Uncover unsupported что делать

Вышел джейлбрейк iOS 13.5 для всех устройств. Как скачать и установить

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Хакерская группировка pwn20wnd выпустила обновлённую утилиту unc0ver 5.0 для взлома устройств на iOS 13.5.

Она позволяет установить полупривязанный джейлбрейк на любые девайсы под управлением iOS 11-iOS 13.5. Даже на самые новые iPhone и iPad. Программа также ставит магазины Cydia и Substrate.

Какие устройства поддерживаются


• iPhone 5s
• iPhone 6
• iPhone 6 Plus
• iPhone 6s
• iPhone 6s Plus
• iPhone 7
• iPhone 7 Plus
• iPhone SE
• iPhone 8
• iPhone 8 Plus
• iPhone X
• iPhone XS
• iPhone XS Max
• iPhone XR
• iPhone SE 2020
• iPhone 11
• iPhone 11 Pro
• iPhone 11 Pro Max

• 12.9 iPad Pro (1-е поколение)
• 12.9 iPad Pro (2-е поколение)
• 11 iPad Pro
• 9.7 iPad Pro
• 10.5 iPad Pro
• iPad Pro 2020
• iPad (5-е поколение)
• iPad Air 2019
• iPad Air 2
• iPad Air
• iPad mini 5
• iPad mini 4

Как установить

Важно: всё, что вы делаете — на свой страх и риск. Apple против джейлбрейка, банковские и другие приложения могут перестать работать, а система станет полностью незащищенной.

Два варианта установки: Windows и macOS.


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2. Скачайте на компьютер приложение AltStore. Подключите к нему iPhone с помощью USB-кабеля.

3. Нажмите клавишу Windows и напишите AltServer.

4. Нажмите на значок стрелки рядом со значком сети в панели задач. Это вызовет меню с несколькими иконками. Ищите логотип в форме ромба, который называется AltServer. Нажмите.

5. В появившемся меню нажмите Install AltStore и выберите свой девайс.

6. Введите свой Apple ID и пароль.

7. На рабочем столе смартфона или планшета появится иконка AltStore, откройте в Safari сайт Unc0ver.dev и скачайте последнюю версию.

9. Запустите утилиту Unc0ver через приложение Файлы со своего iPhone и выберите для её открытия AltStore.

10. Нажмите кнопку Jailbreak. Дождитесь перезагрузки устройства и снова нажмите Jailbreak в приложении unc0ver.

Если возникла ошибка во время джейлбрейка, перезапустите утилиту и сделайте джейл ещё раз.


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1. Скачайте AltStore.

2. Разархивируйте и переместите AltStore в папку Приложения.

3. Запустите программу. Нажмите на значок AltStore в строке меню, а затем выберите опцию Install Mail Plug-in.

5. Откройте вкладку Основные в настройках почты, нажмите Управление модулями, установите флажок AltPlugin, подтвердите и перезапустите Почту.

6. Подключите ваше устройство по USB-кабелю.

7. Нажмите AltStore в строке меню, выберите Install AltStore и ваше устройство.

8. Введите Apple ID.

9. На рабочем столе смартфона или планшета появится иконка AltStore, откройте в Safari сайт Unc0ver.dev и скачайте последнюю версию.

11. Запустите утилиту Unc0ver через приложение Файлы со своего iPhone и выберите для её открытия AltStore.

11. Нажмите кнопку Jailbreak. Дождитесь перезагрузки устройства и снова нажмите Jailbreak в приложении unc0ver.

P.S. В этом репозитории есть твик ReProvision для автоматического продления сертификата.

UPD: некоторые пользователи сообщают, что джейл не работает с iOS 12.4.5 и iOS 12.4.7.


Джейлбрейк Uncover

Unc0ver – это новое приложение джейлбрейка для iPhone и iPad, которое можно установить более безопасным и простым способом.Uncover unsupported что делать. Смотреть фото Uncover unsupported что делать. Смотреть картинку Uncover unsupported что делать. Картинка про Uncover unsupported что делать. Фото Uncover unsupported что делать

Джелбрейк от Unc0ver более стабильный и надежный, поддерживающий гораздо больше устройств. Ссылки на скачивание и инструкции по установке приведены ниже.

Как сделать джейлбрейк через Unc0ver:

Как установить Unc0ver, используя AltStore:

Функции джейлбрейка Unc0ver:

Часто задаваемые вопросы:

Попробуйте теперь запустить Unc0ver, он должен работать без проблем.

