The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать


The Layer palette controls the canvas Layers. Layers are like separate canvases which are merged together in one ZBrush document.They have depth as well as height and width.

Note: this palette has nothing to do with the 3D Layers that can be created for a polygon mesh. For 3D Layers see the Tool palette.

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

Layer icons

Each icon represents one of 16 available Layers; it displays a tiny thumbnail depicting this layer’s elements. Since ZBrush works in the medium of depth-capable pixols, layers co-exist in 3D space, rather than acting as flat sheets lying on top of one another. Press any layer’s icon to make it the active drawing layer; the icon becomes bordered in white. Press the active layer’s icon to turn the layer on or off. A layer that’s turned off is invisible unless it’s currently active.


The Clear Layer button deletes everything from the selected Layer.

The Fill button fills the entire layer with the current color and material, deleting everything else on the layer. If a texture is first selected, the texture is used instead of the current color, and it is stretched to fit the dimensions of the canvas.
This button is also affected by the Clear Depth button in the Texture palette. It is identical to the Fill Layer button in the Color palette.


Press the Delete Layer button to delete this entire layer and remove it from the palette. Deleting a layer can’t be undone, so ZBrush first asks you to confirm this action. This button is disabled when there is only one layer in the palette.


Press the Create Layer button to create a new layer.

> buttons move the layer up or down in the palette. Use them when you intend to merge two layers together.
These buttons only refer to the layer’s palette position, and have no effect on the layer’s position in 3D space.

Move the selected layer down.

The Merge Layers button merges the selected layer with the previous layer (the icon to its left in the palette), creating a single layer.
Layer merging is sensitive to the MRGB, RGB, M, ZADD, ZSUB, and ZCUT button settings in the Draw palette.

The Duplicate Layer button clones the selected layer and adds it to this palette.

The Bake button converts all rendered material and shading effects on the selected layer to flat-color pixol images.
Visually, you may not notice a difference, but effectively ZBrush takes a ‘snapshot’ of the layer and re-paints it entirely using the Flat Color material.


The Bake Blend Amount slider sets the amount of blending between shaded and unshaded pixols when a Bake is performed.

Flip H

The Flip H (Horizontal) button flips the layer left-to-right so it becomes a mirror-image reflection of itself.

Flip V

The Flip V (Vertical) button flips the layer top-to-bottom so it becomes a mirror-image reflection of itself.

With Wrap Mode turned on, panning a layer ‘wraps’ it to the opposite side of the canvas — whatever disappears off the bottom re-appears on the top, and so on.
You can pan the layer either by changing the Displace sliders, or by holding the

(tilde) key and dragging the canvas.
Wrap mode makes it easy to create seamless pattern tiles, such as in wallpaper for web pages or 3D texture skins.

Displace H

Move the selected layer horizontally. Use the Displace sliders to move the selected layer in any of the three directions — horizontally, vertically, or near/far.
If Wrap mode is selected (using the button at left), items ‘wrap’ around to the opposite side of the canvas when the layer is displaced horizontally or vertically.

Displace V

Move the selected layer vertically.

Displace Z

Move the selected layer forwards or backwards. Negative values move the layer forwards (towards the viewer).


With Auto Select turned on, you can select any layer by holding the

(tilde) key and clicking on any painted element.

key is also used to pan the layer horizontally or vertically. If this button is pressed, the layer is selected before panning occurs.



Boolean Resulting Topology Issues and Errors

When executing the Boolean operation through the Make Boolean Mesh command, you may see warning or information messages at the end of the process.
As explained in the “Important Notice About Boolean Operations” section of this chapter, the process is very sensitive to the topology of the input 3D models. Depending on these meshes, the resulting SubTool(s) can have topology errors. They can even be invisible, like small holes on hidden areas.
The most common message that you will see is:

Boolean operation succeeded but several warnings were reported during the process.
The resulting SubTool(s) may or may not contain a few inaccuracies.

