Town hall meeting что это

town hall meeting

Смотреть что такое «town hall meeting» в других словарях:

Town hall meeting — A town hall meeting is an informal public meeting derived from the traditional town meetings of New England. Similarly to those meetings, everybody in a community is invited to attend, voice their opinions, and hear the responses from public… … Wikipedia

Town Hall — Ein Town Hall Meeting in West Hartford Eine Town Hall bezeichnet eine Veranstaltung oder Präsentation, vergleichbar einer Betriebsversammlung. Vornehmlich wird dieser Begriff in IT (Informationstechnik) Unternehmen verwendet. Der Begriff Town… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Town Hall Theatre — is in Centerville Ohio, Originally built in 1908 Town Hall Theatre use to be the city s Town Meeting Hall along as serving for many other things such as graduations etc. It served as government offices until 1985.Town Hall is transformedIn 1989… … Wikipedia

Town Hall Arts Center — is located in downtown Littleton, Colorado and has been a local professional theatre favorite, producing fine comedies, musicals and plays to the Denver Metro area for over 20 years.tarting outDesigned by prominent Colorado architect Jacques… … Wikipedia

Town Hall, Colombo — Town Hall Colombo Town Hall General information Town or city Colombo Country Sri Lanka … Wikipedia

town hall — noun Town hall is used before these nouns: ↑meeting … Collocations dictionary

town hall — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. assembly room, courthouse, meeting hall; see auditorium … English dictionary for students

The Town Hall — Infobox Theatre name = The Town Hall caption = address = 123 West 43rd Street city = New York City country = United States designation = latitude = longitude = architect = McKim, Mead White owner = capacity = 1,495 [ [http://www.the townhall… … Wikipedia

Birmingham Town Hall — Infobox building building name = Birmingham Town Hall caption = The town hall after being refurbished seen from Victoria Square building type = Concert and meeting venue architectural style = Classical structural system = location = Victoria… … Wikipedia

City and Town Hall — Infobox nrhp name = City and Town Hall nrhp type = caption = location = Junction of Fourth Avenue and Sixth Street, Rochelle, Ogle County, Illinois, USA nearest city = lat degrees = 41 lat minutes = 55 lat seconds = 24 lat direction = N long… … Wikipedia


town hall meeting

1 town hall meeting

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См. также в других словарях:

Town hall meeting — A town hall meeting is an informal public meeting derived from the traditional town meetings of New England. Similarly to those meetings, everybody in a community is invited to attend, voice their opinions, and hear the responses from public… … Wikipedia

Town Hall — Ein Town Hall Meeting in West Hartford Eine Town Hall bezeichnet eine Veranstaltung oder Präsentation, vergleichbar einer Betriebsversammlung. Vornehmlich wird dieser Begriff in IT (Informationstechnik) Unternehmen verwendet. Der Begriff Town… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Town Hall Theatre — is in Centerville Ohio, Originally built in 1908 Town Hall Theatre use to be the city s Town Meeting Hall along as serving for many other things such as graduations etc. It served as government offices until 1985.Town Hall is transformedIn 1989… … Wikipedia

Town Hall Arts Center — is located in downtown Littleton, Colorado and has been a local professional theatre favorite, producing fine comedies, musicals and plays to the Denver Metro area for over 20 years.tarting outDesigned by prominent Colorado architect Jacques… … Wikipedia

Town Hall, Colombo — Town Hall Colombo Town Hall General information Town or city Colombo Country Sri Lanka … Wikipedia

town hall — noun Town hall is used before these nouns: ↑meeting … Collocations dictionary

town hall — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. assembly room, courthouse, meeting hall; see auditorium … English dictionary for students

The Town Hall — Infobox Theatre name = The Town Hall caption = address = 123 West 43rd Street city = New York City country = United States designation = latitude = longitude = architect = McKim, Mead White owner = capacity = 1,495 [ [http://www.the townhall… … Wikipedia

Birmingham Town Hall — Infobox building building name = Birmingham Town Hall caption = The town hall after being refurbished seen from Victoria Square building type = Concert and meeting venue architectural style = Classical structural system = location = Victoria… … Wikipedia

City and Town Hall — Infobox nrhp name = City and Town Hall nrhp type = caption = location = Junction of Fourth Avenue and Sixth Street, Rochelle, Ogle County, Illinois, USA nearest city = lat degrees = 41 lat minutes = 55 lat seconds = 24 lat direction = N long… … Wikipedia


Town hall meeting что это. Смотреть фото Town hall meeting что это. Смотреть картинку Town hall meeting что это. Картинка про Town hall meeting что это. Фото Town hall meeting что это

Несмотря на свое название, собрания ратуши не обязательно проводить в ратуше. Обычно они проводятся в различных местах, включая школы, библиотеки, муниципальные здания и церкви. Ряд чиновников также экспериментировали с цифровыми форматами для ратушей. Общие собрания, организуемые национальными политиками, часто проводятся в различных местах, распределенных по избирательному округу, чтобы избранные представители могли получить обратную связь от большей части избирателей.



