Total cbm что это

Total cbm что это

кубический метр

[[Англо-русский словарь сокращений транспортно-экспедиторских и коммерческих терминов и выражений ФИАТА]]


техническое обслуживание с учётом состояния оборудования

[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]


Смотреть что такое «cbm» в других словарях:

CBM-II — CBM 610 Die Computer der CBM 600 Serie sind Mikrocomputer bzw. Personalcomputer aus den frühen 1980er Jahren, aus der Zeit kurz nach Einführung des IBM PC. Sie arbeiten intern mit einem 8 Bit Mikroprozessor der IBM PC kam hingegen 1981 als 16 Bit … Deutsch Wikipedia

Cbm — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. CBM, sigle composé des trois lettres C, B et M, peut faire référence à : Christian Blind Mission, organisation internationale chrétienne d aide aux… … Wikipédia en Français

cbm — cbm: nicht mehr zulässiges Einheitenzeichen für Kubikmeter (m3). * * * cbm (früher für: m3) = Kubikmeter. * * * cbm (früher für: m3) = Kubikmeter … Universal-Lexikon

cbm — cbm, amtliche Abkürzung für Kubikmeter … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

cbm — cbm, amtliche Abkürzung für Kubikmeter … Lexikon der gesamten Technik

cbm — Kubikmeter … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

cbm — 〈früher Abk. für〉 Kubikmeter … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

cbm — (cubic meter) volume of a cube (one meter in length, width, and breadth) … English contemporary dictionary

cbm — Kubikmeter (früher für m3) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung


Как расшифровать qty, ctns, lbs, pcs, g.w, n.w в упаковочном листе?

Total cbm что это. Смотреть фото Total cbm что это. Смотреть картинку Total cbm что это. Картинка про Total cbm что это. Фото Total cbm что это

Издание сопроводительных документов на перевозимый груз – неукоснительное требование законодательства. В международных контейнерных перевозках одним из таких обязательных документов является packing list. В обиходе по-русcки – пакинг лист (он же – упаковочный лист).

Заполняется данный документ, как правило на английском языке и для начинающих коммерсантов не всегда понятны сокращения английских слов в тексте. Надеемся, что наша шпаргалка поможет расшифровать аббревиатуру, используемую в пакинг листах.

Табл. Расшифровка аббревиатур в пакинг листе

АббревиатураСлово (англ.)ПереводПример
bnd, bndlbundleсвязка, пачка352 bndls / 352 связки
cbmcubic meter>кубический метр20,21 CBM / 20,21 куб.м.
ctn, ctnscartonкоробка650 CTNS / 650 коробок
dim, dimsdimensionsразмерыDims: 140x50x45 cm / Размер:140x50x45 см
g.wgross weightвес БруттоG.W. / Брутто
kgskilogramкилограмм910 KGS / 910 кг
lbspoundsфунты (мера веса)1500 LBS / 680,39 кг
mtmetric tonметрическая тонна0,990 MT / 0,990 мт
n.wnetto weightвес НеттоN.W. / Нетто
pcspiecesштука5 PCS / 5 шт.
pkg, pkgspackingупаковка210 PKGS / 210 упаковок
plpalletпаллет11 PL / 11 пал.
qtyquantityколичествоQTY / Количество
tton, tonneтонна5 t / 5 т.

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CBM Calculator For Shipping (CM,KG)

How To Calculate Cubic Metres (CBM) When Shipping

Determining cubic metres(CBM) is the first step you should take in determining how to ship your cargo.

How to use this calculator

Calculate the volumetric weight of your shipment

Sometimes, large items with a light overall weight will be charged according to the space they take up on aircraft, eg. carnival headband, luggage. In these cases, volumetric weight, or dimensional weight, is used to calculate the shipment cost. It is recommended that you calculate the volumetric weight for every shipment that you send, then compare this to it’s actual weight. The greater weight of the two is used to work out the price that air shipping company will charge you.

International volumetric weights are calculated using the formula below:
(Length x Width x Height in centimeters) / 5000 = Volumetric Weight in kilograms

For example :
If we have a carton with size 40 x 50 x 60 cm, and the gross weight(with products) is 20 kg.

