Unity remote requirements check failed что делать

CommandInvokationFailure: Unity Remote requirements check failed

Здравствуйте. На сайте впервые. Это мой первый вопрос, так что прошу прощения, если что-то указал не так. Делаю игру на Android и при старте в консоли выбивает следующую ошибку:

CommandInvokationFailure: Unity Remote requirements check failed
C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.4.17f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer\SDK\platform-tools\adb.exe forward tcp:7201 tcp:7201

error: no devices/emulators found

exit code: 1
UnityEditor.Android.Command.WaitForProgramToRun (UnityEditor.Utils.Program p, UnityEditor.Android.Command+WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg) (at :0)
UnityEditor.Android.Command.Run (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi, UnityEditor.Android.Command+WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg) (at :0)
UnityEditor.Android.Command.Run (System.String command, System.String args, System.String workingdir, UnityEditor.Android.Command+WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg) (at :0)
UnityEditor.Android.ADB.RunInternal (System.String[] command, UnityEditor.Android.Command+WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg) (at :0)
UnityEditor.Android.ADB.Run (System.String[] command, UnityEditor.Android.Command+WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg) (at :0)
UnityEditor.Android.ADB.Run (System.String[] command, System.String errorMsg) (at :0)

Изначально думал, что проблема именно в моём проекте, но когда я создал новый пустой проект и сменил платформу на Android, то выдалась идентичная ошибка. На телефоне режим разработчика активен, передача файлов включена. В Project Settings установлено Any Android Device. Более того, это же проблема возникает и тогда, когда телефон не подсоединён к компьютеру. Очень прошу помочь мне

Ошибка Unity 3D. CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources
Приветствую всех, при компиляции в Unity на Android вылезла вот такая ошибка, везде искал, не могу.

CommandInvokationFailure: Gradle build failed
Здравствуйте! Пытаюсь залить свою первую игру на а-тест (aab файл). Кто сталкивался с этим адом.

CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to build apk
Ребят, хелп. 3 часа пляшу с бубном и ничего не выходит(((

Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources
Помогите пожалуйста разобраться. Я не первый, подобного рода ошибки встречаются. Но я нигде не.


Unity Remote

Unity Remote is a downloadable app designed to help with Android, iOS Apple’s mobile operating system. More info
See in Glossary and tvOS development. The app connects with Unity while you are running your project in Play Mode from the Unity Editor. The visual output from the Editor is sent to the device’s screen, and the live inputs are sent back to the running project in Unity. This allows you to get a good impression of how your game really looks and handles on the target device, without the hassle of a full build for each test.

Note: For Unity Remote to work, you need to have the Android SDK on your development machine.

Unity Remote replaces the separate iOS and Android Remote apps used with earlier versions. Those older Remote apps are no longer supported.

Older versions of Unity Remote are still available for use in Legacy projects; see Legacy Unity Remote documentation for more information on these versions.

Device and Feature Support

Unity Remote currently supports Android devices (on Windows and OS X via a USB connection) and iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV, through USB on OS X and Windows with iTunes).

The Game View of the running Unity project is duplicated on the device screen, but at a reduced framerate. The following input data from the device is also streamed back to the Editor:

Obtaining and Using Unity Remote

You can download Unity Remote for free in the form of a Unity project that you build yourself, or as a pre-built app from the device’s app store:

Once you’ve downloaded the app, install and run it on your device and connect the device to your computer using a USB cable.

Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть картинку Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Картинка про Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать

Note: To specify the location of your Android SDK, go to Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Unity > Preferences (Mac).

Click the Play button in the Editor to see your game appear on the device and in the Unity game window as Unity connects to the Remote app. While the game plays, input from the device (accelerometer, etc.) is sent to your scripts A piece of code that allows you to create your own Components, trigger game events, modify Component properties over time and respond to user input in any way you like. More info
See in Glossary as if they were running on the device itself.


I have more than one device plugged in, but only one of them works with Unity

Unity Remote doesn’t support multiple connected Android devices, and to resolve this, it automatically picks the first device it finds. However, it is fine to have multiple iOS/tvOS devices and one Android device connected at the same time, since you can select which one to use from the Editor settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then select the Editor category).

I’m getting really poor graphics quality when running my game in Unity Remote

When you use Unity Remote the game actually runs in the Editor, while its visual content is streamed to the target device. Since the bandwidth between the Editor and the device is limited, the stream must be compressed heavily for transmission. This compression A method of storing data that reduces the amount of storage space it requires. See Texture Compression, Animation Compression, Audio Compression, Build Compression.
See in Glossary inevitably reduces the image quality.

In the Unity Remote section of the Editor window (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then select the Editor category) you can switch the compression method between JPEG and PNG. PNG compression is “lossless” (so the image quality doesn’t degrade) but uses more bandwidth than JPEG. A downsized image has lower bandwidth requirements than one at full resolution. By changing these settings, you can trade image accuracy off against framerate as necessary. When using a lower resolution, be aware that Unity Remote downsizes images for better performance.

Bear in mind that Unity Remote is only really intended to give a quick approximate check of how your game will look and feel when running on the device. Make sure that you occasionally do a full build and test the “real” app.


Unity Remote

Unity Remote is a downloadable app designed to help with Android, iOS and tvOS development. The app connects with Unity while you are running your project in Play Mode from the Unity Editor. The visual output from the Editor is sent to the device’s screen, and the live inputs are sent back to the running project in Unity. This allows you to get a good impression of how your game really looks and handles on the target device, without the hassle of a full build for each test.

