Tjct teamredminer что это
TeamRedMiner Скачать, Настройка и Команды
В этом руководстве вы узнаете, как настроить и использовать программное обеспечение ТимРедМайнер и новее для майнинга криптовалют
Скачать для Windows/Linux
Что такое TeamRedMiner
Это программное обеспечение может добывать такие криптовалюты, как Ethereum, Ravencoin, Grin, Zcoin и другие.
Это программа для командной строки. Это означает, что вы запускаете его либо из командной строки Windows, либо из консоли Linux, либо создаете ярлыки для предопределенных командных строк с помощью сценария Linux Bash или командного (.bat) файла Windows.
Как настроить TeamRedMiner
Видео Гид
Настройка для Эфира
Адрес пула (-o) | stratum+tcp:// |
Порт: | 4444 |
Кошелек (-u) | Wallet address |
Пароль или название фермы | Worker Password |
Чтобы настроить батник для ETH нам нужно поочередно ввести 6 команд:
Так будет выглядеть батник TeamRedMiner для eth на пуле ethermine:
Настройка для NiceHash
Вот батник для НайсХеш:
Это пример для RVN:
Teamredminer v.0.8.0 vs Phoenix Miner 5.5b vs lolMiner 1.19
Алгоритмы и комиссии
Algorithm | Fee |
Ethash on Polaris GPUs | 0.75% |
Ethash on all other GPUs | 1.0% |
Kawpow | 2.0% |
Nimiq | 2.5% |
Cryptonight R | 2.5% |
Cryptonight v8 upx2 | 2.5% |
Cryptonight v8 turtle | 2.5% |
Cryptonight v8 half | 2.5% |
Cryptonight v8 double | 2.5% |
Cryptonight v8 rwz | 2.5% |
Cryptonight v8 | 2.5% |
Cryptonight heavy | 2.5% |
Cryptonight haven | 2.5% |
Cryptonight saber | 2.5% |
Cryptonight conceal | 2.5% |
Chukwa-512 (Turtlecoin) | 2.5% |
Chukwa-1024 (Turtlecoin) | 2.5% |
x16r | 2.5% |
x16rv2 | 2.5% |
x16s | 2.5% |
x16rt | 2.5% |
MTP | 2.5% |
Cuckatoo31 | 2.5% |
Cuckarood29 | 2.5% |
Lyra2rev3 | 2.5% |
Lyra2z | 3.0% |
Phi2 | 3.0% |
Майнинг на процессоре (CPU):
Прошивка BIOS видеокарт:
История версий
TeamRedMiner – что за приложение и как с ним работать?
Криптомир стремительно развивается. Появляются новые алгоритмы шифрования блокчейн сетей, а вслед за ними выходит новый криптодобывающий софт. В статье рассмотрим TeamRedMiner. Чем он может помочь майнерам, какие видеокарт поддерживает и как работать с программой.
Впервые мир услышал о софте в 2018 году, когда в свет вышла первая версия программы. Она давала возможность вести добычу десятков разных монет в том числе монеро и эфир, но серьезной конкуренции таким игрокам как Claymore, Phoneix или xmr-stak, которые уже давно работают в этой сфере, разработчики программы составить не смогли. Существенным плюсом можно было выделить только – повышение скорости хэширования на GPU от Vega на алгоритме эфира.
Скачиваем TeamRedMiner
Крайне важно скачивать программное обеспечение только с проверенных источников. В неофициальных местах исходники могут быть заражен вредоносными программами или вирусами, которые способны похитить с компьютера важную информацию или красть часть мощности хэширования в пользу хакера. Мы можем рекомендовать для скачивания только Github и форум BitcoinTalk. Это проверенные места и скачиваемые на них исходники точно ничем не заражены.
Разработаны две версии софта. Одна для операционных систем на Windows, вторая для работы на Linux.
Технические особенности
Утилита способна работать исключительно с видеокартами производства компании AMD и поддерживает самые популярные для майнинга карты. Полный список GPU, с которыми работает программа, можно найти на официальном сайте.
Софт способен добывать большинство популярных и наиболее выгодных сейчас монет, которые работают на одном из 25 поддерживаемых алгоритмах шифрования криптосети.
Установка и начало работы
Программа не требуется установки. Просто распакуйте архив с последней версией софта на жесткий диск и программа будет готова к первичной настройке перед работой.
