The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Thread: [RESOLVED] outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

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for some reason I can’t run VBA macros in Outlook, eventhough Security level is set to low.

Re: outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

Is your code in the ThisOutlookSession? Restarted Outlook?

VB/Office Guru™ (AKA: Gangsta Yoda™ ® )
I dont answer coding questions via PM. Please post a thread in the appropriate forum. The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Re: outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

Yes, and Yes.
I’ve reduced the code to:

Private Sub Application_Startup()
MsgBox «test»
end sub

Re: outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

Make sure when you restart Outlook its no longer running in the system tray or running processes list and security is Medium or Low for testing purposes only and your code looks like this.

VB/Office Guru™ (AKA: Gangsta Yoda™ ® )
I dont answer coding questions via PM. Please post a thread in the appropriate forum. The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Re: outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

found the problem: Outlook was still runing as a process, although not running as an application.

Re: [RESOLVED] outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

No prob. The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

But you should be using the MAPILogonComplete to do anything as its the last event to run and prevents most startup issues involving Outlook no being finished initializing before running vba or add-in code.

VB/Office Guru™ (AKA: Gangsta Yoda™ ® )
I dont answer coding questions via PM. Please post a thread in the appropriate forum. The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Finally, after an hour of searching and asking around I stumble on this post.

I had the exact same problem. And as an additional side effect my Outlook couldn’t sent it’s mail either! (there were some tasks requests in my outbox created by a macro, I suppose perhaps that was why?)

What I did, I had to enable the macros via Tools > Trust Center (is that new?!) and Macro Security.

Thereafter I still had the problem despite restarting Outlook. The key was to also kill the Outlook process.

Thanks for the tip!

Re: [RESOLVED] outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

Sorry, I don’t know if anyone is still monitoring this thread or not, but I hope so. I have the same problem, but I have ended all Outlook (and Microsoft Office just in case) processes and it’s still not running. The code is good as far as I can tell, and I have checked my security settings, enabled macros, etc., etc., and I’m so frustrated. It was working last week, and now. It’s just not! Someone please help! The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Re: [RESOLVED] outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

In my opinion, you need to create a selfsigned certificate in order to be able to create/launch your macro on Outlook. It will work the first time you are coding but then you will be blocked.

It depends if you are doing this at home or at work but if you are at work I’m pretty sure you will need to create a cert.

The «macro security settings» is fixed to : «notifications for digitally signed macros, all other macros disabled». You can create a certificate with SelfCert.exe ( Into C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\)
Then to sign the macro you will have to put the certificate in the trusted publishers within the visual basic editor of Outlook.

Re: outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

Hello, I am having a similar problem. The first time I entered and used the code below, all worked well. However, since restarting Outlook it won’t work regardless of the settings for macros. Below is the code I am using, what would you recommend to resolve? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Re: outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

Hello, I am having a similar problem. The first time I entered and used the code below, all worked well. However, since restarting Outlook it won’t work regardless of the settings for macros. Below is the code I am using, what would you recommend to resolve? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Re: [RESOLVED] outlook- the macros in this project are disabled?

you should have started this in a new thread

you should supply more information
is this in a single user situation or a domain using exchange server?
if the latter have you contacted the IT support?
i am sure you are not using the same version of outlook that was involved in the original thread, so specify

have tried all the suggestions in this thread, especially to make sure that outlook is not running in task manager

i do my best to test code works before i post it, but sometimes am unable to do so for some reason, and usually say so if this is the case.
Note code snippets posted are just that and do not include error handling that is required in real world applications, but avoid On Error Resume Next

dim all variables as required as often i have done so elsewhere in my code but only posted the relevant part


The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

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The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Asked by:

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

General discussion

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

I have 2 Macros that work in other computers but in this computer they do not work. The error message is:

«The macros in this project are disabled. Please refer to the online help or documentation of the host application to determine how to enable macros.»

I looked at some of the documentation nothing worked.

In Outlook 2010 I went to :

>File>Options>Trust Center>Trust Center setting. >Macro Settings and Enabled All Macros

This did not fix any of the problems.

