появилась возможность создавать выделенные сервера. Вот перевод инструкция о создании от разработчиков

Как запустить сервер в The Forest

Сегодня я объясню, как запустить выделенный сервер для The Forest.
Запуск сервера в фоновом режиме пока не возможен
(имеется окно для сервера, будет черный экран).

Установка и запуск сервера:
1. Зайдите в раздел «Инструменты»
2. Выделенный сервер возможно будет в самом конце списка(возможно не в конце)

2. Используя сервер.cfg файл конфигурации
Сервер.cfg файл автоматически создается при первом запуске выделенного сервера.

Он расположен здесь:
См. комментарии ниже для использования каждой записи (строки, начинающиеся с //).
Сервер.cfg в исходное содержимое файла:
// Специальных Настроек Сервера.
// IP-адрес сервера — Примечание: если у вас есть маршрутизатор, этот адрес является внутренним адресом, и Вам необходимо настроить переадресацию портов, добавить текущую игру, а также порт
IP-адресов сервера
// Пара, порт связи — Примечание: если у вас есть маршрутизатор, вы должны открыть этот порт.
serverSteamPort 8766
// Игровой порт связи — Примечание: если у вас есть маршрутизатор, вы должны открыть этот порт.
serverGamePort 27015
// Коммуникационный порт запрос — Примечание: если у вас есть маршрутизатор, вы должны открыть этот порт.
serverQueryPort 27016
// Отображаемое имя сервера
имясервера лесу игра
// Максимальное количество игроков
serverPlayers 8
// Пароль сервера. пробел означает отсутствие пароля
опцию serverpassword
Администрации // пароль сервера. пробел означает отсутствие пароля
// Ваше имя аккаунта Steam. пустой означает анонимный (см. аккаунт Steam сервер пыльник)
// Включения ВПТ (Вентиль Анти чит) на сервере. выключено по умолчанию, раскомментируйте для включения
enableVAC от
// Времени между сервером автоматически сохраняет в течение нескольких минут
serverAutoSaveInterval 15
Режим // сложности игры. Должен быть установлен в «мирный» «нормальный» или «трудный»
сложность нормальная
// Новую или продолжить игру. Должен быть установлен «новый» или «продолжить»
initType Новый
// Слот для сохранения игры. Должно быть установлено значение 1 2 3 4 или 5
слот 1
// Показать журнал событий. Должно быть установлено значение «выкл» или «вкл.»
showLogs от
// Контактный адрес электронной почты администратора сервера serverContact

Владельцы Сервера:
Владельцы, чтобы нормально работал сервер нужно, чтобы был запущен Steam. Различных функции сервера будут работать на Steam интеграции, и поэтому для работы сервера нужен Steam


The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

If you have a old PC or new SERVER, these instructions will get you up and running in no time!

I have used an old Windows 7 PC, Windows Server 2016/2019, and Windows 10 to test it.

If you are still having issues after this guide, check out the UMOD for The Forest and copy that over your setup from here. Keep in mind the SERVER.CFG and SAVES will be moved to the ROOT folder and not the USERS/APPDATA folder (this is actually better). This should get you working as it did me.

It’s been fun hosting and meeting everyone. Thanks for the good times. LOOK FOR ME hosting Sons of The Forest when it drops! » target=»_blank» rel=»noreferrer» >


The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

Hi all! I was asked from many people to put together a guide on how I (Doublee) setup my server without using the Steam Client, etc. This guide will help clear up a few things if you just want to setup the server without using the client and all the confusing APPIDs, etc. I hope this helps you and I will keep it updated.

This is currently still in proof/editting

First thing you will want to do is setup a folder for your new server install. You will want to create it now and also the SteamCMD inside of it. So this is what I did:

Now that you folder is created, you will want to make your SteamCMD inside of it:

So your folder should look something like mine above. Now on to the SteamCMD Setup.

You will beed SteamCMD which will setup and update your server when The Forest is updated. You you will need to download the SteamCMD for Windows from Steam’s website provided here:

Once you have downloaded it, you can move it into your SteamCMD folder you created in your server folder in the previous step.

