Tdm gcc что это

Tdm gcc что это

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Patches for the underlying binutils, GCC, GDB, and winpthreads components used to be included as part of a combined TDM source and build scripts release tarball, but are now kept in individual source repositories per component:

In order to duplicate the build process used for TDM’s binaries, you will need the following packages:

The 10.3.0 TDM32 and TDM64 GCC binaries were built as native bootstraps in Windows 10 (64-bit), using previously built toolchains with the same set of patches, under the MSYS2 environment. The build scripts in this package will probably not work in Cygwin, WSL, or GNU/Linux without modification.

Generally, building GCC consists of first building its support libraries (gmp, mpfr, mpc, isl, libiconv, winpthreads, and windows-default-manifest), combining these with binutils and the runtime API into the «staging prefix», and then building GCC itself. GCC is built to expect it will be installed to the staging prefix but for the installation step is actually staged into a different directory.

Building the TDM32 edition typically looks like this:

Building the TDM64 edition typically looks like this:


TDM-GCC is a cleverly disguised GCC compiler for Windows!


TDM-GCC 9.2.0 release

I’m proud to present a new series of TDM-GCC binaries based around GCC 9. It’s been a long time coming, but getting back into the groove of delivering a Windows-friendly GCC toolchain was both a lot of work and an enjoyable challenge!

Download a TDM-GCC installer:
tdm-gcc-webdl.exeMinimal online installer. Select the components you want, and it downloads and unpacks them. Either edition, latest release only. (GCC 10.3.0)
tdm64-gcc-10.3.0-2.exe64+32-bit MinGW-w64 edition. Includes GCC C/C++, GNU binutils, mingw32-make, GDB (64-bit), the MinGW-w64 runtime libraries and tools, and the windows-default-manifest package.
tdm-gcc-10.3.0.exe32-bit-only edition. Includes GCC C/C++, GNU binutils, mingw32-make, GDB (32-bit), the mingwrt and w32api packages, and the windows-default-manifest package.

Check the download page for links to individual components and sources.

Change Log

Move everything to Github!

In the years since the last TDM-GCC release, Github has outpaced SourceForge for ease of development, modern dev tools, and general credibility. I’m happy to announce that all TDM-GCC sources are now on Github, and it’s much easier to track the ongoing changes and underlying process that drive TDM-GCC releases.

The TDM-GCC website is enjoying a redesign and a new home on Github pages!

Start using StGit to track patches

Switch GDB to Python 3

Enable NLS for TDM32 (not yet TDM64)



В чём между ними разница? Если надо писать на C/C++ под Windows (включая GUI), какие у каждого из них преимущества и недостатки?

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это

ЕМНИП: в TDM-GCC проще поставить 64-битную версию, на MinGW проще накатить MSYS. Еще вроде бы была какая-то разница касательно SJLJ.

надо писать на C/C++ под Windows (включая GUI)

Бери любой. Или, если нужен ++0х, бери тот, который свежее.

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это

А как вообще появился проект TMD-GCC? Если я правильно понял, это форк mingw. Так ли это и если так, по каким причинам он появился?

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это

Хе mingw уже можно скачать версии 4.7.х

Используй под виндой микрософтовский компилятор.

mingw-gcc не торт, например компилирует холлоу ворлд в 40 килобайтный бинарник.

Там недавно появился mingw-get. Что-то типа дебианского apt-get. Удобно!

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это

Ставь mingw, не ошибешься. Только обязательно с msys. После установки нужно прописать их в переменную окружения PATH

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это

Мне пока хватает и дистра годичной давности 🙂

Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть фото Tdm gcc что это. Смотреть картинку Tdm gcc что это. Картинка про Tdm gcc что это. Фото Tdm gcc что это


TDM-GCC Compiler

GCC for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows with a real installer & updater

Brought to you by: tdragon

Activity for TDM-GCC Compiler

modulo arithmetic => Compiler Error?

every file deleted but still shows as installed, but can’t uninstall

Additional info: using gcc version 8.1.0 (i686-posix-dwarf-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project), the above error doesn’t occur. Geza Hidasi

runtime error opening existing file

fails to initialize logical variable

Different approximation of double in Windows and in Linux

gfortran compile etc error

command line installation support

internal compiler error, optimizing empty function

stddef and its included header file missing some type defination

arm64/arm builds windows 10 IOT

A workaround was to manually download the appropriated packages from in the folder X:\TDM-GCC-64\installer\downloaded and then run the tdm-gcc-5.1.0-3.exe installer.

Voxel mirror does not work

Anbang LI created ticket #329

”D:run: No such file or directory“ error while debugging source file on root directory

Anders Karlsson posted a comment on ticket #40

Francois Court created ticket #328

GDB crash on variadic function

Daniel Starke posted a comment on ticket #325

Eckard Klotz created ticket #327

deprecated-declarations warnings for inline definitions of deprecated virtual methods

david rankin created ticket #326

CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_PROTECT dwPromptFlags missing from wincrypt.h

Jolyk posted a comment on ticket #69

Unstrippable garbage in executables

Tobias Kühne created ticket #324

Error 0x80000003 (__w32sp_trap()) when running from login screen

abdulbadii posted a comment on ticket #221

I experienced the same thing when tried to buikd golden dictionary with Qt Creat.

