The steam service on your machine requires some maintenance что делать
Как исправить ошибки сервиса Steam при установке сервиса Steam —
Ошибка службы Steam появляется при запуске Steam на вашем компьютере. Это сообщение об ошибке появится в следующем тексте: «Сервисный компонент Steam не работает должным образом на этом компьютере. Переустановка сервиса Steam требует прав администратора.«Проблема связана со службой Steam, которая жизненно важна для правильной работы Steam.
Ошибка сервиса Steam
Было много успешных методов, используемых для решения этой проблемы, поэтому обязательно попробуйте их все ниже, чтобы, надеюсь, решить эту проблему.
В чем причина ошибки сервиса Steam?
Основная причина ошибки службы Steam заключается в том, что Steam просто не имеет достаточных разрешений для выполнения определенного действия или для доступа к определенному файлу. Это можно легко решить, просто запустив Steam от имени администратора.
Кроме того, ошибка может быть вызвана тем, что служба Steam просто не запускается, когда это необходимо, что можно исправить, перезапустив службу и изменив способ ее запуска. Сервис также может быть поврежден, и вам нужно будет его починить.
Решение 1. Запустите Steam от имени администратора
Как можно понять из сообщения об ошибке, Steam может потребоваться разрешение администратора для доступа к определенным файлам на вашем компьютере, и запуск его клиента с разрешениями администратора может быть как раз тем решением, которое вам нужно.
Запустите Steam от имени администратора
Решение 2. Убедитесь, что сервис Steam запускается автоматически
Чтобы все, что связано со Steam, работало гладко, должна быть запущена служба Steam. Эта служба должна запускаться каждый раз при запуске Steam, но иногда это не так. Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы должны убедиться, что эта служба автоматически запускается на вашем компьютере.
Запустить службы
Steam Client Service Автоматический запуск
При нажатии кнопки «Пуск» может появиться следующее сообщение об ошибке:
«Windows не удалось запустить клиентскую службу Steam на локальном компьютере. Ошибка 1079: учетная запись, указанная для этой службы, отличается от учетной записи, указанной для других служб, работающих в том же процессе ».
Если это произойдет, следуйте инструкциям ниже, чтобы исправить это.
Решение 3: Ремонт клиентской службы Steam
Служба клиента Steam иногда может сломаться, и ее необходимо исправить, используя простую команду в командной строке. Эта команда сбросит ее, и теперь вы сможете войти в клиент Steam без получения ошибки службы Steam!
Запуск командной строки в поле «Выполнить»
Steam — Открыть местоположение файла
The steam service on your machine requires some maintenance что делать
I have tried everything I could find about this issue and nothing helps. Here is what I have do so far.
Running as admin bypasses the problem and doesn’t fix it.
Uninstall and reinstall
«C:\Program Files (x86)\bin\SteamService.exe» /repair
Changed startup type to manual/automatic, works until i restart then its back on disable and issue comes back.
msconfig, If i don’t click install then steam client doesn’t show up. But at restart back to having issue.
I have turned off antivirus and firewall but still have same issue.
If there is something I missed please post.
Clear download cache or switch to beta and back. to see if that change anything.
but do not fiddle with steam.exe compability mode ( under windows services is steamclientservice ) working as administrator setup
some game dont like fiddle with steam.exe option, and make sure steam.exe is add to whitelist at antivirus app.
just for the record, turn off antivirus and firewall dont mean filter and other left over is still active, this has been seen before, only reboot with it as off should work or uninstall with reboot.
we are many skill technician that learn this, sure its rare or app is bugged, but thats how we figure it out.
but i cant say what this is from the TOPIC, you might even want to try old reset
The steam service on your machine requires some maintenance что делать
So when I booted up my PC today and opened steam, I was greeted with a popup.
«The Steam Service on your machine requires maintanence.
This service helps Steam install or update games, enables anti-cheat detection in some titles and assists with other system level tasks.
Reinstalling the Steam service requires administrator privileges.»
