Two comma club что это



Кто сможет отказаться от бизнеса, который вы можете вести параллельно вашей повседневной работе?

Сделай свои первые шаги в онлайн-бизнесе, еще с молодости узнав с нами секреты бизнеса.


Узнайте, как сделать хобби основным источником заработка и работайте получая удовольствие от любимого занятия.

Увеличьте рынок сбыта без дополнительных затрат на склад и логистические услуги

Узнайте, в какие продукты нужно инвестировать, чтобы заработать на глобальных рынках.

Много денег не бывает. Так давайте зарабатывать больше денег вместе.


Будь сам себе начальником

Свобода! Надоело работать на успех других людей? Мы знаем, что твой ответ – «да». Именно поэтому ты должен открыть свой бизнес. Начни онлайн-бизнес и стань контролирующей стороной, а не контролируемой.

Работай по свободному графику

Ты больше не обязан быть на работе утром в 09:00. Если вы один из тех, кто говорит «нет» 8-часовой работе, этот бизнес для вас. Решай сам, сколько часов в день ты будешь работать и сколько ты будешь зарабатывать.

Обрети источник дополнительного дохода

Если ты хочешь двигаться медленно, а не сразу большими шагами, ты можешь продолжить свою настоящую работу и обрести источник дополнительного дохода от своего онлайн-бизнеса. Время, которое ты посвятишь себе после работы, станет самой большой инвестицией, которую ты сделаешь в своем бизнесе.

Обнули риски с минимальными вложениями

Самым большим преимуществом онлайн-бизнеса является то, что работу можно вести через интернет. Вам не нужно создавать компанию, арендовать офис, покупать оборудование и делать другие расходы. Основными инвестициями являются расходы на образование, которые ты будешь выделять для создания бизнеса. Таким образом, ты будешь тратить меньше денег и минимизируешь риски.

Смело шагай вперед и стань миллионером

Деньги не могут купить счастье, но бедность не может купить ничего. Начни онлайн-бизнес и сделай маленький шаг для настоящего и большой шаг для будущего. Шесть нулей в конце твоего счета начинаются с решения, которое ты примешь сегодня.




Кто сможет отказаться от бизнеса, который вы можете вести параллельно вашей повседневной работе?

Сделай свои первые шаги в онлайн-бизнесе, еще с молодости узнав с нами секреты бизнеса.


Узнайте, как сделать хобби основным источником заработка и работайте получая удовольствие от любимого занятия.

Увеличьте рынок сбыта без дополнительных затрат на склад и логистические услуги

Узнайте, в какие продукты нужно инвестировать, чтобы заработать на глобальных рынках.

Много денег не бывает. Так давайте зарабатывать больше денег вместе.


Будь сам себе начальником

Свобода! Надоело работать на успех других людей? Мы знаем, что твой ответ – «да». Именно поэтому ты должен открыть свой бизнес. Начни онлайн-бизнес и стань контролирующей стороной, а не контролируемой.

Работай по свободному графику

Ты больше не обязан быть на работе утром в 09:00. Если вы один из тех, кто говорит «нет» 8-часовой работе, этот бизнес для вас. Решай сам, сколько часов в день ты будешь работать и сколько ты будешь зарабатывать.

Обрети источник дополнительного дохода

Если ты хочешь двигаться медленно, а не сразу большими шагами, ты можешь продолжить свою настоящую работу и обрести источник дополнительного дохода от своего онлайн-бизнеса. Время, которое ты посвятишь себе после работы, станет самой большой инвестицией, которую ты сделаешь в своем бизнесе.

Обнули риски с минимальными вложениями

Самым большим преимуществом онлайн-бизнеса является то, что работу можно вести через интернет. Вам не нужно создавать компанию, арендовать офис, покупать оборудование и делать другие расходы. Основными инвестициями являются расходы на образование, которые ты будешь выделять для создания бизнеса. Таким образом, ты будешь тратить меньше денег и минимизируешь риски.

Смело шагай вперед и стань миллионером

Деньги не могут купить счастье, но бедность не может купить ничего. Начни онлайн-бизнес и сделай маленький шаг для настоящего и большой шаг для будущего. Шесть нулей в конце твоего счета начинаются с решения, которое ты примешь сегодня.


What is the 2 Comma Club, and How to Join it?

Two comma club что это. Смотреть фото Two comma club что это. Смотреть картинку Two comma club что это. Картинка про Two comma club что это. Фото Two comma club что это

Power attracts power, or so it seems.

When you take a look at some of the most successful entrepreneurs today, you’ll notice that they’re all a part of communities of like-minded business people.

