Universal anger что это

[Гайд] Команда /gamerule, все её подкоманды

Universal anger что это. Смотреть фото Universal anger что это. Смотреть картинку Universal anger что это. Картинка про Universal anger что это. Фото Universal anger что это

Текст в ‘ ‘ нужно писать обязательно. Вместо него нужно поместить игровое правило без скобок, список игровых правил описан ниже.

[true|false]‘, вместо него нужно поместить true или false. true — это правда, false — ложь. Писать так же нужно без скобок.

На момент релиза 1.9.4 существует 18 игровых правил.

commandBlockOutput — Предупреждать ли админов о выполнении команд в командном блоке (по умолчанию true)
disableElytraMovementCheck — Должен ли сервер пропускать проверку скорости игроков с надетыми надкрыльями (не рекомендуется изменять) (работает только на серверах) (по умолчанию false)
doDaylightCycle — Должен ли цикл дня/ночи изменять свой процесс (время также не изменяется во время сна в кровати) (по умолчанию true)
doEntityDrops — Должны ли существа, не являющиеся мобами дропать предметы (такие как падающий песок) (по умолчанию true)
doFireTick — Должен ли огонь тушится ветром или переходить на другие горючие блоки (по умолчанию true)
doMobLoot — Должны ли мобы дропать предметы (по умолчанию true)
dpMobSpawning — Должны ли мобы естественно спаунится (по умолчанию true)
doTileDrops — Дроп предметов после разрушения блоков (по умолчанию true)
keepInventory — Должен ли инвентарь сохранятся после смерти игрока (по умолчанию false)
logAdminCommands — Запись команд администратора в лог сервера (работает только в мультиплеере) (по умолчанию true)
mobGriefing — Должны ли криперы, зомби, эндермены, гасты, иссушители, эндер драконы, овцы, кролики и деревенские жители иметь право изменять блоки и должны ли деревенские жители, зомби, скелеты и зомби-свинолюди поднимать выпавшие предметы (по умолчанию true)
naturalRegeneration — Должен ли игрок естественно регенерировать своё здоровье, если его сытость почти полна (нет эффекта на дополнительную регенерацию, такие как золотые яблоки, эффект регенерации и т. п.) (по умолчанию true)
randomTickSpeed — Как часто должен происходить случайный игровой тик (такие как рост растений, опадение листвы и т. п.) на каждый игровой чанк каждый игровой тик. Значение 0 отключает случайные тики, большие значения увеличивают время между случайными тиками (по умолчанию 3)
reducedDebugInfo — неизвестно, но лучше не включать (по умолчанию false)
sendCommandFeedback — Выводить ли в чат информацию при успешном выполнении команды в чате (по умолчанию true)
showDeathMessages — Должно ли после смерти появляться соответствующее сообщение (по умолчанию true
spectatorsGenerateChunks — Должны ли игроки в режиме наблюдения (/gamemode 3) генерировать новые чанки (по умолчанию true)

Если введено только правило, в чате отобразится его установленное на данный момент значение.



Смотреть что такое ANGER в других словарях:


[`æŋgə]гнев; раздражениевызывать гнев; раздражать, сердить





Anger: translation Anger • The desire of vengeance Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight.2006. Anger Anger † Catholic_Encyclopedia ► Ange. смотреть


1. <ʹæŋgə>n 1. гнев, ярость; (крайнее) раздражение controlled

— в гневе, в ярости; в. смотреть





anger 1. [ʹæŋgə] n 1. гнев, ярость; (крайнее) раздражение controlled [sham, hot]

— сдерживаемый [притворный, неистовый] гнев in



<²'an:je:r>1. сообщать, доносить för att inte bli skjuten angav han sina kamrater—чтобы избежать расстрела, он выдал своих товарищей<²'an:je:r>2. сооб. смотреть


anger [ˊæŋgə] 1. n гнев; раздраже́ние ◊ anger is a short madness посл. гнев — недо́лгое безу́мие 2. v вызыва́ть гнев; серди́ть, раздража́ть