Если ваше антивирусное ПО сообщит о возможной угрозе заражения – просто не обращайте внимания. Все программы для майнинга считаются антивирусами вредоносным софтом. Добавьте TeamRedMiner в список исключений, и ошибка больше не будет повторяться.
Шаблоны для настройки TeamRedMiner
В распакованном архиве вы найдете несколько мануалов для самых популярных крипто алгоритмов. Единственный минус – мануалы написаны на английском языке, зато очень подробно и понятно.
Кроме того, в папке есть заранее созданные шаблоны bat файлов необходимых для настройки майнинга на разные алгоритмы шифрования.
Интерфейс TeamRedMiner
Данный софт, как и все программы, работающие в среде DOS, не имеют графического интерфейса. Вся настройка ПО осуществляется через изменения в bat файлах.
Создание батника
Не вносите изменения в существующие bat файлы. Пусть они останутся у вас на компьютере в качестве примера. Лучше на основе нужного батника создавать свой.
Пошаговый план создания bat файла:
Команды управления майнером
Программа имеет очень гибкий интерфейс настройки, через который можно отключить те или иные режимы, настроить время попыток и т.п. Все команды можно найти на официальном сайте софта, либо на соответствующей ветке форума BitcoinTalk.
Комиссионные сборы
Разработчики TeamRedMiner тоже хотят кушать и плата за использование программы взымается со всех пользователей. Периодически происходит автоматическое переключение и идет майнинг на кошелек разработчика. Комиссия будет зависеть как от выбранной для добычи криптовалюты, так и от видеокарт, на которых ведется работа.
Так самая низкая плата будет на алгоритмах эфира (всего 1%), а самая высокая на Lyra2z и Phi2 (3%). В среднем комиссионные сборы при работе программного обеспечения будут составлять 2.5%.
Проблемы с работой TeamRedMiner
Чаще всего возникают проблемы при майнинге на видеокартах Polaris монет на алгоритме Ethash. Это обычно происходит из-за завышенной по умолчанию интенсивности. Понизьте это значение, прописав команду в запускающем батнике.
Всегда пользуйтесь последней версией программного обеспечения – это снизит вероятность каких-либо проблем. Так как разработчики TeamRedMiner постоянно модифицируют софт, делая его максимально полезным и высокоэффективном в майнинге.
Если вы владелец фермы на AMD – начинайте осваивать TeamRedMiner сейчас, ведь они уже добавили разделение DAG файла на картах с объемом памяти более 4Гб.
Да и к концу года всем владельцам ферм на 4-х гигабайтных картах будет максимально выгодно майнить, если конечно не появятся никакие новые сверхвыгодные монеты. А в добыче kawpow явный лидер именно программное обеспечение TeamRedMiner, способное показывать наилучшие результаты по сравнению с конкурентами.
TeamRedMiner: Команды и Параметры для майнинга
Пример для Ravencoin:
Полный список параметров:
Дальнейшие команды будут разделены запятыми. Сначала короткий синоним, а затем длинный. Не забудьте использовать только один вариант.
Доступные на данный момент алгоритмы:
URL пула
Каждый раз, когда указывается эта опция, будет запускаться новая конфигурация пула.
SSL/TLS (для продвинутых пользователей)
Также имеется специальная поддержка расширенных настроек SSL/TLS, когда вам нужно передать имя хоста SNI конечной точке SSL. Например, это необходимо для конечных точек SSL, которые действуют как интерфейсы для нескольких хостов и должны знать, для какого из них предоставить сертификат. В таких случаях используйте следующий формат:
Имя пользователя (логин пула) или адрес кошелька
Если на пуле нет регистрации, то вместо логина нужно указать адрес кошелька.
Пароль (необязательно)
Имя воркера (worker name)
Минимальная настройка для запуска должна обеспечить только:
Просто скопируйте и измените адрес кошелька на адрес вашего кошелька. Это пример для Ethermine:
Список аргументов командной строки
—debug Enables debug log output.
—disable_colors Disables console output colors.
—force_colors Forces console color output even if the terminal does not seem to support them.
—cm_api_password=PSW Sets the required password for the CM compatible api interface.
Журнал (Logs)
—short_stats Disables the full gpu state output in each hashrate output, like it was before 0.7.10.
—long_timestamps Enables microsec timestamps in the logs instead of seconds only.