Собрания в ратуше можно проследить до колониальной эпохи Соединенных Штатов и 19 века в Австралии. Внедрение телевидения и других новых медиа-технологий в 20-м веке привело к новому расцвету городских собраний в Соединенных Штатах, а также к экспериментам с различными форматами в Соединенных Штатах и ​​других странах, которые продолжаются и по сей день.

Соединенные Штаты

Некоторые политические организации отслеживают публичные мероприятия в мэрии, проводимые политиками по всей территории Соединенных Штатов.

Президентская кампания Ричарда Никсона в США в 1968 году состояла из девяти прямых телевизионных сессий вопросов и ответов с использованием новаторского формата круговой трансляции, в ходе которой телевизионная аудитория в студии и местные жители напрямую задавали вопросы кандидату. Продюсером прямых трансляций мэрии Никсона «Человек на арене» был Роджер Эйлс, который позже отправился на запуск Fox News. Использование Эйлсом прямого формата вопросов и ответов от избирателя к кандидату послужило образцом для последующих и теперь повсеместных форматов кандидатов в мэрии и даже для дебатов с несколькими кандидатами.

Интерес к ратушам колеблется в зависимости от уровня общественного интереса к обсуждаемым темам. Спорные или запутанные вопросы, которые широко обсуждаются в новостях, привели к тому, что проводится больше ратушей. С 2000-х годов муниципалитеты, проводимые политическими кандидатами, объявляют и применяют правила поведения толпы и круг вопросов, которые могут быть заданы.

В 2009 году группы « Чаепитие», выступавшие против предложенного закона о реформе здравоохранения, начали посещать ратуши, чтобы выразить свое несогласие с законодательством. Большая и шумная толпа побудила некоторых представителей отменить или сократить свои мероприятия в ратуше. Представитель Брайан Бэрд отменил свои живые собрания в ратуше после получения угроз смертью, решив вместо этого провести телефонную конференцию со своими избирателями.

Все большую популярность приобрели собрания в ратуше по телеконференции или онлайн. Обама занимал некоторых постов действующего президента, начиная с 2011 года. Федеральные агентства проводят ратуши в Твиттере по крайней мере с 2013 года. Некоторые политики проводят AMA на Reddit, которые имеют аналогичные форматы.


Собрания в мэрии Австралии проводятся государственными политиками по крайней мере с 19 века.


Канадские ратуши были форумами для провинциальных политиков для обсуждения актуальных вопросов, по крайней мере, с 20 века. Во время выборов 1993 года транслируемые по телевидению собрания муниципалитета были одной из ряда инициатив основных средств массовой информации, направленных на то, чтобы сосредоточить простых граждан в центре освещения своей кампании. Эти усилия, в которые также входили группы избирателей, предлагавшие комментарии в печати и в радиопередачах, были коллективно признаны «лучшей международной практикой».



Целью собраний мэрии является то, чтобы местные и региональные власти могли услышать мнение сообщества по общественным вопросам.

Не было никаких конкретных правил или инструкций по проведению собрания мэрии. Формат встреч может быть разным. Обычно лицо, проводящее собрание (например, член Конгресса), делает несколько вступительных замечаний. Иногда к аудитории обращаются и другие (например, местные лидеры). Основная часть собрания в ратуше обычно происходит, когда зал открыт для вопросов и комментариев аудитории. Участники обычно представляют идеи, высказывают свое мнение, задают вопросы общественным деятелям, выборным должностным лицам или политическим кандидатам в мэрии. Иногда собрание мэрии транслируется по телевидению или записывается. В последние годы ратуши, проводимые политическими кандидатами, объявили и обеспечили соблюдение правил поведения толпы и круга вопросов, которые могут быть заданы.