Calculating the CBM

Android Mobile App

We have a new CBM calculator apps for Android device, if you like our CBM calculator tool and you have a Android mobile/tablet, try our handy mobile apps on the mobile. Download CBM calculator apps at Google Play.

Loadability of ocean containers

Please note that this calculator is intended only as a quick guide. In practice, actual loading will depend on accurate calculations based on how the items are loaded in the container and whether the dimensions of the cartons leave unusable space. Load factors will vary based on carton size and how they are stowed inside the containers.

What do you think about this tool?

Volume calculators

Volume converters

Example of Shipping Volume Calculation

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Use of the calculators within this website is free. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the calculators published within this website, you choose to use them and rely on any results at your own risk. We will not under any circumstances accept responsibility or liability for any losses that may arise from a decision that you may make as aresult of using these calculators. Similarly, we will not be requesting a share of any profits you may make as a result of using the calculators.


CBM Calculator for Shipping

This CBM calculator for shipping is a simple tool that helps you determine the volume and weight of your consignment. This helps you plan your transport: all you have to do is input the dimensions and weight of the cube you’re shipping, and our calculator will tell you how many cartons of this size will fit in a standard container. You will also learn more about the CBM measurement and cubic meter itself.

You can use our calculator straight away, or read on to learn how to calculate CBM. Once you’re done, make sure to check out the freight class calculator, too!

What is CBM?

CBM stands for cubic meters. It is a metric unit of volume that describes how much space your consignment takes. If you want to recalculate it to imperial units, use the following equation:

1 CBM = 1 m³ = 35.3147 cu ft

Don’t worry about recalculating the units, though. You can easily change them in the container volume calculator. Centimeters, inches, or feet? They’re all there. You may also compare various measures of volume, both metric and imperial, using our volume conversion calculator.

How to calculate CBM?

Calculating CBM for one carton is extremely easy. All you have to do is multiply all the dimensions of your box (length, width, and height):

CBM = length * width * height

Make sure that all of these values are in the same units! When in doubt, use our length conversion calculator.

Once you know the CBM of a single carton, you can easily find the total volume of your consignment. All you have to do is multiply this value by the quantity of cartons:

total volume = CBM * quantity

Total weight vs. volumetric weight

If you decide to input the weight of a single carton, our CBM calculator for shipping will automatically return two additional values: the total weight and volumetric weight of your cargo. What is the difference between the two?

Total weight describes how much your cargo weighs. You can obtain this value by multiplying the weight of a single box by the quantity of cartons in a consignment.

Volumetric weight, on the other hand, is an artificial measure of how much space the shipped item occupies. Imagine the following situation: you are traveling on a plane, and take incredibly light luggage with you. In that case, you will be charged not for the weight, but rather for the volume of the item.

You can calculate volumetric weight of the consignment according to the following formula:

volumetric weight (kg) = length (cm) * width (cm) * height (cm) * quantity / 5000

If you just need to check dimensions of the surface area, take a look at our square footage calculator.

When estimating the shipment cost, many companies choose either total or volumetric weight, depending on which one is higher. This is called the Weight or Measurement Rule (W/M rule).

Both FedEx and UPS apply this pricing technique. Items of low density will typically be charged per kilogram of volumetric weight. Specific rates may, however, depend on freight carriers, origins, or destinations.

Also known as dimensional weight, volumetric weight typically favors shippers of heavy, dense goods, and makes it more costly to dispatch lightweight but sizable packages.

How to use our shipping cube calculator: an example

Determine the dimensions of one shipping cube in your consignment. Let’s assume it’s 50 cm long, 80 cm wide, and 60 cm high.

Weigh one carton. Let’s say it weighs 35 kg.

Decide on how many boxes you want to ship. For example, your shipment can consist of 20 boxes of identical shape and weight.

CBM = 50 * 80 * 60 = 0.24 m³

total volume = 0.24 * 20 = 4.8 m³

total weight = 35 * 20 = 700 kg

volumetric weight (kg) = 50 * 80 * 60 * 20 / 5000 = 960 kg

The total weight is lower than the volumetric weight, so you can expect to be charged according to the latter.