—high_score Enables printouts of the top 15 shares found since miner start in the stats output.
—pool_debug Logs all pool traffic.
Комиссия (DevFee)
—dev_location=LOC Selects a specific location for the dev fee connection. Only use this if you see continuous dev fee connection issues reported by the miner. The connection management normally works well in all locations.
Available options are:
—enable_compute (Windows only) Enables compute mode and disables crossfire on necessary gpus.
—restart_gpus (Windows only) Restarts all configured gpus before mining, i.e. disable+enable PCI device.
—uac (Windows only) Enable privilege escalation when the miner runs tasks like restarting gpus.
You can always avoid this by running the miner directly as Administrator. This will trigger the standard Windows escalation prompt, so you have to be available to click ‘Yes’.
If this is not enabled, tasks that require Administrator privileges will fail when the miner is running under a basic user account.
Note: this might not be enabled for all algos.
—allow_dup_bus_ids Allows multiple gpus using the same pci bus id. This should only be used for Radeon Pro Duo cards and similar hardware, it’s normally an indication of a broken OpenCL environment.
Подключение к пулу
There is also special support for advanced SSL/TLS setups where you need to pass a SNI hostname to the SSL endpoint. For example, this is necessary for SSL endpoints that act as frontends for multiple hosts and need to know which one to provide a certificate for. In such cases, use the following format:
This will connect to but pass as the SNI hostname in the SSL handshake phase. The two hostnames can of course be identical as well.
—pool_force_ensub Forces an extranonce subscribe request for supported pools unknown to the miner.
—pool_no_ensub Prevent miner from sending extranonce subscribe request to the pool.
—pool_broken_rpc Tells the miner to only allow a single outstanding rpc request on the pool connection. This is a work-around for pools that violate the json rpc specification regarding rpc IDs.
Глобальные опции пула
—pool_connect_TO=SEC Set the time-out for attempting to connect to a pool. SEC is the time to wait in seconds. Default is 10.
—pool_rpc_TO=SEC Set how long the miner will wait for an unanswered RPC to the pool. After this time, the miner will reconnect to the pool. SEC is the time to wait in seconds.
Default is 60.
—pool_max_rejects=N If a pool rejects N shares in a row, the pool connection is reset. This is to prevent against pools that invalidates mining sessions without disconnecting the user.
Default value is 5.
—pool_share_limit_ms=N If a pool takes longer than N ms to accept or reject a share, kill the current connection and reconnect. This is intended for pools that often get issues with some of their servers, but reconnecting means being load-balanced to a different and hopefully better server. Default value is no timeout.
—pool_strategy=STRAT Sets the strategy for selecting pools when running with multiple pools.
The available values are:
The default is priority.
Therefore, specify your ETH mining pool as the first/primary pool, then the ZIL pool as the second pool. You can also use ‘eth_zil’ as the name for this strategy.
—no_stale_submit Prevents the miner from submitting shares that are not for the most current pool job.
Опция выбора видеокарт
—init_style=1/2/3 Specified the init style (1 is default):
—bus_reorder Reorders the detected or specified devices after their pcie bus id. If noplatform is specified, devices will be collected from all detected AMD OpenCLplatforms. Note: As of version v0.7.0 this is the default behavior.
—opencl_order Orders the detected or specified devices in the order OpenCL presents them.
—list_devices Lists the available devices for the detected or specified platform and exits immediately. Bus reordering will be implemented in the displayed order.
—nr_cu_override=X,Y. Overrides the nr compute units per gpu as presented by the OpenCL API. This is primarily useful for Vega 64s flashed with 56 biosed and where the driver is reporting 56 CU instead of the true count. Provide a comma-separated list of the override CU count per gpu as value for the argument.
Варианты управления разгоном / напряжением (только для Windows, BETA функциональность)
The miner has basic functionality for setting core and mem clks and their respective voltage, as well as selecting between the win driver’s built-in timings. For each available argument below, you enumerate values for gpu(s) in the rig in a comma-separated list.
Some arguments are not used for certain gpus. You can skip gpus in the list.
The miner always sets and uses the highest p-state for both core and mem for GCN gpus (Polaris, Vega). Please note that Rx Vega gpus must have a powerplay table modification of the mem p2 state before being able to run a voltage lower than 900mV. Moreover, Big Navi gpus also still need to use e.g. MorePowerTool to make powerplay table modifications, for example for enabling setting a lower voltage. The miner might add support for powerplay table-related functionality in the future.