You will need to extract the .zip file by right-clicking on it and hit Extract. If you don’t have these options I recommend you download 7Zip or a program that handles .zip files.

Now you should have a Steamcmd.exe file in your SteamCMD folder. You can now double-click the file and run it in the SteamCMD folder. You can delete the .zip file after you do this step as you have the .exe now.

It’s time to install The Forest server files now!

Open notepad and this is where we will put the install/update commands that will run once we save the .bat file.

You will need to put the following information into the notepad:

@echo off
start «» steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir «D:\Servers\TheForest» +app_update 556450 validate +quit

Ok, now you want to change the file path to where you setup the server folder. This is important you have these settings correct to install it properly.

Save the notepad file in the SteamCMD folder and call it something you will remember (IE: setupforest.bat. forestinstall.bat).

Now you can open the SteamCMD folder and let it create your server! You will see it working and then your server folder will have the Dedicated Server files ready.

Open the TheForestDedicatedServer.exe and let it create your save folders, etc. This is needed one time to create the save folders and will make it easier.

You can also create a batch file if you know how (place it in your server folder and create a shortcut to your desktop). Here’s my batch file to launch the server (from Lake):

Great! Now you can move the shortcut to your desktop or wherever you want it. Now open the shortcut and it will launch the server. Let it sit for about 5 minutes so it creates all the save folders so its easy to modify when we close it.

Ok, close the black windows and now we will goto the next setup to configure your configs and ports.

You now will want to customize your settings and open the ports you specify in your Server.cfg file. Let’s start with the Server.cfg as thats going to be needed so you know what ports, etc.

The Forest Dedicated Server stores your Server.cfg file under your login accounts user folder. So you will need to enable Show hidden files in your view settings so you can see the hidden folder. Or you can just copy and paste this in RUN and it should open it for you: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\SKS\TheForestDedicatedServer

You should now see the ds folder which you need to open.

In the ds folder you will see your Server.cfg and save folder. This is good and means you have everything (you ran the shortcut on the other page one time).

So now you will want to open the Server.cfg file and change the ports to suit your server:

Ok, now you want to specify the serverIP, serverSteamPort, serverGamePort, serverQueryPort, serverSteamAccount which are the most important.

You can use the default ports if you aren’t hosting any other servers on the LAN that use the same port (IE: ARK, Conan Exiles, etc). You would have to change it to something else if you are. Ignore that and leave the defaults if you just have this.

The serverSteamAccount is recommend to create so it links you to the server. This requires you creating a token which you can do at this page: Once you have the token you can paste the log # in or just leave it blank if you aren’t using it (will use anonymous however might have issues if not using your account during testing phases)

Make sure to save the file!

Now you will want to open the ports you have (3 in config) on your router and Windows Firewall if you have it enabled. If you need help with port forwarding, etc, I would visit and it might have your router model and walk you through step by step. This isn’t easy to explain since there are thousands of routers out there. Just make sure you have the ports open pointing to your LAN IP of the server with both TCP/UDP. As for Windows Firewall you can open it to allow access from your router to the server by going in the Allow Apps (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Firewall\Allowed apps) and point to location to your TheForestDedicatedServer.exe file where you made the folder. If you are more advanced, you can do the Advanced Options in your Windows Firewall and just open the ports to the IP Address if you know what your doing. IMPORTANT:Make sure your IP address on your server is Static so if it changes on DHCP you won’t be down. You can edit the IP Address in your Network Adapters and change the TCP/IP 4 settings. I usually recommand looking at what you currently have (in DHCP) and writing those down. Then you can make one and have all the info to put in (Subnet, Gateway, DNS). You can use a high IP address like which most routers would go that high. Or if you know how to exclude IP addresses you can do that and make it whatever.