Anger: translation The emotion of instant displeasure on account of something evil that presents itself to our view. In itself it is an original susc. смотреть




nгнев; эмоциональная реакция, связанная с выражением враждебности, ненависти, ярости. * * *сущ.гнев; эмоциональная реакция, связанная с выражением враж. смотреть


Anger: übersetzung1. Wohnstättenname zu mhd. anger »Grasland, Ackerland«.2. Herkunftsname zu dem Ortsnamen Anger (Bayern, Österreich). Die Entstehung d. смотреть


-enраскаяние (в чём-л.— over)føle anger over noe — раскаиваться в чём-либо



1. nгнів2. vвикликати гнів, гнівити, сердити, дратувати


1. n гнів, лють; роздратування; blind with

засліплений гнівом; 2. v 1) сердити, злити, викликати гнів, гнівити; 2) роздратовувати, викликати роздратування (запалення). смотреть


гнев; вызывать гнев; сердить, раздражать


гнев Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.


v. сердить, злить, вызывать гнев, раздражать


Minecraft 1.16 the Nether Update is here!

Deviation Actions

Universal anger что это. Смотреть фото Universal anger что это. Смотреть картинку Universal anger что это. Картинка про Universal anger что это. Фото Universal anger что это

Shamelessly Copied from the Reddit Post, Just in case you didn’t see it!

It’s here! The Nether Update is Here!

This changelog is also available on minecraft.net.

Make sure your Minecraft Launcher is set to the «Latest Release» installation to automatically update to this version.


Added Basalt Deltas biome to the NetherAdded Crimson Forest biome to the NetherAdded HoglinsAdded NetheriteAdded PiglinsAdded ruined portalsAdded Soulsand Valley biome to the NetherAdded StridersAdded Warped Forest biome to the NetherAdded ZoglinsAdded a new disableChat command line option – when used, receiving and sending online chat is disabledAdded a new disableMultiplayer command line option – when used, the Multiplayer button is disabledAdded bastion remnantsAdded new Game Mode Switcher debug menuAdded new Nether blocksAdded the Soul Speed enchantmentAdded the lodestoneAdded the respawn anchor that allows you to set your respawn point in the Nether. Use while holding glowstone to charge to a maximum of four charges – each respawn use one chargeYou can charge the respawn anchor using a dispenserAdded the target blockBasalt is formed when lava flows over soul soil next to blue iceBell blocks will now ring when hit by any projectileBells can now be hung from the underside of more blocksCompasses can now be enchanted with Curse of VanishingEndermen can now pick up some of the new Nether blocksEndermen will no longer pick up NetherrackEntities now get pushed by flowing lavaFarmer Villagers can now compost seedsFish now despawn when further than 64 blocks away from the closest playerHuge fungi will now only grow on its matching type of nyliumKnockback resistance is now a scale instead of a probabilityLily pads are now considered junk fishing loot rather than treasurePatrols no longer spawn when the player is close to a villageTNT and campfires will now ignite when hit by any burning projectileThe General statistics list is now alphabetically sortedUpdated logos for Mojang Studios and MinecraftVillagers can now spawn iron golems regardless of their profession status or latest working timeWalls do not have gaps anymore when stacked verticallyWalls will now connect to even more things, such as iron bars, panes, pressure plates, banners, and even picklesWhen a Villager is struck by lightning, the witch it is converted to will no longer despawnWhen fishing, treasure loot can now only be obtained by fishing in open waters


Added «Line Spacing» chat and accessibility optionAdded «Chat Delay» accessibility option


Piglins and Hoglins are now required for Monster Hunter and Monsters HuntedSerious Dedication is now awarded for obtaining a Netherite hoeObtaining blackstone now also counts for the Stone Age advancementBreeding Striders now counts for The Parrots and the Bats and is now required for Two by Two

