Ubuntu hwe kernel что это

Hardware Enablement Stacks


What is HWE?

The HWE path can be obtained in 2 ways:

Материал для дальнейшего чтения:

And why should I care? А зачем мне об этом беспокоиться?

Starting Aug 8, 2014 systems running 12.04.2 HWE, 12.04.3 HWE, or 12.04.4 HWE will no longer receive software updates for the kernel and, if you’re running it, the graphics stack.

Начиная с 8 августа 2014 системы с 12.04.2 HWE, 12.04.3 HWE или 12.04.4 HWE больше не будут получать обновлений для ядра и, если он у вас используется, графического стека.

How do I know if I’m affected? Как узнать, что меня это касается?

Tool Утилита

It will become available in package ‘update-manager-core ‘.

Она будет доступна в пакете ‘update-manager-core ‘.

Get it from Launchpad if you want it earlier:

Если она понадобится вам раньше, можете получить её с Launchpad:

Notes on this tool:

Примечания по работе с этой утилитой:


Check your running kernel version:

Проверьте версию вашего ядра:

This method does not check for a graphics stack HWE. However, you cannot get a HWE graphics stack without a corresponding HWE kernel unless you’ve done things manually. Note that such a combination (HWE graphics with non-HWE kernel) is not supported.

What to do if I’m affected?

You have three options:

У вас есть три варианта:

1. Install 12.04.5 HWE (Trusty kernel/graphics)

The hwe-support-status tool will tell you what you need to do.

Инструмент hwe-support-status сообщит вам, что нужно делать.

2. Upgrade to 14.04 LTS

The hwe-support-status tool will tell you what you need to do.

Инструмент hwe-support-status сообщит вам, что нужно делать.

For both servers and desktops it’s strongly recommended to ensure a system is in a good state before upgrading. Here are some tips:

И для серверов, и для ПК настоятельно рекомендуется убедиться перед обновлением, что система находится в хорошем состоянии. Вот некоторые советы:

3. Fresh install of 14.04 LTS «Чистая» установка 14.04 LTS

FAQ Вопросы и ответы

Not true. Such a system will only stop receiving updates for the kernel and the graphics stack. The rest of the software will continue to get updates. Это не так. Такая система лишь перестанет получать обновления для ядра и графического стека. Остальное ПО по-прежнему будет обновляться.


Cintu и HWE

Одной из основных новых функций «точечсного релиза» Ubutnu 16.04.2 LTS являются так называемые стеки HWE (Hardware Enablement, что можно вольно перевести как «стек доступности нового оборудования»). Это — компоненты, связанные с поддержкой «железа», в первую очередь ядро и Xorg, которые отныне будут бэкпортироваться из текущей версии системы (в данный момент — 16.10) в поддерживаемые «долгоиграющие» релизы (то есть в 16.04, 14.04 и 12.04), где будут автоматически обновляться по rolling-подобной модели.

Практически это означает, что при «нулевой» установке системы с десктопных образов релиза 16.04.1 в ней сами собой появятся версии ядра и Иксов, идентичные таковым в 16.10 Yakkety (4.8.X вместо 4.4.X и 1.18.4 вместо 1.18.3, соответственно). В системах, использующих так называемый «альтернативный» установщик (Ubuntu Server, Lubuntu, установка с mini.iso ) режим HWE включается по запросу. А при обновлении системы до нового релиза требуется некое ручное, хотя и очень простое, действие, о котором будет сказано чуть позже.

Стеки HWE могут использоваться во всех прямых клонах Ubuntu, а также в системах, основнных на её официальных репозиториях. Разумеется, их можно задействовать и в Cintu. Однако при подготовке первых образов её релиза 16.04.2 я этого не сделал. Ибо испытывал некоторые опасения, будет ли при этом нормально работать Systemback, во-первых, не придётся ли пересобирать «гостевые дополнения» в моих виртуальных мащшинах (сборку образов я нынче целиком «виртуализировал») — во-вторых, и не будет ли проблем при работе «старой» сборки Cinnamon из репозитория Цветко в обновлённых Иксах.

