Tribler не запускается что делать

3 простых шага по исправлению ошибок TRIBLER.EXE

В вашей системе запущено много процессов, которые потребляют ресурсы процессора и памяти. Некоторые из этих процессов, кажется, являются вредоносными файлами, атакующими ваш компьютер.
Чтобы исправить критические ошибки tribler.exe,скачайте программу Asmwsoft PC Optimizer и установите ее на своем компьютере

1- Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить tribler.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.

2- Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить tribler.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

3- Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок tribler.exe:

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Всего голосов ( 181 ), 115 говорят, что не будут удалять, а 66 говорят, что удалят его с компьютера.

Как вы поступите с файлом tribler.exe?

Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с tribler.exe файлом

(tribler.exe) столкнулся с проблемой и должен быть закрыт. Просим прощения за неудобство.

(tribler.exe) перестал работать.

tribler.exe. Эта программа не отвечает.

(tribler.exe) — Ошибка приложения: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read. Нажмитие OK, чтобы завершить программу.

(tribler.exe) не является ошибкой действительного windows-приложения.

(tribler.exe) отсутствует или не обнаружен.


Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Проверьте процессы, запущенные на вашем ПК, используя базу данных онлайн-безопасности. Можно использовать любой тип сканирования для проверки вашего ПК на вирусы, трояны, шпионские и другие вредоносные программы.


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BitTorrent-клиент Tribler начал пропускать трафик через анонимайзеры

Tribler — один из самых старых BitTorrent-клиентов, первая версия которого вышла около десяти лет назад. Сейчас он значительно уступает по популярности uTorrent, но разработчики не отказываются от его развития. По крайней мере, сейчас у Tribler есть функция, которой нет у конкурентов. Вряд ли такая функция появится в том же uTorrent, учитывая упорные попытки последнего позиционировать себя в качестве программы для передачи лицензионного контента.

В последней версии Tribler 6.3.1 появилась возможность направлять трафик через встроенную сеть анонимайзеров типа Tor.
В роли анонимных прокси выступают другие клиенты Tribler. Схема работает примерно так же, как стандартный Tor, не гарантируя абсолютную анонимность, но значительно усложняя злоумышленникам задачу по вычислению настоящего IP-адреса клиента. Для открытых сетей типа BitTorrent, где вся информация о клиентах лежит на блюдечке, это очень важная опция.

2 сентября Tribler начал открытое тестирование своей сети анонимайзеров. Она полностью работоспособна, но в целях тестирования пока передавать по ней можно только тестовый файл 50 МБ. В следующем месяце это ограничение снимут.

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Как работают торренты

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Безопасно ли скачивать торренты в интернете, или как защититься от сайтов наподобии iknowyourdownload

Аррр, приветствую вас опять в нашем пиратском путешествии, в предыдущих статьях, посвященных поисковику, меня неоднократно спрашивали: опасны ли сайты наподобии iknowwhatyoudownload, и вообще как защититься от подобных вещей? Откуда они узнают какие торренты я качал? Могут ли другие подобные сайты узнать, что я качаю и сделать на основе этого какие-либо весомые выводы? ( #comment_80687552 )

Давайте же погрузимся в глубины океана и узнаем: так ли опасны его обитатели.

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

В первую очередь стоит разобрать вопрос принципа работы поисковика (крысок), а также сайта iknowyourdownload. Я приведу несколько способов, как защититься от подобных вещей, или попросту свести их эффективность на нет. Ближе к концу статьи вы, скорее всего, поймете, почему этот проект не просто неэффективен, но еще и малоперспективный на уровне финансирования государства (да-да, эти ребята планировали/планируют заручиться инвестициями государства ).

Однако несмотря на такие “правильные” принципы, которые были построены исключительно для улучшения поиска и нахождении пиров, информацию могут использовать и против вас: ваш клиент вынужден не только использоваться как промежуточное звено поиска, но еще и сообщать другим звеньям о том, какие торренты есть у вас. И вот тут вступает в игру сайты наподобии iknowwhatyoudownload. Они аккумулируют эту информацию и предоставляет ее публике.