New Advancements

Bullseye unlocks when hitting the bullseye of a target block from at least 30 meters awayHidden in the Depths unlocks when obtaining ancient debrisCover Me in Debris unlocks when obtaining full Netherite armorCountry Lode, Take Me Home unlocks when using a compass on a lodestoneWho Is Cutting Onions? unlocks when obtaining crying obsidianNot Quite «Nine» Lives unlocks when setting a respawn anchor to the maximumThis Boat Has Legs unlocks when riding a Strider with a fungus on a stickHot Tourist Destinations unlocks when visiting all biomes in the NetherThose Were the Days unlocks when entering a bastionWar Pigs unlocks when looting a chest in a bastionOh Shiny unlocks when distracting an angry Piglin with gold

Basalt Deltas

Basalt Deltas can now be found in the Nether!

Remnants of volcanic eruptions, this biome sports a high concentration of basalt columns and lava deltasWalking through it, you will be surrounded by flowing flakes of white ashMagma cubes finally have their own home and spawn very frequently hereA new block, blackstone, can be found here in large patches

Bastion Remnants

What’s made of blackstone and full of Piglins and Hoglins? Bastion remnants!

Added four separate bastion remnant types: bridge, Hoglin stable, housing units, and treasure roomYou can find these sizable structures in all Nether biomes, except the treacherous ash-dusted regions of Basalt DeltasExplore, loot, and conquer a bastion remnant to call it your home – but beware! Piglins don’t take kindly to intruders stealing their possessions


Reduced the maximum distance a bee can wander away from its home hive to

Block Renames

Some blocks have been renamed. Turns out singular fungus in the Nether attempted to falsely present itself as many fungi – so sneaky!

Crimson fungi is now called crimson fungusWarped fungi is now called warped fungus


Many new blocks have been added, and changes have been made to a few existing ones.

Added crying obsidian. It’s sad and cries purple energyAdded basalt. Craft it 2×2 or use a stone cutter to create clean and shiny polished basalt!Added blackstone, along with its variants: regular, polished, and polished brickBlackstone can be used to craft furnaces and stone toolsAdded gilded blackstone – blackstone which has been imbued with gold and has a chance of dropping gold nuggets when brokenAdded chiseled Nether bricks, cracked Nether bricks, and quartz bricks!Added two new non-flammable wood-like blocks: crimson stems and warped stemsAdded crimson and warped hyphae – all-sided «stem» blocks, including stripped variationsAdded new ground surface blocks: crimson nylium and warped nyliumAdded new vegetation: Nether sprouts, crimson roots, and warped rootsAdded two types of fungi: crimson and warped. Try using bone meal to grow them!You can place crimson and warped roots and fungi into potsAdded warped wart blocksAdded weeping vines that grow from the bottom of a block downwardsAdded twisting vines that grow upwardsAdded a new natural light source block: ShroomlightsAdded soul soil. Whenever fire burns on soul soil, it burns with a blue flameSoul soil and soul sand can be used to craft soul torches, which in turn can be crafted into soul lanternsThe Wither can now be summoned using soul soil as baseAdded soul campfires. Warm your buns with the heat of one thousand souls!Added chain blocksNether gold ore can now be found in the Nether – it drops a few gold nuggets and can be mined with any type of pickaxeBone meal can now be used to grow kelp, weeping vines, and twisting vinesUsing bone meal on Netherrack can now spread nyliumNether vegetation blocks (sprouts, roots, vines, fungus, wart and wart blocks) are now compostableNether sprouts can be harvested with shearsFood can now be placed on unlit campfires

Creative Mode

You can now milk cows and Mooshrooms in creative modeYou can now get stew from Mooshrooms in creative modeWhen using an empty bucket on water in creative mode, you now get a bucket of water. If you have a bucket of water in your inventory already, no additional water buckets will be added when you use your empty bucket on water

Crimson Forest

Crimson Forests can now be found in the Nether!