Пожтому я для начала решил включить стеки HWE только в mini-редакции из первых сборок. Для чего склонировал соответствующую виртуальну машину (как — описано здесь) и выполнил в ней рекомендованную команду:

В выводе команды был дан здоровенный список пакетов, которые будут установлены, перечислены некоторые пакеты, подлежащие удалению, и предложено согласиться с этим. Я не возражал, и по прошествии некоторого (довольно длинного) отрезка времени всё это было претворено в действительность. Оставалось только перезагрузить систему и убедиться, что обнолвение свершилось:

Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Смотреть фото Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Смотреть картинку Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Картинка про Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Фото Ubuntu hwe kernel что это

Далее пошла «проверка на вшивость» обновлённой системы — в Live-режиме, в виртуалке и в реале. Которая показала, что все мои опасения оказались беспочвенными: никаких «гостевых дополнений» в виртуалке пресобирать не пришлось, среда Cinnamon работала, как положено, а Systemback исправно создавал образы системы и столь же добросоветсно устанавливал их.

Поэтому обкатанную «систему-матку» mini-редакции я склонировал ещё дважды, превратив один из клонов в midi-редакцию, в второй — в редакцию maxi. Но о них я расскажу на следующей странице.

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Ubuntu kernel lifecycle and enablement stack

The Ubuntu LTS enablement, or Hardware Enablement (HWE), stack provides the newer kernel and X support for existing Ubuntu LTS releases. That stack can be enabled manually, but may also be pre-enabled with an Ubuntu LTS release.

The HWE stack can be used by desktop and server systems, as well as cloud or virtual images.


Ubuntu 14.04 LTS — Trusty Tahr

The 14.04.2 and newer point releases ship with an updated kernel and X stack by default. If you have installed with older media, you can use these instructions to install the newer HWE kernel derived from 16.04 (Xenial).

If you run a multiarch desktop (for example, i386 and amd64 on amd64, for gaming or Wine), you may find you need a slightly more involved command:

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS — Xenial Xerus

The 16.04.2 and newer point releases ship with an updated kernel and X stack by default for the desktop. Server installations default to the GA kernel and provide the enablement kernel as optional.The 16.04 HWE stacks follow the Rolling Update Model.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS — Bionic Beaver

The 18.04.2 and newer point releases will ship with an updated kernel and X stack by default for the desktop. Server installations will default to the GA kernel and provide the enablement kernel as optional.

The 18.04 HWE stacks follow the Rolling Update Model.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS — Focal Fossa

Desktop installations of 20.04 default to tracking the HWE stack. Server installations will default to the GA kernel and provide the enablement kernel as optional.

Note that certain desktop machines may be on a separate «OEM» track. To determine if the machine is eligible for this, run the command ubuntu-drivers list-oem from a terminal. If this is non-empty, the machine is running the OEM cadence instead of HWE.

The 20.04 HWE stack follows the Rolling Update Model.

Check your support status

To determine if your install is still supported, use this terminal command:

Kernel release schedule

ReleasedEnd of LifeExtended security maintenance
Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTSAug 2022Apr 2025Apr 2030
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTSFeb 2022Aug 2022
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTSAug 2021Feb 2022
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTSFeb 2021Aug 2021
Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTSJul 2020Apr 2025Apr 2030
Ubuntu 20.04.0 LTSApr 2020Apr 2025Apr 2030
ReleasedEnd of LifeExtended security maintenance
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTSAug 2020Apr 2023Apr 2028
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (v5.3)Feb 2020Aug 2020
Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (v5.0)Aug 2019Feb 2020
Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (v4.18)Feb 2019Aug 2019
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (v4.15)Jul 2018Apr 2023Apr 2028
Ubuntu 18.04.0 LTS (v4.15)Apr 2018Apr 2023Apr 2028
ReleasedEnd of LifeExtended security maintenance
Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS (v4.15)Aug 2018Apr 2021Apr 2024
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (v4.13)Feb 2018Jul 2018
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (v4.10)Aug 2017Jan 2018
Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (v4.8)Feb 2017Jul 2017
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (v4.4)Aug 2016Apr 2021Apr 2024
Ubuntu 16.04.0 LTS (v4.4)Apr 2016Apr 2021Apr 2024
ReleasedEnd of LifeExtended security maintenance
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (v3.13)Aug 2016Apr 2019Apr 2022
Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (v4.2)Feb 2016Jul 2016
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (v3.19)Aug 2015Jul 2016
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (v3.16)Feb 2015Jul 2016
Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (v3.13)Aug 2014Apr 2019Apr 2022
Ubuntu 14.04.0 LTS (v3.13)Apr 2014Apr 2019Apr 2022
ReleasedCVE/Critical fixes onlyEnd of Life
Ubuntu 14.04.0 LTS (v3.13)Apr 2014Apr 2016Apr 2019
Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (v3.13)Aug 2014Apr 2016Apr 2019
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (v3.16)Feb 2015May 2015Jul 2016
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (v3.19)Aug 2015Jul 2016
Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (v4.2)Feb 2016Jul 2016
Ubuntu 16.04.0 LTS (v4.4)Apr 2016Apr 2018Mar 2023
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (v3.13)Aug 2016Apr 2018Apr 2019
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (v4.4)Aug 2016Apr 2018Apr 2021
Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (v4.8)Feb 2017Jul 2017
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (v4.10)Aug 2017Jan 2018
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (v4.13)Feb 2018Jul 2018
Ubuntu 18.04.0 LTS (v4.15)Apr 2018Apr 2020Mar 2025
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (v4.15)Jul 2018Apr 2020Apr 2023
Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS (v4.15)Aug 2018Apr 2020Apr 2021
Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (v4.18)Feb 2019Jul 2019
Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (v5.0)Aug 2019Jan 2020
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (v5.3)Feb 2020Jul 2020
Ubuntu 20.04.0 LTSApr 2020Apr 2022Apr 2025
Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTSJul 2020Apr 2022Apr 2025
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTSAug 2020Apr 2022Apr 2023
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTSFeb 2021Aug 2021
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTSAug 2021Feb 2022
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTSFeb 2022Jul 2022
Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTSAug 2022Aug 2024Apr 2025
Early previewReleasedEnd of Life
Ubuntu 14.04.0 LTS (v3.13)Jan 2014Apr 2014Apr 2019
Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (v3.13)May 2014Aug 2014Apr 2019
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (v3.16)Feb 2015Jul 2016
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (v3.19)Aug 2015Jul 2016
Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (v4.2)Feb 2016Jul 2016
Ubuntu 16.04.0 LTS (v4.4)Jan 2016Apr 2016Apr 2021
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (v3.13)May 2016Aug 2016Apr 2019
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (v4.4)May 2016Aug 2016Apr 2021
Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (v4.8)Feb 2017Jul 2017
Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (v4.10)Aug 2017Jan 2018
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (v4.13)Feb 2018Jul 2018
Ubuntu 18.04.0 LTS (v4.15)Jan 2018Apr 2018Apr 2023
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (v4.15)Apr 2018Jul 2018Apr 2023
Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS (v4.15)May 2018Aug 2018Apr 2021
Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (v4.18)Feb 2019Aug 2019
Ubuntu 19.04 (v5.0)Apr 2019Jan 2020
Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (v5.0)Aug 2019Feb 2020
Ubuntu 19.10 (v5.3)Oct 2019Jul 2020
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (v5.3)Feb 2020Jul 2020
Ubuntu 20.04.0 LTSJan 2020Apr 2020Apr 2025
Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTSApr 2020Jul 2020Apr 2025
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTSMay 2020Aug 2020Apr 2023
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTSFeb 2021Aug 2021
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTSAug 2021Feb 2022
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTSFeb 2022Aug 2022
Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTSMay 2022Aug 2022Apr 2025

© 2021 Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.


What is hardware enablement (HWE)?

I see the linux-hwe-generic package as part of the kernels you can install in Ubuntu.

What is hardware enablement (HWE)?

2 Answers 2

Brand new hardware devices are released to the public always more frequently. And we want such hardware to be always working on Ubuntu, even if it has been released after an Ubuntu release. Six months (the time it takes for a new Ubuntu release to be made) is a very long period in the IT field. Hardware Enablement (HWE) is about that: catching up with the newest hardware technologies.

Now, how does Ubuntu want to reach the goal of Hardware Enablement? Using rolling releases for the kernel: as soon as a new kernel is released, it is packaged for Ubuntu, tested (via the proposed pocket and special Q/A methodologies), and made available to Ubuntu users. This method has of course some disadvantages: releasing a new kernel too quickly may introduce some bugs and issues, and may not be suitable for the enterprise.

The solution? Offering different kernels for different users. Therefore Ubuntu will offer at least two kernels: the General Availability (GA) kernel, i.e. the most stable kernel, which does not get updated to point releases; and the Hardware Enablement (HWE) kernel, i.e. the most recent kernel released. This is why you are seeing both the linux-generic and the linux-hwe-generic packages.

Finally, if you are interested in developing or testing the newest kernel technologies, look at the Ubuntu Hardware Debugging web site.


