The sony quicktime plug in was not able to initialize что делать

При переносе файлов с расширением MOV, m4A на таймлайн (timeline), выскакивает окно-ошибка, связанная с отсутствием компонентов QuickTime.

Формат m4a используется смартфонами iPhone и другими гаджетами от компании Apple для звуковой записи на диктофон.

Формат MOV также использует компания Apple для видеозаписи, плюс в таком же формате могут попадаться футажи и другие видеофайлы со спецэффектами и т.п..

Для решения данной проблемы, требуется установка программы QuickTime версии 7.1.6 или новее.

При поиске и прямой доступности данного приложения, на официальном сайте Apple, вы попадете на версию QuickTime 7.7.9. Но к сожалению, данная версия 7.7.9 не решает проблемы и данное окно в VEGAS все равно всплывает и не дает работать с такими форматами.

Связано это с тем, что разработчик прекратил поддержку и обновление данной программы в 2014 году. И версия 7.7.9 является последней, которая в свою очередь не работает адекватно на ОС Windows 10, из-за отсутствия одного компонента. Требуется установка определенных дистрибутивов, без использования Microsoft Store, который нам сейчас усиленно навязывают.

После установки данной программы, в VEGAS Pro до 16-ой версии включительно — проблема должна решиться.

В VEGAS Pro 17 — 18 требуется дополнительная настройка.

Для этого перейдите Options > Preferences (на русском Настройки > Параметры) и выберите вкладку Deprecated Features (устаревшие функции).

Напротив пункта «Enable the QuickTime plugin» поставьте галочку и нажмите OK. Перезагрузите программу.

Для работы с файлами MOV и m4a:

После чего перезагрузить программу и пользоваться.


Can Sound Forge not open MPG / VOB files?

Thread Tools

I could have sworn I have opened an MPG or VOB file in Sound Forge in the past, but now I can’t. I get this error message:

The Sony QuickTime plug-in was not able to initialize the QuickTime components on your system. It appears that QuickTime for Windows is not properly installed.

QuickTime files cannot be read or written without a full installation of the QuickTime version 7.1.6 or greater components, including the authoring components.»

And, when clicking Okay, another error message follows:

Warning: An error occurred during the current operation.

The file format plugin for the specified format was not properly initialized.

I’m not quite sure what QuickTime have to do with MPG/VOB files, but nevertheless I did install it anyway, but to no avail.

I have tried this on two different operating systems (Windows Vista and Windows 7) in two different versions of Sound Forge 11.0, one of them being the very latest build 345. Is there no way to open such files in Sound Forge? I can almost say with 100% certainty that I have opened a VOB file in Sound Forge before. I never actually edited it, but I know it opened without this error message.

Sound Forge Pro have built in plug-in to open MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 files

I don’t have QuickTime installed
and I can open vob files in Sound Forge Pro
check if folder mcplug2 exist in C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Sound Forge Pro 11.0\FileIO Plug-Ins location

if I rename mcplug2 folder and try open Vob file, I have this message:

Try open Sound Forge Pro as Administrator
maybe the program have problem access plugin folder

Thanks for answering.
I checked, and the subfolder mcplug2 exists in the FileIO Plug-Ins folder in both of the versions of Sound Forge Pro 11.0 that I have. I tried starting the program as administrator, but I get the same error message anyway. Very strange that this is happening in both Sound Forge Pro 11.0 builds, under two separate operating systems even. The sony quicktime plug in was not able to initialize что делать. Смотреть фото The sony quicktime plug in was not able to initialize что делать. Смотреть картинку The sony quicktime plug in was not able to initialize что делать. Картинка про The sony quicktime plug in was not able to initialize что делать. Фото The sony quicktime plug in was not able to initialize что делать

Sound Forge Pro have built in plug-in to open MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 files

I don’t have QuickTime installed
and I can open vob files in Sound Forge Pro
check if folder mcplug2 exist in C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Sound Forge Pro 11.0\FileIO Plug-Ins location

Try open Sound Forge Pro as Administrator
maybe the program have problem access plugin folder


Answer: Quicktime can be troublesome for some people’s computers. If you install Apple Quicktime and keep getting the message that Quicktime needs to be installed, there are a couple of solutions you can try.

Please note that Apple Quicktime is a prerequisite for Vegas Pro and Vegas Movie Studio to work properly. It is needed by certain video codecs and formats.

Apple Quicktime must be installed on the same computer you have Movie Studio or Vegas Pro installed on. This is a prerequisite for both programs and is listed in the minimum requirements. Apple Quicktime is needed in case you are working with Apple Video Codecs and Formats.

Solutions for the program saying it needs apple quicktime

Solution 1

Sometimes installing an older version of Quicktime for Windows will fix compatibility problems with Sony Vegas Pro and Sony Movie Studio Platinum.

Apple has dropped support for Quicktime on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 computers. If you try to install the latest version of Quicktime 7.7.9 on Windows 10/8.1, it may not work. The solution is to install Quicktime 7.6, which will work.

If you are still using Windows Vista or Windows 7, Quicktime 7.7.9 should work OK for you. If you experience any problems at all, the best solution is to install Quicktime 7.6.

Install program and re-boot your computer. Now check to see if you can import the videos that were not working.

Solution 2

If the video you are trying to import is encoded with a Video Codec that is only supported by Apple Macs, then you will probably have to convert it first into a Vegas or Movie Studio friendly format/codec.

Solution 3

Sometimes you may simply be experiencing an X-file. Random errors that occur suddenly out of the blue, are often caused by corrupt garbage files that have built up in the Vegas Pro and Movie Studio Platinum cache.

The remedy for this is to delete the cache and restore all settings to default values.

Turn Movie Studio/Vegas Pro Off.
Hold down CONTROL and SHIFT keys at the same time AND ALSO AT THE SAME TIME double click program icon on Desktop to Boot program.
Window will pop up.
Select Delete Cache and Yes.
This will restore program to Factory Default Settings.


In April 2016, some security vulnerabilities were discovered in Apple Quicktime.


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