Crimson nylium carpets the cave floor with all kinds of strange new vegetationCrimson nylium can be bonemealed to get more of this strange new vegetationHuge crimson fungi make up the «trees» of this forest, with Shroomlights lighting up the forest floorNether wart blocks can be cleared quickly using a hoeWeeping Vines grow from the cave ceilings and fungiHoglins wander these forestsCrimson spores swirl through the air


Dispensers can now saddle pigs and horsesDispensers can now put horse armor on horsesDispensers can now put carpets on llamasDispensers can now put chests on llamas, donkeys and mulesDispensers can now shear a MooshroomDispensers can now shear snow golems

F3 + N (Toggle Spectator)

A small change has been made to this debug combination.

By default, using this key would return you to Creative after toggling from Spectator. It now will toggle back to the previous game mode you hadAs an example, if you were in Survival, then toggled to Spectator and back, you would be set back to Survival


Farmers can now put excess seeds in the composter to create bone mealBone meal is used by the farmers to grow cropsFarmers share excess wheat to other farmers, so more farmers can make bread

Game Mode Switcher

New F3 debug feature which allows you to switch game modes with traditional «tabbing» functionality.

Hold F3 and tap F4 to open the menuTapping F4 will cycle the game mode, or you can use the mouseRelease F3 to applyYour last game mode is remembered and will be the first selected option, so you can quickly toggle between two game modes with a single press of F3 + F4!

Hoe Changes

We’ve made some changes to hoes to make them more useful in the Nether.

Each tier has different speed at which hoes mine blocks they are effective againstHoes can now be enchanted with the following enchantments: Efficiency, Fortune, Silk TouchThose enchantments can now be provided through enchanting tableHoes are now the appropriate tool for mining hay, targets, dried kelp blocks, leaves, Shroomlights, Nether wart blocks, warped wart blocks, sponges, and wet sponges.


Hoglins are big aggressive beasts that live in crimson forests in the NetherThey attack players on sight. Be careful – they can easily knock you off a ledge!Hoglins drop pork and sometimes leather, but not willinglyYou can breed Hoglins by feeding them crimson fungi. Do so at your own riskHoglins get hunted by Piglins sometimes, but they don’t go down without a fightDespite this, Hoglins and Piglins aren’t enemies – more like an ecosystemBaby Hoglins like to pretend they are tough – but don’t worry, they’re more bark than biteWant to keep hoglins off your back? Pro tip: Hoglins hate the smell of warped fungiHoglins that somehow end up in the Overworld become Zoglins fairly quickly – but who would ever bring a Hoglin to the Overworld?


A new block that can help you get your bearings!

Crafted from a Netherite ingot and chiseled stone bricksUse a compass on a lodestone to create a lodestone compass, which will point to that lodestone


Players can no longer mount another entity when the crouch key is held downAdded gamerule universalAnger (disabled by default), which makes angered neutral mobs attack any nearby player – not just the player that angered them. Works best if you disable forgiveDeadPlayersAdded gamerule forgiveDeadPlayers (enabled by default), which makes angered neutral mobs stop being angry when the targeted player dies nearby

Forgive dead players

If this gamerule is disabled, then angered mobs will stay angry even if the targeted player diesIf both forgiveDeadPlayers and universalAnger are enabled, an angered neutral mob will stop being angry when their target dies. They won’t seek any new targets after thatNotable exception: Angered Zombified Piglins continuously spread anger. So even if one Zombified Piglin stops being angry because its target died, other angered Zombified Piglins nearby are likely to make it angry again. The only way to stop the anger is if none of the angered Zombified Piglins see a player for a while

Neutral mob anger

Updated anger management for most neutral mobs (polar bear, wolf, bee, Enderman, Piglin, Zombified Piglin).

