To turn the other cheek что значит

to turn the other cheek

1 turn the other cheek

2 turn the other cheek

3 turn the other cheek

Jane must learn to turn the other cheek, no matter what the provocation.

4 turn the other cheek

5 turn the other cheek

6 turn the other cheek

7 turn the other cheek

8 Turn the other cheek

9 cheek

10 cheek

тех. боковая стойка;
pl щеки тисков

разг. наглость, самоуверенность;
to have the cheek to say (smth.) иметь наглость сказать (что-л.)

разг. нахальничать, говорить дерзости

pl мор. чиксы (на мачте) ;
cheek by jowl рядом, бок о бок;
to one’s own cheek все для себя одного;
cheek brings success посл. = смелость города берет

pl мор. чиксы (на мачте) ;
cheek by jowl рядом, бок о бок;
to one’s own cheek все для себя одного;
cheek brings success посл. = смелость города берет

pl мор. чиксы (на мачте) ;
cheek by jowl рядом, бок о бок;
to one’s own cheek все для себя одного;
cheek brings success посл. = смелость города берет

разг. наглость, самоуверенность;
to have the cheek to say (smth.) иметь наглость сказать (что-л.)

pl мор. чиксы (на мачте) ;
cheek by jowl рядом, бок о бок;
to one’s own cheek все для себя одного;
cheek brings success посл. = смелость города берет

11 cheek

burning / flushed cheeks — пылающие щёки

dimpled cheeks — щёки, покрытые сыпью

full / rounded cheeks — полные щёки

to have the cheek to say smth. — иметь наглость сказать что-л.

She had the cheek to phone me at home. — У неё хватило наглости позвонить мне домой.

cheek by jowl — рядом; бок о бок; интимно; запросто

Cheek brings success. — посл. Смелость города берёт.

The teacher will not allow the children to cheek her up. — Эта учительница не позволит детям дерзить.

There are boys at every school who are never so elated as when they have cheeked the master. — В каждой школе есть ребята, которым доставляет особую радость надерзить учителю.

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cheek brings successпосл. смелость города берёт; наглость — второе счастье

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См. также в других словарях:

turn the other cheekTo let someone do something to you and not to do it in return; not hit back when hit; be patient when injured or insulted by someone; not try to get even. * /Joe turned the other cheek when he was hit with a snowball./ … Dictionary of American idioms

turn the other cheekTo let someone do something to you and not to do it in return; not hit back when hit; be patient when injured or insulted by someone; not try to get even. * /Joe turned the other cheek when he was hit with a snowball./ … Dictionary of American idioms

turn the other cheek — If you turn the other cheek, you are humble and do not retaliate or get outwardly angry when someone offends or hurts you, in fact, you give them the opportunity to re offend instead and compound their unpleasantness … The small dictionary of idiomes

turn the other cheek — ► turn the other cheek refrain from retaliating after an attack or insult. [ORIGIN: with biblical allusion to the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5.] Main Entry: ↑cheek … English terms dictionary

turn the other cheek — phrasal : to respond to injury or unkindness with patience : forgo retaliation * * * turn the other cheek see under ↑turn • • • Main Entry: ↑cheek turn the other cheek To accept harm, violence, etc without defending oneself • • • Main Entry:… … Useful english dictionary

turn the other cheek — let someone do something to you and not try to get revenge He decided to turn the other cheek when the man tried to start a fight in the restaurant. Digest 20/2002 not to retaliate; not to pay back bad behavior with more bad behavior When someone … Idioms and examples

turn the other cheek — if you turn the other cheek when someone attacks or insults you, you do not get angry and attack or insult them but stay calm instead. Neither nation is renowned for turning the other cheek … New idioms dictionary

turn the other cheek — If you turn the other cheek, you are humble and do not retaliate or get outwardly angry when someone offends or hurts you, in fact, you give them the opportunity to re offend instead and compound their unpleasantness. (Dorking School… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

Turn the other cheek — If you turn the other cheek, you are humble and do not retaliate or get outwardly angry when someone offends or hurts you, in fact, you give them the opportunity to re offend instead and compound their unpleasantness … Dictionary of English idioms

turn the other cheek — accept hurt twice, not fight back He is a passive man. He will turn the other cheek instead of fight … English idioms

turn\ the\ other\ cheek — v. phr. To let someone do something to you and not to do it in return; not hit back when hit; be patient when injured or insulted by someone; not try to get even. Joe turned the other cheek when he was hit with a snowball … Словарь американских идиом


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