Приложение Unc0ver без сомнений безопасно. Это самый безопасный установщик джейлбрейка из всех. Разработчики приложения потратили много времени и усилий, создавая приложения для джейлбрейка, которое не вызовет у вас никаких проблем и не будет содержать никаких вредоносных программ или вирусов. Он полностью совместим со всеми устройствами на iOS 11, iOS 12, iOS 13 и выше. Он также отлично работает с Cydia Impactor и оказался очень надежной утилитой для джейлбрейка.

Uncover – это полупривязанный джейлбрейк, который нужно запускать каждый раз, когда вы перезагрузите свой iPhone или iPad.

Джейлбрейк – это безопасный и легальный способ изменить ваше устройство iOS. Однако обратите внимание, что если вы сделаете джейлбрейк своего устройства Apple, вы потеряете гарантию. В этом случае вам придется удалить джейлбрейк Unc0ver и переустановить iOS, чтобы снова получить гарантию на телефон.

Да, джелбрейк Unc0ver можно удалить простым обновлением прошивки iOS или восстановлением вашего устройства с помощью iTunes.

Да, вы можете обновить iOS после джейлбрейка, но при этом джейлбрейк будет удален, а с ним и все приложения и настройки, загруженные с его помощью. Также обратите внимание, что после обновления iOS вы не можете понизить версию прошивки и вернуться к предыдущей версии iOS, чтобы снова сделать джейлбрейк вашего устройства.

Можно скачать и установить джейлбрейк Unc0ver с помощью приложения TopStore. Для этого не требуется компьютер и джейлбрейк можно сделать прямо на iPhone без ПК.

Дайте знать в разделе комментариев расположенном ниже, если у вас возникнут какие-либо проблемы. Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы помочь вам. Также вы можете связаться с разработчиком в Twitter.


unc0ver jailbreak errors and fixes [FAQ]

Although unc0ver is touted as the most advanced jailbreak tool ever to grace the jailbreak community, it does have its drawbacks. The current lineup of release candidates is very buggy as compared to Electra.

Here’s a quick FAQ that will walk you through some of the common jailbreak errors and bugs of unc0ver.


Q. Electra vs unc0ver – which jailbreak tool is better?

A. Both jailbreak tools are developed by great developers and are equally good, except for a few differences here and there.

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Electra/Electra1131 has the advantage of ease of use whereas unc0ver provides better stability and overall reliability to your jailbroken device.

Q. What data will I lose after uninstalling Electra and installing unc0ver?

A. All your Cydia sources and installed packages will get uninstalled. As far as system components go, you will experience the following changes after using unc0ver –

Q. How do I back up my tweaks before switching to unc0ver?

A. FlashBack Cydia tweak allows you to save your tweak preferences and icon layout before you jump ship from Electra jailbreak.

Keep in mind that this tool requires basic terminal knowledge. If you are not well-versed in terminal commands, you should skip this step and reinstall your tweaks manually after switching.

Alternatively, you can install the BackupAZ3 tweak from Packix repo. However, this backup tweak is paid and, to be honest, a bit overkill in this instance.

Q. How can I increase the success rate of this jailbreak tool?

A. Here’s a list of steps that can possibly increase your success rate –

Q. How do I safely switch from Electra to unc0ver?

Q. unc0ver wants to restart my device. How can I bypass the restart alert?

A. Actually, unc0ver is supposed to restart your iPhone or iPad twice. When the progress bar hits 24/48, it will remove Electra’s files from your filesystem. Once it shows the “Swipe up to upgrade” message, swipe up.

Q. unc0ver is not working no matter what I do. How can I get it to jailbreak my device?

A. Some firmware versions (iOS 11.4 Beta 1-3 and iOS 11.1.2), though supported, have reliability issues as of right now. The developer is aware of that and is working on pushing a fix in the upcoming RC8 build.

Once that build is out, you will be able to fresh-jailbreak your device.

Errors and bugs

Q. How can I fix the “Errno: 1 Test: rv == 0 Filename: ViewController.m Line: 1484 Function: Exploit” message?

A. This error message signifies that the exploit has failed. To make the exploit functional again, simply reboot your device and give it a go again.

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Q. How can I fix the “Errno: 2 Test: rv == 0, Filename: ViewController.m Line: 1484 Function: Exploit” message?

A. Try restarting and running the app again.

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Q. How can I fix the “Errno: 2 Test: rv == 0 Filename: ViewController.m Line: 1484 Function: Exploit” message?

A. The upcoming RC8 update will fix this error. If you are experiencing this error, just hold out for a few more hours. RC8 should will be going live anytime now.