When hurt by a player, the neutral mob will target that player and try to kill itThe mob will stay angry until the player is dead or out of sight for a whileAnger is persistent, so a player can’t escape by temporarily logging out or switching dimensionIf a targeted player dies near the angered mob, it will stop being angry (unless forgiveDeadPlayers is disabled)Neutral mobs also get angry at other mobs who hurt them. However, that anger is not persistentAngered neutral mobs will only attack the offending player, not innocent bystandersNotable exception: If a beehive or nest is broken, the bees will be angry at all nearby playersSome mobs spread anger (wolf, Zombified Piglin, Piglin, bee). If a player attacks one, all nearby mobs of the same type will get angry at that player

Universal anger

Universal anger is basically guilt by association. A neutral mob attacked by players will be angry at players in general, regardless of who attacked them. More specifically:

Zombified Piglins

Zombie Pigmen are now known as Zombified Piglins, and they now have ears. Well, at least one earZombified Piglins no longer attack innocent bystanders (unless you enable gamerule universalAnger)Zombified Piglins stop being angry if the targeted player dies nearby (unless you disable gamerule forgiveDeadPlayers)Zombified Piglins continuously spread to other Zombified Piglins, as long as they see their target

Nether Biome Fog

Biome fog color smoothly blends between biomes. Smooth!


A new high level material found in the Nether. Use it to upgrade your diamond gear!

How to make Netherite

Mine ancient debris in the lower depths of the Nether. At your own risk though. No insurance coverage for thatRefine it into Netherite scrap in a furnace or blast furnaceCombine four Netherite scrap with four gold ingots in a crafting table to make a Netherite ingotUse a smithing table to fuse the Netherite ingot with your diamond weapon, tool, or armor

Netherite effects

Netherite items float in lava – just so you don’t lose all your gear after that unplanned lava bathNetherite items have higher enchantment value than diamond (but not as high as gold)Netherite tools work faster and last longer than diamondNetherite weapons do more damage than diamondNetherite armor have higher toughness and durability than diamondNetherite armor gives you knockback resistance, so you barely get knocked back at all when hit by arrows and suchNetherite blocks can be used as the base of a beacon and Netherite ingots can be used as the fuel for a beacon. Weird flex but ok. and it looks cool!


Changed ambient block lighting in the Nether for parity with Bedrock edition


Parrots imitate hostile mobs less oftenParrots do not randomly imitate hostile mobs when gamemode is on peaceful


Piglins are an aggressive civilization that live in the NetherThey mostly hang around in Crimson Forests, but you might find some in the Nether Wastes tooThey think of players as target practice and will attack on sightHowever, if you dress appropriately, they will see you as a respectable figure. Or tolerable at leastPiglins are suspicious of strangers. If they see you opening a chest or other container, they will assume that you’re stealing and will treat you accordinglyIf Piglins hear you break a chest or a block of gold (or similar), they will also assume you are stealingPiglins LOVE gold and get very distracted by gold itemsGold ingots are currency to Piglins. Throw ingots at them, or right-click them with an ingot, to barter for various goodsPiglins sometimes get hungry and hunt Hoglins for food. Or they try at least. They results. vary.Piglins prefer to hunt and fight in groups. When a fight is happening, everyone wants inPiglins that somehow end up in the Overworld become zombified fairly quicklyPiglins are creeped out by soul fire and Zombified Piglins, and will avoid them if possibleWither skeletons and Withers are a historic enemies of the Piglins and will be attacked on sightBaby Piglins are not as dangerous, but they can be mischievous, so watch your back. and they like to play with Baby HoglinsAdded a Piglin banner pattern that can be found in bastion remnants


The blockstate, rendering, and behavior of redstone wire are more in line with each other. Redstone will provide power to blocks on all sides it shows a visual connection to, and not do so on those sides without a visual connection.

A dot of redstone will not power its surrounding blocksA single redstone wire is now represented as a crossA wire on top of a block, which is redirected from below, will now power the sides it is redirected to. E.g. a fence gate above the redirecting wire will be poweredWires that redirect upwards to wires on non-conductive blocks used to only be redirected visually. Now, this redirection applies to their behavior as wellA wire that is redirected to go over a block will now always provide power to the block. This is most noticeable when the wire has signal strength 1When right-clicking a single piece of redstone, it will toggle between a the cross and the dot

Target block

The target block now conducts redstone signals

Ruined Portals

Shattered remains of ancient Nether portals. Wonder who built them?