Ubuntu Wiki



We first introduced the idea of a HWE Kernel in the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS release, Lucid Lynx. The HWE kernel was derived and vetted from a newer kernel shipping in a subsequent interim release of Ubuntu. These HWE kernels were released in the LTS point releases as a means to enable newer platforms and components which required functionality delivered in these newer kernels. Both desktop and server images were seeded with the HWE kernel by default in the point release images. In addition to an updated HWE Kernel, for desktop users, an updated X Stack was also delivered. Beginning with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Precise Pangolin, it was agreed that users could remain on a HWE stack (ie HWE Kernel + X Stack) until the subsequent HWE Kernel from the next LTS was introduced in the images of the 5th point release of the LTS. Users were then required to upgrade to this final HWE Stack in order to remain supported with security updates and ongoing bug fixes. An example of this is depicted below:

Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Смотреть фото Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Смотреть картинку Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Картинка про Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Фото Ubuntu hwe kernel что этоDownload 14.04.x Ubuntu Kernel Support Schedule Graphic


Beginning with the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS release, Xenial Xerus, the Kernel and Foundations team proposed moving to a slightly different model for maintaining HWE kernels. Instead of supporting different HWE Stacks in parallel until we reach the final 5th point release of an LTS, we would like to roll users forward incrementally as the newer HWE Stacks are introduced, ie. instantiate a rolling HWE stack. This is best described with the following diagram:

Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Смотреть фото Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Смотреть картинку Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Картинка про Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Фото Ubuntu hwe kernel что этоDownload 16.04.x Ubuntu Kernel Support Schedule Graphic

18.04.x Ubuntu Kernel Support

This is a distilled view of our 18.04.x Ubuntu Kernel Support Schedule.

Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Смотреть фото Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Смотреть картинку Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Картинка про Ubuntu hwe kernel что это. Фото Ubuntu hwe kernel что этоDownload 18.04.x Ubuntu Kernel Support Schedule Graphic

The Release Team has also agreed that for 16.04 server images, they will offer both the GA and HWE Kernels. The server images will default to the GA kernel and server installs could then optionally opt into the HWE Kernel stream. Desktop installs will continue to offer the HWE Stack option only and default to it.


The purpose of the HWE kernels has always intended to be used as a mechanism to deliver support for newer platforms and hardware components requiring functionality provided in a newer kernel. This has allowed Ubuntu to support customers/users with newer hardware but still under the umbrella of an LTS release. Moving to a rolling HWE stack model has no impact on delivering this newer hardware support to users in an LTS.

The HWE Stacks were also meant to be used as a stepping stone to move a customer/user to the next LTS release. The HWE stacks were never meant to be supported for the entire life of the LTS release. Doing so would require some teams to treat every release as an LTS release with multi-year maintenance commitments. We simply do not have the resources and staffing to do so and thus have always required the mandatory upgrade to the final HWE stack delivered in the 5th point release images. Moving to a rolling HWE stack model reinforces the notion of migrating a customer/user to the next LTS release.

The previous HWE stack model required we maintain kernel and Xorg releases in parallel, often well past their natural supported life from the interim release for which they were derived. This was a maintenance burden on teams. Teams would have to incrementally pick up additional package maintenance, and at the worst case, teams were having to maintain up to 4 stacks in parallel. Moving to a rolling HWE stack reduces this burden and allows teams to maintain at most 2 stacks at any given time. It would also never require teams to maintain a stack past its natural supported life in the interim release for which it came from.

Since the previous HWE stack model required we support kernels for longer periods of time, it also meant we had to take on the additional upstream stable kernel maintenance for a given HWE kernel. This again was a staffing burden which is eliminated if we move to a rolling HWE stack model.

Maintaining multiple stacks in parallel also increased the complexity of packaging, testing, and supporting clean upgrade paths. Moving to a rolling HWE stack model greatly simplifies this.

It should also be noted that regardless of sticking with the previous model or moving to a new rolling HWE stack model, users in both cases will be required to upgrade to the final HWE stack delivered in the final point release of the LTS.




The Ubuntu 16.04 LTS release ships with a standard Ubuntu v4.4 kernel. It is commonly referred to as the GA kernel and is supported for the 5yr support window of the LTS. As noted above, both the GA and HWE kernels will be made available for server images, however, server images will default to the GA kernel and offer the latest HWE kernel as optional. Desktop images will only offer the latest HWE kernel beginning with 16.04.2.

