This beta version of kontakt has expired что делать

This beta version of kontakt has expired что делать

Дата Выпуска: 06.07.2021
Версия: v6.6.0
Разработчик: Native Instruments
Сайт разработчика:
Разрядность: 64bit
Таблэтка: вылечено
Системные требования: Windows 7 и выше, предустановленный распространяемый пакет Microsoft Visual C++ 2015/2017/2019, ОЗУ 4Гб минимум, процессор Intel Core i5 / AMD Athlon II X2
Размер: 472.5 MB

В Контакте вы можете использовать готовые инструменты из огромного количества библиотек от сторонних разработчиков или создавать свои виртуальные инструменты, применять к их аудиосигналам мощные встроенные модули обработки, выстраивать сложные схемы исполнения с разнообразными модуляционными связями.

Главным новшеством шестой версии Контакта является таблично-волновой движок, позволяющий новым гибридным инструментам, сочетающим синтез с сэмплированием, создавать уникальные звуковые текстуры.

ADDED Kontakt now also provides a VST3 target

REMOVED 32bit VST2 target is no longer provide

VST3, Content Library Path, KSP Commands, Creator Tools 1.4
At a Glance
As the sub-header gave away, we are happy to share with you the long awaited VST3 target!
Additionally, a great UX improvement for cases where users have missing content has been implemented: you can now specify a base path for your non-Player Content but also choose if you want to store referenced paths relative to the base path. You can set these in the updated Loading tab (fka Import/Load) of Kontakt Options.

And although VST3 is the main purpose of this release, we couldn’t have a release without a couple of cool new KSP features and improvements. To name one, you can now route the EVENT_PARs to various destinations!

Finally, we are sure that a lot of our builders will appreciate the new Creator Tools update as it enables file system access via Lua. That means that one can now automate any process via Lua scripts, without leaving the Creator Tools environment! We are certain that you will be super creative in finding ways to optimize your workflows. Enjoy and use responsibly

NOTE: Hosting Kontakt as VST3 inside Komplete Kontrol and Maschine is not fully supported yet. Please wait for the respective product updates.

We’d love to have coverage around the following key areas:

— Generally trying out the Kontakt VST3 target and reporting any discrepancies between Kontakt VST2 and VST3 behaviour and functionality
— Saving and recalling projects with Kontakt VST3
— Multiple outputs functionality with Kontakt VST3
— Migrating a DAW project correctly from Kontakt VST2 to Kontakt VST3 (For DAWS that support this)
— Sending external MIDI of all kinds to Kontakt VST3
— Specifically sending Program Change MIDI messages to Kontakt VST3
— Send MIDI output from Kontakt to other instruments
— Correct behaviour and parameter naming of host automation with Kontakt VST3
— Loading and resolving projects with missing content for all Kontakt plugin targets

This version is fully compatible with the new Creator Tools 1.4.0 beta.
We hope that everyone is safe and thanks again for all your help.
Greetings from Berlin,
The Kontakt team

Please scroll down all the way to the bottom of this page for the download links and documentation.
Notice that there are also download links for Kontakt 6.5.3 and Creator Tools 1.3.0 should you feel the need to roll back from the beta.

Kontakt v6.6.0 (2021-07-06)


Kontakt 6 Problems

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Senior Member

I recently installed the new Kontakt 6 player, but noticed several problems since doing so:

— my QuickLoad library is empty when opened in a Kontakt 6 instance
— when I open a Kontakt 5 instance, I can see the quick load library, but get the error: «Your version of Kontakt is too old to load this file. Please update to the latest version»
— when I open any instrument in Kontakt 5 for the files menu (ie, not those that have an entry under the Libraries tab), I see ‘DEMO’ in big red letters

Any ideas what to do?

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Senior Member

Seems this is a known issue, that many people are having, according to this NI support thread (https://support.native-instruments. mode-after-i-download-Kontakt-Player-6-en-us-), but the answers from NI aren’t helpful.

Anyone having similar issues after installing Kontakt 6 player?

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Senior Member

So, I managed to solve some of the problems (uninstalled Kontakt 6 player and reinstalled Kontakt 5) and rebooting.

Cautionary experience for others: I only installed Kontakt 6 player because it was sat there in Native Access, and I thought I’d check it out and ignore if not useful. Unfortunately doing so has caused lots of hassle, and it had zero benefit (no noticeable changes to GUI in versions 5 and 6, and no additional functionality in the player version that I could see). I suggest avoiding until future libraries make version 6 a requirement.