They can be found in any Overworld or Nether biomeSome are hidden underground, under the sea, or buried in sand

Soul Speed

Never suffer again drudging through Soul Sand Valleys – Soul Speed has you covered!

Shine your boots of choice with this soul-sucking enchantment to speed around on soul sand and soul soilHowever, there’s a downside: enchantments will slowly degrade your boots each soul block you walk onCan only be obtained by bartering with those pesky Piglins

Soulsand Valley

Soulsand Valleys can now be found in the Nether!

An open space made mostly of soul sand and soul soilBasalt pillars span from floor to ceilingFossile remains of unknown creatures from the past litter the valleyAsh falls through the airA light blue glow envelopes the valleyBeware of skeletons here


Ghasts sounds are now heard at shorter rangeUpdated block sounds for bone blocks, Netherrack, soul sand, Nether wart, Nether bricks, and quartz oreNew ambient sounds for the Nether biomesNew mood detection algorithm for cave soundsAdded a new music disc titled «Pigstep» by Lena Raine, which can only be found in bastion remnants


A new mob living the lava lakes of the Nether.

Strides on top of the surface of lavaCan be saddled, but has a will of its ownReally likes the smell of warped fungi – might even be convinced to follow it

Target Block

Because let’s face it, your aim could use some practice!

The closer you hit to the center, the larger the redstone signalTest your skills with a variety of projectiles, including eggs, snowballs, tridents, and moreYou will need one hay block and four redstone for this recipe

Villager Workstation Logic

Villagers no longer try to work at the same workstationThe most experienced nearby villager for the profession corresponding to the workstation you add will get the workstationVillagers now have to walk to and reach the workstation before they can acquire the profession and/or work thereVillagers can no longer claim workstations or professions during raids or night timeVillagers will check and make sure their workstation is valid at all times of day as long as they are within 16 blocks of their workstation

Warped Forest

Warped Forests can now be found in the Nether!

Warped nylium carpets the cave floor with all kinds of strange new vegetationWarped nylium can be bonemealed to get more of the strange new vegetationHuge warped fungi make up the «trees» of this forest, with Shroomlights lighting up the forest floorWarped wart blocks can be cleared quickly using a hoeA dark blue fog covers the forestWarped spores swirl through the airThe Warped Forests are strange, but also the least hostile place in the Nether

Weeping Vines

Weeping vines are now climbable!

World Generation

The old Nether biome is now called Nether WastesShipwrecks and ocean ruins are now a bit less common, so you get more excited when you find one!Patches of blackstone and gravel now generate in all Nether biomes, and patches of soul sand now generate in Soul Sand Valleys


Zoglins are zombified Hoglins – the result of bringing a Hoglin into the OverworldUnlike Hoglins, they can’t be bred or fed, and they don’t care about warped fungusBeware – these beasts are raving mad and attack just about everything they see!


Added target_hit advancement triggerAdded thrown_item_picked_up_by_entity advancement triggerAdded player_generates_container_loot advancement triggerAdded item_used_on_block advancement triggerRemoved safely_harvest_honey advancement triggerAdded player check to every trigger (except impossible)Entity checks in triggers can now use loot table condition syntaxAttributes are now added to game registry, similar to items, sound events, etc.Chat component style can now select font.Block storage format in chunks slightly changed to speed up various tasks (rendering, pathfinding, world generation, etc).Added a locatebiome commandTab completion for resource location will match any part after an _The compass now has LodestonePos, LodestoneDimension and LodestoneTracked data fields. If LodestoneTracked is zero, the game will skip checking for a Lodestone in the specified positionSlightly changed datapack loading to prevent custom datapacks from crashingData packs can now be selected on world creationAdded a enable-status option to the server.properties file which if set to false will suppress replies to status requests from clients. This makes the server appear offline in the multiplayer screenFull range of Unicode characters is now supported (some may know what that means 😉)Mobs avoid walking on magma blocks and lit campfiresCached repeated block type lookups and collisions during pathfinding for increased performanceMinor optimizations in collision detectionTop level element in predicate file can now be array (all contents will be ANDed)Smithing recipes can now be added or changed through data packsAdded control over how much entity data a server sends to clientsAdded a JMX MBean to monitor dedicated server tick timesShulkers with «NoAI» can now be summoned with rotationAdded strider_one_cm custom statistics for riding StridersExpanded the max size per axis of structure blocks from 32 to 48Region files are now opened in synchronous mode to increase reliabilityDifficulty and game rules can now be changed from «Create World» screen»Singleplayer» button will jump directly to «Create World» screen if there are no worlds to selectTemporarily removed structure settings from flat level preset strings (workaround: use import/export settings functionality)