Note: It looks like it creates an entry in your Windows Firewall if you browse it. Scroll down to «theforestdedicatedserver» and make sure its checked for Private/Public. You can also manually add the ports in under «Advanced» if you just want the 3 ports open (create TCP/UDP). I would prefer you check the Advanced Settings and make sure The Forest is in and even delete it and add it like this (both TCP and UDP):

Make sure to leave the serverSteamAccount blank for now until fixed! If not your server will fail.

You can easily update your server files by running the .bat file we created on the third page of this guide. It will download any new updates and then you can just reopen the server. If they add new INIs you will want to watch the patch notes so you can add them, etc.

This guide is still being editted proofed. This was all typed out of my head with no pictures but should get you going. I might add pictures when I clean it up.

Thanks for viewing this and I hope you have a server up and running!

I have everything currently updated and here is my config for my server and outputs of console for Devs and Admins if they want to see how it looks and is working as intended. I’m testing tree regrow ON with a new map in slot1 now and will report back.

For those who use my Steam Guide for The Forest, I will update it with all these pics and correct any issues from before. Make sure to SUB and RATE IT UP please 🙂 I will continue to compile install, fixes, configs, etc.


Dedicated Servers

Dedicated Servers are a tool that was implemented by Endnight Games in update v0.59. This allows player to create multiplayer games that run constantly at their homes or through server providers. It is recommended you visit the official steam links below for tutorials on how to setup a dedicated server.


Dedicated Server Tutorial [ ]

Adding Favorite Servers [ ]

This needs to be done within Steam for it to work, it cannot be done in game:

These commands are available to players who provided a valid admin password when joining. Use these commands in the in-game multi-player chat, accessed by pressing the Enter key. Here is a list of the current known commands:

Server Commands [ ]

These are the commands that are listed in the txt file:

Dedicated Server List [ ]

Here is a list of The Forest Dedicated Game Server Providers and their price per slot/player. These Game Server providers allow you to rent an The Forest Game Server from them.

20+ locations including, USA, Canada, UK, NL, France, DE, Italy, Poland, Russia, Japan, South Africa, Australia and more.Custom

Update history [ ]

v1.0Fixed walkie talkies not working correctly on dedicated serversv0.68(DS) It is now possible to join a server through Steam’s server browser as well as through the “Join game” menu of the friend list when a friend is already connected to itv0.67(DS) Fixed tree regrowth

(DS) Fixed water collector not working

(DS) Fixed Kick and Ban features, admin commands now also supports kicking, banning and unbanning by name

v0.65(UI) Fixed DS browser scrollbar mess + improved perfs

(DS) Fixed animal pool not getting cleaned up properly when leaving the game to title screen, leaving further runs with no visible animals when playing as client

v0.64DS – Fixed tree regrow, allow building destruction, allow enemies in creative settings getting overridden on game startv0.63(DS) Fixed issue where enemy weapons could cause error spam

(DS) Fixed turtles behaviour on dedicated servers.

(DS)Teeth now appear in dedicated server games

(DS) Fixed issues with incorrect material count on custom structures

(DS) Fixed invalid password message not showing in some sessions when attempting to join with the wrong password.

(DS) Fixed some issues with attempting to load regular multiplayer games into dedicated server games

(DS) Fixed issues where errors would spam after exiting boss fight and attempting to load into server

(DS) Fixed enemies sometimes getting stuck in burning animation on dedicated server games.

(DS) Added network configuration diagnostic to help admins

(DS) Fixed catapult not working at all in dedicated servers

v0.61(DS) Fixed issues with repairing custom foundations

(DS) Connected players in dedicated servers should now be correctly listed

(DS) Dedicated Steam server authentication added, allows performing security checks

(DS) No longer attempting to hook with the Steam client, it is no longer needed to worry about launching the game first to have a server running on the same machine as the one running the game

v0.60(Optimization) Completely removed motion blur cpu cost when running a dedicated server

(Dedicated Server) Clients now know the game was saved server side, and see a “Server is saving the game” message if saving takes too long

(Dedicated Server) Limited autosave time to 15 minutes minimum, and set default time to 30 minutes.

