The north south divide что это

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В Англии термин разделение между Севером и Югом относится к культурным, экономическим и социальным различиям между:

В статье в The Economist (15–21 сентября 2012 г.) утверждалось, что разрыв между Севером и Югом по продолжительности жизни, политическим наклонностям и тенденциям в экономике увеличивается до такой степени, что они являются почти отдельными странами.



Однако, когда учитываются такие факторы, как стоимость жизни или городская бедность, различия иногда становятся менее четкими.

Это заставило некоторых комментаторов предположить, что другие подразделения, такие как классовая или этническая принадлежность, могут быть более важными.

The Economist утверждает, что одной из основных причин разрыва была миграция молодых специалистов с севера на работу в Лондон, тогда как молодые специалисты с юга гораздо реже переезжают в северные города.

IPPR опубликовала отчет «Состояние Севера в 2019 году» от IPPR North, в котором ответственность за региональное неравенство возлагается на централизацию власти и отсутствие передачи полномочий. Отчет показал, что в Великобритании более крупные региональные подразделения, чем в любой другой стране с сопоставимым уровнем экономического развития.

Идентичности и различия


В Англии также существует ощутимый культурный разрыв между севером и югом. В телесериале BBC « Это мрачно на севере » и в последующей книге предпринята попытка выявить некоторые из этих разделений. В то время как жители севера жаловались на то, что у них меньше культурных возможностей, в книге также представлен взгляд на южную жизнь как на безликую и безвкусную.

Статистика показывает, что потребление фаст-фуда, по-видимому, выше на севере Англии, с четырнадцатью «самыми толстыми городами» Великобритании к северу или западу от разделительных линий, описанных выше.


Журналист Кельвин Маккензи в 2012 году предположил, что югу Англии нужна политическая партия для проведения кампании в защиту своих интересов, включая «самоуправление» в регионе. Редактор City AM Аллистер Хит сделал аналогичное предложение в апреле 2012 года и высказал мнение, что расширенные полномочия для региона Лондона могут быть получены при обсуждении конституционного статуса Шотландии.

Разделение между севером и югом также наблюдалось на референдуме по Брекситу в 2016 году, когда север склонялся к Брекситу, а Юг был гораздо более разделен.

Язык и диалект

Хотя молодые поколения с меньшей вероятностью будут использовать речь, характерную для конкретного города, все же существует явная разница между севером и югом; молодые северяне более устойчивы к тому, чтобы звучать так, будто они южане, чем к тому, чтобы звучать так, будто они из другого северного города.

Разделение иногда используется в комедии, но есть и серьезная сторона. Иногда утверждают, что лондонские СМИ свысока смотрят на людей с северноанглийским акцентом. Например, Кен Ливингстон (житель Лондона) предположил, что недоброжелательное отношение прессы к Джону Прескотту отчасти объясняется тем, что он «говорит как обычные люди».

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В англиканской церкви есть провинция Йорк на севере и провинция Кентербери в Мидлендсе и юге. Хотя здесь есть своего рода разделение, это не разделение между Севером и Югом, поскольку в него входит Мидлендс. Север был также оплотом религиозного нонконформизма в период его промышленного расцвета.



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Устранение разрыва


North/South divide

Смотреть что такое «North/South divide» в других словарях:

North–South divide — This article is about the global north–south divide. For the divide in the UK, see North–south divide in the United Kingdom. For the historical divide in the United States, see Mason Dixon Line. The updated view of the north–south divide. Blue… … Wikipedia

North-South Divide — the ˌNorth South Diˈvide 7 [North South Divide] noun singular (BrE) the economic and social differences between the north of England and the richer south … Useful english dictionary

North-South Divide — (in Britain) the economic and social differences between the North and the South of England, especially the South East, shown by things like house prices, employment figures and rates of pay. In the 1980s the North suffered far more from the loss … Universalium

North-South divide — the imaginary line separating the mostly EMDW of the North from the ELDW of the South … Geography glossary

North-South divide in the United Kingdom — In Great Britain the term North South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between southern England; the South East, Greater London, South West and parts of East, and the rest of the United Kingdom, generally including Scotland … Wikipedia

North–South divide (England) — In this image, Northern England is shown as blue, The Midlands as green, and Southern England, the West Country and East Anglia as yellow In England, the term North–South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between Southern… … Wikipedia