I could either click «INSTALL SERVICE» or «CANCEL». I clicked install service, not thinking twice it wasn’t valve. It froze and the administrator prvileges thing came up and it said it was a verified publisher, from valve. So I accepted it, not thinking twice. I then noticed, wait a minute. «Maintanence». Thats a spelling error. I quickly ran into task manager and stopped the official steam service, and it made it go away. I then opened steam again, and it was fine.
So, was it a hijacking service? Did steam just spell something wrong?? I’m running malwarebtyes and avast scans right now, nothing yet. Please help
looks real, but I don’t remember ever seeing it
looks real, but I don’t remember ever seeing it
Yea I was there, some dude in there found a trojan in his steam files, so I’m wondering if its again, real, or its a hijacking thing. Because the misspelling is so odd.
looks real, but I don’t remember ever seeing it
Yea I was there, some dude in there found a trojan in his steam files, so I’m wondering if its again, real, or its a hijacking thing. Because the misspelling is so odd.
Just what I said.
They have start with Windows options, never use that.
Dont uninstall Steam if you have games installed, just do a steam repair
Go to where steam client is installed, delete everything in that folder EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING.
Steam.exe (app)
DepotCache (folder)
SteamApps (folder)
UserData (folder)
Also delete what’s inside.
^Check the AppData/Roaming folder also.
Now with all those old junk clutter of files gone, you will have only lateat client files with latest version freshly downloaded. To do this, now right click Steam.exe and click Run As Admin. Wait for the download to complete and for the client to load. Any client settings you had are all defaults now, so be sure to change what you need.
When you are done using a game client, make sure it gets fully exited. Avoid restarting/shutting down the PC before exiting all your game clients. As this could undo some things you changed while it was running. And the client will think it crashed and this could corrupt some files.
The steam service on your machine requires some maintenance что делать
I have tried everything I could find about this issue and nothing helps. Here is what I have do so far.
Running as admin bypasses the problem and doesn’t fix it.
Uninstall and reinstall
«C:\Program Files (x86)\bin\SteamService.exe» /repair
Changed startup type to manual/automatic, works until i restart then its back on disable and issue comes back.
msconfig, If i don’t click install then steam client doesn’t show up. But at restart back to having issue.
I have turned off antivirus and firewall but still have same issue.
If there is something I missed please post.
Clear download cache or switch to beta and back. to see if that change anything.
but do not fiddle with steam.exe compability mode ( under windows services is steamclientservice ) working as administrator setup
some game dont like fiddle with steam.exe option, and make sure steam.exe is add to whitelist at antivirus app.
just for the record, turn off antivirus and firewall dont mean filter and other left over is still active, this has been seen before, only reboot with it as off should work or uninstall with reboot.
we are many skill technician that learn this, sure its rare or app is bugged, but thats how we figure it out.
but i cant say what this is from the TOPIC, you might even want to try old reset
The steam service on your machine requires some maintenance что делать
I have tried everything I could find about this issue and nothing helps. Here is what I have do so far.
Running as admin bypasses the problem and doesn’t fix it.
Uninstall and reinstall
«C:\Program Files (x86)\bin\SteamService.exe» /repair
Changed startup type to manual/automatic, works until i restart then its back on disable and issue comes back.
msconfig, If i don’t click install then steam client doesn’t show up. But at restart back to having issue.
I have turned off antivirus and firewall but still have same issue.
If there is something I missed please post.
Clear download cache or switch to beta and back. to see if that change anything.
but do not fiddle with steam.exe compability mode ( under windows services is steamclientservice ) working as administrator setup
some game dont like fiddle with steam.exe option, and make sure steam.exe is add to whitelist at antivirus app.
just for the record, turn off antivirus and firewall dont mean filter and other left over is still active, this has been seen before, only reboot with it as off should work or uninstall with reboot.
we are many skill technician that learn this, sure its rare or app is bugged, but thats how we figure it out.
but i cant say what this is from the TOPIC, you might even want to try old reset