All replies

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Eric Legault MVP (Outlook)
About me.
Outlook Appins: Store Social Media fields in your Outlook Contacts!

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

I fixed it by cutting all the macros then restarted Outlook and reinserted the macros.

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

What happens if you set it to «Notifications for all macros», and then restart? You should get prompted to enable macros.

Troubleshooting Outlook VBA

Eric Legault MVP (Outlook)
About me.
Outlook Appins: Store Social Media fields in your Outlook Contacts!

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

I too have been experience this. Very frustrating. I have a a myriad a code used to manage my inbox and other things.

For a while I was stuck at all security disabled. I think I managed to remove all the code.

Now I can get OUtlook to start w/o error/alerting, but anytime I goto the IDE/Dev panel I get prompted to disable macros, no choice.

ONce in the IDE, any options I choose, result in OLK hard crashing. 🙁

I had code Digital Certificate for VBA projects signed under 2010 and upgrade apart of 2013 pilot at work.

even thought all the VBA sub components look to be installed I do not see any new certificate app.

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

This could explain why deleting and pasting a module back in is a work around, as it does let you create and run a module the first time..

File>Options>Trust Center>Trust Center setting. >Macro Settings and Enabled All Macros

You must exit and restart outlook. Your module works.


Защита от вирусов макроса

Макрос — это тип компьютерных вирусов, которые могут храниться в макросах в файле Microsoft Office (например, в документе, презентации, книге или шаблоне) либо в любом ActiveX, надстройке COM илиOffice. Макросы, элементы ActiveX и надстройки называются активным содержимым.

В вашейOffice не будет автоматически запускаться активное содержимое, если файл не помечен как надежный документ или не открыт из надежного расположения.

Дополнительные сведения о надежных документах см. в документе Надежные документы.

Дополнительные сведения о надежных расположениях см. в сведениях Добавление, удаление и изменение надежного расположения.

Для всех других файлов, содержащих макрос или другое активное содержимое, обычно вы увидите сообщение, которое выглядит так:

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Не выбирайте включить содержимое, если вы не уверены, что знаете точно, что делает активное содержимое, даже если файл, кажется, был от человека или организации, которые вы доверяете.

Примечание: Открытие файла с отключенными макросами может ограничить его ожидаемую функциональность.

Office сканировать файлы или расположения для поиска и удаления вирусов макроса, однако все современные антивирусные программы, такие как антивирусная программа в Microsoft Defender, должны иметь возможность обнаруживать и блокировать известные макро вирусы.


Enable or disable macros in Office files

A macro is a series of commands that you can use to automate a repeated task, and can be run when you have to perform the task. This article has information about the risks involved when you work with macros, and you can learn about how to enable or disable macros in the Trust Center.

Warning: Never enable macros in an Office file unless you’re sure what those macros do. Unexpected macros can pose a significant security risk. You don’t have to enable macros to see or edit the file; only if you want the functionality provided by the macro.

If you’re looking for information on creating macros please see Quick start: Create a macro.

If you’re looking for information on using macros on a machine running Windows S see Block suspicious macros in Office on Windows 10 S.

Macros automate frequently used tasks to save time on keystrokes and mouse actions. Many were created by using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and are written by software developers. However, some macros can pose a potential security risk. Macros are often used by people with malicious intent to quietly install malware, such as a virus, on your computer or into your organization’s network.

Enable macros when the Message Bar appears

When you open a file that has macros, the yellow message bar appears with a shield icon and the Enable Content button. If you know the macro, or macros, are from a reliable source, use the following instructions:

On the Message Bar, click Enable Content.
The file opens and is a trusted document.

The following image is an example of the Message Bar when macros are in the file.

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Enable macros just for the current session

Use the following instructions to enable macros for the duration that the file is open. When you close the file, and then reopen it, the warning appears again.

Click the File tab.

In the Security Warning area, click Enable Content.

Select Advanced Options.

In the Microsoft Office Security Options dialog box, click Enable content for this session for each macro.