Block placement

Ladders and tripwire hooks can now be placed on observers, redstone blocks, and target blocksDoors, rails, buttons, pressure plates, redstone, and more can now be placed on soulsand and full-block of snow layersSoulsand with a rail on top will no longer slow down minecarts

Block storage

BlockStates in Sections elements no longer contain values stretching over multiple 64-bit fields. If number of bits per block is not power of two (i.e. single 64-bit value can’t fill whole number of blockstates) some bits will not be used. For example, if single block state takes 5 bits, highest 4 bits of every 64-bit field will be unused. That also means slight increase in storage size (in case of 5 bits, from 320 to 342 64-bit fields).

Custom Worlds

Added experimental support for new custom worldsEdit world screen now has an option to export world settings to a JSON fileDuring world creation you can import previously exported world settingsA bunch of new parameters are exposed, but marked as experimental, meaning you can play with them, but there is no guarantee that any of them will continue working (even in the next snapshot!)Flat level preset string lost structure settings (they are now stored in a common format for all worlds), we will restore some form of this functionality soonBuffet world can no longer be created from server.properties, flat level settings changed a bit; better support for custom world creation on the server is coming soon

Data pack selection

Data packs can now be selected before world is created»Re-Create» option will also copy data packs present in source world

Datapack loading


Increased view distance in lava slightly while having the fire resistance effect

Entity Broadcasting

It is now possible to control at what range the server sends data about entities to clients.

Added an entity-broadcast-range-percentage server property controlling how close entities need to be before being sent to clients. Higher values means entities are visible further away from players but cause more network traffic. Specifies percentage of default value, so for example 50 specifies half of the default range

Item frames

New tags

Jigsaw block

Jigsaw now can have one of 12 orientationsAdded new property Joint type to describe if attached piece can be rotated (rollable) or not (aligned)NBT field target_pool has been renamed to poolattachement_type has been split into name (on parent block) and target (on child block)Added a button in the GUI that generates a jigsaw structure starting from the jigsaw block, using given generation depth

JMX Monitoring

It is now possible to monitor the server tick times though JMX. The rationale for this is that JMX is a well known and supported monitoring technology with existing integrations and tools. This enables server admins to hook alerts and graphing tools using ordinary JMX clients and dashboards.

Enabling JMX Monitoring

A new flag enable-jmx-monitoring has been added to the server.properties file which if set to true will expose an MBean with the Object name net.minecraft.server:type=Server and two attributes averageTickTime and tickTimes exposing the tick times in millisecondsIn order for enabling JMX on the Java runtime you also need to add a couple of JVM flags to the startup as documented here

Pack selection screen

Packs can now be dropped directly on data and resource pack selection screensDropped files and directories will be copied to appropriate places


New particle types: ash, crimson_spore, soul_fire_flame, and warped_sporeNew particle types: dripping_obsidian_tear, falling_obsidian_tear, and landing_obsidian_tearNew particle type: soul


Nailed Entity shadows to the groundAdded an Entity Distance scale option ranging from 50% to 500%Added shader support for accessing depth bufferAdded new «Fabulous!» graphics optionThis uses per-pixel blending layers for some transparent elements

Text style


color property can now contain RGB value prefixed by #. For example #55ff55 will result in the same color as green

Custom fonts

Chat component style now supports font property, which is resource location for font in resource pack. No entry is equivalent to minecraft:default

Other Resources

​Cross-platform server jar:

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