And while good tools and tactics for increasing your revenue are vital to your business success, you also need to network.

When you’ve got a network of similar people, you’ll get plenty of benefits:

All in all, it pays to build a network.

Just as you’d build an affiliate program to promote your products cost-effectively, you’d join a community to get access to knowledge and people who can help you get ahead.

That definitely seems to be the main idea behind the 2 Comma Club, started by the founder of ClickFunnels, Russell Brunson.

What is ClickFunnels’ 2 Comma Club, and how can you join it?

It’s time to find out!

1. What is ClickFunnels’ 2 Comma Club?

Two comma club что это. Смотреть фото Two comma club что это. Смотреть картинку Two comma club что это. Картинка про Two comma club что это. Фото Two comma club что это

Two Comma Club logo

The Two Comma Club is a community for online entrepreneurs who’ve made over 1 million dollars with ClickFunnels, an online sales funnel builder.

Now, the program distinguishes between different tiers who each get different awards, depending on how much they’ve earned.

If you’ve read my review of Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels, then you’ll remember he got started as a network marketer.

You’ll spot a lot of similarities as we go forward. 😉

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2. How to join ClickFunnels’ Two Comma Club

According to the scarcity principle, the more unattainable and rare something is, the more desirable it is.

Brunson knows it well, which is exactly why he founded the Two Comma Club.

Exclusivity sells.

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The same goes for communities like these.

As Korbin Voss explained in the blog post introducing the 2 Comma Club, the folks at ClickFunnels have wanted the 2 Comma Club to become the standard when you start using ClickFunnels.

From a business standpoint, the Two Comma Club is a great way to prove that your software works and turns people into millionaires.

Everyone wants to be a millionaire, so the 2 Comma Club also functions as social proof to attract new customers.

Now, ClickFunnels certainly does have the capacity to help you, as I explained in my ClickFunnels review, but you’re also going to need business savvy of your own.

So ultimately, the first thing you need to do to join the Two Comma Club is make a million dollars through ClickFunnels.

But what are you getting in return?

3. Two Comma Club Awards

2 Comma Club has a few tiers/awards, based on how much money you can prove you made with ClickFunnels:

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If you made at least 1 million, you can apply for the 2CC award. That’s the basic one we’ve been talking about.

Again, the same conditions I mentioned earlier apply.

A plaque to hang on your wall, and a chance to walk across the stage at Funnel Hacking Live.

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Yeah, that’s. That’s it, guys.

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Over the years, 737 people have joined the Two Comma Club.

Unfortunately, this award doesn’t offer a lot by way of rewards.

The plaque is only nice if you’re running a consulting business or offering entrepreneurship courses, and you’d like to show your customers just how successful you are.

3.2. 2CC-X ClickFunnels Award

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If you made at least $10 million with ClickFunnels, you can apply for the 2CC-X ClickFunnels award.

Surely, they’ve got to be offering something special for this one!

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. aaand it’s a plaque!

I mean, if you pay the $350 application fee and your app is granted, then you’ll also be eligible for a Championship-style diamond ring.

Still no actual, structured community.

3.3. 2CCC Award

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And every time you reach the next milestone, the right segment of your award will be filled in.

Again, you’re not getting anything but the plaque, which is just underwhelming, and I’ll explain why in a bit.

3.4. Two Comma Club 2 Heart Award

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4. What are you getting if you join the Two Comma Club?

If you join the Two Comma Club, you get a plaque, and bragging rights.

It’s suffering from major Shiny Object Syndrome.

Personally, I’m not a fan of paying for pretty things. The revenue itself is an award to me. Positive customer reviews are an award.

Heck, a spa day to treat myself for my successes is a reward.

Sorry, it’s just not my cup of coffee.

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5. Should you join the Two Comma Club?

Again, I do think there’s some value in joining the Two Comma Club.

For example, if you want to reiterate your accomplishments as an entrepreneur and use that as a reason why people should buy your products, pay for your services and/or courses, an award like this one can be handy.

People see a McAfee antivirus logo on your website, and they feel more protected.

You get an SSL certificate, and your customers see the neat green padlock of trust, and they’re more willing to give you money.

It’s a psychological thing.

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But if you’ve been doing fine so far, or you want to grow through networking, then joining the Two Comma Club is absolutely useless.

There are much better ways to do it, and I’ll talk about it in a sec.

Thirdly, one of the main reasons why I’m not a fan of The Two Comma Club is because you approach it wanting to network with other entrepreneurs and build a community.