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Q. How can I fix the “Errno: 2 Test: rv == 0, Filename: ViewController.m Line: 2141 Function: Exploit” message?

A. Switch to the AW exploit from the in-app preferences.

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Q. I can’t get past the “Errno: 3 Test: MACH_PORT_VALID(task_port) Filename: ViewController.rn Line: 215 Function: Inject_library” message. Is there a fix for this error?

A. Yes, the RC6 and above builds fix this error. If you are experiencing this error, switch to a newer version of the jailbreak tool.

I would recommend sideloading the IPA file because your singing service might still be distributing an older version of unc0ver.

Q. The progress bar gets stuck at 1/48 on my device. How can I solve this issue?

A. Ian Beer’s multipath exploit is likely causing this issue. Changing the exploit to EL (Electra) from MP (multipath) from the in-app settings should fix this issue.

If the glitch persists, you should try using an older version; for instance, RC6 if you are currently using RC7.

Q. unc0ver is stuck on 7/48. How do I get it to run to completion?

A. Open Cydia and uninstall installed packages using SemiRestore11 and Delectra on iOS 11.0-11.1.2. If your device is using iOS 11.2-11.4 Beta 3, use Rollectra.

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Q. How do I fix the “Errno: 60” message?

A. Try switching the exploit or using an older version of the jailbreak tool.

Q. How can I get past the “iOS Firmware =1:1.2.1 for INSTALLING TWEAKS” message?

A. Upgrade to a newer version of unc0ver. As of this writing, the latest version is RC7.

Q. I am getting the unsupported error message on my device. Is my device really incompatible?

A. Check your operating system version from Settings > General > About. Ensure that your device is running an iOS 11 version lower than iOS 11.4 as iOS 11.4, iOS 11.4.1, and iOS 12 are incompatible with this tool.

Q. My device keeps rebooting as soon as I run the jailbreak app. How can I fix this?

A. Try switching the exploit to EL from MP or vice-versa.

Q. How can I fix “Errno: 22” message?

A. This error message pertains to OTA updates. Simply delete the OTA update that your device automatically fetches from Apple’s update servers.

I also recommend installing the tvOS 12 Beta profile to block automatic updates in the future.


Q. My Settings and Cydia apps are totally empty. Is there any way around it?

A. You can fix this glitch by restarting the SpringBoard. Since Cydia is not working, you can use this respring bug to restart the SpringBoard without jailbreak.

Q. I am experiencing high battery drain after switching to unc0ver. How can I lower the battery usage?

A. As soon as you switch the jailbreak, battery usage increases temporarily. Ideally, it should subside within a few minutes. However, if it doesn’t, install DetailedPowerUsage or CocoaTop tweak and monitor what’s draining your battery.

Q. How can I enable SSH access on unc0ver?

A. unc0ver doesn’t come with an inbuilt SSH client like Electra or Yalu jailbreak. In spite of that, you can manually enable SSH access by installing the Local SSH package from Chariz repo.

Q. How can I install MobileSubstrate, which is missing from my iPhone/iPad?

A. Electra substitutes Saurik’s Substrate with Comex’s Substitute. unc0ver, on the other hand, substitutes Substitute with Substrate.

Therefore, Cydia throws the “Depends: MobileSubstrate” error message each time you try to install a tweak.

To fix this, add Sam Bingner’s repository (apt.bingner.com) to your sources list and install the MobileSubstrate Dummy package.

Q. My Apple device is stuck in on the Apple logo/loading screen and doesn’t seem to budge. How do I get it to start properly?

A. Your device is stuck in a bootloop. Here’s how you can get it to start –

Q. My camera isn’t working like it’s supposed to after installing unc0ver. How do I get it to run properly?

A. Installing SimmerDown tweak will fix that issue.

Q. Reddit is not working properly ever since I switched. What gives?

A. Install redditcpufix package.

Q. The Root Filesystem Snapshot is taking up a lot of storage space. How can I get it back?

A. Using RC7 (latest version) will fix this issue.

Q. How do I fix a broken Notes app?

A. You can fix it by using NoSubstitute Cydia tweak, which is generally used to bypass jailbreak detection in apps.

Although unc0ver doesn’t use Substitute, NoSubstitute still appears to be working for some unknown reason.

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Q. Watusi is showing “failed to load the preference bundle” error message. How can I get it running again?