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Но так ли все печально? На самом деле не очень. Давайте же разберем все способы как свести эффективность подобных ресурсов на нет.

Вот и все, довольно грубый способ, который разрушает весь принцип работы подобного рода сайтов. Но ведь это не очень удобно, вы сами лишаете себя возможности скачивать по магнет-ссылкам, поэтому давайте размышлять дальше.

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Итак, мы перешли к более простому, элегантному, и не менее эффективному способу:

Умудриться попасть в индексацию подобным проектом и так довольно сложная задача, а при остановке после закачки она и вообще близка к нулю. (пр. qBittorrent оключает анонсирование через DHT торрента после паузы)

Вы уже должны были чуточку понять насколько плох подобный “сервис” по отношению к сбору информации. Но это еще не все, в торрент-протоколе (включая DHT) используется обычная IPv4,IPv6 адресация, поэтому:

Ну после этого способа можно вообще загромождать крест на подобном сервисе: информация может обновляться месяцами, так, помимо этого, еще и адресация может быть недействительной на текущий момент (да, да, именно из-за этого у многих кто заходил на сайт отображается 50% того, что он не качал).

Однако есть некоторое опасение, что если они все таки заручатся поддержкой государства, и смогут сопоставить свою информацию (торрент-IP-время обнаружения) с информацией правительства (физическое лицо-IP-время нахождения в сети) то сервис может стать уже чуть более эффективным и грозным. Но это не делает 1 и 2 способ менее юзабельным.

Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть фото Tribler не запускается что делать. Смотреть картинку Tribler не запускается что делать. Картинка про Tribler не запускается что делать. Фото Tribler не запускается что делать

Ну и наконец самый эффективный способ, к сожалению почти нигде из клиентов не реализованный:

К сожалению в таком варианте вы уже не сможете называться полноценным участником DHT сети, однако возможность использовать всех функции скачивания по magnet-ссылкам сохраняется, и вообще конечный пользователь не заметит разницы, только будет чувствовать себя в безопасности, а его торренты не будут доступны публике.

Не знаю, если кому-то вдруг понадобится последняя функция, я бы мог сделать небольшую модификацию клиента qBittorrent.

Вот и все, надеюсь эта статья помогла вам узнать что-то новое об анонимности в сети. Лично меня очень печалит, что светлые идеи заложенные в работу BitTorrent, сайты, наподобии iknowyourdownload, используют против пользователей, и я очень надеюсь, что подобная инициатива окажется в пролете в связи с огромным процентом ошибок обнаружения и весьма спорной перспектиностью идеи.


Tribler 7.3.2+ does not start on Windows 10 #4905


Nubro01 commented Oct 22, 2019

Tribler version/branch+revision: #####7.3
Operating system and version:

Windows 10 19002 Insider build

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior:
Actual behavior:

Get popup error box

Relevant log file output:

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Nubro01 commented Oct 22, 2019

Failed to upload screen shot. It says» failed to execute script run_tribler»

xoriole commented Oct 22, 2019

It is difficult to debug with just the error message but could be issue with missing DLLs.

Nubro01 commented Oct 22, 2019

Nubro01 commented Oct 24, 2019

martinvahi commented Oct 26, 2019

I wanted to report the same issue, but then I found this thread here, so I just add a comment that I created a screen video of the error for «my» bug report and it MIGHT be available from

I just can not leave un-noted that according to the

the Tribler project got over 3.5 MILLION € and a crash on the most modern version of Windows on a relatively new laptop (8GiB RAM, 2 cores, 4 hw-threads) right after the very first install of the OFFICIAL BINARIES is the quality that is being delivered. Compare that with the shoddy budget and good result of ThePirateBay ZeroNet.

that has different aims, but at least they achieve their aims, not crashing after the very first install.