But the only way to do it is, as Syed Azmi explains, by keeping track of who won the award and manually connecting with those people.

You won’t get an introduction to other entrepreneurs, if that’s what you were looking for.

And for me, that defeats the purpose of “joining an elite community” that is neither elite, nor a community. It’s just a wall ClickFunnels can use to prove that their software works.

Finally, the idea that you have to pay them an additional fee to get the reward is just ridiculous.


I Asked 211 Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club Members These 2 Questions

The Clickfunnels Two Comma Club is a club for those who have generated at least 1 million dollars in revenue through the use of Clickfunnels.

All the members are listed on the 2 Comma Club website (just name and company).

I thought it would make an awesome blog post to get in touch with all the 2 Comma Club members and hear about how they did it, and their advice for other aspiring members.

The response was very positive. The only “negative” response was a few people asking how I found their email, and reaching out to Clickfunnels, who emailed me. To their defense it seems they just wanted to make sure that Clickfunnels themselves weren’t putting the email addresses out there somewhere unknowingly.

Again, the response was very positive. Wilco de Kreij shot a personal video for me. Someone else offered to do a longer interview. A couple of people complimented “the hustle” of going out there and finding all the email addresses.

Without further ado, here are te stats and answers from this outreach.

I Wanted To Know The Answer To These 2 Questions

The 2 things I wanted to know about these people were:

2. What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

It was interesting to research all the 2 comma club members, and I spotted a few patterns.

With that said, let’s look at the stats from this campaign, and then I’ll go through all the answers.

2 Comma Club Outreach Statistics

Names on my list: 319
Emails found: 211
Emails actually delivered to inbox: 173
Open rate: 57.8%
Asked how I found their email: 2
Answered my questions: 22

Here Are The Answers From The 2 Comma Club Members


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

#2: Forget everything you have heard about this being easy. There is no script, template, or system that will work on its own. You need to embrace pain, discomfort, and suffering to build a million dollar business. These are the building blocks of what it takes to become great. The more pain you are willing to go through, the more you will find competitors that are not willing to go through that same pain. If you are not willing to go through pain, then you can fill out an application any time at your local McDonalds.


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

2. Use the strip club funnel


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

2. Find a market that you can really get a great result for and offer a high ticket option. If you can really do what you promise you will make many millions not just one.


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

The best piece of advice I can give is to be crystal clear on your outcome and relentless in pursuit of it. If you know exactly what you’re aiming to accomplish and you continuously give everything of yourself each day (regardless of whether you are seeing direct results or not) you will eventually find a way.


1. It took 10 months to go from zero to 7 figures.

What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

2. 1 piece of advice: Dominate ONE thing until you get to a million in revenue. Don’t get distracted by “opportunities”. Find the one thing that is repeatable and distribute that message/product until you get to basecamp one(7-figures). Once you get there, retool and THEN think about adding the next layer, funnel or idea to your business.


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

Say No to anything that will not help you get to your end goal.


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

In relation to the one piece of advice for someone who wants to build a million dollar business online, I would say implement systems while remaining focused on moving away from the tactical tasks which you can delegate. This will help you spend as much time as possible in a strategic position which will be required to break the 7 figure mark.

Once this is done and a solid team is built around you, 7 figures is just the start. You will finally be able to see a clear path to 8 figures and beyond.


1) 6 Years. Tons of heartache and spinning of my wheels.

What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

Focus a lot on selling ONE thing very well ( the one with the most profit margins ideally ) before expanding on other products


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

Focus on one thing instead of running from one thing to the next, and make it work.


It took me nearly 2 Years.

What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

Only when u have masterd one of the things u can start the next thing.


1 – about 18 months

What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

2 – first 100k is hardest. first 1million is hardest. just get’s easier. patience


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

My one piece of advice for anyone is to be consistent and persevere. Too many people give up when the going gets hard. Josef consistently posts content every single day, 365 days a year. We are always looking at what we do and how to improve.


What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

2. Always ask yourself what is the NEXT biggest leverage you can implement in your business. Take your ego out of the way. Your ego is the biggest cost, because most often the money you miss is because of your ego. And money missed is money lost! So the cost of missed opportunities is very important factor to reduce the timeframe to your first million.


About 7 years. It wasn’t until I started implementing sales funnels in my eCommerce businesses did I truly take both my life and business to the next level.

What 1 piece of advice do you have for people who want to start a million dollar online business?

Your time will come. Be patient. Keep your head up. There’s a reason that only 1% succeed at this, so understand that with each failure comes an experience. And with every new experience comes knowledge that you didn’t have before. Use that as fuel for your next endeavor knowing that you won’t make that same mistake again. Understand that all great things take time, there is no get rich quick and there is no easy. Stay clear of things that claim that.