This beta version of kontakt has expired что делать

Дата Выпуска: 1.09.2020
Версия: 6.4.1
Разработчик: Native Instruments
Сайт разработчика:
Разрядность: 32bit, 64bit
Таблэтка: вылечено
Системные требования: OC Windows 7 и выше, ОЗУ 4Гб минимум, процессор Intel Core i5 / AMD Athlon II X2
Размер: 485.7 MB

1. Не требуется активация защищённых библиотек, возможность регистрации (добавления в закладки) в пакетном режиме.
2. Возможность редактирования патчей защищённых библиотек.
3. Возможность пересохранения с сэмплами патчей защищённых библиотек.
4. Возможность редактирования запароленных скриптов.

ИСПРАВЛЕНО Неправильно долгое затухание нот при определённых условиях (Cinematic Studio Strings и другие библиотеки)
ИСПРАВЛЕНО Падения Контакта при пакетном пересохранении некоторых библиотек
ИСПРАВЛЕНО Пользовательские зоны инструментов, могли вызывать падения Контакта при определенных условиях
ИСПРАВЛЕНО Меню эффектов, раздел Dynamics: Supercharger GT нарушает алфавитный порядок списка эффектов

ДОБАВЛЕНО два новых встроенных эффекта в раздел Dynamics (SUPERCHARGER GT, Transparent Limiter).
ДОБАВЛЕНО новый модуль обработки сигналов MainEffects.

Как установить Kontakt 6 PORTABLE:

1. Создать пустую папку. Имя самой папки и путь к ней НЕ ДОЛЖНЫ СОДЕРЖАТЬ КИРИЛЛИЦУ. Папка ДОЛЖНА БЫТЬ ДОСТУПНА ДЛЯ ЗАПИСИ.
2. Запустить инсталятор KontaktPortable_v640.exe
3. Нажать кнопку Browse. и выбрать созданную пустую папку
4. Нажать кнопку Extract

Kaк обновить Kontakt 6.x.x PORTABLE до Kontakt 6.4.1 PORTABLE:

1. Запустить инсталятор Kontakt6Portable_v641.exe
2. Нажать кнопку Browse. и выбрать папку, в которой находятся файлы Kontakt 6.x.x PORTABLE:

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3. Нажать кнопку Extract

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4. При появлении окна Confirm file replace, подтвердить замену файлов (Нажать Yes to All)

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0. Закрыть все копии Kontakt 6 PORTABLE, включая VST-плагины.
1. Скопировать папку UserData из корневой папки Kontakt 5 Portable в корневую папку Kontakt 6 Portable.
2. Отрыть скопированную папку UserData, найти там вложенные папки Kontakt и Kontakt 5. Папку Kontakt удалить. Папку Kontakt 5 переименовать в Kontakt
3. Открыть в скопированной папке файл Settings.cfg в текстовом редакторе, найти строку [Kontakt 5], заменить её на [Kontakt Application] Сохранить изменения.

Как добавить Kontakt 6 PORTABLE VST в хост (DAW)

Способ 1:
Запустить Kontakt6Portable\Install.exe и создать ссылку на VST плагины переносимого Контакта в одной из папок, которые уже сканируются вашим хостом

Способ 2:
Открыть настройки вашего хоста и добавить папку Kontakt6Portable\Kontakt\x64\VST\ (или Kontakt6Portable\Kontakt\x86\VST\, если хост не поддерживает 64-битные плагины) как дополнительную папку сканирования плагинов. За подробностями обратитесь к руководству (мануалу) вашей DAW.

Как добавить Kontakt 6 PORTABLE в ProTools

Запустить Kontakt6Portable\Install.exe и выбрать «Добавить AAX в ProTools» (на странице выбора компонентов).

Как извлекать библиотеки из оффициальных инсталляторов


Native Instruments – Kontakt 6.4.1 FULL + 225+ LiBRARY ENABLER (STANDALONE, VSTi, AAX) [WiN x86 x64]

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Year / Release Date: 09/01/2020
Version: 6.4.1
Developer: Native Instruments
Developer site: Native Instruments
Bit depth: 64bit
Tabletka: cured
System requirements: Windows 7 or higher, Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015/2017/2019 Redistributable Package preinstalled, 4GB minimum RAM, Intel Core i5 / AMD Athlon II X2 processor