The first step is to carefully check your model and see if everything looks fine. If yes and you are not going to be performing another Boolean operation on the output result, then you can leave it as it is. But if you are going to perform new Boolean operations based on the meshes that displayed this error, it is strongly advised to look for the cause of the problems, fix them and then generate a new result.
Most of the time, the errors are from input meshes with facing coplanar parts or meshes that are not watertight.

1.Checking for Coplanar Faces

Before executing the Boolean operation command, it is strongly advised to check for existing coplanar faces.
Click the Render >> Render Booleans >> Show Coplanar button. If your SubTools have coplanar faces between other SubTools or themselves, these coplanar faces will be highlighted in red.
You then need to select the SubTool which produced coplanar faces. To fix them, you will usually need to just slightly move and/or rotate your model or its topology until the red area disappears.

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On the left, the model with the coplanar faces highlighted. On the right, one of the SubTool has been slightly moved to remove the coplanar faces.

You can quickly switch between SubTools which have coplanar faces by using the Next and Previous functions. These buttons will only cycle through the SubTools that are reporting the coplanar issues, skipping the rest of the SubTool list.

2.Checking for Errors

If ZBrush displays a message after using the Make Union Mesh function, you will be able to use the Render >> Render Booleans >> Show Issues function. This function can be enabled only if you select the Tool which contains the errors.
After discarding the error message, select the generated Tool in the Tool list. You can then enable this feature which will highlight all the parts of the model which have issues. They can be tiny holes or large parts.
By analyzing where the errors are located, you should be able to find these causes of these issues in the original model’s SubTools. Most of the time, the errors come from coplanar faces or completely degenerated topology.
If you see unprocessed SubTools in your processed Boolean model, it is because they generated an error that prevented the Boolean function from using them. Those problems need to be fixed as well.
You can use the Next and Previous commands to switch between the SubTools that show the errors.



3D Layers allow for a non-linear workflow. Artists are able to work with a model at many different stages of development simultaneously. Artists can add details such as a reptile’s skin scales then turn those details off and refine the major forms underlying them.

3D Layers can also be to store poses or facial expressions. Using the Maya Blend Shapes plugin these can be easily exported to Maya as blend shapes.

The controls for 3D Layers are in the Tool > Layers sub-palette.

Tool > Layers sub-palette with two layers

Layers support geometry, Polypainting, and Masking. Mix them and change their opacity to create new results in a few clicks. You can also turn off a layer if it’s decided that the details aren’t needed or change the strength of details sculpted on the layer.

Layers can be easily animated with the help of the Timeline, allowing you to create and visualize the Morph target or Blend Shapes that you can create in ZBrush for other 3D packages.

ZBrush reads layers from the top of the list to the bottom. This information is important for good layer management in your models.

Record mode

Creating a new layer automatically turns on Record mode. Otherwise, you must turn on Record mode for a layer in order to record changes to sculpting, Polypaint or masking. If the layer only has the eye icon active there can be no changes made to the layer.

To turn on Record mode click on the REC icon. Once you have finished making changes, the layer must be taken out of Record mode by again clicking on the REC icon.

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Two layers with the Smile layer in Record mode. The eye icon shows that the Grin layer is visible so its sculpting or Polypaint will also show while work is done on the Smile layer.

Record mode is represented by a plain circle and the REC label,on the right of each layer in the list.


Note: If a layer is not in Record mode and you are trying to sculpt or paint on it, a note will be displayed asking you to switch on record mode.

Layers at different levels of subdivision

New layers must be created at the top subdivision level. Once in Record mode, you can sculpt or polypaint on any level but you will need to return to the top level to turn off Record mode. Hiding the layer by clicking the eye icon, or adjusting the layer Intensity slider, can be done at any level.

If you add more subdivision levels then layers can be transferred to the top subdivision level by simply adjusting the Intensity slider or by turning the eye icon off and then back on. Once a layer has been transferred to the top level it may not be sent back to the original creation level.

Erasing the Polypaint on a Layer

Any layer that has Polypaint information can be erased locally with your current brush by holding the ALT key while applying your stroke. Turning on ZSub will have the same effect.