—clk_debug Enable start-up log printouts related to setting clocks/voltages/timings.
—clk_core_mhz=MHZ1,MHZ2. Sets the core clk per gpu in MHz.
—clk_core_mv=MV1,MV2. Sets the core voltage per gpu in mV.
—clk_mem_mhz=MHZ1,MHZ2. Sets the mem clk per gpu in MHz.
—clk_mem_mv=MV1,MV2. Sets the mem voltage per gpu in mV. Not used for Navi or Big Navi gpus.
—clk_timing=V1,V2. Selects between the driver’s available mem timing sets. Not available on all gpus and drivers.
Example of a partial command line for a four gpu system where with a Rx Vega 64, 580, 5700XT and 6800 mining ethash or similar. We only specify mem voltage for the Vega and 580, and only select a driver timing value for the Big Navi:
Варианты управления вентилятором
—fan_control(=CFG1,CFG2. ) This argument enables gpu fan control by the miner. TRM supports auto-adjusting the gpu fan speed(s) based on core, junction and/or mem temp.
We also support setting a static fan speed in percent.
Each gpu type has a fan configuration that will be used by default. We support both overriding the default configuration per gpu type as well as setting a specific config per gpu in the rig.
A fan config consists of (max) six values, separate by the ‘:’ (colon) char. The values are: core target temp, junction target temp, mem target temp, initial fan speed in percent, min fan speed in percent, max fan speed in percent. Any value can be left empty.
These are a few examples:
The fan configuration used for a gpu is derived in the following precedence order:
In the list above, if the chosen configuration is missing the start value for the fan the setting from the next configuration is used.
NOTE: fan support is a beta feature and will not work better than the support the drivers provide. For example, many times the drivers under linux don’t allow forcing a fan to 100% using the sysfs pwm support.
—fan_default_polaris=CFG Set the default config used for all Polaris gpus (450/460/550/560/470/480/570/580/590).
The built-in default is 55. 50 for 55C core temp and fan starting at 50%.
Note: this setting is also reused for Tonga gpus.
—fan_default_vega=CFG Set the default config used for all Vega gpus (Vega 56/Vega 64).
The built-in default is 55::70:50 for 55C core temp, 70C mem temp and fan at 50%.
—fan_default_vega2=CFG Set the default config used for all Radeon VII gpus.
The built-in default is 70::75:80 for 70C core temp, 75C mem temp and fan at 80%.
—fan_default_navi=CFG Set the default config used for all Navi (Navi10).
The built-in default is 60::80:70 for 60C core temp, 80C mem temp and fan at 70%.
—fan_default_big_navi=CFG Set the default config used for all Big Navi (Navi21).
The built-in default is 50. 70 for 50C core temp and fan at 70%. The reason for not including mem temp is a missing sensor in the Windows ADL library.
—fan_debug Enable log printouts related to adjustments.
Параметры сторожевого таймера
—no_gpu_monitor Disables the ADL (Windows) or sysfs (Linux) GPU monitor for temperature and fan speed.
—temp_limit=TEMP Sets the core temperature at which the miner will stop GPUs that are too hot.
Default is 85C. Gpu-specific values can be provided using a comma-separated list, one value per gpu. If a gpu doesn’t have a defined value, the first value in the listis used.
—temp_resume=TEMP Sets the core temperature below which the miner will resume GPUs that were previously stopped due to the core temperature exceeding limit.
Default is 60C. Gpu-specific values can be provided using a comma-separated list, one value per gpu. If a gpu doesn’t have a defined value, the first value in the list is used.
—mem_temp_limit=TEMP Sets the mem temperature at which the miner will stop GPUs that are too hot.
Default is not enabled. Only used if the gpu provides a mem temperature sensor.
Gpu-specific values can be provided using a comma-separated list, one value per gpu.
If a gpu doesn’t have a defined value, the first value in the list is used.
—mem_temp_resume=TEMP Sets the mem temperature below which the miner will resume GPUs that were previously stopped due to mem temperature exceeding limit.
Default is not enabled. Only used if the gpu provides a mem temperature sensor. Gpu-specific values can be provided using a comma-separated list, one value per gpu. If a gpu doesn’t have a defined value, the first value in the list is used.