The real winners are the ones that keep going after everyone else has jumped ship. So don’t jump from one shiny object to the next. No successful people do that. You have to stick with it. And when you finally see even a sprinkle of success, go all in like your life depends on it. Seriously, do it, whatever it takes. Expose that one opportunity for all it’s worth and give it literally everything you have. But make sure you believe in it first. Because if you don’t believe in what you are doing, you’re certainly not going to be able to convince other people to buy your products.

Also, you don’t have to be alone at this. Find a group of people that inspire you and are on the same path. Find a mentor that makes you feel uncomfortable with the amounts of success they have. Invest in yourself first, you offer the highest ROI in your life.


6 ClickFunnels Awards: ULTIMATE List 2021 (2Comma club, dream car, 2CCX)

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This post is all about all of the ClickFunnels Awards.

What they are all about, what the winners get, and the list of some of the award winners over the past years.

I mean, awards like:

And everything else you need to know about them.

List of ClickFunnels Awards and Winners

First, we’re getting started with…

ClickFunnels Award #1: 2 Comma Club Award

The ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club Award is the Award given to any entrepreneur who has used ClickFunnels to grow their business to the 7-figure mark or made over 1 million dollars through a single sales funnel built on ClickFunnels.

Russell created this award to encourage, inspire and drive funnel hackers to build the business of their dreams.

The Two Comma Club Award started in 2017 when Russell saw that a lot of entrepreneurs in diverse niches were crossing the million-dollar mark with their funnels.

So, he decided to create this award to celebrate and acknowledge them for their efforts.

Today, as I’m writing this, the total number of 2 Comma Club Award winners is around 900 funnel hackers.

List of some of the Two Comma Award winners with niches:

The above list is part of the 900+ marketers and entrepreneurs who had made over a million dollars with their ClickFunnels account and received the Two Comma Club plaque.

ClickFunnels Award #2: Two Comma Club X Award

The ClickFunnels Comma Club X Award is the next milestone for those who have attained the Two Comma Club. It is also called the 8-figure club award.

As of when writing this, ClickFunnels has awarded a total of 46+ funnel hackers this 8-figure award.

Here are some of the Two Comma Club X Award winners:

ClickFunnels Award #3: Two Comma Club “C” Award

I had never heard of this award myself, until recently.

This is a brand new ClickFunnels Award that was created for Funnel Hacking Live in 2020.

The Two Comma “C” award plaque is made up of four milestones along the entrepreneurial journey:

This award plaque has four segments.

So, each time a business owner reaches one of the above milestones in sales inside their ClickFunnels account, the corresponding segment will be filled.

Here are some of the Two Comma Club “C” Award winners:

ClickFunnels Award #4: The ClickFunnels Dream Car Award

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The ClickFunnels dream car award is the award specially made for and given to ClickFunnels affiliates who brought in or referred 100 or more active users to use ClickFunnels software.

Not just the award…

So far, there have been over a hundred dream car winners since the inception of the ClickFunnels dream car award.

Here are some of the ClickFunnels Car Award List:

ClickFunnels Award #5: The ClickFunnels “2 Heart” Award

This is one of the latest and newest ClickFunnels awards.

As of when writing this – only a single funnel hacker has attained this award – Alex Hormozi.

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ClickFunnels Award #6: One Comma Club Award

This is the least of all the ClickFunnels awards on this list.

ClickFunnels Awards – Conclusion

One of the main goals of ClickFunnels is to help entrepreneurs like you build long-term, life-changing, and transforming businesses. To impact lives and make the world a better place.

That’s why they provide business owners in every niche the best resources, software solutions, free training, and support to grow their business beyond measures…

Then whenever you reach a milestone in your online business, they, recognize, acknowledge, and encourage you.

By bringing you up on the stage of over 4000 funnel hackers to present you an award.

And in return, you become more motivated to impact lives further with your products or services.

While ClickFunnels claims to be a website and funnel builder company that helps existing businesses sell their products and services online…

As an active user myself, all I can say is that they’re much more than what they claim to be. In my opinion.

Finally, if you’re in any way struggling to grow your business with funnels or online…

Second Step: Register for the Next Two Comma Club Live show

Third Step: Read my One Funnel Away challenge review on how it opened doors for me

Final Step: Get the FREE Dotcom Secrets book (you cover a tiny shipping cost)

Have questions or comments regarding this ClickFunnels awards list? Let me know.


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