Twin stick shooter что это

(Потенциально) величайший twin-stick shooter. Обзор IRA Demo

Признаю, странно делать обзор на демоверсию, но… Так же странно было пропустить её на фестивале демоверсий Steam. Серьёзно, я не понимаю, как это чудо не попало в список самых скачиваемых. Впрочем, IRA Demo доступна и сейчас, и проще посмотреть её самому, чем читать весь последующий текст.

Для тех, кто остался, нужно уточнить, что такое «twin-stick shooter» в моём понимании. Это игра с видом сверху или в изометрии, основная задача игрока в которой — контролировать множество пуль и врагов на экране, при этом уничтожая последних в зависимости от степени их опасности. Проще говоря, что-то между играми жанров «bullet hell» и «top-down shooter». И разработчики IRA Demo, похоже, думают так же. Этим объясняется ряд крайне правильных решений, о которых я расскажу чуть позже.

Начнём с главного для значительной части людей — с графики. Тут, как говорится, лучше один раз увидеть.

Хотя игра сделана на Unity, художники проделали отличную работу. На скриншотах сложно показать эффекты, но и они сделаны весьма хорошо. В игре есть диалоги, оформленные с использование детализированных 2D-образов.

Почему тогда такой заголовок? Мало ли шутеров в изометрии с приятной графикой… Во-первых, мало. Во-вторых, с настолько проработанным геймплеем на столь ранней стадии — нет вовсе.

Начнём с того, что игровой процесс основан на зачистке комнат, которые нельзя покинуть до победы над всей местной живностью. А её тут много. И каждый вид со своим поведением. Например, вот эти похожие на иглобрюхов, существа не атакуют до того момента, пока по ним не попадёшь.

К чему это я так долго описывал одного рядового противника? К тому, что в этой игре враги — это не просто «мишени» — это «живые» существа, весьма отличающиеся друг от друга. И что важнее — каждый их вид представляет определённую опасность. Например, этот, стреляющий тремя быстрыми снарядами и способный телепортироваться.

Казалось бы, атаки врагов простые и постоянно бегая уклониться легко… Нет, здесь при стрельбе в движении существенно уменьшается скорость, а при заряде ещё сильнее. Да, здесь каждый лук позволяет использовать свою особую атаку, которую перед этим нужно зарядить, лишившись скорости практически полностью. Количество уклонений тоже ограничено, стандартно максимум три («слезинки» под «сердечками» HP), которые восстанавливаются со временем.

Если вам это кажется примитивным, это только начало. Самое интересное — прокачка. Каждый раз, получив достаточно опыта, можно выбрать одно из трёх благословений, как в Hades, но большая часть из них содержит как усиление, так и ослабление, иногда вынуждающее сильно изменить стиль прохождения. Например, вот такое:

Для понимания — почти все луки наносит урон от 10 до 30, то есть +10 к урону — это существенно. Особенно если это скорострельные модели с низким стандартным уроном. Тем более, что с помощью дальнейших благословений радиус атаки можно и повысить. Но какое-то время придётся подходить к каждому врагу практически вплотную. И, в зависимости от выбранных благословений, изначально не слишком опасные враги становятся существенной проблемой. Впрочем, при победе над любым противником все выпущенные им снаряды исчезают, что несколько упрощает задачу.

Что ещё отличает эту игру от других? Система Апостолов. Это что-то вроде «духов природы», которые дают героине активный навык, на использование которого тратятся Символы Апостолов (в левом нижнем углу интерфейса), и пассивный навык, активирующийся при выполнении определённых условий.

Есть некоторые проблемы с отображением английского перевода, но наведение курсора на другое благословение её исправляет. Всё остальное переведено без потери важной информации.

Что важнее, наконец-то в рогалике практически нет зависимости от рандома при выборе снаряжения. То есть предметы экипировки, которые тут выполняют роль пассивных бонусов, встречаются редко и не всегда вообще, но и значительного влияния на геймплей они не оказывают. Так, приятная мелочь. И сундуки тоже есть, но выбор лука в зависимости от выбранных благословений здесь вполне возможен. Тут есть магазин с двумя слотами, которые можно переключить за 10, 20, 30 и т.д. монет, в одном или двух из которых находятся луки.

