Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

Ошибка Unable to open file

Добрый день.
Недавно начал изучать С++. Мне интересна библиотека SFML.

Так вот при создании текстура не отображается и в консоли ошибка: Unable to open file.
Изображение находится по указанному адресу и путь верный.

Подскажите, в чем ошибка?

Добавлено через 2 минуты
Поменял с D:\ на D:/
Теперь ни ошибки ни спрайта

Добавлено через 37 секунд
Может я настроил библиотеку не правильно?

Unable to open include file
Здравствуйте. Контрольную делал в универе. Там всё работало. Не знаю, может быть я что-то забыл.

Unable to open file ‘TV.LIB’
#include #include #include #include int.

Error: Unable to open include file
Доброе время суток, недавно захотел попробовать писать программы под DOS, для этого установил себе.

Unable to open include file ‘stdio.h’
Помогите, пожалуйста, с такой проблемой. В институте работаем с Borland C++ version 3.1. Скачала.

Дык на С# нормально работается, появилось желание немного посидеть в создании мини-игр, вот и полез в С++. Для души так сказать.

Результат тот же: пустая консоль и белое окно.

Кстати у меня у дисков С и D разный уровень доступа. Поэтому когда с С# работаю, то картинки из диска С не загружаются, а картинки из диска D загружаются. Может это влияет как-то здесь?

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Если, что информацию брал здесь

Предложенный вами вариант только лишь увеличивает возможный функционал программы, за счет дополнительных свойств и методов элемента Image.

Я конечно попробовал, но результат к сожалению не изменился.
Нужно другое решение проблемы.

Добавлено через 16 секунд
И скинь путь полный мне сюда


Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

В чем проблема?
Help, please. )

Вот информация с сайта Borland:

Borland Developer Network Home >C++> Tools

In Builder, every attempt to compile produces an error message
claiming that system.obj cannot be found. Why is this occurring? — by
Borland Developer Support Staff

Abstract:Resolving the error message: System.obj cannot be found

After successfully installing C++Builder under the administrator
account, I am able to login as my user account and launch Builder, but
every attempt to compile produces an error message claiming that system.obj
could not be found. Why is this error occurring?

After a successful installation under the administrator account, you
must complete a «registry only installation» under each user account that
will be working with C++Builder. This installation sets various registry
key relevant to the IDE and the Just-In-Time Debugger.

It is highly recommended that the user account be switched temporarily
to have administrator level access for this procedure. This is because some
registry keys related to the Just-In-Time Debugger are set during the
installation that only administrators have access to. Then once this
installation is complete, I recommend launching Builder and running the
default application. Once you have verified that Builder will compile the
default application, you may set the user account back to a standard/power
user account permanently.
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Borland C++ Builder 5.x

Windows 2000 1.0; Windows NT 4.0, 4.0 SP5

Article ID: 26453 Publish Date: December 18, 2000 Last Modified:
December 18, 2000

Странно, конечно, что он это выдает под Win98, вообще похоже это проблема
WinNT или Win2000Dmitry (01-04-2003 00:13:59)Спасибо, но FAQ Борланда давно нашел. У меня Win-98, поэтому разумеется никаких административных прав при установке я получить или отменить не могу.Владимир (02-04-2003 14:17:10)Да нет, речь не совсем о правах, а о том, что Вам нужно
выполнить «registry only installation», то есть
выбрать только этот пункт установки и выполнить его.Dmytry (02-04-2003 23:55:25)Извиняюсь за кривизну рук, но в инсталляторе я не нашел опции «Registry Only». Если можно, поподробней, где включать эту опцию. Да, в файле install.txt нашел следующее:

In previous releases, an Administrator installed the product, and all other users of the same machine who needed to use C++Builder had to install the product separately using the «Registry Only» option.


Unable to open the Report file (iexpress)

I’m trying to create a installer with iexpress for a WAV Audio Player in C that I finished today, but, when I’m on the last step, it cames up with the following error message: «Unable to open the Report file C:\Users\Poleto\Desktop\

SWAV.RPT» Any idea of how can I fix this?

7 Answers 7

You probably need to run with elevated permissions, see the SS64 entry on IExpress.

You should run iexpress with administrator, then this will be resolved.