Change macro settings in the Trust Center

Macro settings are located in the Trust Center. However, if you work in an organization, the system administrator might have changed the default settings to prevent anyone from changing settings.

Important: When you change your macro settings in the Trust Center, they are changed only for the Office program that you are currently using. The macro settings are not changed for all your Office programs.

Click the File tab.

Click Trust Center, and then click Trust Center Settings.

In the Trust Center, click Macro Settings.

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Make the selections that you want, then click OK.

Note: The options are slightly different in Excel, we’ll call those out as we go.

Disable all macros without notification Macros and security alerts about macros are disabled.

In Excel this option is Disable VBA macros without notification and it only applies to VBA macros.

Disable all macros with notification Macros are disabled, but security alerts appear if there are macros present. Enable macros on a case-by-case basis.

In Excel this option is Disable VBA macros with notification and it only applies to VBA macros.

Disable all macros except digitally signed macros Macros are disabled, and security alerts appear if there are unsigned macros present. However, if the macro is digitally signed by a trusted publisher, the macro just runs. If the macro is signed by a publisher you haven’t trusted yet, you are given the opportunity to enable the signed macro and trust the publisher.

In Excel this option is Disable VBA macros except digitally signed macros and it only applies to VBA macros.

Enable all macros (not recommended, potentially dangerous code can run) All macros run without confirmation. This setting makes your computer vulnerable to potentially malicious code.

In Excel this option is Enable VBA macros (not recommended, potentially dangerous code can run) and it only applies to VBA macros.

Excel also has a checkbox for Enable Excel 4.0 macros when VBA macros are enabled. If you select this checkbox all of the above settings for VBA macros will also apply to Excel 4.0 (XLM) macros.

If this checkbox is not selected XLM macros are disabled without notification.

Trust access to the VBA project object model Disallow or allow programmatic access to the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) object model from an automation client. This security option is for code written to automate an Office program and manipulate the VBA environment and object model. It is a per-user and per-application setting, and denies access by default, hindering unauthorized programs from building harmful self-replicating code. For automation clients to access the VBA object model, the user running the code must grant access. To turn on access, select the check box.

Note: Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Access have no Trust access to the VBA project model object option.


How to enable disabled Macros in Outlook?

Last Updated: May 2020.

Applicable to: Outlook 2019, 365, 2016, 2013

Here’s a quick question we just got from a reader:

I have educated myself on the topic of developing VBA macros for Outlook using your tutorials. Now, i would like to run my newly created macro and i get a message stating that “Macros in this project have been disabled and and i should be consulting Online help”. Any clue about what i am doing wrong here?

Thanks for the question. Looks like you are having issues related to your Macro security settings. Read on for a fix.

Outlook Macros are disabled. How to fix?

Before we help you to allow your Outlook macros, let’s understand a few basics. Macros are snippets of Visual Basic Code that are embedded in your Microsoft Office application. Macros that we write in Outlook are stored in the VBAProject.otm file and its behavior and availability to the end users is governed by the Outlook Macro security settings.

The error message you got is simply due to the fact that your Microsoft Outlook Macro settings are set to disable Macros. The reason for that is that custom Macros could pose a potential threat to your computer. That’s exactly the reason why you should never copy a macro from an unknown resource.

The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Смотреть картинку The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Картинка про The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook. Фото The macros in this project are disabled что делать outlook

Assuming that you have written your Macro on you own and feel comfortable running it on your PC, you should adjust the Macro security settings accordingly.

To access your Security settings proceed as following:

Now, go ahead and set your security level. Our recommendation is that is to use the following settings:

a) Version 365/2019: Use Disable All Macros with Notification or

b) Version 2016/2013: Use Notifications for only Digitally Signed…

If you already have the Outlook Developer tab enabled, the process is even more simple. Just as an FYI, the Developer Ribbon menu contains an integrated development environment to allows you to write your VBA macro code. Let’s take a quick look on how to switch your Macro security settings from the Developer tab:

Kindly post a comment in case of follow up questions on Outlook Macros. Happy coding 😉


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