Note: To locally erase the sculpted contents of a layer, hide it by clicking on its visibility icon and then store a morph target. Unhide it and pick the Morph brush: while drawing your stroke, ZBrush will erase the contents of your layer.

Baking sculpting from a single Layer

The sculpting from a single layer can be baked into the mesh this way:
1. At the highest subdivision level, make sure the layer is selected and the Intensity set to the desired level.
2. Press Tool>Morph Target>Store MT.
3. Delete the layer.
4. Press Tool>Morph Target>Switch. The sculpting is restored.

Note: Polypaint and masking will be lost with this method. Either split the layer first, so that the polypaint/mask is not lost or use the texture map creation options to store the color.



The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать
MeshFromMask example – ZBrush artist: Paul Gaboury

MeshFromMask is an amazingly fast and simple mesh creation tool. Simply outline your desired shape with the masking lasso and this shape will instantly be turned into an editable mesh. Although your stroke must begin on a mesh, it can then be continued over open canvas if you wish. You can add to your shape, subtract from it or cut holes with real-time updates to the generated mesh.
Lasso, circle, rectangle, and curve stroke types are supported, as are alphas. The selection brush now also supports the smooth control and precision of Lazy Mouse.
MeshFromMask also has two modes: it can create soft organic shapes or precise flat shapes of uniform thickness with bevels.
MeshFromMask is available as several new dedicated masking brushes in the Brush palette. Hold Ctrl in order to select the MeshFromMask brush you want to use.

Organic shapes


This brush will create an organic balloon-like shape based on the mask shape you draw.


This brush will create a splatter effect that fills the mask shape you draw.

Flat shapes


This brush will create a shape of uniform thickness based on the shape you draw. Each shape will have the same thickness as the other shapes. The shapes can have a bevel – see MeshFromMask functions below.


This brush will create a shape of uniform thickness based on the shape you draw. Each shape will have a thickness proportional to its size. The shapes can have a bevel – see MeshFromMask functions below.


This brush will follow the curvature of the underlying surface.

Using MeshFromMask

Hold Ctrl and select the MeshFromMask brush you want to use. You must start drawing the mask on top of an existing polymesh which must not have subdivision levels. Still holding Ctrl, draw out a shape. Release the mouse when you have finished and the mesh will be created.
As long as the model has not been moved or rotated, you can add to the shape by drawing another mask. Before releasing the mouse, hold Shift. ZBrush then uses the outline of the two masks to create a single shape. Shapes can be cut out in the same way by holding Alt.
The way the mesh is created can be further controlled by using the Picker>>Depth subpalette. Turn on Cont Z to have the shape mould itself to the underlying mesh. Turn on Once Z to create the shape free in space.
The thickness of the resulting mesh can be set by adjusting the Draw>ZIntensity slider. For the organic shapes this will be the amount the mesh is inflated. A setting of zero will result in a single-sided mesh.
Remember to hold Ctrl when adjusting any of these settings!

Using with Live Boolean

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MeshFromMask can be used with Live Boolean turned on to quickly create intricate shapes using the Boolean process:


Note: All these options will automatically create a new SubTool.

MeshFromMask functions

The MeshFromMask functions are in the Brush>>MaskMesh Modifiers subpalette.

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать


Resolution affects the polygon density of the MeshFromMask mesh. Higher values result in a denser mesh. For MeshSplat this can result in greater detail at higher resolutions, or fewer splats at lower resolutions.


The amount that the mask border is smoothed.


The width of bevel applied. Higher values result in a larger bevel. (Only available for MeshExtract, MeshExtractPropDepth and MeshProject brushes.)