Thank You for reading my comment.

synctext commented Oct 27, 2019

quite sad that it doesn’t install on latest Windows. As Internet freedom fighters we mostly use Linux. We have often trouble reproducing Windows-only bugs.
Coming two months we’re still focusing on getting our «distributed trust function» deployed and debugged. That would be a giant leap for the field that other like-minded projects like Zeronet or could utilize too.

devos50 commented Oct 27, 2019

@martinvahi thank you for providing us the video! The text in the popup dialog is unfortunately not very helpful for us since it does not contain any specifications on the root cause of the error. From what we’ve seen in the past, this error usually indicates a problem related to the Visual C++ runtimes (which we install alongside Tribler). We have to do more debugging on our Windows machines in order to reproduce and address it.

Nubro01 commented Oct 27, 2019

I tried the oct 27th version on another machine, which does not have Visual Studio 2019 installed and it works.
This machine is on 1909 18363. The two failling are on 190008.1000,, but Tribler 7.3.2 does not have any problem, so what can cause this?

synctext commented Oct 27, 2019

We will try to build a special extensive debug version of Tribler for this.

martinvahi commented Oct 27, 2019

@devos50 Easy for me to write and hard for anybody, You included, to do despite Your ample funding, but as crazy as it may sound, I do point out that the phrase «running on Windows» does not entail that everything has to be compiled with Microsoft official tools/compiler(s). Nor does it mean that all parts of the binaries have to be compiled with the latest-and-greatest or utilize all of the latest CPU-features, specially if the comparison is between not-running-at-all and running-but-utilizing-only-old-CPU-features.

Stability, RELIABILITY, has its own value in its own right, even, if it comes partly at the expense of speed.

I guess it’s a matter of creativeness and as of 2019_10 I’m too stupid to point out any particular choices that might work well in Your case, but I suggest that You study the possibility to compile most of the Windows binaries of the application, the bits that have to be reliable on Windows, with something like the MinGW

and then interface the reliable parts with speed-critical or very Windows specific parts that have been implemented in some small set of shared libraries that are then compiled with the latest-and-greatest-compilers, may be Microsoft Visual Studio.

Given that the project has really good funding, it is also possible for You to buy a few Windows10 licenses just to create testing virtual appliances. The testing should always take place on a clean clone and just a windows machine is not a proper replacement to a clean clone, because an actual Windows machine is already «tainted» from previous installs, it may contain required parts or settings from previous installation tests that might be missing from the latest testable installation binaries that would properly fail on a clean clone.

A lot of work, certainly NOT a piece of cake, but the project IS very well funded, so it should be doable.

Thank You for reading my comment. It sound a lot like whining on my part, but at least I self hope to be helpful, specially given that for that project I’m a nobody from the wild-wild-web 😀

Nubro01 commented Oct 31, 2019

Tried the Oct 31st version and that has still the same problem and the 7.3.2 has not, so I figured that on both failing machines, this version was not installed on C:, but on D: and E:, so I tried leaving things on C:, but still no luck. Could you please figure out what the difference in dependanties is between 7.3.2 and the rest of the version since oct 10th? By the way Windows build 19013 also fails 😉

xoriole commented Oct 31, 2019

@martinvahi Thank you for your feedback. We’ll take your comments into consideration. Being an academic team most of our resources are used for science and research compared to development and engineering. Stability, RELIABILITY, has its own value in its own right, no doubt about. We try to keep Tribler stable and running with every release but it is possible to have issues we missed. This is exactly where we expect feedback and error reports from our users so we can fix them. And of course, we welcome any contributions to our open source development 🙂

@Nubro01 Thank you for testing out the latest release. I have created a separate build enabling console here:
If you could try out and let us know if you see any stack traces in the console, it will help us debug the issue further.

