This will bind the following products to your ubisoft account что делать
This will bind the following products to your ubisoft account что делать
I have a problem, I bought dlc skins and run r6 and I get this alert: this will bind the following products to your ubisoft account.
And there is an option to continue or close. I try to click continue but the button is not responding. And I cannot start the game.I need help!
i think u didnt link ur acc?
I don’t think everything was good before. Moreover, I run the game through Steam and a warning with a choice opens through ubisoft
Did you bind the DLC to the same Ubisoft account as where you linked the game? This error can occur if you bound the DLC to an account that doesn’t own the game instead. This is something we can certainly investigate and rectify for you but you will need to contact support directly to do so.
You can reach us either through the support website [] by opening a live chat session or alternatively through our social media accounts on Facebook [] and Twitter and they will be able to create a support case for you.
To assist our teams with this please send them screenshots from one or both of the folders listed below. You may only have one of the two, this is perfectly normal. Thanks!
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\cache\user_profile
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\cache\ownership
I have a problem, I bought dlc skins and run r6 and I get this alert: this will bind the following products to your ubisoft account.
And there is an option to continue or close. I try to click continue but the button is not responding. And I cannot start the game.I need help!
I don’t think everything was good before. Moreover, I run the game through Steam and a warning with a choice opens through ubisoft
Did you bind the DLC to the same Ubisoft account as where you linked the game? This error can occur if you bound the DLC to an account that doesn’t own the game instead. This is something we can certainly investigate and rectify for you but you will need to contact support directly to do so.
You can reach us either through the support website [] by opening a live chat session or alternatively through our social media accounts on Facebook [] and Twitter and they will be able to create a support case for you.
To assist our teams with this please send them screenshots from one or both of the folders listed below. You may only have one of the two, this is perfectly normal. Thanks!
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\cache\user_profile
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\cache\ownership
Did you bind the DLC to the same Ubisoft account as where you linked the game? This error can occur if you bound the DLC to an account that doesn’t own the game instead. This is something we can certainly investigate and rectify for you but you will need to contact support directly to do so.
You can reach us either through the support website [] by opening a live chat session or alternatively through our social media accounts on Facebook [] and Twitter and they will be able to create a support case for you.
To assist our teams with this please send them screenshots from one or both of the folders listed below. You may only have one of the two, this is perfectly normal. Thanks!
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\cache\user_profile
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\cache\ownership
I have already decided everything, but your fault! To press continue, you need to aim at the pixel!
I’m glad it’s resolved though I’m not sure what you mean by the second part? Thanks.
This will bind the following products to your ubisoft account что делать
I tried to log in with a different account on r6 as this is a new account and was willing to start an entirely new account for the new season, however I get a message that states the following;
«This will bind the following products to your Ubisoft account (name) (email)
— R6S Year 4 Pass
-R6S Starters edition»
Basically all I want to know is if by binding these will it remove them from my original account or just how does the system work in general.
Hey there! As your game is already linked to a Ubisoft account you will not be able to bind it to a different account. You’ll need to make sure you’re logged in to your primary Ubisoft account in Uplay PC in order to continue playing your game.
Hey there! As your game is already linked to a Ubisoft account you will not be able to bind it to a different account. You’ll need to make sure you’re logged in to your primary Ubisoft account in Uplay PC in order to continue playing your game.
Hey there! As your game is already linked to a Ubisoft account you will not be able to bind it to a different account. You’ll need to make sure you’re logged in to your primary Ubisoft account in Uplay PC in order to continue playing your game.
I still have this problem and after i click continue it tells me there was a problem in the ownership of the game. I think it is something to do with my files as i was looking around there.
This error is caused when you’re attempting to launch the game with a Ubisoft account, different to the one you originally activated the game with.
As the game is bound to your Ubisoft account, you’re unable to swap Ubisoft accounts once it’s been activated.
Thread: [PC]Steam vs Uplay | Forums
Steam vs Uplay
Hey CurlyTheDiss, are you logged into the same account you originally played For Honor on?
Steam vs Uplay
I played on account my father, when bought this game, but he need it now and I did my own account, Uplay don’t working with steam after that.
Thanks for that, you need to play on the same account where the game was linked/launched originally, otherwise this will not work.
Steam vs Uplay
Last question, His account and my account can play only with one account Uplay?
If you have purchased the game on two separate Steam accounts, ie you have one copy each on your own personal Steams. You will need to play one copy on one Uplay account, and the other copy on another Uplay account.
Yes, you can only play with one account. Hope that helps!
Same Issue here.
Hi, i got the game when it was free for a limited time on Steam about 2 years ago. I reinstalled it today and am experiencing the exact same issue as the original poster. However the accounts i use / used have not changed. The same error message pops up. I have attempted relaunching both applications, (Steam & Uplay Connect), did not fix it. Then i tried running them both as administrators which didn’t work either. I changed my Uplay password as some suggested which also did nothing. Once again, the accounts i played on and got the game on back then are still the same today.
i have linked my steam to the uplay account and after it asks if it can link accounts it just breaks and says its unable to authenticate the product
Не удалось установить владельца данного продукта Uplay
Если у вас есть игра от Ubisoft, то, возможно, вы сталкивались с подобной проблемой. Она обычно возникает, когда вы пытаетесь запустить свою любимую игру. И это при том, что игру вы купили через учетную запись Steam. Но при запуске игры вы все равно сталкиваетесь с этой проблемой. Причиной такого сбоя обычно являются ошибки в работе Uplay.
Существует несколько выходов из этой ситуации.
Перезагрузка клиентов
Вам нужно закрыть и Steam, и Uplay. А затем совершите перезагрузку обоих приложений. Это может решить вашу проблему.
Повторный вход в Uplay
В верхнем правом углу кликните по имени пользователя. Затем выбираете «Выйти». Повторно вводим адрес электронной почты и ваш пароль. Далее осуществляем вход.
Изменение пароля
Выходим из Uplay. Затем совершаем вход в аккаунт через браузер. В разделе управления аккаунтом находим функцию смены пароля. После того, как поменяли пароль, пробуем войти в систему уже через Uplay.
Запуск игры в Uplay
Если игра не открывается через Steam, попробуйте открыть ее через Uplay. Если у вас это получится, то можно совершить попытку и в Steam.
Обращение в службу поддержки
Если у вас Steam Share, и вы получили уведомление о сбое, то обратитесь в службу поддержки Ubisoft. Будет уместна проверка своей учетной записи и записи, с которой вы делитесь игрой.
Я надеюсь, что вышеперечисленные способы помогут найти решение вашей проблемы.
This will bind the following products to your ubisoft account что делать
I just bought this game on sale yesterday, and I never took part in the free to play weekend deal. When I choose the game in Steam it says that it’s running, but it never launches. I was wondering if anyone is having the same issue or has a possible fix. Apologies if I did something wrong, I’ve never posted on here before.
[edit] Ok so one day later and everything seems to have fixed itself. When I launched the game through Steam, with Uplay open, I got a prompt in Uplay saying this:
This will activate the following products on your account
The game is no longer labled as expired and I can now play. Uplay downloaded an update when I launched it, so I’m guessing that fixed the issue.
Thank you to everyone that tried to help, and I hope that this resolves for anyone else having the same issue.
Thats wierd man. I can only say 3 things. 1. Perhaps someone in your house used your pc and your account on the free weekend, but you paid for the game so you should be able to play it. 2. Try deleting and reinstalling the game. 3. Contact ubisoft.
Also since you are new I should tell you one thing. Ranked is full of hackers I mean full, anyone whom is gold or higher has a good chance of being a hacker trust me I got 724 hours in this game.