Zbrush 4, layers and polypaint issue

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

I’ve just polypainted a sculpt I did, made it look all nice, then created a new layer (the original paint wasn’t on any layer) and then proceded to add further details, when I click off the record button, or anything to do with any layers on the layers palette, it wipes all of the original polypaint data but leaves the paint data stored within the layer I made where it was, can anyway help me from this problem? I don’t want to lose my progress The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

also when I try to just create a new texture from polypaint I get a really weird image, the original painted areas come out black and the paint on the layer comes out as pure noise :poly127:


The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

oh. I didnt realise layers supported polypaint. maybe knowing that is a bad thing though. layers can be a burden in photoshop. Cant help you with that i’m afraid

When creating the texture from polypaint. Is the model UV Mapped? else you’ll be getting a polypaint map thingy. not sure what they are called. But its a flat representation of all the poly colours of the model.

Screen shots would help. Can you show us whats happening.

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

i’m not sure i totally understand your problem. have you been polypainting in the new layer? if you don’t want the paint in that layer you can erase it using alt while painting with rgb turned on. is part of your mesh hidden? i’ve had issues with polypaint and layers if i hide part of my mesh.

something else you might look into is «split layer» you can use that to break your layer into one layer that has geo info and another layer that just has polypaint. you could then bake the polypaint back into the original mesh.

i had an issue with making a texture from polypaint, and turning off record on the layer fixed it when i tried to make the texture again.

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

Look at that. FOUR responses to your problem within a matter of 35 minutes. This is why Polycount is number 1 (IMHO) ;D*

*(Sorry to be off topic LOL. )

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

This happens when you try to create a texture from polypaint while the record button is active on one of your layers. Usually you have to turn recording off on all layers before you try and make a texture from polypaint. Unfortunately that won’t help you in this case The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

I’m not sure why it would nuke all of your polypaint info like it is. Although I’ve seen this issue brought up before I’m not sure what causes it or if there is any fix or workaround.

edit: I guess spitty beat me to it The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

I’m going to take a shot in the dark and throw this out there and hopefully it’ll help someone down the road (if you came a crossed this thread through google like I did)

you might want to check your UVs. I discovered that, yet again, Zbrush has eaten a perfectly good UVset and I’ll probably have to reapply them on the base mesh and then transfer over a working set. it seems to have done this on both my UV base file and my polypaint file so its back to UV Master/Maya to do the projecting again =/

its frustrating I know but at least you still have your polypaint data, worst case- you’ll just have to reproject it, best case- you re import your UV’d base and everything in hunky-dory.

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

I was also getting this problem, on a default mesh that I had been editing for a while. Layers would mess it up, and nothing worked until I took the mesh and made it it’s own Make PolyMesh 3d. then all was right with the world

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

bump cus I just had this problem. Here’s my issue:

1. I want to paint Guy blue. So I fill color on layer 1 with blue on the the Guy.
2. I make layer 2. hit record, change color and try to add white lines on the blue.
3. Everything gets messed up.

Any help would help.

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

I have an issue where if I record and paint and don’t do anything all if fine.
HOWEVER. should I wish to save in the middle (because god forbid you want to SAVE things 😛 ), export textures, or even just click off the layer/rearrange or just accidentally click off the recording.. When I try to continue the polypaint doesn’t recognize any colour input but just gives me a solid black (brush still works) and I don’t know how to fix this without restarting the entire polypaint.

Would appreciate any help as to why this would be, and a massive amount of virtual hugs to anyone who can help The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

My Quick fix #1
The issue for me on Zbrush just now was because the Layer was still on Record mode.

I had shuffled layers all over the place and changed the order and thought i broke it, thankfully just stop the recording on the Layer and then you can get your texture from polypaint to work and so does Bake All.

Old thread i know but an issue that can still appear in Zbrush so hopefully this little oversight fixes it, i thought i lost hours of work but now its fixed!

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Смотреть картинку The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Картинка про The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать. Фото The mesh has layers action cancelled zbrush что делать

My Quick fix #1
The issue for me on Zbrush just now was because the Layer was still on Record mode.

I had shuffled layers all over the place and changed the order and thought i broke it, thankfully just stop the recording on the Layer and then you can get your texture from polypaint to work and so does Bake All.

Old thread i know but an issue that can still appear in Zbrush so hopefully this little oversight fixes it, i thought i lost hours of work but now its fixed!


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