Nubro01 commented Oct 31, 2019

Well, I do not know what you did, but this version starts up, but it has the same problem as 7.3.2, with shutdown. When shutting down it comes up with checkpointing downloads and after a few minutes a popup with force shutdown!
I’ll attach the created logs.

xoriole commented Nov 1, 2019

@Nubro01 Good to know that the latest build works for you. This build is based on Python3 with a few updates on the build script. The next release will be based on Python3 with the same builder changes so you can use the same Jenkins URL if you would like to use the daily builds to test.

Regarding the issue with shutdown (likely stuck at checkpointing). Could you answer the following?

ichorid commented Nov 1, 2019

#4908 is the issue about the shutdown problem.

synctext commented Nov 1, 2019

is the critical install bug within our front-page version now fixed? How long till Py3 version can ship?

Nubro01 commented Nov 2, 2019

Regarding the issue with shutdown (likely stuck at checkpointing). Could you answer the following?

I just downloaded the file from the folder, so?

xoriole commented Nov 4, 2019

I tried with Win10 64 bit pristine machine and the executable from, I’m still not able to reproduce the issue, unfortunately. @martinvahi Would you be interested in trying out a debug build so we can find out more information why was it not working for you.

@synctext the experimental version for 7.4 can be released this week.

martinvahi commented Nov 4, 2019

Would you be interested in trying out a debug build so we can find out more information why was it not working for you.

@xoriole Please give me the download link.

Nubro01 commented Nov 4, 2019

Tried the nov 4th version and it fails with the same error. The special console version you send did not abend, neither does 7.3.2 under windows 10 Insider build 19013.1000

Nubro01 commented Nov 4, 2019

Tried the october 31 test version, with the console and suddenly I had 19 entries within my library. With 7.3.2 I just had one because that cleared my Library. I have them back, but they seem not to see the already downloaded files and although I already have them, Tribler want to redownload them. probably the location is wrong?

Nubro01 commented Nov 4, 2019

Added the console log, delete when not needed!

xoriole commented Nov 5, 2019 •
This is a custom build with debug console enable for the latest release (7.3.2). Hopefully, we can see the error in the console.

@Nubro01 Thank you for the answer and the logs. I can see a Unicode error on reading the checkpoint file, I will try to reproduce it and fix.

Tried the nov 4th version and it fails with the same error. The special console version you send did not abend, neither does 7.3.2 under windows 10 Insider build 19013.1000

Nubro01 commented Nov 6, 2019

Tried that special version and it started normally. Only problem all Library files where checking and since they are ALL on the same harddisk, I had to stop them and start them manually one by one.
Here follows the console as I cut and pasted it.
INFO 1573030531.88 single_application:28 (root) init()
INFO 1573030531.90 single_application:54 (root) self._outSocket.error() = ‘2’
INFO 1573030531.90 single_application:64 (root) init(): returning
QFont::setPointSize: Point size : torrent has no metadata
INFO 1573030550.47 connection:84 (Socks5Connection) Client has sent METHOD REQUEST
INFO 1573030550.48 connection:168 (Socks5Connection) Accepting UDP ASSOCIATE request to
WARNING 1573030550.48 udp_connection:41 (SocksUDPConnection) Received an IPV6 udp datagram, dropping it (Not implemented yet)
WARNING 1573030550.49 udp_connection:41 (SocksUDPConnection) Received an IPV6 udp datagram, dropping it (Not implemented yet)
INFO 1573030552.66 CreditMiningManager:342 (CreditMiningManager) Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO 1573030552.66 CreditMiningManager:344 (CreditMiningManager) 0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
INFO 1573030556.40 CreditMiningManager:342 (CreditMiningManager) Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO 1573030557.70 CreditMiningManager:344 (CreditMiningManager) 0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
INFO 1573030561.38 CreditMiningManager:342 (CreditMiningManager) Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO 1573030561.39 CreditMiningManager:344 (CreditMiningManager) 0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
INFO 1573030565.39 CreditMiningManager:342 (CreditMiningManager) Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO 1573030565.39 CreditMiningManager:344 (CreditMiningManager) 0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
INFO 1573030566.63 torrent_checker:150 (TorrentChecker) Selected 1 new torrents to check on tracker:
INFO 1573030569.40 CreditMiningManager:342 (CreditMiningManager) Downloading: 0, Uploading: 0, Stopped: 0
INFO 1573030569.41 CreditMiningManager:344 (CreditMiningManager) 0 active download(s), 0.000 MB uploaded, 0.000 MB downloaded
INFO 1573030571.88 caches:155 (CrawlRequestCache) Timeout for crawl with id 50259
INFO 1573030572.06 caches:155 (CrawlRequestCache) Timeout for crawl with id 10204
INFO 1573030572.07 caches:155 (CrawlRequestCache) Timeout for crawl with id 5013