Также есть кузнец, которые за отдельную валюту может… Тут луки эволюционируют, меняя внешний вид и увеличивая не только урон, но и свойства. Например, у луков, стреляющих несколькими стрелами сразу, стрел становится ещё больше.

Также здесь есть система проклятий, которые героиня получает, когда она слишком активно исследует карту.

Какой-то лонгрид получился… Есть еще система жертв — сильных бонусов в обмен на здоровье. Но тут это очень рискованно, так как гарантированно до боя с боссом можно получить лишь 1 HP — в магазине. Дизайн — весьма функционален, ярких вспышек и тысяч частиц здесь нет, но так даже лучше. При этом нельзя упрекнуть авторов в недостатке эффектов.

Да, напоследок о боссе. Тут он суровый даже для фаната игр жанра twin-stick shooter и ему подобных. То есть потратив все Символы Апостолов его можно победить без особых проблем, но и они дорогие и редкие.

В целом темп игры и масштаб видимой зоны подобраны весьма удачно. Избежать попадания не слишком просто. Но и не так, как в плохом bullet hell, когда оценить траектории некоторых снарядов уже не получается. То есть всё относительно медленно, но и возможности смены позиции тоже ограниченны. Героиня не очень быстрая, при стрельбе замедляется, уклонения ограничены. То есть игра не про реакцию (хоть иногда важна и она), а про контроль.

Вместо итогов: просто добавьте игру в список желаемого, покажите авторам, что проект интересен людям. Поверьте, для многих разработчиков это важно и сильно помогает не падать духом. И, если есть время, посмотрите эту демоверсию сами. Там есть на что посмотреть.


What is Twin-Stick Shooter? [Gaming Definition, Meaning]

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Many gamers nowadays are used to games that require two analog sticks to play. The idea in most games is the right stick is used for camera manipulation and the left for movement. However, there are numerous games that deviate from this formula and one of these genres just so happens to be the focus of today’s article. In today’s article we will be discussing the genre of Twin Stick Shooter and how these games differ from other shooting based titles.

In our What is Twin Stick Shooter article, we will be teaching all of you gamers out there what the term means and why you should care. Twin stick shooter based games are not only tons of fun but can be a nice change of pace from the first and third person shooting games out there. Our What is Twin Stick Shooter article will make sure that by the end you’re not only well versed in the definition but also have some games to possibly play that you never have before. Alright folks, let us not delay any further and jump right into this article so you can read and increase your gaming knowledge up one more level.

The problem with getting to use to one control method in gaming is that learning new ones becomes increasingly hard as time goes on. It’s equivalent to riding a bike with two hands most of your life then trying to only use one hand, you won’t find the switch of movement very simple. Twin stick shooter games tend to be like this where the idea of using two sticks in unison isn’t always the easiest thing to learn but if you keep practicing it becomes quick to master. Let us use our first examples in the forms of Resogun and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth to teach you how twin stick shooting works and why at the end of the day you might be missing out if you don’t give it a try.

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Hurry, humans have been trapped within square shopped prisons on an alien planet! You must pilot your small ship and defeat these alien invaders all while saving all the humans from their captors. Your enemy however, comes in waves and they all wish to destroy you with their large numbers and various giant crafts. However, you have the means of fighting back and with your expert piloting you can survive this pilot. Now go forth pilot and save all those humans in Resogun.

Resogun is easily one of the best examples we can think of when we think of what a true twin stick shooter game should look like. Players must navigate a circular map—which changes as you defeat all the enemies and boss—using a small ship as they fire and move at the same time using both analog sticks in the process. While Resogun isn’t an easy game for many at first—and on harder difficulties even veterans will find it hard—after a few minutes of playing you will begin to see how the game works and become only better with more practice. Resogun offers a nice mixture of speed and movement to make those who are looking for a good gateway game to get into the twin stick shooter. Though don’t worry if you stick to playing Resogun on the easier difficulties, we did the same and don’t regret it ourselves.