Please note that the maximum number of cartons that fit in a chosen container is just an approximation. It is possible that due to the arrangement of packages in the container, some space will be left unusable, what will decrease the total number of boxes that fit into it.

Container types in the cubic meter calculator

Our calculator can determine the shipping limit of the following containers:

Dry containers 20′ and 40′ (general purpose) are sufficient for a broad class of cargo. Usually made of steel or aluminum, they have exactly the same width and hight, and differ only in length. These are, by a significant margin, the most common types of container.

Around one foot taller, high cube dry containers are considered to be a bit more suitable for voluminous but light articles.

Both of these types of containers are multi-modal. This means that they can be transited by ship, train, barge, and truck. Consequently, they allow for door-to-door transportation solutions.

How to calculate CBM when your package is irregularly shaped?

When it comes to standard, rectangular packages, getting the right CBM measurement is not that hard, and incredibly simple with our shipping container volume calculator.

However, if your package is irregularly shaped, you need to be sure that it does not exceed the limit of the box in any dimension. Imagine, for example, that you would like to ship a really long but narrow consignment.

To solve this problem, you must identify the longest, widest, and tallest parts of your shipment. In other words, you need to figure out the dimensions of the smallest cuboid that your package can fit into.

If you’re interested in calculating volume of other geometric shapes, take a look at our cylinder volume calculator which returns the volume of right and oblique circular cylinders. The volume of the most common three-dimensional solids may be estimated with this volume calculator.

Why the CBM calculation for sea shipment matters?

CBM calculator may be a useful tool when shipping freight via sea. As a matter of fact, most of the ideas in the cargo shipping industry come from maritime freight, and only later entered air or rail transport.

Maritime transport remains the cheapest and the most important form of cargo. The efficiency of this form of transform has been achieved mostly by containerization. Starting from the mid-twentieth century the containers have standardized dimensions.

Cargo containers enable automation. Goods don’t need to be handled manually anymore. Once containers are delivered to a port, they may be loaded onto trucks or trains, and then be shipped to various locations.

The effects of standardized shipping containers on the economy went far beyond the cargo industry. Since the 1990s they have transformed entire economies, which were not held back by large expenses of ocean-going freight.

In the modern economic system, where each country can be connected to global value chains, both as a supplier or a consumer, it is the cargo shipping rules that level the playing field, and cement the terms of exchange.

You can learn about the determinants of maritime transport costs in the recent years from this great report by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

As of 2013, 90% of international trade is seaborne, and shipped in 700 million containers. More and more of them are equipped with remote tracking systems, and are easy to navigate with computerized logistics systems.


Словарь терминов

В сфере международных контейнерных перевозок используется огромное количество сокращений для разнообразных пошлин, документов, типов контейнеров, возникающих чрезвычайных ситуаций. Корректно оформить необходимые бумаги на перевозку груза без знаний этих сокращений практически невозможно. В данной статье вы найдете расшифровку самых часто встречающихся терминов.

Маркировка морских контейнеров

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Обозначения портовых сборов, а также надбавок к базовому фрахту при перевозке морских контейнеров

Total cbm что это. Смотреть фото Total cbm что это. Смотреть картинку Total cbm что это. Картинка про Total cbm что это. Фото Total cbm что это

Вес может быть определен 2 способами:

Freight (рус. Фрахт, нем. – Fracht). В праве – плата за перевозку груза либо использование судна в течение определенного времени, обусловленная договором или законом. Ее выплачивает судовладельцу фрахтователь или отправитель груза.

Дополнительные термины, которые используются при контейнерных перевозках

3PL (Third Party Logistics) – третья сторона логистики. Комплекс логистических услуг, включающий доставку, хранение, управление грузами, комплектацию заказов и отправление их в требуемом виде конечным потребителям, который предоставляет 3PL-оператор. Компания, оказывающая услуги в формате 3PL, является посредником между грузовладельцем и грузополучателем. Берет на себя ответственность за все транспортно-логистические мероприятия, в том числе, если понадобится, за взаимодействие с поставщиками и сбыт товаров.

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