Nubro01 commented Nov 6, 2019

I installed my first 7.4 version and that one also starts normally, it even brought back several of my missing Library entries. I missed then after I went back to 7.3.2.
Do you need my logs created by 7.4?

xoriole commented Nov 6, 2019

@Nubro01 Thank you for trying out the latest experimental version. It seems there are some issues with the migration script. For now, I don’t need your 7.4 logs. We’ll do a few more experimental versions in the coming days and would appreciate if you could them out as well.

Also a heads up, in 7.4 stable release, we’ll be using a version based state directory so there should be likely no issues with upgrade or downgrade impacting your downloads and channels.

martinvahi commented Nov 8, 2019 •
This is a custom build with debug console enable for the latest release (7.3.2).
Hopefully, we can see the error in the console.

It seems to work, so I keep that installed.

Nubro01 commented Nov 8, 2019
I installed and ran and uploaded log. Before install I had a few entries within my library/ After the install and startup, which went normally, without the popup error, my Library was empty as if it was not opened at all. Closed and used 7zip to zip them up. Uninstalled and installed nov 6th version of 7.4 and that started normally and I had my Library back.

xoriole commented Nov 26, 2019

Since the issue with startup is fixed and the one with shutdown on checkpointing stage has a separate issue #4908, I’m closing this issue.

@Nubro01 We have a config based state directory implemented and will be shipped with the next release (7.4.0 RC1 in a few days), so would be nice if you would try it out.

martinvahi commented Nov 27, 2019 •

Please let people know here, when it (7.4.0 RC1) is published. Thank You.

xoriole commented Nov 27, 2019

martinvahi commented Nov 30, 2019

@xoriole My bug report about the 7.4.0-exp2.

xoriole commented Dec 2, 2019

@martinvahi Thank you for your report. Will push the fix soon.

irvnriir commented Dec 9, 2019 •


Downloading and Uploading

The easiest way to download using Tribler is to search from the search panel at the top of the screen. Just type in what you’re looking for and press the ENTER button. You will be taken to the Results tab and your search results will start coming in. When you’ve found what you’re looking for you can click the Download button directly or first click on the search result to examine it in detail and then click the Download button.

If you wish to upload something you have already downloaded you can just start the download for it as usual and point to the same directory where you stored the files when downloading them. Tribler will then start by checking all the data to see if it’s there. After that Tribler will try to download any missing data and will start uploading the data you already had.

In Tribler, you compensate other users for the bandwidth you use when downloading with anonymity. When uploading content to other (Tribler) users, you earn bandwidth tokens. If you accumulate more bandwidth tokens, you get preferential treatment when downloading anonymously, which results in higher download speeds.

The exact amount of bandwidth tokens you pay to others, depends on the level of anonymity. This is the number of other users, or hops, you use during a download. If you download with three hop anonymity, your encrypted data is sent through the machines of three other Tribler users. Increasing the number of hops benefits anonymity but costs you more bandwidth tokens.