—watchdog_script(=X) Configures the gpu watchdog to shut down the miner and run the specified platform and exits immediately. The default script is watchdog.bat/ in the current directory, but a different script can be provided as an optional argument, potentially with a absolute or relative path as well.
—watchdog_test Tests the configured watchdog script by triggering the same action as a dead gpu after
—watchdog_disabled Forces the watchdog to not execute. Can be used to disable the watchdog in mining os that always run with the watchdog enabled.
Ethash опции
Both values are optional, but if [L] is specified, [M] must also be specified.
CONFIG can also be a comma separated list of config values where each is applied to each GPU.
Any gpu that does not have a specific config in the list will use the first config in the list.
—eth_variant_mode=X This argument controls activation of the ethash changes for ETC from epoch 390 as described in ecip-1099.
The following modes are available:
Once this flag is seen, all pool jobs will be assumed to be etchash unless another.
algo flag containing ethash is received.
It should also handle any profit switching setups that switch freely between ethash and etchash jobs by proxying underlying pools.
For most gpus, this adds 0.1-0.2 MH/s of hashrate.
NOTE: 20-25% of rigs becomes less stable in this mode which is the reason it isn’t the default mode. If you experience dead gpus, you should remove this argument and run the gpus in the ‘A’ mode.
—eth_stratum_mode=MODE Sets a fixed stratum mode for ethash pools.
By default the miner will attempt to automatically determine the type of stratum the pool supports and use that mode. This automatic detection can be overriden by specifying this option. The MODE can be set to one of the following options: stratum, nicehash, ethproxy.
—eth_worker Set the worker id that will be sent to pool. This only applies to pools with ethproxy stratum mode.
—eth_hash_report=X Controls hashrate reports to the configure pools. This value is applied for all pools.
—eth_epoch Tests a specific ethash epoch. NOTE: you still need to provide a pool as if you were mining, but no shares will be submitted. Simulated mining only.
—eth_alloc_epoch=N Allocates enough memory for the given epoch from the start. The miner will try to allocate more if it needs to later during mining. It’s recommended for rigs with one or more 4GB cards to test and set this to the max possible value to avoid reallocations at epoch switches. Optimal Linux rigs should be able to handle epoch 380, Windows rigs a little less (373-374).
—eth_dag_buf=X,Y. The miner can allocate a single or dual buffers for the DAG. For now, the default is DUAL buffers, which matches the behavior in all recent TRM releases. However, a single buffer is slightly better, leading to a small power save for all gpu types. Only recent drivers support single large allocations larger than 4GiB, typically from Adrenalin 20.9.1 and amdgpu-pro 20.x. The miner can automatically use single buffer mode when possible using this argument, as well a force single or dual buffers per gpu.
Supported values are
—eth_big_mode_adjust=X,Y. When using B- or C-modes, the miner runs better the more vram it can allocate. Unfortunately the drivers aren’t accurate reporting how much memory it’s possible to allocate, especially on Windows.
The miner will use a safe conservative number of 256MiB (Linux) and 512MiB (Windows) as an offset from the available vram size. If you want change this number, you can do so using this argument by providing.
a comma-separated list with values for one or more gpus. Values for gpus not running B/C-mode will be ignored. If a gpu doesn’t have a value in the list, the first provided value is used instead.
The allowed interval is [-64, 2048]. The higher number, the less vram is allocated on the gpu.
—eth_4g_max_alloc=X,Y. This argument allows mining on 4GB gpus after they no longer can store the full DAG in vram.
You pass either the max epoch to allocate memory for, or the raw nr of MB to allocate. You can provide a single value that applies to all 4GB gpus in the rig, or use a comma-separated list for specifying different values per gpu. Values for non-4GB gpus are ignored.
—eth_no_stagger Disables –eth_stagger. Already the default behavior from 0.7.18. Argument kept for backwards compatibility only.
—eth_ramp_up Adds ramping up the intensity on all gpus after a DAG build, gpu disable/enable or network outage. Can help rigs with crashes right between the DAG build and starting mining.
—eth_direct_abort Uses a different mechanism to abort ongoing gpu jobs. Recommended for Vegas in ROCm environments to minimize stale shares. Will apply to Vega and Polaris gpus in the rig only.
—eth_dag_alloc_patch Some motherboards with outdated bios can see hw errs typically on the first or last gpu in the system.
Use this argument to force a patched dag allocation strategy that most often solves the issue.