A. Fouad Raheb, the developer of Watusi, recently posted a manual fix on Twitter. All you need to do is switch a couple of files around and you will be golden. Here’s how you can do that –

Q. I am unable re-jailbreak my iPhone/iPad. How do I get the app to work again?

A. Try switching the exploits once again. If that doesn’t work, try a different IPA from a different source. For instance, if you are currently using the official IPA file, then try switching to the one hosted by Ignition signing service.

Q. unc0ver is unstable and I’d rather go back to Electra. How do I switch?

A. Run Rollectra to fully erase every change unc0ver makes to your device. Once your system is clean, you can sideload and jailbreak with Electra again.

Cydia errors

Q. How do I fix tweaks not working after jailbreaking?

A. There’s no fix for tweaks not working as of right now except for installing the C++ Standard Library package from Sam Bingner’s repo.

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If this fix doesn’t work for you, you can either wait for RC8 or use Rollectra and re-jailbreak again.

Q. Electra repositories are missing from the sources tab in Cydia. How can I get them back?

A. Sam Bingner’s Cydia Installer update automatically removes Electra’s default repositories that are maintained by Coolstar.

Q. I am unable to add any repository manually to Cydia. How can I fix this?

A. Use the Restore RootFS toggle (Rollectra replacement) from Settings.

Q. How do I update Cydia Installer?

A. You can update Cydia Installer from Sam Bingner’s source (apt.bingner.com). Ideally, you should first update the libresolv package and then move onto Cydia installer. This is not mandatory but it will prevent Cydia from crashing after you update Cydia Installer.

Q. Cydia on my device still uses its old interface. How can I upgrade it?

A. This issue is present only in iPhone 8 and above. However, the older interface will not in any way prevent you from installing tweaks.

Q. How can I fix the DPKG_LOCKED error?

A. You can fix this error only by erasing your jailbreak data and re-jailbreaking once again. Use Delectra (iOS 11-11.1.2) or ElectraRemover1131 (iOS 11.2-11.3.1) to remove your jailbreak.

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If you are still unable to fix or get past the various error messages, drop your comments below.


Uncover unsupported что делать

Unc0ver Jailbreak iOS 11 to iOS 14.5.1 ( Untethered )

Download the latest Unc0ver Jailbreak tool for jailbreak iOS 11 to iOS 14.5.1 versions running every iOS Devices including iPhone 12 Models.

Unc0ver Online Tool ( No PC ) Install links

— Please open this page from Mobile Safari. These links may not work with PC ( Windows or Mac )

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Online Unc0ver iPA for iOS 14.4 to iOS 14.5.1 ( Only for A12 / A13 / A14 )

Make sure to install Fugu14 Untethered before starting Jailbreak. Otherwise Unc0ver 14 will show «Unsupported».
How to setup and install Fugu14

Online Unc0ver iPA for iOS 11 to iOS 14.3

Please note :- Apple may block these Without PC IPA links anytime, So we are frequently signing and updating these links. Please report us if any of this IPA doesn’t work (Mail)

Install Unc0ver virtually ( iOS 15.2 to iOS 15 )

Please keep in mind that this is only a virtual application and you cannot use it as an untethered or semi-untethered solution.

You can install Uncover virtually from the zJailbreak app store.

Please note :- These Without PC links can be revoked anytime. but you can resign with ReProvision Reborn Tweak

ReProvision Reborn Tweak Available in packix repo. Add packix repo to Cydia repo list and then Search ReProvision Reborn and install.

Packix Repo

Make sure to install Fugu14 before starting Jailbreak. Otherwise the application will show «Unsupported»

Unc0ver Tool Install Methods / Guides

Unc0ver Compatibility

Compatible iOS versions

Compatible devices list

01. Unc0ver Silzee method (No PC / Online )

02. Unc0ver Jailbreak Sideloadly method

The sideloadly method is fully compatible for install Unc0ver IPA. At the moment, Sideloadly supports both Windows and macOS operating systems.

03. Unc0ver Jailbreak AltStore method

Unc0ver is officially working with AltStore app Store. Follow the below step guide to install Unc0ver with AltStore. Make sure to install the iTunes application first.


04. Unc0ver Jailbreak install 3uTools method

3uTools is another easy method for installing jailbreak IPA’s. 3uTools will detect your iOS version and Device model and suggesting the most compatible Jailbreak tool

05. Install through Air Method

Another way to install Unc0ver IPA without having a PC. Just follow up below step guides to install Unc0ver through the OnAir website.

06. IPA Installer Method

Another online method is to install Unc0ver Jailbreak IPA without a Computer.