For example, if you download a 1 Gigabyte video with one hop anonymity, you pay 1 Gigabyte worth of bandwidth tokens. Each additional hop increases the amount of bandwidth tokens you have to pay. When downloading the same file using three hops, you pay 3 Gigabyte of bandwidth tokens instead.

Your token balance indicates how much work you have performed for other users and how much work other users have performed for you. At this time, this work is the amount of incoming and outgoing traffic but our mechanism is open for extension (e.g., in a future release we could also reward users for storing data or performing computations). The amount of performed and consumed work are indicated as ‘given’ and ‘taken’ in the user interface respectively. Subtracting the amount of ‘taken’ bytes from the amount of ‘given’ bytes yields the bandwidth token balance.

We refer the interested reader to our recent publication (see Section 7) that further discusses our token mechanism and provides more technical details.

You can earn bandwidth tokens by simply running Tribler. When connected to other peers in the Tribler network, your Tribler instance automatically becomes eligible for relaying traffic to other users if other users download content anonymously. Relaying traffic will increase your bandwidth token balance. You will also earn bandwidth tokens by sharing channel content with other users. Channel content will be shared after subscribing to a channel. You can view which channels you are currently sharing by going to the ‘downloads’ tab and then the ‘channels’ tab.

Please take into consideration that Tribler by default downloads with one-hop anonymity. This means that an anonymous download only uses a single exit node and circuits thus do not include relay nodes. This currently raises the bar to reliably earn bandwidth tokens. We are aware of this and we are exploring to modify the default settings of anonymous downloads, making it easier for users to increase their bandwidth token balance. Naively applying this change, however, would have a negative effect on the overall download speed. As such, we only want to implement this modification once we are confident that it will not degrade the user experience of our downloading functionality.

We frequently receive reports from users that their bandwidth token balance is decreasing. When downloading anonymously, other users perform work for you since the data you are downloading is routed through one or more nodes, and encrypted. When a circuit is removed, the downloader transfers the appropriate amount of bandwidth tokens to the involved nodes in a circuit, lowering the bandwidth token balance of the downloader and increasing the token balance of the other nodes in the circuit. This is usually the main reason why your token balance is decreasing.

However, Tribler also performs other work in the background, such as downloading channels from other users and fetching health statistics of channel torrents (which includes the number of downloaders and seeders of a particular torrent). These operations also decrease your token balance since you reward the users that helped you.

Finally, we acknowledge that your token balance can decrease as the result of a software bug. Accounting the amount of work performed and consumed is part of our bigger goal to reward good behavior and to address long-term free-riding behavior (the situation where one only uses Tribler to download content without contributing anything back to the network). Designing and deploying such mechanisms is challenging and requires many iterations to get it right. With each release, we aim to improve our token mechanism and address outstanding issues. From our experience, software bugs related to the bandwidth token balance can be very subtle and sometimes requires significant time investment to understand. By carefully tracking the overall network health and the dynamics of token payouts, we aim to analyse and improve our accounting mechanism, eventually leading to a healthier and fairer network.


We take bug reports very seriously and try to investigate each of them. When Tribler encounters a crash, you will be prompted with a dialog that allows you to send additional information to us. This helps us with debugging and fixing the issue. If you have a suggestion for us or another problem, you can either create a post in our forums or create an issue on Github.

Go to the download page to download the right installer for your operating system.

For Windows users: just open the downloaded file by double clicking on it and Tribler will be installed.

Note: if you do not run a supported system (see the download page) the following steps might not work.

Just install the new version, see here for instructions on that. Tribler will automatically upgrade data from old versions when it is first started, if necessary. All your data, torrents, channels and settings will be retained.

You can limit the download or upload speed of active downloads and seeds by going into the Settings and, under the BANDWIDTH tab, setting the desired values. Note, however, that this limits the speed of active downloads and seeds, not of Tribler in its entirety. The overhead of the Tribler protocol, in particular, can’t be limited at this point.