Sorry, I know this is an old post, but I found a solution, and it doesn’t need admin. To create an installer, navigate to the folder you are installing from, click the Explorer path bar, and type in «iexpress». Then, create the installer as normal. You do not need admin privileges. Make sure you save the installer to the same folder. This defines the %cd% environment variable as the path of your installer folder, which makes it work. Maybe it’s something with the command-line bundler. I don’t know. All I know is that it works. Even with a non-administrator account running as non-elevated.

Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть картинку Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Картинка про Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

I came accross this issue as Admin. Something that worked for me:

On the Package Name and Options screen, tick ‘Store files using Long File Name inside Package’ and then create.

I ran into this issue when I had by mistake, included the same filename twice in this file. I was able to narrow down the culprit section by removing all sections one at a time and running the build until the build passed. And then an analysis of the erring section revealed the filename duplication.

Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть картинку Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Картинка про Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

Yes, running IExpress as administrator usually solves this problem, but in my case there was an additional issue. I noticed that IExpress produces the same error when the path to the source files contains folders with spaces AND the path is based on another partition than C: (or maybe the system partition). For example:

I liked that IExpress extracts to temporary folder, generates initial SED file from GUI, which can easily be edited as it has INI format, has command line, can include install script/executable after extraction and is part of Windows. Really nice features, but this bug is a killer. Also, running as administrator and not providing error codes when unable to create archive (from command line) is not nice.

You have to run it with administrator rights Hope i helped you.


Unable to open archive file что делать?

Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть картинку Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Картинка про Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

Computer problems are relatively common, and while some problems are relatively simple and easy to fix, some might be more problematic.

But first, here are some more examples of similar computer file issues:

According to users, sometimes certain malware can cause this type of problem to appear, and one way to fix it is to download and use Malwarebytes.

To do that, download Malwarebytes and install it, right-click the application shortcut and choose Run as administrator from the menu. Let Malwarebytes scan your PC and remove all infected files.

After removing the infected files, the issue should be permanently fixed. Keep in mind that you might have to perform this solution from Safe Mode.

Users in search for a quick solution to exe files issues in Windows 10, can’t go wrong with Malwarebytes!

2. Change your registry

Some users reported that this solution only works if you apply it in Safe Mode, and to enter Safe Mode you need to do the following:

Can’t access Registry Editor? Things aren’t as scary as they seem. Check out this guide and solve the issue quickly.

3. Change the location of Program Files folder to default

Program Files is a default installation directory for all third-party applications, and by default, it’s located on your System drive along with Windows 10 installation.

In order to save space, some users change the location of this folder.

Don’t waste time with these technicalities and choose a more user-friendly registry editor from this handy list.

4. Download registry fix and add it to your registry

5. Turn off Windows Firewall

Few users claim that they fixed this problem simply by disabling Windows Firewall. After turning the Windows Firewall off, check if the problem is resolved.

Issues with Windows Firewall? Keep your PC protected with these third-party firewalls!

6. Change your sound scheme and turn off User Account Control

Users reported that you can fix this problem by changing your sound scheme and turning off User Account control.

We have to admit that this is an unusual solution, but few users reported that it works for them, so you might want to try it out.

7. Create a new user account

According to users, you should be able to fix this problem simply by creating a new user account. After creating a new user account, switch to it and check if the problem is resolved.

If everything works without problems, you’ll have to copy all your personal files from your original account to the new one and continue using the new account.

Windows won’t let you add a new user account? Here is how to fix the issue in a few easy steps!

8. Fix file association problem with Command Prompt

To fix this problem, you need to start Command Prompt and enter a single command.

If you can’t start Command Prompt normally, you might have to go to the WindowsSystem32 folder, right-click cmd.exe file, and choose Run as administrator from the menu.

FAQ: Learn more about executable files (.exe)

.exe is a common filename extension denoting an executable file for the Windows OS.

Editor’s Note:This post was originally published in June 2018 and has been since revamped and updated in March 2020 for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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Why Cannot 7-Zip Open File as Archive? Learn and Fix

Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть картинку Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Картинка про Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

When opening archive in 7zip, some files didn’t open. How could I fix the error 7 zip cannot open the file as an archive?

Dealing with the number of files for the same project? You need to compress them in a zip file and keep things hand and easy. But wait! Are you facing any error 7zip cannot open the file as an archive? Have you ever thought about the reasons behind this error and incase if this error pops up on your screen, what you are going to do to get rid of it. Then here is what you need to read and follow. This article is all about telling what 7-zip is and how the issue of 7z cannot open the file as an archive can be resolved. Below mentioned are some proposed methods that only need steps to follow and you will be done with ruling out the error.