Security updates and bug fixes provided as SRU’s to the GA kernel still remain under the GA umbrella for the full 5yrs of support. Stable release updates are still considered ga-16.04 despite them not being shipped in the ISO. For example, 16.04 released with a 4.4.0-21.37 Ubuntu kernel, but it has since updated to 4.4.0-38.57 (at the time of this writing). 4.4.0-38.57 is still considered ga-16.04 despite it not being shipped in the ISO.

In the case of custom kernels, we have communicated to our partners (eg. Amazon, Google, Microsoft), that they can customize their upgrade cadence. They are welcome to adopt our rolling HWE model or not, it’s really at their discretion given it’s their custom kernel. At this time, we do not plan on offering both GA and HWE variations of custom kernels for partners. None have expressed an interest for this. For awareness, custom kernels will follow the naming convention of flavors, eg. linux-aws.


Update Schedule

The GA kernel will receive continuous stable release updates to address security vulnerabilities and fix general bug escalations. It will continue to remain a v4.4 based kernel for the 5yrs of support for the LTS.



This represents the path where HWE Stack users on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will automatically upgrade to newer HWE Stacks until reaching the final 18.04 HWE Stack in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Users will then remain on this final 18.04 HWE Stack for the remaining supported life of the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. If the user fully upgrades to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, they will remain on the GA Kernel delivered in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and will not continue rolling forward on HWE Stacks delivered for 18.04. This is the path that users will be put on if choosing to install the HWE Stack from the 16.04.2 or newer LTS point release.


Update Schedule

We will roll to the newest HWE Stack offering around the time of the point release introducing that HWE Stack. This is approximately 3mo after the original series is released. As an example, the 16.04.2 point release should take place in January 2017. At this time the linux-headers-generic-hwe-16.04 and linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 would point to the new v4.8 based kernel.

2 Kernel SRU cycles in advance of the point release shipping date. This will allow daily images to be spun appropriately leading up to the point release and an opportunity to land any necessary bug fixes.



This represents the path that provides users early access to the upcoming HWE Stack that is to be released next for the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The aim is to provide this early preview in order to allow users to test the upcoming HWE Stack prior to the automatic upgrade taking place. This should help ensure a smooth upgrade and transition. If users wish to remain on this path, they will continue to be provided the latest edge HWE Stack until reaching the final 18.04 HWE Stack in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Users will then remain on the final 18.04 HWE Stack for the remaining supported life of the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. If the user fully upgrades to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, they will remain on the GA Kernel delivered in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and will not continue rolling forward on HWE Stacks delivered for 18.04.


Update Schedule

As mentioned, the kernel version provided by the hwe-16.04-edge path will provide early access to the newer kernel version up to

6mo prior to the hwe-16.04 path receiving the same.

We will introduce the newer edge kernel at each point release. For example, 16.04.1 released in July, 2016. At that time, hwe-16.04-edge would point to the Yakkety kernel currently undergoing development for the 16.10 release. This will allow for a maximum

6mo baking period before being officially delivered and supported in the 16.04.2 time frame. Once hwe-16.04-edge and hwe-16.04 both point to the final Yakkety HWE kernel version they will remain on that kernel until the 16.04.2 point release takes place. Immediately following the 16.04.2 point release, hwe-16.04-edge will again move to point to the Zesty kernel undergoing development (ie. the eventual HWE kernel for 16.04.3).

Backwards Compatibility

The HWE kernel may introduce user facing behavioral changes associated with a kernel version change. That may be intentional (or not) but we will make a best effort to provide backwards compatibility in order to not disrupt user expectations. In the event where userspace changes could be SRU’d to accommodate the intended behavioral change, that would be preferable so that the HWE kernel could track as closely as possible to the interim kernel release from which it is derived.

For an example here are 2 bugs we’ve found in the last 2 weeks with 4.8 entrance into yakkety:

    Kernel Livepatching

    For clarity, the Canonical Livepatch Service is only available and supported against the generic and lowlatency GA kernel flavours for 64-bit Intel/AMD (aka, x86_64, amd64) builds of the Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) and 18.04 (Bionic) LTS releases.


    This will go into effect beginning with 16.04.2.

    Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack (последним исправлял пользователь xnox 2021-01-27 10:54:20)

    The material on this wiki is available under a free license, see Copyright / License for details.


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