Resogun-Official Trailer (PS4) (Official Trailer)

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Isaac is just your typical young boy with a thirst for adventure and fun. Isaac had a great life until his mother one day claimed to hear a voice from above claiming that Isaac was being changed by the various forces around him. Locking him in his room, Isaac lay there naked and afraid. Suddenly, the mother one day heard the voice again claiming Isaac needed to be sacrificed and thus the mother heads up to kill the son. With nowhere to run to, Isaac heads into a trap door leading to the basement in hopes of escaping his deranged mother. Though little does Isaac know that the within the basement lies horrors that may supersede his cruel mother and now he’s going to have to fight back against them if he wants to survive…

Twin stick shooter titles don’t always need to have space ships as the focus but can also be more akin to adventure games with roguelike elements, which we may or may not mention again in our last example. Thus, for our second example of how movement and shooting coexist in twin stick shooting titles we look at The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. This now extremely famous title has players take control of a young boy as they move around a randomly generated dungeon with their tears being the means of firepower. For a player to do well in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth they must become comfortable manipulating both sticks—especially if they plan on using a controller—at the same time. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth isn’t an insanely hard game if you’re running through it on normal settings but once you begin to enter the other gameplay modes and begun to see the various power ups and handicaps that you can use to make the game more interesting, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth becomes a truly tough title. We do recommend playing The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth with a controller to keep that twin stick shooter feel but if you’re a keyboard orientated person, you can still fully enjoy the game without any problems arising.

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth-Release Date Trailer (Official Trailer)

Now if you decided to look up twin stick shooters online, you will notice most twin stick shooting games are actually bullet hell titles. There are literally hundreds we can name and that would only be scratching the surface of how many twin stick shooter games are bullet hell focused. Though maybe you need some more proof of this and for that we found one of our absolute favorite twin stick shooting titles that is also a bullet hell focused game. This example comes in the form of Enter the Gungeon and trust us folks, if you need a fast-paced twin stick shooter you’re going to want to try Enter the Gungeon.

— Enter/Exit the Gungeon (@DodgeRollGames) August 25, 2017

Far away in space lies a planet that is heavily fortified. The reasons this planet is so focused on security is because deep within the planet lies a weapon that has the means of destroying something no other gun can, the past. 4 random strangers have decided to brave the planet’s tough security in hopes of reaching the gun and use it on their own various pasts. However, will they be able to reach the gun when it seems this planet has so many various threats both organic and inorganic?

Enter the Gungeon released in 2016 and was met by critical claim for being one of the most addicting twin stick shooting titles out there. With constant death being a means of restarting the game and trying it again with random results—which is known as roguelike—Enter the Gungeon provides players with an excellent idea of how twin stick shooter games should play and what they should look like. Running around dodging various gunfire and threats all while shooting back is the very essences of what a twin stick shooter is all about and that will always put a smile on our faces. Enter the Gungeon isn’t an easy game so we do recommend players to first familiarize themselves with twin stick games—like the ones above—before taking on this title. However, if you think you’re ready to experience a tough but oh so satisfying twin stick shooter, then you need to play Enter the Gungeon.

Enter the Gungeon- Launch Trailer | PS4 (Official Trailer)

Final Thoughts

Twin stick shooting games can truly be gaming titles that offer up players a new world of gaming. There’s an interesting nuance to having to manipulate two analog sticks at the same time to manipulate both your character and the means of firing back at your enemy. It might seem kind of complicated or confusing at first but quickly it becomes second nature and before you know it you’re a fan of the twin stick shooter genre. Have you played any of the twin stick shooter titles above or maybe other titles? Let us know in the comments directly below and be sure to keep stuck to us here at Honey’s Anime for more gaming articles!


Купить Twin Stick Heroes

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Об этой игре

In Twin Stick Heroes you take control of an oddball group of «heroes» duking it out for ultimate glory! Matches are fast and intense, every second can either mean your victory or demise, so you may have to be a little creative to come out on top.

All 19 heroes vastly change gameplay, each and every one is equipped with a unique weapon or ability focusing on a certain playstyle. Sniping players across map with a bow and arrow or going in close with a dart gun can be just as effective as laying traps or hiding in plain sight as Ghost.

Controls are tight and responsive meaning that no matter how slow or fast your HERO is youll always have a way out of most situatuations.

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The core fighting mechanics are easy enough for any new player, but has enough depth to draw veterans of the twin stick shooter genre, with a huge amount of heroes and items to choose from, as well as a large variety of gameplay altering variants, modes, maps, and settings to play around with. Many people may describe this game as a multiplayer bullet hell, but with the vast armament and tools given to the player the winner is most likely the one who is the most creative not necessarily the one with the fastest finger.