7-zip is said to be the open-source file archiver that compresses the huge number of files in compressed containers which are termed as archives. It creates archives that contain different directories and files. These archives consist of 4 kinds of blocks that carry data. Any issue with any block may cause an error i.e. 7zip cannot open the file as an archive. Following are the blocks:

The common issue faced by the users while using the 7-zip is the 7z cannot open the file as an archive. This issue carries one or other reasons which are enlisted below. Along with the reasons, there are proposed methods to fix the issue at hand and keep the pace working.

Let’s move to the core!

Part 1. Why can’t 7-Zip open some ZIP archives?

When the issue surface i.e. 7zip cannot open the file as an archive, the very next thing that strikes the mind is the possible reasons behind the issue. Once the problem is identified, the next step is to elaborate on the causes, and lastly there comes the part to propose definite solutions. Talking about the reasons behind 7z cannot open the file as an archive, here is the list that describes the most relevant ones.

Done with understanding the potential reason behind why 7zip cannot open the file as an archive? Then let’s move to the next section where there mentioned are the possible solutions to fix the problem.

You are going to get a solution that would work for you!

Part 2. Try Another Extractor Software

Of course! You are dealing with a technical issue that needs potential software to work on the issue and to solve the problem. So as the Yodot! When you see the error pop up i.e. 7zip cannot open the file as an archive on-screen during the extraction mechanism, the most effective and time-saving solution is Yodot.

Being the right choice for repairing the corrupt or otherwise inaccessible files, this software helps to scan everything to completely rule out the corruption. It helps to extract each and every file which was otherwise not accessible by using other methods. It is compatible with Windows Server 2003, Server 2008, XP, and Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 operating systems.

Now talking about the steps to follow for fixing the issue of 7z cannot open the file as an archive, here is what you need to follow:

Step 1: Start with obtaining Yodot ZIP Repair software and install it on your PC

Step 2: Next step is to run the application, click the 7z archive by selecting the Browse option and click on Repair button

Step 3: Now end with verifying the repaired 7-ZIP archive files and folders in the option of Repaired File Contents window and move the cursor on Select Folder to select the location where repaired 7-ZIP archive can be saved

Yes! You are done in just three steps to fix the 7z cannot open the file as an archive error.

Keep working without any hurdle now!

Part 3. Repair File with Stellar File Repair

all the possible solutions, the most reliable and efficient of all time is stellar file repair. Using stellar to fix the issue related to zip folders is all worth it.

Stellar Phoenix Zip Recovery is a potential zip repair software which supports all sub-types of ZIP files. It is also compatible with recovering password-protected and large ZIP files. It is viable to solve CRC and data integrity errors in damaged ZIP files. After the recovery process, one can select files that they wish to save and choose to save it as a compressed or uncompressed file.

Now let’s discuss the steps that should be followed while repairing the 7zip cannot open the file as an archive with stellar file repair.

Step 1: Start with downloading the software on your device.

Step 2: Once downloading is complete, run the administrator and install the software on a PC.

Step 3: Now select the corrupted file in the software dialogue box

Step 4: Scan the file to look for problems in the selected file

Step 5: A preview should pop up so that you can verify the contents of the file

Step 6: Save the fixed file at the preferred location and you are all done!

This is how easily, stellar file repair is going to sort out the issue of 7z cannot open the file as an archive in no time by merely following some right steps in the software.

Being an all-time reliable option, stellar never fails to benefit the users and provide them with efficient solutions which definitely works every time. Furthermore, you can learn more solutions in this post.

Part 4. Other Common Errors of 7-zip

Another error encountered while using the 7 zip is the CRC error.

Each document record holds a CRC esteem while zipping the substance and this worth will be spared inside file. Again while unfastening files, decompressing applications WinZip matches determined CRC esteem with an existing estimation of that record. On the off chance that both the qualities don’t coordinate, at that point it gives a route for CRC mistake. Experiencing a CRC error message during 7Zip document extraction suggests that either substance of record is harmed or changed. There are numerous reasons that cause CRC error in 7Zip record, for example,

Apart from the archive errors, there are some of the other errors which you might confront while using the 7-zip. These are said to be the non-7zip archive errors. This is a mistake happened while attempting to concentrate substance of a 7z record that is defiled or harmed because of components :

Hence, this is all about why 7-zip cannot open the file as an archive, the potential reason ruling the problem, and viable solutions to fix the issue.

Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть картинку Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Картинка про Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

But before going for the fixes you should try these initial workarounds and check if your problem is solved or not.
Initial Workarounds-

If these workarounds did not work for you then go ahead for these solutions-

1. What you need to do is to press Windows key+S and then type “Regedit“.

2. Then, click on the “Registry Editor” in the search result.

3. On the left pane, click on “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT” to expand.

4. Scroll down and click on the “.exe” registry.

5. Now, on the right pane double click on “Default” registry and set the ‘Value Data‘ as “exefile“.

6. Now, click on “OK” to save the changes.

7. Now, on the left pane, navigate to this registry-

8. Click on “Command“.

9. Now, on the right pane click on “Default” to set the ‘Value Data‘ as “%1” %*

10. Click on “OK” to save the changes.

Reboot your computer.

Fix-2 Revert the location of Program files to the default

1. Type “Regedit” in the Search box just beside the Windows icon.

2. Then, all you have to do is to click on the “Registry Editor“.

3. Now, on the left pane go this location-

4. Now, on the right pane double click on “ProgramFilesDir” and set the Value Data to “C:\Program Files” and click on “OK“.


1. Now, on the right pane double click on “ProgramFilesDir (x86)“.

2. Set Value data to “C:\Program Files (x86)

2. Then, click on “OK“.

Close the Registry Editor window.

Reboot your computer.

Fix-3 Change Sound Settings and turn User Account Control off

It is seen for some users that changing their sound setting and turning the User Account Control ‘off’ solved the problem on their computer. To change the sound settings on your computer follow these steps-

1. Open the Run window.

2. Type “mmsys.cpl” in the Run window and hit Enter.

3. Go to the “Sounds” tab. Now, click on the drop-down under ‘Sound Scheme‘ and choose “No Sounds” in the dropdown.

4. Click on “Apply” and “OK” to save the changes.

Reboot your system.
Now follow these steps to turn User Account Control off-

1. Type “Change User Account Control settings” in the search box beside the Windows Icon. Now, click on “Change User Account Control settings” to open User Account Control Settings.

2. Now, in the UAC window, you will see a blue slider in-between “Always Notify” and “Never Notify“. Slide the slider all the way down to the “Never Notify“. Now click on “OK“. If you are prompted by User Account Control click on “Yes“.

3. Restart your computer to save the changes.

Fix-4 Fix File Association from Command Prompt

1. At first, what you have to do is to type “cmd” in the Search box.

2. Now, right-click on the “Command Prompt” and then click on “Run as administrator“.

3. Reboot your computer.

Fix-6 Merge a registry to your system

It is seen for some users that the problem is solved when they have imported a registry on their computer. You can try the solution by following these easy steps-

1. Type “Notepad” in the search box beside the Windows icon. Click on “Notepad“.

2. Paste these following lines and click on “File” in the menu-bar and then click on “Save as“.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.EXE]@=”exefile”“Content Type”=”application/x-msdownload”[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.EXEPersistentHandler]@=”<098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb>”[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefile]@=”Application”“EditFlags”=hex:38,07,00,00“FriendlyTypeName”=hex(2):40,00,25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00,74,00,25,00,5c,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,73,00,68,00,65,00,6c,00,6c,00,33,00,32,00,2e,00,64,00,6c,00,6c,00,2c,00,2d,00,31,00,30,00,31,00,35,00,36,00,00,00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileDefaultIcon]@=”%1″[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshell][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopen]“EditFlags”=hex:00,00,00,00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopencommand]@=””%1″ %*”“IsolatedCommand”=””%1″ %*”[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellrunas][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellrunascommand]@=””%1″ %*”“IsolatedCommand”=””%1″ %*”[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellex][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellexDropHandler]@=”<86C86720-42A0-1069-A2E8-08002B30309D>”[-HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.exeUserChoice]

3. Now, name the file as “Restore.reg” and set the file type to “All Files” by clicking on the dropdown.

4. Now, click on “Save” to save the registry.

Close the Notepad window.

5. Now, right-click on the “Restore.reg” and click on “Merge“.

Reboot your computer.

Sambit is a Mechanical Engineer By qualification who loves to write about Windows 10 and solutions to weirdest possible problems.


Unable to open archive file что делать?