North–South divide in the United Kingdom — One interpretation of the north south divide In Great Britain, the term North–South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between Southern England and the rest of Great Britain (Northern England, Wales and Scotland). The divide… … Wikipedia

North-South Divide, the — North South Di vide, the noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the U.S., the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the U.K. the north is generally… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

(the) North-South Divide — the North South Divide UK US noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the US, the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the UK the north is generally… … Useful english dictionary

the North-South Divide — UK / US noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the US, the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the UK the north is generally poorer than the south … English dictionary


north south divide

1 North/South divide

2 North-South divide

См. также в других словарях:

North–South divide — This article is about the global north–south divide. For the divide in the UK, see North–south divide in the United Kingdom. For the historical divide in the United States, see Mason Dixon Line. The updated view of the north–south divide. Blue… … Wikipedia

North-South Divide — the ˌNorth South Diˈvide 7 [North South Divide] noun singular (BrE) the economic and social differences between the north of England and the richer south … Useful english dictionary

North-South Divide — (in Britain) the economic and social differences between the North and the South of England, especially the South East, shown by things like house prices, employment figures and rates of pay. In the 1980s the North suffered far more from the loss … Universalium

North-South divide — the imaginary line separating the mostly EMDW of the North from the ELDW of the South … Geography glossary

North-South divide in the United Kingdom — In Great Britain the term North South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between southern England; the South East, Greater London, South West and parts of East, and the rest of the United Kingdom, generally including Scotland … Wikipedia

North–South divide (England) — In this image, Northern England is shown as blue, The Midlands as green, and Southern England, the West Country and East Anglia as yellow In England, the term North–South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between Southern… … Wikipedia

North–South divide in the United Kingdom — One interpretation of the north south divide In Great Britain, the term North–South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between Southern England and the rest of Great Britain (Northern England, Wales and Scotland). The divide… … Wikipedia

North-South Divide, the — North South Di vide, the noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the U.S., the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the U.K. the north is generally… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

(the) North-South Divide — the North South Divide UK US noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the US, the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the UK the north is generally… … Useful english dictionary

the North-South Divide — UK / US noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the US, the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the UK the north is generally poorer than the south … English dictionary


North-South divide

Problems with the divide

The north: developed nations


*flagicon|United States United States
*flagicon|Canada Canada
*flagicon|Bermuda » Bermuda » (flagicon|United Kingdom United Kingdom )
*» Saint Pierre and Miquelon » (flagcountry|France)


*flagicon|Cyprus Cyprus (including flagicon|United Kingdom Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia )
*flagicon|Hong Kong » Hong Kong » (flagicon|People’s Republic of China People’s Republic of China )
*flagicon|Japan Japan
*flagicon|Macau » Macau » (flagicon|People’s Republic of China People’s Republic of China )
*flagicon|Singapore Singapore
*flagicon|South Korea South Korea
*flagicon|Taiwan Taiwan
*flagicon|Israel Israel

Central, Northern and Western Europe


*flagicon|Australia Australia
*flagicon|New Zealand New Zealand

The rest of «the north»

Eastern Europe



Brandt Line

Digital divide

The global digital divide is often characterised as corresponding to the North-South divide, however it is interesting to note that Internet use, and especially broadband access, is now soaring in Asia compared with other continents. This phenomenon is partially explained by the ability of many countries in Asia to bypass older Internet technology and infrastructure, coupled with booming economies which allow vastly more people to get online.

Development gap

(2007)The North-South divide has more recently been named the development gap. This places greater emphasis on closing the evident gap between rich (more economically developed) countries and poor (less economically developed countries) countries. A good measure of on which side of the gap a country is located is the Human Development Index (HDI). The nearer this is to 1.0, the greater is the country’s level of development and the further the country is on its development pathway (closer towards being well developed), exemplified well by Walter Rostow ‘s model of development and the Clark Fisher model.

ee also

* Geopolitics
* North-South divide in the United Kingdom
* North-South divide in Belgium
*North-South divide in Italy
* North-South divide in India
*North-south divide in Korea
* Mason-Dixon line ( USA )
*Northern and Southern United States

External links


Look at other dictionaries:

North–South divide — This article is about the global north–south divide. For the divide in the UK, see North–south divide in the United Kingdom. For the historical divide in the United States, see Mason Dixon Line. The updated view of the north–south divide. Blue… … Wikipedia

North-South Divide — the ˌNorth South Diˈvide 7 [North South Divide] noun singular (BrE) the economic and social differences between the north of England and the richer south … Useful english dictionary

North-South Divide — (in Britain) the economic and social differences between the North and the South of England, especially the South East, shown by things like house prices, employment figures and rates of pay. In the 1980s the North suffered far more from the loss … Universalium

North-South divide — the imaginary line separating the mostly EMDW of the North from the ELDW of the South … Geography glossary

North-South divide in the United Kingdom — In Great Britain the term North South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between southern England; the South East, Greater London, South West and parts of East, and the rest of the United Kingdom, generally including Scotland … Wikipedia

North–South divide (England) — In this image, Northern England is shown as blue, The Midlands as green, and Southern England, the West Country and East Anglia as yellow In England, the term North–South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between Southern… … Wikipedia

North–South divide in the United Kingdom — One interpretation of the north south divide In Great Britain, the term North–South divide refers to the economic and cultural differences between Southern England and the rest of Great Britain (Northern England, Wales and Scotland). The divide… … Wikipedia

North-South Divide, the — North South Di vide, the noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the U.S., the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the U.K. the north is generally… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

(the) North-South Divide — the North South Divide UK US noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the US, the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the UK the north is generally… … Useful english dictionary

the North-South Divide — UK / US noun the difference in attitudes or situation between people in the northern and southern parts of a country. In the US, the south is generally more conservative than the north, while in the UK the north is generally poorer than the south … English dictionary


What is the North-South Divide?

The north south divide что это. Смотреть фото The north south divide что это. Смотреть картинку The north south divide что это. Картинка про The north south divide что это. Фото The north south divide что это

The north-south divide is more metaphorical than it is geographical.

The North-South Divide is a socio-economic and political categorization of countries. The Cold-War-era generalization places countries in two distinct groups; The North and the South. The North is comprised of all First World countries and most Second World countries while the South is comprised of Third World countries. This categorization ignores the geographic position of countries with some countries in the southern hemisphere such as Australia and New Zealand being labeled as part of the North.


The origin of dividing countries into the North-South Divide arose during the Cold War of the mid 20th century. During this time, countries were primarily categorized according to their alignment between the Russian East and the American West. Countries in the East like the Soviet Union and China which became classified as Second World countries. In the west, the United States and its allies were labelled as First World countries. This division left out many countries which were poorer than the First World and Second World countries. The poor countries were eventually labeled as Third World countries. This categorization was later abandoned after the Second World countries joined the First World countries. New criteria was established to categorize countries which was named the North-South Divide where First World countries were known as the North while Third World countries comprised the South.

The North (First World Countries)

The North of the Divide is comprised of countries which have developed economies and account for over 90% of all manufacturing industries in the world. Although these countries account for only one-quarter of the total global population, they control 80% of the total income earned around the world. All the members of the G8 come from the North as well as four permanent members of the UN Security Council. About 95% of the population in countries in The North have enough basic needs and have access to functioning education systems. Countries comprising the North include The United States, Canada, all countries in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand as well as the developed countries in Asia such as Japan and South Korea.

The South (Third World Countries)

The South is comprised of countries with developing economies which were initially referred to as Third World countries during the Cold War. An important characteristic of countries in the South is the relatively low GDP and the high population. The Third World accounts for only a fifth of the globally earned income but accounts for over three-quarters of the global population. Another common characteristic of the countries in the South is the lack of basic amenities. As little as 5% of the population is able to access basic needs such as food and shelter. The economies of most countries in the South rely on imports from the North and have low technological penetration. The countries making up the South are mainly drawn from Africa, South America, and Asia with all African and South American countries being from the South. The only Asian countries not from the South are Japan and South Korea.


The North-South Divide is criticized for being a way of segregating people along economic lines and is seen as a factor of the widening gap between developed and developing economies. However, several measures have been put in place to contract the North-South Divide including the lobbying for international free trade and globalization. The United Nations has been in the forefront in diminishing the North-South Divide through policies highlighted in its Millennium Development Goals.


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