Description: Kontakt is the standard in the world of samplers. Native Instruments Kontakt 5 provides a range of high quality filters ranging from classic analog circuits and variable state models to modern formatted filters. Some of the 37 new filters use the new Adaptive Resonance concept, which automatically controls the filter characteristics to prevent unpleasant audio artifacts from excessive resonance peaks. The fifth version of the sampler also adds TimeMachine Pro time scratching, which provides better sound quality for harmony solo instruments.
The effects section in Native Instruments Kontakt 5 has been expanded with several key additions that focus on studio-style audio processing. The new Solid G-EQ and Solid Bus Comp algorithms, borrowed from the Solid Mix Series, allow for alignment and compression, and the optional Transient Designer has been integrated into the Kontakt effects section in its original form. In addition, the new analog Tape Saturator can add natural compression and subtle organic overdrive, and vintage sampling modes taken from the Native Instruments Maschine groove machine have been integrated into the Native Instruments Kontakt 5 feature set.
For sound designers and professional sample creators, Native Instruments Kontakt 5 offers a new instrument bus system and MIDI file support based on KSP. 16 internal stereo buses with their individual on-board slots provide increased routing flexibility, the Kontakt Script Processor’s MIDI file function allows you to create advanced instrument-based instrument types with versatile integrated MIDI playback functionality.

This distribution allows you to independently download and use the full versions of any libraries presented in Native Access (checked)

New in version :
Bug fix.
FIXED Certain libraries (Cinematic Studio Strings and others) could cause incorrect long release notes under certain conditions
FIXED Batch resaving certain libraries could crash Kontakt
FIXED User Zone based instruments could crash Kontakt under certain conditions
FIXED Supercharger appeared in the wrong place in the menu

List of available libraries as of 03/09/2020
Abbey Road 50s Drummer
Abbey Road 60s Drummer
Abbey Road 70s Drummer
Abbey Road 80s Drummer
Abbey road modern drummer
Abbey road vintage drummer
Action strikes
Action Strings
Alicias Keys
Amati viola
Ambiant guitars
Analog dreams
Antidrum Machine
Apocalypse elements
Array Mbira
Artist Series – Randys Prepared Piano
Artist Series – Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato
Artist Series – Tina Guo vol 2
Balinese gamelan
Berlin Orchestra Inspire
Berlin Orchestra Inspire 2
Box of tricks
British Drama Toolkit
Broken wurli
Butch Vig Drums (pre added not connected)
CineBrass Sonore
CineStrings CORE
CineWinds CORE
Cloud Supply (pre added not allready connected)
Da capo
Damage 2
Drum Lab
East Asia (pre added not allready connected)
Electro Acoustic
Elysium harp
Emotional Piano
Emotive strings
Ethereal earth
Evolution Flatwound Bass
Evolution Roundwound Bass
Evolve mutations
Evolve mutations 2
Evolve r2
Genesis Childrens Choir
George Duke Soul Treasures
Ggd modern and massive
Glitch hero
GP01 Natural Forces
GP02 Vocalise
GP03 Scoring Guitars
GP04 Vocalise 2
GP05 Scoring Guitars 2
GP06 Scoring Bass
Grand marimba
Guarneri Violin
Haunted Spaces
Hauschka Composer Toolkit
Hopkin Instrumentarium Rattletines
Hopkin Instrumentarium Tines and Echoes
Hybrid Keys
Hyperion strings elements
Ibrido Cinematica
Ibrido Cinematica Free Edition
Kinetic metal
Kinetic Toys
Kinetic Treats
Kontakt Factory Library
Kontakt Factory Selection
Lo-Fi Glow
London Contemporary Orchestra Strings
London Contemporary Orchestra Textures
Mallet flux
Maschine Drum Selection
Matt Halpern Signature Pack
Metropolis Ark 1
Metropolis ark 2
Metropolis ark 3
Metropolis Ark 4
Middle east
Mimi Page Light and Shadow
Modal runs
Modular icons
Monster low winds
Mosaic Keys
Mosaic voices
Motor Rhythms
NP01 Intimate Textures
NP02 Rhythmic Textures
NP03 Synthetic Strings
Olarfur Arnald Chamber Evolutions
Olarfur Arnald Composer Toolkit
Olarfur ArnaldEvolutions
Ondes martenot
One Kit Wonder – Modern Fusion
Ostinato Noir
Ostinato woodwinds
P4 Matt Halpern Signature pack
Pan drums
Play Series Selection
Requiem Light
Retro Machines Mk2
Rhythmic Odyssey
Rise And Hit
samulnori Percussion
Scarbee A-200
Scarbee clavinet pianet
Scarbee Funk Guitarist
Scarbee jay-bass
Scarbee mark i
Scarbee MM-Bass
Scarbee MM-Bass Amped
Scarbee Pre-Bass
Scarbee Pre-Bass Amped
Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass
Scarbee Vintage Keys
Session Guitarist – Electric Sunburst
Session Guitarist – Electric Sunburst Deluxe
Session Guitarist – Picked Acoustic
Session Guitarist – Strummed Acoustic
Session Guitarist – Strummed Acoustic 2
Session Horns
Session Horns Pro
Session Strings
Session Strings 2
Session Strings Pro
Session Strings Pro 2
Sheng khaen Sho
Shreddage 3 abyss
Skiddaw stones
Sleighbells II
Studio drummer
Stradivari cello
Stradivari Violin
Swing More!
Symphobia 2
Symphobia 4 Pandora
Symphobia Colors Animator
Symphobia Colors Orchestra
Symphony Essentials Brass Ensemble
Symphony Essentials Brass Solo
Symphony Essentials String Ensemble
Symphony Essentials Woodwind Ensemble
Symphony Essentials Woodwind Solo
Symphony Series Brass Ensemble
Symphony Series Brass Solo
Symphony Series Percussion
Symphony Series String Ensemble
Symphony Series Woodwind Ensemble
Symphony Series Woodwind Solo
The attic 2
The canterbury suitcase
The gentleman
The giant
The grandeur
The maverick
Time macro
Trailer Guitars 2
Tutti Vox
Una corda
Vintage Organs
Voices Of Gaia
Voices of rapture
Voices Of Wind Adey
Voices of War – Men of the North
West africa
Xtended Piano