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Twin Stick Heroes wants to revive local multiplayer and take it to new heights, so order those pizzas and call up your buddy’s because TSH is more then enough reason to hang out with the boys again!

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There are 13 more characters each with there own special skill sets and weapons, you will need to master all of them to win!

Twin Stick Heroes brings some familiar and some downright crazy items we recommend visiting the item switch room for a run down on all of them, or to disable some to suit your needs.

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All items interact with and sometimes directly counter others. There will be a total of 33 items planned for release.
In addition to items there are also weapon pickups

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Three unique game modes are included, elimination, control point and cash grab. Elimination is the standard death match game, where kills are what matters not the last one standing. Control point forces players to keep zones under their control to rack up the most points. Cash grab is a twist on a similar game mode from smash bros, whoever collects the most cash wins!

Tread carefully on each of the 6 planets! The weather is not friendly to those who venture to set foot on its surface, and may include heat waves, item rain or a gigantic meteor shower! But for those who desire a more competitive game, weather can be turned off because Twin Stick Heroes revolves around player choice, making any match feel completely personalized to your taste. Don’t like an item or gameplay mechanic? You can turn each one on or off, allowing for lots of replay value!

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Controls are very important in any twin stick game and Twin Stick Heroes is no different, player movement is crisp and aiming is precise making each and every engagement feel in total control.


Best Twin-Stick Shooters 2021

If you like action-packed twin-shooter shooter games, then you will love this list of the best twin-stick shooters of all time.

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If you’re looking for the most action-packed twin-stick shooters to get your adrenaline pumping, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this list, we’ll be recommending the best twin-stick shooters for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

If we forgot to mention your favorite game, feel free to sound off in the comments and let us know.

And lastly, make sure to check back as we continue to update this list in the future.

Table of Contents Show

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Shakedown: Hawaii

Developer: Vblank Entertainment
Publisher: Vblank Entertainment
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, 3DS

Shakedown: Hawaii is a retro-inspired twin-stick shooter from developer Vblank Entertainment, best known for Retro City Rampage, which Shakedown takes a few cues from.

The game sees you building a shady operation by taking control of legitimate businesses and sabotaging the competition throughout a vibrant 2D pixel art open-world.

You play as three different characters in the main story with unique motivations and can explore the world via cars, monster trucks, and boats.

It’s very reminiscent of the older Grand Theft Auto games before transitioning into 3D graphics and included numerous references to 80s pop culture.

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Nex Machina

Developer: Housemarque
Publisher: Housemarque
Platforms: PC, PS4

One of the more recent titles to come from twin-stick shooter geniuses Housemarque, Nex Machina draws inspiration from games like Robotron and Smash TV while ramping up the action and carnage.

Set in a world where mankind has become overly reliant on technology, the game sees you waging war with sentient robots who no longer wish to serve humanity.

The campaign is comprised of 100+ voxel-based levels spread across six diverse worlds. Every level houses secret paths, humans to rescue, and waves of enemies to destroy.

Nex Machina offers local coop along with online multiplayer via Steam Remote Play. There are also community leaderboards and a host of unlockables to keep you busy.

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Developer: Facepunch Studios
Publisher: Facepunch Studios
Platforms: PC

One of the most fascinating details about Chippy is that it was made by Facepunch Studios, the developer behind the brutal survival game Rust.

This makes a lot more sense once you realize it’s just as challenging. Instead of battling other players using sticks and rocks, you’re tasked with defeating an onslaught of bullet hell bosses

Like many other twin-stick shooters, the level of difficulty can be punishing at times but is worth the effort to experience the game’s fantastic chiptune soundtrack.

Chippy features leaderboards, replays for each boss fight, and Steam Workshop support, where you can find additional levels.

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Synthetik: Legion Rising

Developer: Flow Fire Games
Publisher: Flow Fire Games
Platforms: PC

Synthetik: Legion Rising is a brutally-difficult, skill-based twin-stick shooter with rogue-lite elements and tactical combat.

In it, you battle an army of cybernetically enhanced enemies known as the Machine Legion with an array of procedurally-generated weapons.

The game introduces unique reload mechanics that see you ejecting and reloading magazines manually while also making sure to avoid getting your gun jammed or letting it overheat.