Ошибки при установке R пакетов на Windows

Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть картинку Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Картинка про Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

В большинстве случаев, особенно при установке пакетов из CRAN никаких проблем не возникает, но периодически всё таки вы можете столкнуться с некоторыми ошибками.

В этой статье я со временем буду добавлять материал с описанием различных ошибок которые возникают при установке пакетов.

unable to create temporary directory

Недавно столкнулся с проблемой при установке пакетов из RStudio — ОШИБКА: нет прав для установочной папки ‘C:/Users/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’.

Та же ошибка может возвращать и следующие сообщения:

С чем связано её появление я так и не понял, но устранить получилось следующим образом:

Could not find tools necessary to compile a package

С этой ошибкой я столкнулся при установке пакетов из GitHub после обновления R до более новой версии.

Ответ я нашел вот тут.

Проблема возникает при попытке RStudio проверить установленные у вас инструменты сборки пакетов, для того, что бы подвить эту проверку необходимо перед установкой пакета установить следующую опцию.

options(buildtools.check = function(action) TRUE )

После чего можно устанавливать пакет.

Found continuation line starting ‘ shortcut functio …’ at begin of record

Эта проблема появилась при установке пакетов из GitHub с помоью devtools не так давно, и связана она с файлом DESCRIPTION.

Возникает в ситуации когда в файле DESCRIPTION имеется многострочное описание в поле » Description: «.

Для исправления вам необходимо форкнуть нужный пакет на GitHub.

Создать свою ветку пакета на GitHub

И сделать однострочным поле » Description: » в файле DESCRIPTION, далее устанавливайте пакет уже из своего репозитория.

(converted from warning) installation of package ‘C:/Users/Alsey/AppData/Local/Temp/2/Rtmp4g880D/file259c11b85f00/vctrs_0.1.0.9003.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status

Вызвана данная ошибка конфликтом возникающим при установке пакетов одновременно для разных версий ядра R, 32 и 64 битных.

Полный текст ошибки из консоли:

error: ld returned 1 exit statusno DLL was createdERROR: compilation failed for package ‘vctrs’* removing ‘D:/r_library/vctrs’* restoring previous ‘D:/r_library/vctrs’Error in i.p(…) : (converted from warning) installation of package ‘C:/Users/Alsey/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpyu30Ew/file35cc2a261c8f/vctrs_0.2.0.9000.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status

Узнать разрядность версии R в которой вы работаете можно двумя способами:

В случае если вы используете 32 битный R вернётся значение «/i386».

На 32 битном R вы получите «x86_32».

После того, как мы определили разрядность ядра требуется пойти одним из описанных способов, для 64 битной версии просто используйте при установке пакета опцию «—no-multiarch».

devtools::install_github(«username/repos», INSTALL_opts = «—no-multiarch»)

Далее запускаем установку пакета только для 32 битной версии с помощью опции «—no-multiarch», так же как и ранее было показано с примером для 64 разрядного R.

Статья будет постоянно дополняться, дата последнего редактирования 18 июля 2019 года.

Unable to open archive file что делать?

Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Смотреть картинку Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Картинка про Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft. Фото Unable to open archive file что делать minecraft

Computer problems are relatively common, and while some problems are relatively simple and easy to fix, some might be more problematic. Windows 10 users reported that exe files are not opening on their computer, so let’s see how to fix that strange problem.

But first, here are some more examples of similar issues:

Solution 1 – Change your registry

Some users reported that this solution only works if you apply it in Safe Mode, and to enter Safe Mode you need to do the following:

Can’t access Registry Editor? Things aren’t as scary as they seem. Check out this guide and solve the issue quickly.

Solution 2 – Change the location of Program Files folder to default

Program Files is a default installation directory for all third-party applications, and by default it’s located on your System drive along with Windows 10 installation.

To do that, enter Safe Mode and follow these steps:

Don’t waste time with these technicalities and choose a more user-friendly registry editor from this list!

Solution 3 – Download registry fix and add it to your registry

Solution 4 – Turn off Windows Firewall

Few users claim that they fixed this problem simply by disabling Windows Firewall. To do that, you might have to enter Safe Mode and follow these steps:

After turning Windows Firewall off, check if the problem is resolved.

Issues with Windows Firewall? Keep your PC protected with these third-party firewalls!

Solution 5 – Use Malwarebytes

According to users, sometimes certain malware can cause this type of problem to appear, and one way to fix it is to download and use Malwarebytes.


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