(Dedicated Server) Autosave is now triggered instantly when the last player leaves the server

(Dedicated Server) Autosave is now only active if there are players connected to the server

(Dedicated server) Fixed some spamming enemy errors in dedicated servers

(Optimization) Reduced overall cpu usage when enemies are enabled on a dedicated server

(Multiplayer) Added “Experimental” text to dedicated server source buttons in game browser to clarify the current state of the feature

v0.59bDS – When attempting to connect to a server that is not configured correctly, players will now receive an error message and be returned to title screen

DS – Player list in game now shows amount of players in game

DS – Fixed basic fires not lightable by clients after loading into games

DS – Added a version check to servers. This will inform players if the dedicated server they are attempting to join is from a different release than the current build they are using. Players who see this message should make sure their game is up to date, or alternatively try a different server as server may not be up to date

DS – Connecting to a dedicated server now shows a client connecting message during the initial stages

DS – Join server button on dedicated server has been renamed from ‘new’ to ‘join’

DS – Prevented dedicated server from saving quality presets

v0.59Added experimental support for players to host their own dedicated servers

Added new dedicated server tool (downloadable via tools menu in steam)


The forest dedicated server что это

Dedicated Servers are a tool that was implemented by Endnight Games in update v0.59. This allows player to create multiplayer games that run constantly at their homes or through server providers. It is recommended you visit the official steam links below for tutorials on how to setup a dedicated server.

Dedicated Server List [ ]

Here is a list of The Forest Dedicated Game Server Providers and their price per slot/player. These Game Server providers allow you to rent an The Forest Game Server from them.

20+ locations including, USA, Canada, UK, NL, France, DE, Italy, Poland, Russia, Japan, South Africa, Australia and more.Custom

The forest dedicated server что это

Dedicated server issue
I have been attempting to host a dedicated server for my friends and I to play on but cannot get the server to get up and running, I have followed this guide

It should also be noted that even when the server is «active» I am unable to join via LAN as a error message shows «Server does not seem to be set up correctly»

2 мая. 2018 в 5:26 Copy paste the server config file here, so i can check if u missed something. 2 мая. 2018 в 5:31 2 мая. 2018 в 5:49 I dont blame you for xxxxxxxxx the IP, but can i confirm its the INTERNAL ip not your external. So it should be something like
I see you have the logs on. So what does it show? Also, being a dedicated server i would put treeRegrowMode on when and if u get it running. End up with a wasteland of no trees. xD 2 мая. 2018 в 6:08

I understand your concerns with treeRegrowMode and I will make some changes like adding passwords and such as soon as i can acess the server, It isnt the Internal IP as I have quintuple checked the correct IP has been placed there, Here are some of the logs excluding the repititions.

Log: Starting dedicated server

Log: Dedicated server info:
IP:XXXXXX, steamPort:8766, gamePort:27015, queryPort:27016
players:8, admin password:’yes’, password:’yes’, autosave interval:30

Log: Game setup: Standard Multiplayer Server, Continue Normal game, slot Slot5

Log: Skipping Steam initialization

Log: DS configurations tests: Start tests

Log: DS configurations tests: Host pass tests

Log: Steam Manager Started.

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 242760
Log: GameServer init success. Port: 27015

Log: Connected to Steam successfully

Log: The Forest Server is not VAC Secure!

Log: Game server SteamID:85568392922175538

Log: CoopSteamManager Initialize

Log: CoopLobby.LeaveActive instance=

Log: CoopPlayerCallbacks::BoltStartBegin CoopVoice.VoiceChannel:[UdpChannelName Voice:1]

Log: Will force game to new because GameSetup.IsSavedGameTrue LevelSerializer.CanResume False

Log: ****** Game Activation Sequence ******

Log: Game Activation Sequence step 0 (GameStartType=New)

Log: InitMaterial Starfield

Log: starting to load manifest

Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
TheForest.Utils.Input.GetAxis (System.String axis)
UICamera.Start ()

Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
TheForest.Utils.Input.GetAxis (System.String axis)
UICamera.GetDirection (System.String axis)
UICamera.ProcessOthers ()
UICamera.Update ()

Dedicated Server Running
Address: [EndPoint XXXXXXX:27015 | 720859455465482631]
Max Players: 4
Save Interval: 30 minutes
Log: Game Activation Sequence step 1 : enable Astar

Список выделенных серверов

Вот список продвинутых поставщиков игровых серверов The Forest и их цена за слот/игрок. Эти провайдеры игровых серверов позволяют вам арендовать The Forest игровой сервер.