Note: For Unity Remote to work, you need to have the Android SDK on your development machine.

Unity Remote replaces the separate iOS and Android Remote apps used with earlier versions. Those older Remote apps are no longer supported.

Older versions of Unity Remote are still available for use in Legacy projects; see Legacy Unity Remote documentation for more information on these versions.

Device and Feature Support

Unity Remote currently supports Android devices (on Windows and OS X via a USB connection) and iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV, through USB on OS X and Windows with iTunes).

The Game View of the running Unity project is duplicated on the device screen, but at a reduced framerate. The following input data from the device is also streamed back to the Editor:

Obtaining and Using Unity Remote

You can download Unity Remote for free in the form of a Unity project that you build yourself, or as a pre-built app from the device’s app store:

Once you’ve downloaded the app, install and run it on your device and connect the device to your computer using a USB cable.

To enable Unity to work with your device, open the Editor settings in Unity (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then select the Editor category) and select the device to use from the Unity Remote section:

Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть картинку Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Картинка про Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать

Note: To specify the location of your Android SDK, go to Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Unity > Preferences (Mac).

Click the Play button in the Editor to see your game appear on the device and in the Unity game window as Unity connects to the Remote app. While the game plays, input from the device (accelerometer, etc.) is sent to your scripts as if they were running on the device itself.

Решение проблем

I have more than one device plugged in, but only one of them works with Unity

Unity Remote doesn’t support multiple connected Android devices, and to resolve this, it automatically picks the first device it finds. However, it is fine to have multiple iOS/tvOS devices and one Android device connected at the same time, since you can select which one to use from the Editor settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then select the Editor category).

I’m getting really poor graphics quality when running my game in Unity Remote

When you use Unity Remote the game actually runs in the Editor, while its visual content is streamed to the target device. Since the bandwidth between the Editor and the device is limited, the stream must be compressed heavily for transmission. This compression inevitably reduces the image quality.

In the Unity Remote section of the Editor window (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then select the Editor category) you can switch the compression method between JPEG and PNG. PNG compression is “lossless” (so the image quality doesn’t degrade) but uses more bandwidth than JPEG. A downsized image has lower bandwidth requirements than one at full resolution. By changing these settings, you can trade image accuracy off against framerate as necessary. When using a lower resolution, be aware that Unity Remote downsizes images for better performance.

Bear in mind that Unity Remote is only really intended to give a quick approximate check of how your game will look and feel when running on the device. Make sure that you occasionally do a full build and test the “real” app.


Unity remote 5 not working

I tried running unity remote, but when I press play in unity editor, nothing happens on my phone. I think I need to do more than just to connect my phone with pc, set the editor to any android device and press start, but those are the only things it says.

It simply doesn’t work and I do not know why.

Thanks for any help.

Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть картинку Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Картинка про Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать

Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть картинку Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Картинка про Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать

10 Answers 10

Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть картинку Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Картинка про Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать

For me the issue was that even though the android SDK had been installed alongside Unity 2019, the SDK path(s) in Edit > Preferences were empty when de-selecting the checkbox. When I hit Browse next to each of the three (JDK, SDK, NDK) then all paths were automatically filled with something similar to C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.2.4f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines.

On another machine I tested with, these paths were set automatically, so this is probably a bug some people see and others not.

After this was done, it worked for me, assuming the following setup:

You can see if a device is authenticated or not by running adb.exe in C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.2.4f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platform-tools in a command prompt window (cmd) and the ‘list’ command: adb.exe list

The connected device will either not show at all (so check your cable) or it will show a GUID followed by ‘unauthenticated’ (so change the connection type as previously mentioned to prompt for authentication) or it will show ‘device’ in which case we’re good to go.

Start with the editor and remote closed, the device connected and authenticated (this is a one-off setup), and then open Unity Remote. Then open the Unity editor, assuming you’ve already set the SDK paths, and ensure your Project Settings > Editor > Unity Remote Device is set to Any android device.


По какой причине может не работать Unity Remote?

В unity указаны пути к sdk/jdk/ndk.
Есть установленная Android Studio с установленными Google Play Licensing Library, Google Play services и Google USB driver
В Project Settings->Editor->Device указано «Any Android Device»
На телефоне включил режим разработчика и включил отладку по usb.
Запускаю Unity Remote, включаю игру в редакторе и ничего не происходит. Пробовал в режиме зарядке и в режиме передачи файлов. Ничего не меняется.

Имеет ли значение директория студии, sdk/jdk/ndk?

Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть картинку Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Картинка про Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать

Галочки Developer Build не было. Установил. На телефоне вылезло уведомление с подтверждением. Подтвердил. И все равно не работает.

«тот же профаилер с телефона виден,может подключится??» с таким еще не сталкивался. Где это посмотреть?

Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Смотреть картинку Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Картинка про Unity remote requirements check failed что делать. Фото Unity remote requirements check failed что делать

убедитесь что у вас юнити современной версии, что то из 5.6 и новее.
и что само приложение у вас на телефоне не старое а под 5 и более новые версии

убедитесь что у вас не несколько деваисов подключено, в доке описана настроика.

а вообще похоже на прикол прошивки именно китайца. иначе в В Project Settings->Editor->Device был бы пункт именно с деваисом вашим.

если есть возможность попробуйте установить Unity Remote на другой телефон


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