It emphasizes customization, allowing you to pick from 8 class specializations that can be further adjusted with special loadouts, benefits, and perks.

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West of Dead

Developer: Upstream Arcade
Publisher: Raw Fury
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

It’s not every day you see a twin-stick shooter with voice-acted dialogue, especially from someone as high profile as Ron Perlman.

West of Dead is a roguelike cover shooter that has you playing as a dead cowboy who must venture deeper and deeper into the dark and dreary world of Purgatory.

The game uses procedural generation to render environments, enemies, and rewards, ensuring no two playthroughs feel the same.

The further you make it, the more chances you’ll have to unlock new weapons, improve your abilities, and gain insight into the mythical world your character inhabits.

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Blazing Beaks

Developer: Applava
Publisher: Applava
Platforms: PC, Switch

From dead cowboys to murderous ducks, we’re covering all of our bases here today.

Blazing Beaks is a cute and colorful twin-stick shooter that sees you controlling a gun-wielding duck as they battle a host of mutants, monsters, and other creepy-looking creatures.

Procedurally-generated levels are packed with secrets and rewards that can net you some gold and help craft more powerful weapons.

The game supports local co-op and PVP for up to four players, Steam Workshop, and daily challenges for honing your skills.

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Developer: Arrowhead Game Studios
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Platforms: PC, PS4

Helldivers touts itself as a hardcore, competitive twin-stick shooter built for online and local 4-player co-op.

You and your team play as members of an elite combat unit tasked with protecting Super Earth from droves of enemies amidst an intergalactic war.

Missions see you traveling to various planets where you’ll have to pushback enemy forces who have gained a foothold.

Helldivers “Dive Harder Edition” includes a free upgrade that adds all previous expansions, a new loadout system, and a new game+ mode.

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X-Morph: Defense

Developer: Exor Studios
Publisher: Exor Studios
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

X-Morph: Defense offers a unique blend of twin-stick shooter and tower defense gameplay that makes for an action-packed experience with plenty of room for strategizing.

Missions have you carefully placing extraction towers and various defenses to create maze-like paths for your human enemies to follow.

Toss in fully destructible 3D environments with collapsing buildings, bridges, cars, and trees, and you have yourself an authentic human exterminator sim.

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Touhou Endless Dream

Developer: a10a010, MyACG Studio
Publisher: MyACG Studio
Platforms: PC

Belonging to the long-running bullet hell shooter series, Touhou Endless Dream is a roguelike twin-stick shooter that emphasizes randomly generated levels, weapons, and abilities.

In it, you explore the vibrant 2D world of Gensokyo, which is slowly being plunged into darkness. This has also attracted an army of monsters who must be stopped before it’s too late.

Every restart introduces new enemy encounters and boss battles, as well as weapons and items that let you devise unique character builds.

Like other bullet hell-style shooters, Touhou Endless Dream presents a hefty challenge that requires quick reflexes, careful planning, and a little bit of luck.

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Developer: Bird Bath Games
Publisher: Raw Fury
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Atomicrops offers a one-of-a-kind experience that’s part roguelike, twin-stick shooter, and farming simulator.

The game sees you trying to grow enough crops to sustain human life following a nuclear disaster while holding off mutated vermin looking to corrupt your crops.

Growing and upgrading your farm requires exploring different biomes, unlocking new tools, and defending your crops from enemies.

The game features the ability to raise cattle such as pigs, cows, and chickens and even gives you the option to get married.

Doing so unlocks the ability to have your spouse follow you into battle and fight by your side, proving it’s still possible to find love even during a nuclear apocalypse.

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Enter the Gungeon

Developer: Dodge Roll
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Any self-respecting twin-stick shooter fan should take it upon themselves to check out Enter the Gungeon.

Modeled after classic bullet hell shooters with a rogue-lite twist, the game sees you playing as one of four characters exploring The Gungeon, a sprawling labyrinth brimming with enemies, traps, and loot.

Flexibility is the name of the game as each character introduces a unique modifier to spice things up, ranging from lock-picking to reduced reload times and an extended dodge roll.

This is further complemented by an arsenal of bizarre weaponry that ranges from handguns with bouncing bullets to cactus-powered rifles and target-seeking beehives.