This beta version of kontakt has expired что делать

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Post by BillW » Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:35 pm

I installed the 64 bit version of Mixcraft (and still of course have the 32 bit version).

In opening a project in the 64bit version, I get this message regarding Kontakt 5:
This project was generated using a a newer version of the application. Please upgrade your copy to recall the project.

So I tried the 32bit version and get the same message.

OK- it would seem that by installing the 64bit MX, it replaced whatever Kontakt 5 I had with an older version.

(By the way, I now also have a different problem with another plugin, but I’ll address that one later.)

Proud member of the Mixcraft OFC!

Mixcraft 8 Pro (32bit) runs fine on a Toshiba Satellite C55-B laptop with a wimpy Celeron N2830 (dual core). Now using 64bit on a «less wimpy» Dell 660S/Dual Core Pentium/8GB RAM.

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Re: Kontakt 5 problem

Post by BillW » Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:47 pm

I loaded Kontakt 6 and made sure the VSTs went into the folders I commonly use rather than its suggestions.

I still get the same error. An error clearly caused by my loading Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio 64bit.

I use Chris Hein Horns a lot in my projects. I have several templates set up with horns set in a way I’ve determined through a lot of work sound the way I want.

Kontakt 5 shows in my vst list. As now does Kontakt 6. But for the instruments I had set up, they simply down’t play.

Hopefully there is an easy answer to this. Software should be easy to use.

Proud member of the Mixcraft OFC!

Mixcraft 8 Pro (32bit) runs fine on a Toshiba Satellite C55-B laptop with a wimpy Celeron N2830 (dual core). Now using 64bit on a «less wimpy» Dell 660S/Dual Core Pentium/8GB RAM.

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Re: Kontakt 5 problem

Post by BillW » Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:52 pm

Had to edit the above. I typed «all is not lost» when I meant «all is NOW lost». Big difference.

I think it’s a matter of somehow getting back to the version of Kontakt 5 I was using instead of the one that apparently comes with Mixcraft.

In some sense this may be a Kontakt issue I suppose. I fear there is no real solution other than throwing away the work I’ve done with the horns and starting over.

Proud member of the Mixcraft OFC!

Mixcraft 8 Pro (32bit) runs fine on a Toshiba Satellite C55-B laptop with a wimpy Celeron N2830 (dual core). Now using 64bit on a «less wimpy» Dell 660S/Dual Core Pentium/8GB RAM.

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Re: Kontakt 5 problem

Post by BillW » Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:32 pm

It is likely I’m wrong in saying some version of Kontakt comes with Mixcraft. I don’t see it anywhere in its 3rd party DLL / VST folder.

So it even more of a puzzlement why installing 64bit MX created this error.

I come to find I now have at least 3 versions of Kontakt on my machine. The one in the project is a version 5, but there is a newer one (standalone) that I have as well. Presumably the issue is in mixing up those 2.

I’ve since installed version 6 as well.

Given that certain VSTs only work inside of Kontakt as a player, and given that DAWs load Kontakt and not the software being triggered, it gets pretty confusing in a hurry. And since upgrading the player in effect creates a completely separate additional VST (rather than upgrading the one that’s there) it gets worse.

So I have to concede that maybe none of this is a Mixcraft issue.

There simply must be a «best practice» way of organizing projects, files, VSTs, VSTi’s etc. I suspect there are tutorials on this somewhere. If I’m literally going to start over, I may as well do it right/better.

Proud member of the Mixcraft OFC!

Mixcraft 8 Pro (32bit) runs fine on a Toshiba Satellite C55-B laptop with a wimpy Celeron N2830 (dual core). Now using 64bit on a «less wimpy» Dell 660S/Dual Core Pentium/8GB RAM.


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