Just follow up the guide to install

07. Unc0ver Jailbreak FilzaEscaped / PlankFilza Guide

Follow AltStore or Sideloadly method to install FilzaEscaped iPA / PlankFilza iPA

08. Install Unc0ver through Apple Siri Shortcut

09. Through 3rd Party App stores

Unc0ver Online tool can be installed directly from Third-party app stores once Silzee is revoked.

You can use the following third-party app stores to install the Unc0ver Without PC tool.

Update Unc0ver Jailbreak with Siri Shortcut

Follow this guide to update Unc0ver jailbreak with Siri Shortcut. When compare with other methods this is extremlay helpful

For this method you should install the ReProvision jailbreak tweak.

How to re-jailbreak after Reboot / Restart

You have to use uncover jailbreak app for re-jailbreak process

Now you can use Cydia again.

How to remove Uncover Jailbreak?

You can remove Uncover jailbreak when you are not happy with it.

Unc0ver Jailbreak for Apple TV

Unc0ver Jailbreak also supports Apple TV jailbreak. You can read our step guide and video guide below.

Step guide

Before start Unc0ver Apple TV jailbreak process, make sure to complete the below requirements.

Mac / Hackintosh or macOS in a virtual machine

Xcode > Preferences > Accounts and make sure to add Apple ID

Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 15

Still no confirmations Unc0ver for iOS 15 version. Suppose you have seen Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 15. it might be legit. So do not install a fake jailbreak tool and it could be ‘Destroy the Security’ of the iPhone.

If you need to upgrade to iOS 15 Beta, you can install it from here without having an Apple developer account.

Unc0ver for iOS 14.4 to iOS 14.7.1

Unc0ver tool does not support iOS 14.7 Jailbreak or iOS 14.7.1 Jailbreak. So if you have seen Unc0ver for the latest iOS/iPadOS, it might be a fake.

Please note :- Checkra1n Jailbreak latest 0.12.4 version support for iOS 14 to iOS/iPadOS 14.7.1 version running iPhone 6s to iOS x Devices / iPad 5th, 6th and 7th generations,iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4, iPad Pro 1st and 2nd generations / iPod touch 7 Devices.

Pwn20wnd tweeted and said he already Jailbroken iOS 14 to iOS 14.3 versions and Cydia successfully compatible for iPhone 12 Pro Max Device.

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Unc0ver Jailbreak iOS 14

According to Unc0ver latest Tweet, They are going to release a new tweak injection system along with Substitute 2.0.0 update to increase app loading speeds for Unc0ver and Checkra1n Jailbreak on iOS 11 to iOS 14

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Unc0ver for iOS 13.7 / iOS 13.6

Well known iOS Developer » Simo » got a tfp0 exploit for the iOS 13.7 version. So Unc0ver jailbreak and Odyssey Jailbreak has a chance to update to iOS 13.7 and iOS 13.6 with support of iOS 13.7 tfp0 exploit.

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Why Silzee for Uncover?

Unc0ver Jailbreak Credits

Unc0ver jailbreak alternatives

Checkra1n Jailbreak

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Checkra1n jailbreak is the latest jailbreak tool which has been developed with Checkm8 bootrom exploit. That means it is a jailbreak that runs when your device is booting. This is a new way of jailbreaking history found by Axi0mx and team. As the latest approaches of Checkra1n, it is available for Mac users and as well as Linux, Ubuntu users too. Download Checkra1n jailbreak.

Taurine Jailbreak

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Taurine jailbreak is the perfect alternative for the Unc0ver Jailbreak tool. But Taurine Jailbreak does not support for install Cydia. Sileo is the default package manager for Taurine.

Chimera Jailbreak

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These sites are famous Unc0ver survey scam sites. These sites are 100% similar to the official Unc0ver site. When you check these websites, you cannot see any differences. But when you check it seriously, you can see differences.

These all sites are claiming iOS 14.4 to iOS 14.7 support. Once you click the Jailbreak button of these sites, only installing the profile. You cannot do anything from these scam sites.

So we highly recommend staying away from these kinds of websites.

Unc0ver Jailbreak known issues fix guide

Unc0ver online tool based on Apple Enterprise app. So Apple can disable it anytime. If you have a revoke issue while on download. Please check back later

It is because of the expiry Enterprise app. Check with some other online supporting websites.

Go to Settings > Go To Safari > Clear Browsing history > Reinstall

Make sure to check Tweak compatibility before install. Do not install pirate Tweaks.

You can fix Fixing Jailbreak / Cydia Problems With Restore RootFS option. Enable the option and Run jailbreak again.

Use Unc0ver app and re-jailbreak

Feel free to contact us if you have any problem.


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