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Nuclear Throne

Developer: Vlambeer
Publisher: Vlambeer
Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, PS Vita, Switch

Nuclear Throne is another roguelike with an apocalyptic setting, only much further in the future when mankind will have been completely disappeared and only mutated creatures remain.

Played from a top-down perspective, the game sees you fighting your way through randomly-generated wastelands using an array of weaponry and radiation-powered abilities.

As you collect more and more radiation, your character acquires new mutations that can affect gameplay and often turn you into a monster-crushing machine.

Complimenting these abilities is an arsenal of shotguns, rocket launchers, machine guns, and lasers, all rendered in vibrant 2D pixel graphics.

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Developer: Reikon Games
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Platforms: PC, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Presented as a fast-paced twin-stick shooter, Ruiner takes place in a Cyberpunk metropolis called Rengkok during the year 2091.

You play as a cybernetically-enhanced thug who finds themselves on the warpath after your brother gets kidnapped by a corrupt organization known as HEAVEN.

Teaming up with a mysterious hacker ally, you set out to uncover the truth behind the organization and destroy anyone who gets in your way.

Your character is equipped with a wide range of augmented gadgets and high-tech weaponry that allow you to slow down time and quickly tear through foes.

Battles can be quite brutal and unforgiving at times but are worth it if only for a chance to explore the neon-drenched streets that make up Rengkok.

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The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Developer: Nicalis
Publisher: Nicalis
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, 3DS, iOS

The Binding of Isaac is another twin-stick shooter roguelike that comes from the mind of game designer Edmund McMillen, best known for the 2D-platformer Super Meat Boy.

The game was initially created for a week-long game jam but was later expanded into a full-fledged flash title that would late be improved and rereleased as The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

Loosely inspired by the biblical story of the same name, Rebirth sees you playing as a child forced to flee to his basement upon learning his mother has gone insane, believing to have spoken to a religious spirit.

Although its dark tone and graphic imagery may be a bit too much for some to stomach, gameplay and level design are meant to mirror classic Zelda titles like A Link to the Past and The Minish Cap.

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Developer: Housemarque, Climax Studios
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Platforms: PS4, PS5, PS Vita

The spiritual successor to Housemarque’s previous titles, Resogun is a twin-stick shooter’s paradise that still holds up in 2021.

In it, you pilot a ship tasked with rescuing trapped humans in cylindrical, voxel-based levels filled with waves of evil aliens.

It’s one of the better-looking entries on this list in terms of graphics and is only made better by the wide range of powerful lasers, missiles, and bombs your ship can wield.

Exclusive to the PlayStation platform, Resogun features online multiplayer support, leaderboards, and a retro-inspired arcade mode for twin-stick pros.

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Assault Android Cactus

Developer: Witch Beam
Publisher: Witch Beam
Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

You would be hard-pressed to find an arcade-style twin-stick shooter with as much style and pizzazz as Assault Android Cactus.

The game has you pick from one of nine distinct heroes before blasting your way through waves of your ship’s worker robots that have gone rogue.

Instead of a traditional lives system, it introduces a unique battery-draining mechanic that forces you to react swiftly and deal consistent damage.

Assault Android Cactus features a 25-stage campaign with up to 4-player local co-op and daily challenges for a spot on the leaderboards.

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Developer: Housemarque
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Platform: PS4

Alienation is an isometric twin-stick shooter that has up to four players defending themselves from an alien invasion on Earth.

The game features three classes and has teams exploring sprawling levels packed with various hostile alien species.

Aside from leveling up your character, Alienation features random weapon drops during missions and allows you to upgrade several aspects of your guns like rate of fire, clip size, damage, etc.

When replaying missions, bosses are spawned with random modifiers that make each encounter feel different, adding to the game’s replayability.

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Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved

Developer: Lucid Games
Publisher: Activision, Aspyr
Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, iOS, Android

Geometry Wars has long been considered one of the best ongoing arcade franchises, and Dimensions Evolved is among the series’ strongest entries.

Presented as a twin-stick shooter, the game has you battling hordes of enemies on over 100 diverse 3D grid environments

The visuals are top-notch, the battles chaotic and fast-paced, and the music is everything we’ve ever dreamed of.

Dimensions Evolved includes a wide selection of classic game modes, many of which support online and local multiplayer for up to four.


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