Upgrading your bios often solves the issue as well.
—eth_hashwatch(=M,M) Defines a min/max watchdog hashrate in MH/s expected when gpus are hashing. If a GPU falls outside of this range for too long it will be considered faulty and the watchdog will be triggered. The default min/max values are 2 MH/s and 150 MH/s.
—eth_dag_cache(=EPOCH) Enables saving eth DAGs from jobs with different epochs to prevent having to rebuild them in the future if jobs with the old epochs are received again. At most one DAG will be saved if GPU memory space allows. This is useful for switching pools such as eth+zil mining.
—eth_dag_cache_resv=MEM Sets the amount of GPU memory the miner will attempt to leave unused when running with DAG caching enabled (see –eth_dag_cache). The argument MEM is the amount of memory to leave unused in mebibytes. The default value is 256.
—eth_dag_cache_verify Enable dag cache read and verification after a finished dag build. This will detect situations where the dag cache had bit errors and the resulting dag is partially broken.
We have seen this happen increasingly on Vegas as the dag has grown bigger. When detected, a new buffer will be allocated for the dag cache and the dag build restarted.
—eth_no_4gb_kernels Disable the ethash 4GB kernels and always use the regular kernels that assume the DAG will always fit in available vram on all gpus.
This is useful when mining ETC or ethash coins at lower epochs than ETH since the regular kernels have a better performance profile.
—eth_micro_delay=VAL Navi gpus only: adds a delay (measured in microseconds) when reenqueueing work on the gpu(s).
Weaker PSUs driving many gpus can sometimes not handle the “slew rate” when multiple gpus happen to reenqueue work at exactly the same time. Setting this to e.g. 32 will smoothen out the transition from no load to 100% load enough to lower the slew rate on such rigs.
The typical indication of this issue is hard hangs where the rig becomes unresponsive requiring a power cycle to reboot, but it can also be regular gpu crashes. Valid values are 1-128. Not using this argument means no delay, value zero.
Progpow опции (kawpow, firopow)
—prog_config=CONFIG Manual progpow configuration for the miner. CONFIG must be in the form [M][L].
Both values are optional, but if [L] is specified, [M] must also be specified.
Any gpu that does not have a specific config in the list will use the first.
—prog_height=VALUE Sets a fixed block height for progpow algorithms for benchmarking purposes.
Note that using this option needs a pool connection but will not submit shares.
—prog_strict Forces miner to always generate strictly accurate kernels. By default the miner will generate relaxed kernels that use less computation power but can result in occasional invalid shares.
—prog_ramp_up See `–eth_ramp_up.
—prog_no_stagger See `–eth_no_stagger.
—prog_no_ramp_up See `–eth_no_ramp_up.
—prog_micro_tune=X,Y. This option enables a small retuning session for every new random code block. This is important for Polaris gpus to run at their max speed. For Vegas and Navis it usually does not improve performance. The default AUTO mode enables it for all Polaris gpus but disables it otherwise.
The only reason to disable it would be for stability purposes. The argument value is a comma-separated list of values, one per gpu. If a gpu is missing a value, the value for the first gpu is used. Please note that setting a manual prog_config will effectively disable the micro-tuner as well. Available values are:
Cryptonight опции
—rig_id Set the rig identifier that will be sent to the pool. This is only used for cryptonight pools.
—cn_config=CONFIG Manual cryptonight configuration for the miner. CONFIG must be in the form [P][I0][M][I1][:xyz], where [P] is an optional prefix and [:xyz] is an optional suffix.
For [P], only the value of ‘L’ is supported for low-end GPUs like Lexa/Baffin. [I0] and [I1] are the thread intensity values normally ranging from 1 to 16, but larger values are possible for 16GB gpus.
Mode ‘*’ both a good default more and should be used if you mine on a Vega 56/64 with modded mem timings.
The exceptions to this rule are small pad variants (cnv8_trtl and cnv8_upx2), they should still use ‘+’. For Polaris gpus, only the ‘-‘ and ‘+’ modes are available.
NOTE: in TRM 0.5.0 auto-tuning functionality was added, making manual configuration of the CN config modes unnecessary except for rare corner cases. For more info, see the tuning docs and how-to documents bundled with the release.
CONFIG can also be a comma separated list of config values where each is applied to each GPU.
Any gpu that does not have a specific config in the list will use the first config in the list.