Некоторые исследовали альтернативные форматы для собраний ратуши, такие как «электронная ратуша». Фонд Конгресса заказал отчет об онлайн-собраниях муниципалитетов, которые показали, что они выросли в размерах и значимости, начиная с середины 2000-х годов.


Несмотря на название ратуша, собрания не обязательно проводить в ратуше. Обычно они проходят в различных местах, включая школы, библиотеки, муниципальные здания, церкви и т. Д. Как правило, они проводятся в общественных местах и ​​за посещение не взимается плата. В том или ином районе собрания муниципалитета, организованные представителем округа в конгрессе, часто проводятся в разных местах округа.

Другое использование термина

Термин «общее собрание» также используется для описания неформальных корпоративных собраний, проводимых для обмена информацией, такой как результаты бизнеса или кадровые изменения.


town hall meetings

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Здание городского самоуправления в ряде европейских стран
[ Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР) ]


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city hall — ратуша, здание муниципалитета, городского совета

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city hall — ратуша, здание муниципалитета, городского совета

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См. также в других словарях:

town hall meet|ing — «town hl MEE tihng», an informational session usually involving a large group that may include officials, co workers, or any interested persons: »The phalanx of candidates vying for the presidency scheduled town hall meetings across the country… … Useful english dictionary

Town hall meeting — A town hall meeting is an informal public meeting derived from the traditional town meetings of New England. Similarly to those meetings, everybody in a community is invited to attend, voice their opinions, and hear the responses from public… … Wikipedia

Town hall in Banska Stiavnica — As a ground floor house in gothic style it existed already in 14. century with the name STUBA PRAETORIANA or STUBA JUDICIS. Since the time in years 1507 a 1679 was renaissancely modified and extended. Chapel of St. Anna was build out to the… … Wikipedia

Town Hall Arts Center — is located in downtown Littleton, Colorado and has been a local professional theatre favorite, producing fine comedies, musicals and plays to the Denver Metro area for over 20 years.tarting outDesigned by prominent Colorado architect Jacques… … Wikipedia

Town Hall, Vilnius — Vilnius Town Hall ( lt. Vilniaus rotušė) is a historical town hall in the square of the same name in the Old Town of Vilnius, Lithuania. Palace The town hall in Vilnius was mentioned for the first time in 1432. Initially it was a Gothic style… … Wikipedia

town hall — A building wherein town officers are located and wherein town meetings are held … Ballentine’s law dictionary

town hall — noun Date: 15th century a public building used for town government offices and meetings … New Collegiate Dictionary

The Town Hall — Infobox Theatre name = The Town Hall caption = address = 123 West 43rd Street city = New York City country = United States designation = latitude = longitude = architect = McKim, Mead White owner = capacity = 1,495 [ [http://www.the townhall… … Wikipedia

Swindon Town Hall — The current Swindon Town Hall, England was built in the late 19th century to be a centrepiece of New Swindon, powers transferred to it from the Old Town Hall in 1891.The Whole building is currently used by SWINDON DANCE a National Dance Agency.… … Wikipedia

Old Town Hall (Chester, Connecticut) — Old Town Hall U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia

Hornsey Town Hall — is a public building in Crouch End area of Hornsey, London. Built in 1935, it was the first major UK building to be constructed in the Modernist or International style. Designed by architect Reginald Uren 1933 1935, the building shows the… … Wikipedia


Town Hall Meeting

Town hall meeting что это. Смотреть фото Town hall meeting что это. Смотреть картинку Town hall meeting что это. Картинка про Town hall meeting что это. Фото Town hall meeting что это

This article explains the Town Hall Meeting in a practical way. After reading it, you will understand the basics of this useful communication skills tool.

What is a Town Hall Meeting?

Town Hall Meetings derive their name from town halls. Town halls exist to serve everyone; from citizens to civil servants. This is also what the Town Hall Meeting is exactly about. It is a meeting intended for everyone in the organisation, in which management reports on policy matters, and employees are given ample opportunity to respond, ask questions and enter into discussions with managers.

Complete transparency

Many employees believe managers do not spend enough time explaining organisational policies and the plans and goals that accompany them.

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They experience this as a lack of transparency. However, this transparency is important to ensure a well-performing company. A Town Hall Meeting can help towards this.

Improving transparency will influence the innovation and engagement of employees. Through Town Hall Business Meetings, the opportunity arises for discussion between employees and managers.

