Typeerror not supported between instances of str and int что делать
Ошибка ‘
TypeError: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’
печатал код который отсеивает четные и нечетные числа больше нуля вылезла ошибка python.
TypeError: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘int’ and ‘NoneType’
import random «»» Simple algorithms BinarySearch Sort bubble «»» def.
Возможно нужно будет сделать guess глобальной
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И опечатка: не «чило», а «число»
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Просмотрите внимательно код в книге от 23 строки, у вас именно там начинается ошибка.
Там два условия сравнивания ==. Один идет в цикле for, а другой вне цикла.
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И в упор не могу разобраться в чем проблема, не работает код в python 3.8, хоть ты тресни. Написанные выше коды так же не работают.
Вот мой код. Если кому не жаль, подскажите, в чем проблема, чего не понимаю?
Потому что уже неоднократно перенабирал, сверял с оригиналом, с кодами с других форумов и вопросников. И ни один так и не заработал. Сейчас выдаёт такую ошибку:
guess == int(guess)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘x’
Только,чую,не в ней одной проблема. Могу ошибаться конечно, но с оригиналом(в книге) перепроверил несколько раз, так что вроде все верно. Но в нынешних реалиях нихрена не работает Хочу разобраться и понять, в чем именно кроется подвох.
что тут не ясно? нельзя букву «х» в число превратить, не вводи х
зачем? если потом в цикле создадим ее?
в 17 строке nAmber а нужен number
покажи скрин этого кода из книги!
Подправил с nAmber на nUmber и с myName на my_name. Все заработало. Конечный код и скрин из книги прилагаю:
Python typeerror: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’ Solution
You can only compare items using mathematical operators if they have the same numerical data type. If you try to compare a string and an integer, you’ll encounter an error that says “not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’”.
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In this guide, we discuss what this error means and why it is raised. We walk through an example scenario where this error is present so we can talk about how to fix it.
typeerror: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’
Strings and integers cannot be compared using comparison operators. This is because strings and integers are different data types.
Python is a statically typed programming language. You have to manually change the type of a data if you need to compare it with a value of another type.
For instance, suppose you want to convert a string to an integer. You have to manually convert the string to an integer before the comparison will work.
The “typeerror: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’” error occurs when you try to perform a “greater than” comparison on a string and an integer.
This error can happen with any comparison operation, such as a less than ( =).
An Example Scenario
We build a program that calculates the letter grade a student has earned in a test.
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To start, ask a user to insert a numerical grade which we will later convert to a letter grade using an input() statement:
Then, use an “if” statement to calculate the student’s numerical grade:
This code compares numerical_grade to a series of values. First, our code checks if numerical_grade is greater than 80. If it is, the value of “letter” becomes “A”. Otherwise, our code checks the next “elif” statement.
If the “if” and “elif” statements all evaluate to False, our code sets the value of “letter” to “F”.
At the end of our program, we print the letter grade a student has earned to the console.
Run our code and see what happens:
Our code does not run successfully. Our code asks us to insert a student grade. When our code goes to make its first comparison, an error is returned.
[Fixed] TypeError: ‘
Problem: How to fix – TypeError: ‘ in Python?
Hence the TypeError occurred when we compared two variables whose datatypes are completely different (a string and integer in this case.)
Before proceeding further, let us have a quick look at some of the key concepts that will help you to identify and avoid TypeErrors in the future.
💡 Python TypeError
The following table lists the tenure and the corresponding Fixed Deposit rates of a certain bank.
Tenure | FD Interest Rates |
6 months to 364 days | 5.25% |
18 months 1 day to 1 year 364 days | 6.00% |
1 year 1 day to 18 months | 5.75% |
2 years to 2 years 364 days | 6.00% |
3 years to 4 years 364 days | 5.65% |
5 years to 10 years | 5.50% |
In the following code, when the user selects a certain tenure the corresponding FD rates shall be displayed. Also, if tenure is greater than 1 year 1 day to 18 months, then customer is a “Prime Customer” else “Normal Customer”.
TypeError: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’
What is TypeError: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’?
In this article, we will learn about the error TypeError: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ’str’ and ‘int’. This error occurs when we try to perform a comparison between two variables of the different data type. In this case, we are performing a comparison between integers and a string value. Thus, the error is raised.
‘ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int» data-srcset=»https://i.stechies.com/677×386/userfiles/images/TypeError-not-supported.webp» src=»https://i.stechies.com/677×386/userfiles/images/TypeError-not-supported.webp» width=»677″ height=»386″ srcset=»https://i.stechies.com/677×386/filters:quality(1)/userfiles/images/TypeError-not-supported.webp»>
Let us understand it more briefly with the help of an example:
In the above example, we are trying to find the maximum number between the provided values.
Here we are provided with 3 integer values and a string value. Then we used the max() function to find the maximum of these values. But as soon as we run the program we encounter the TypeError.
This error is encountered as the max() method is unable to compare string values with integer values. As “stechies” is the only string among the integer values, max() cannot compare it and throws the error.
Correct code
Here, the max() method passed all integer arguments (1,4,3,9) without any string values. So, the max() method is able to compare the largest value among the integers. Thus we got the output as 9.