—no_cpu_check Disables cpu verification of found shares before they are submitted to the pool.
Note: only CN algos currently supports cpu verification.
—no_lean Disables the CN lean mode where ramp up threads slowly on start or restart after network issues or gpu temp throttling.
—no_interleave=DEVS Lists gpu devices where CN thread interleave logic should be not be used.
Use this argument if some device(s) get a worse hashrate together with a lot of interleave adjust log messages.
—alloc_patch=DEVS Lists gpu devices that loses hashrate between TRM v0.4.5 and later versions. With this argument a simpler mem allocation strategy is used, and the old (higher) hashrate should be restored. Auto-tuning mode can still be used.
—auto_tune=MODE Enable the auto-tune mode upon startup. Only available for CN variants. MODE must be either NONE, QUICK or SCAN. The QUICK mode checks a few known good configurations and completes within 1 min. The SCAN mode will check all possible combos and will run for 20-30 mins. Setting MODE to NONE disable the auto-tune feature. The default mode is QUICK.
—auto_tune_exit If present, the miner will exit after completing the auto-tuning process. This is helpful when you want to scan for optimal settings and then use the resulting command line arg printed by the miner.
—allow_large_alloc If present, and when the driver indicates there is enough GPU vram available, the miner will be more aggressive with the initial memory allocation. In practice, this option means that Vega GPUs under Linux will start the auto-tuning process at 1615 rather than 1614 or 15*15.
MTP опции
—allow_all_devices Some algos can’t be mined on e.g. 4GB gpus. Those gpus will be disabled automatically by the miner. This argument overrides this logic and allows mining on all specified or detected devices.
X16* опции
—hash_order=VALUE Sets a fixed hash order for algorithms like x16r for benchmarking purposes.
Note that using this option needs a pool connection but will not submit shares.
Nimiq опции
—nimiq_worker=VALUE Sets the worker/device name for nimiq to pass to the pool(s).
—nimiq_no_proxy Disables the automatic Nimiq proxy executed as a separate process. This means that the host and port passed to the miner must be pointing to a proxy.
—nimiq_proxy=VALUE Overrides the default path to the Nimiq proxy. The default is trm_nimiq_proxy-win.exe. and trm_nimiq_proxy-linux in the current miner director.
—nimiq_port=VALUE Overrides the default local port (4444) used for the Nimiq proxy. This can be used if your system is already using port 4444 for some other tcp/ip service.
Verthash опции
—verthash_file=FILE Sets the filename to be used to load/store the verthash data file. If this option is specified when the verthash algo is used, the miner will attempt to load the verthash data from the file. If the file does not exist, the miner will generate the verthash data and then save it in the file for future use.
If this option is not specified the miner will generate the verthash data in system memory on every start.
—verthash_max_uploads=N Some motherboards have issues with all gpus in the rig uploading the verthash table at the same time. This argument limits the number of concurrent gpus that are uploading the table at the same time at startup. Allowed values are 1-32. The default value is 4.
Autolykos2 опции
—autolykos_mem_adjust=N Sets the amount of memory in MiB that the miner should leave unused when allocating GPU buffers for autolykos. The default value is 384 on linux and 512 on windows.
For GPUs with displays attached, the default is increased by 512. If dual mining with ZIL, the default value is increased by 1024. The option can also be provided with a comma separated list of values where each value is applied to each GPU. If an empty value is specified in the list, the default will be used for that GPU. If a value is not specified for a GPU it will use the first value in the list.
—autolykos_slowdown=N Adds a slowdown of the pad build process. Valid values are 0-100. The default is 0, no slowdown.
—autolykos_ignore_diff Ignores the difficulty sent by the pool and only uses the 256-bit target provided in jobs.
Some pools don’t follow the ERGO reference miner pool implementation, in which case this argument might help. NOTE: this will be applied to all pools.
ZIL dual mining опции
This argument automatically sets a range of default settings you want to use for ZIL:
The minimal working setup is to only provide a ZIL pool that is ok with the miner ignoring the primary coin jobs and only mines during the ZIL windows. This is an example for
For more info, read the ZIL dual mining guide packaged with the TRM release.
—zil_end Marks that we’re done with the ZIL mining config and all following arguments are for the primary algo. This argument isn’t strictly necessary, but should be included for mining distros since the user has no guarantee what arguments will be added automatically at the end of the command line by the distro.