In other words, it makes leadership more accessible. Such meetings can be offered on a quarterly basis. At the same time, they are also a welcome way to engage in discussion and strive for complete transparency in a less formal setting. A wide range of topics may be discussed; quarterly figures, milestones that have been achieved, new plans, topics that deserve additional attention or imminent competition. These are just a few examples.


Town Hall Meetings may be held internally within the company. For example, in the company canteen. It is also possible to organise these meetings externally by reserving a (large) conference room.

On the other hand, there is also the possibility of communicating with various branches simultaneously using video, streaming or other communication systems. Even employees who are in a different time zone can then join in and respond. In addition, a PowerPoint presentation may also be used, clearly showing agenda items and making the structure of the meeting clear.

A good Town Hall Meeting should preferably be led by a moderator. This is a discussion leader who gives a brief introduction, asks questions and gives participants (employees in this case) the opportunity to answer.

It is his / her task to involve the public in the discussion and to guide the meeting in the right direction. This can be manager or an externally hired person. It is the task of the moderator to give a short summary of what has been said, so that everyone understands the topic at hand.


The goal of a Town Hall Meeting is more than just the presentation of company information. It is mainly about encouraging dialogue between managers and employees, so that everyone feels connected to the organisation. It gives employees an opportunity to make their voice heard and be part of the company.

To involve every employee, it is recommended to organise a special Q&A session. For example, this can be done by using the so-called Round Robin method; a variant of the classic way of brainstorming. Everyone is given the opportunity to contribute, and all ideas are equally important.

Beforehand, each participant is given the opportunity to shine his/ her light on the problem or relevant topic.

Everyone writes their proposals and possible questions on a piece of paper. This gives everyone the opportunity to let their thoughts run free, and prevents anyone from being directly influenced by the ideas of others. It gives every employee the full attention of all managers and allows for sufficient time to ask questions and include follow-up questions. The questions are subsequently discussed during the meeting itself.

4 steps

A Town Hall Meeting can be structured in different ways. The step-by-step plan shown below usually works well. A structured meeting guarantees everyone feels heard and actively involved, with the main purpose being open communication.

Step 1: open the dialogue

By announcing the Town Hall Meeting well in advance, every employee will become aware of it. This is precisely the intention. After all, the meeting is most effective if as many employees as possible participate. The announcement can be made in a variety of ways, including via the Intranet.

It is recommended to mention that the presence and feedback of employees is more than welcome in making the meeting a success. In addition, during preparation, employees may already be asked to contribute anonymous questions and/ or feedback about company operations. Being anonymous is inviting and ensures no employee will feel hesitant to speak his/her true feelings. In other words, it is the basis for two-way communication.

Step 2: create a survey

By using an (online) survey, employees can express their ideas and opinions about the organisation in a different way. This survey is also completely anonymous.

For example, the questions may concern the functioning of the department or organisation, potential improvements, suggestions and other topics related to management. Again, being anonymous is important here to obtain honest answers. Employees must be free to provide answers and not be inhibited by the fact that managers will immediately know their name.

Step 3: collection of data

During this phase, all data and questions from steps 1 and 2 are collected and integrated into the meeting agenda. It should be noted that it is essential that all questions and feedback are returned. If not, credibility with employees will be lost. The questions that cannot directly be answered during the Town Hall Business Meeting can be discussed at a different time.

Step 4: action list

After discussing the agenda items, there will undoubtedly be various actions that need to be taken. By placing these in a realistic timeline, management demonstrates its commitment to promises. This will only encourage employees.

They’ll be taken seriously by the organisation, as a result of which they will continue to actively contribute. By means of a Town Hall Meeting, an organisation shows that it is committed and is willing to communicate with employees in an open and honest way.


To make the Town Hall Meeting as effective as possible, there are a number of important preconditions to take into account. First of all, there’s the PowerPoint presentation. By keeping the number of slides and amount of text per slide to a minimum, the audience will not get bored and employees will know the exact topic of discussion. Second, it is a good idea to maintain contact with the audience. A manager who relies too much on slides will lose eye contact. Moreover, it is also recommended to alternate heavier topics with lighter ones, so that a balance is created, and employees remain involved.

By having as many managers as possible involved in the Town Hall Meeting, a company can transmit a positive signal to employees. Even though some of them may not be directly involved in the presentation, it allows for opportunity to discuss matters with employees in complete openness. As a result, everyone will contribute to the meeting.

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