No, you can’t. Although this feature has been requested a number of times and is available in some other clients, it is not one that is likely to appear in Tribler. The first use of the feature is to manually block certain peers. This usage scenario just asks for abusive behaviour, since actual reasons for blocking (such as freeloading) are very hard to investigate for a human being and easy to misjudge. The second usage scenario is using block lists to keep out unwanted eyes, such as governments that don’t wish to upload or download but want to spy on you. This usage, however, is not very effective and provides a false sense of security at best.

If you still wish to block lists of peers to prevent spying parties to connect to you, you can use external software such as PeerBlock that is specialised in this.


For a description of which ports to open, see below. How you open ports completely depends on the device or software you’re trying to configure, but PortForward has excellent coverage of most of them.

Note that some routers actually provide both port forwarding and a firewall. The two are not the same, but both can hinder your connection. Forwarding the ports is needed to have incoming connections to your router to be forwarded to the computer running Tribler, while allowing those incoming connections is needed to allow them in the first place.

If all of this doesn’t help you get your downloads going, you can always visit our forums for more help.

The ports Tribler uses depends on the port number configured under Settings, Connection. The default port number is 7760.

These are the ports used for incoming connections.

You are most welcome to configure a different port, but keep in mind that ports below 1024 are privileged and therefore most likely unavailable to Tribler. Choose a value higher than 1025 to be safe. Also keep in mind that each port number can be used by only one program at the same time. If you have other BitTorrent software running, for example, and want Tribler to use the same port then you will first have to close that other program completely before running Tribler or configuring Tribler’s port.

Note, in particular, that all of these apply to torrents in your own channel if you look them up from the main channels view instead of under My Channels.

Not ‘having heard’ of the torrents might be a bit vague, but has to do with the way channels are distributed. Tribler uses a gossiping protocol to communicate, something you can compare very well with real world gossiping. People (peers) meet each other (connect) and then they exchange information. Not everybody knows the latest in town (not every peer knows every torrent), but if you go around enough (exchange information with enough peers) you’ll be kept up to date (know the current state of the channel). Just like real world gossiping, where it would become a very busy mess if you’d put all the people together in a room to keep each other constantly informed, Tribler peers aren’t constantly exchanging information either. As such, gossiping, while disseminating information quite effectively, can take some time to get you the latest information.

To completely reset Tribler you can remove the settings directory in its entirety. This will completely wipe all settings and active downloads or seeds, as well as your download and upload history (and hence reset your reputation). Note that it will not remove the actual data, either partial or complete, of your downloads, just the knowledge that you were downloading them. Unless you put your downloads in the settings directory yourself, of course.

If you’re concerned about losing things nonetheless, you can also just temporarily rename the directory and start Tribler again to see what happens. If this does not give the desired results, you can restore your backed up directory again.

To find your settings directory, see below.

You can enter the %APPDATA% directory by opening an explorer, typing %APPDATA% in the address bar and then hitting Enter.

Unfortunately, there is no way to remove such content from the decentralized network.

About Tribler

Tribler is a BitTorrent peer-to-peer (P2P) client with various extensions such as integrated search and Video-on-Demand. Tribler is also a not-for-profit research group. We are supported by EU and Dutch research funding. Our aims are to further research, education and progress in peer-to-peer applications, build EU skill capacity in this important area and reach out globally for cooperation and exchange of ideas. As academics we publish our findings so anyone can follow our progress. Tribler is an open source project so anyone can participate in the development of our work and utilize it.

In short Tribler is the evolution of P2P technology building on but also going beyond the successful BitTorrent protocol.

Tribler supports anonymous downloading and seeding. Check our Anonymity page for details.

Please note that, although other Bittorrent clients support encryption, that does not make them anonymous.

Yes, you most certainly can. Check out our Github link in the Developers page. Tribler is released under an open source license, mostly LGPL, partly MIT license. See the license.txt file in the source package for details.