The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

This guide explains how to host the newly added Dedicated Servers! This is just the first pass, so be sure to report any bugs you find!

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

40,346уникальных посетителей
393добавили в избранное

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть фото The forest dedicated server что это. Смотреть картинку The forest dedicated server что это. Картинка про The forest dedicated server что это. Фото The forest dedicated server что это

Game version: v1.07
This document explains how to launch a dedicated server for The Forest.

In the Library tab select Tools. Locate The Forest Dedicated Server and install it.
If launching from Steam does not result in the server showing up in the Internet server list, try launching it directly from the executable or a shortcut instead.

You can download the tool either through the Steam tool section, or SteamCMD if you would like to avoid signing into steam entirely!

Server Commands [ ]

These are the commands that are listed in the txt file:

Update history [ ]

(DS) Fixed water collector not working

(DS) Fixed Kick and Ban features, admin commands now also supports kicking, banning and unbanning by name

(DS) Fixed animal pool not getting cleaned up properly when leaving the game to title screen, leaving further runs with no visible animals when playing as client

(DS) Fixed turtles behaviour on dedicated servers.

(DS)Teeth now appear in dedicated server games

(DS) Fixed issues with incorrect material count on custom structures

(DS) Fixed invalid password message not showing in some sessions when attempting to join with the wrong password.

(DS) Fixed some issues with attempting to load regular multiplayer games into dedicated server games

(DS) Fixed issues where errors would spam after exiting boss fight and attempting to load into server

(DS) Fixed enemies sometimes getting stuck in burning animation on dedicated server games.

(DS) Added network configuration diagnostic to help admins

(DS) Fixed catapult not working at all in dedicated servers

(DS) Connected players in dedicated servers should now be correctly listed

(DS) Dedicated Steam server authentication added, allows performing security checks

(DS) No longer attempting to hook with the Steam client, it is no longer needed to worry about launching the game first to have a server running on the same machine as the one running the game

(Dedicated Server) Clients now know the game was saved server side, and see a “Server is saving the game” message if saving takes too long

(Dedicated Server) Limited autosave time to 15 minutes minimum, and set default time to 30 minutes.

(Dedicated Server) Autosave is now triggered instantly when the last player leaves the server

(Dedicated Server) Autosave is now only active if there are players connected to the server

(Dedicated server) Fixed some spamming enemy errors in dedicated servers

(Optimization) Reduced overall cpu usage when enemies are enabled on a dedicated server

(Multiplayer) Added “Experimental” text to dedicated server source buttons in game browser to clarify the current state of the feature

DS – Player list in game now shows amount of players in game

DS – Fixed basic fires not lightable by clients after loading into games

DS – Added a version check to servers. This will inform players if the dedicated server they are attempting to join is from a different release than the current build they are using. Players who see this message should make sure their game is up to date, or alternatively try a different server as server may not be up to date

DS – Connecting to a dedicated server now shows a client connecting message during the initial stages

DS – Join server button on dedicated server has been renamed from ‘new’ to ‘join’

In Game Server Commands [ ]

These commands are available to players who provided a valid admin password when joining. Use these commands in the in-game multi-player chat, accessed by pressing the Enter key. Here is a list of the current known commands:

Пособие по выделенным серверам

Это официальное пособие посвященное серверам, которое публикуется в Steam by Endnight Games

Выделенные сервера

Adding Favorite Servers [ ]

This needs to be done within Steam for it to work, it cannot be done in game:


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