Supported Features

Tribler supports encryption of torrent traffic and anonymity. Check our Anonymity page for details.

There is currently no way to run Tribler in a browser. However, you can use our RESTful API, built for developers, to communicate with the Tribler core. See here for the documentation of this API.


The collected torrent files are collected while you are online. They are part of the distributed library of torrent files you search through when you search using Tribler. All Tribler peers in the network participate in that large library by exchanging torrents and keeping a part of that library available by storing it locally.

No, you are not. Tribler is a normal BitTorrent client in that it participates in Torrent swarms like any other BitTorrent client. You can download from and upload to all the other peers in that swarm. However, when seeding anonymously, only other Tribler users can download your content.

Yes, it does a lot more. Tribler peers are part of an overlay network that exchanges information about channels and torrents, among other things. This overlay network is the basis for the features Tribler offers, such as the integrated search and channels.

Could you stop it? Theoretically, yes. And if you stopped it, it would take your client a few minutes to do searches, but otherwise it would function. You would be leeching on the network, then, taking and not giving. If everybody else stops it, though, you might just as well use any plain old BitTorrent since all of Tribler’s features will break down. So yes, theoretically you could stop it, but you shouldn’t.

Imagine a large circle of users (called peers), each of whom use Tribler file sharing software. File sharing software only functions if it can communicate with other peers. File sharing software requires the Internet address of others in order to search, download and share content with others. On initial startup, the sharing software must bootstrap and find at least one other peer.

List of online peers

The most simple method of bootstrapping is using a list of currently online peers plus their port number. See the example below.
# file: bootstraptribler.txt
# default bootstrap peers 6420
host1.never-offline.russia 6420 6420 6420

A file sharing program needs a fresh list of peers to bootstrap. Thus a pre-defined list of peers is included in the software installer. As peers can go offline it is important that at least one peer out of possibly thousands on the list is still online. This pre-existing address list of possibly working peers must therefore remain valid for as long as possible.

Bootstrapping is done by contacting peers in the list, possibly in parallel. If a single peers replies, we are connected. Once connected, the peer requests a fresh list of working peer Internet addresses. The peer tries to connect to the nodes it was shipped with, as well as nodes it receives from other peers, until it reaches a certain quota. By default Tribler software itself has hard coded some well known online peers. Different online peers for bootstrapping can be used by creating a bootstraptribler.txt file in the format shown above.

How to run a bootstraptribler peer

Any computer with a open connection to the Internet can run a bootstraptribler peer. More volunteers will increase the robustness of the peer-to-peer overlay, i.e. if the peers hosted by various universities are unavailable, people can choose to use different peers.

Setup on Ubuntu Linux

Thank you for running a bootstrap peer

By running a bootstrap peer you are helping out the file sharing community. Thnx! For over 6 years we have been making Tribler as robust as possible. 10+ year old systems such as Gnutella are also distributed. However, all first, second and third generation file sharing software either uses central servers or offers no protection against spam plus lacks our social features and streaming. We define this as «4G P2P». It is trivial to sabotage Gnutella to the point at which it becomes useless. Several ideas have been proposed on bootstrapping systems without any online peer list, simply by smart brute force pinging?. We hope to implement these ideas from University of Denver one day and make this page obsolete, feel free to submit your code.

With a thriving community of bootstraptribler peers we as academics are trying to make something new: extreme robust systems. The Amazon cloud has occasional downtime and many websites like Facebook and Twitter had downtime over the years. That could change if more developers used our self-organising system principles.

Result: The only way to take it down is to take The Internet down.

We are proud that Tribler never had a single second of downtime in the six years since it exists. Yes, we had software bug and version upgrade issues. However, the overlay has always been alive and evolving. We still have a lot of ideas on how to improve matters. Currently we are creating more robust alternatives for all TCP-based protocols, including Bittorrent itself.


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