Fyr posted a comment on ticket #40

Maybe, GCC 7 would be even better since its release is so soon. However, the owner.

piyush-eldiablo posted a comment on ticket #40

Please provide a new release with GCC 6 version

piyush-eldiablo created ticket #40

Andrei modified a comment on ticket #321

I was wondering if the TDM project will be updated at some point or if this project.

Andrei posted a comment on ticket #321

I was wondering if the TDM project will be updated at some point or if this project.

read() function (of tdm64-gcc-5.1.0-2) not reading whole file if the file is binary (on Windows 10).

Missing rm.exe file

Will TDM be getting an update anytime soon?

Petr Kartsev posted a comment on ticket #320

(P.S. Sorry for font and numbered lines, little experience with editor!)

Petr Kartsev created ticket #320

TDM-GCC 5.1.0-tdm-1 : gfortran segfault at reading file

Simon Sobisch created ticket #39

Add diffutils package

Jan Ingwer Baer created ticket #318

64-bit DLL can not loaded from visual-c application

«map» data structure access violation when using the global structure padding

dan hayes posted a comment on ticket #316

dan hayes created ticket #316

gdb can not step over » cout 5 years ago

Download of binutils ZIP archive from Chrome yields an incomplete ZIP archive

GDB needs Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable

CancelIOEx calls don’t work in 32 bit mode

Proplem with gfortran from tdm-gcc

Strange Error Message

Mark Sibly posted a comment on ticket #307

Ok, looks like the extra code is for SJLJ exception support, although I’m still not.

Mark Sibly created ticket #307

Martti Kesäniemi posted a comment on ticket #306

Sorry, first line should be «When a copy constructor should be implicitely declared.

Martti Kesäniemi created ticket #306

Implicitely declared move assigment, when a copy constructor should be declared instead

DFreedomoon created ticket #304

delete operation cause wrong results in specific situation

Tomas Cipr posted a comment on ticket #303

. adding forgotten source files for the test case.

Tomas Cipr created ticket #303

MSVC++ EXE linked with TDM-GCC DLL fails to start (Win10 x64)

Hello, I am relatively new MinGW user. I see that the above link you provided does.

This concerns 5.1.0-3 zip file 45,8MiB

This error occurs on TDM-64 gcc 5.1.0-2

and ABI=64 to ABI=32, this GMP build success. but mpc is build faild. : (

Hi, Same problem when compiling clang 3.7.0 on Windows 7 with cmake + TDM-GCC-64.

Also have this, e.g. just with test.f90 containing program test open(unit=50,file=’test.f90′,form=’formatted’,status=’old’).

this is OK! but use x86_64-w64-mingw32(TDM-gcc) build from msys64 is no success.

Oh, forgot to say that if you change line 3 of the build script to use gcc not g++.

Hi I have very similar problem with all FORTRAN programs, which try to open some.

The editor has modified the declaration of ‘fn’. The =»» is not present in the supplied.

ralph engels posted a comment on ticket #3

refined it a bit more, changed the errorhandler to formatmessage and only puts asm.

ralph engels posted a comment on ticket #287

eh you cannot blindly link to microsoft libraries, you need to create an import library.

ralph engels posted a comment on ticket #297

winternl.h only exists in mingw-w64, seems the gnome devs have abandoned

ralph engels created ticket #3

updated shmem patch with better 64 bit support

vulkan-1.lib «file in wrong format»

Matthew Bentley created ticket #299

ralph engels modified a comment on ticket #292

That is an addition in the new 3.21.1 mingw runtime, would be nice if devs could.

ralph engels posted a comment on ticket #292

That is an addition in the new 3.21.1 mingw runtime, would be nice if devs could.

ungetc does not unget

ralph engels posted a comment on ticket #265

Thanks Ray. Aye the main branch would be a better place to look, allthough most of.

Morten MacFly posted a comment on ticket #288

BTW: this is rather serious. I have to use an alternative debugger all the time.

Ray Donnelly posted a comment on ticket #265

Going to the MSYS2 sources (REPOS/MINGW/Sources) is a strange way to get our patches.

Emiliano Casati posted a comment on ticket #281

Hi! No problem! In any case, I just downloaded GCC 5.3 (i.e., the last version) through.

Patrick Le Roux posted a comment on ticket #281

Hi Emiliano Sorry I did not see you response until now. Same as you : I do not undertand.

ied206 modified a comment on ticket #296

ied206 posted a comment on ticket #296


How do I correctly use 64-bit TDM-GCC with cgo? [duplicate]

I’m attempting to use a library at Regardless of what I do, I’m met with this error:

I’ve attempted updating MinGW

I’ve set the PATH variable for MinGW.

I’ve downloaded MinGW-w64 here.

I’ve gone here and downloaded the tdm-gcc 64 bundle.

And still, I’m met with the same error. How do I circumvent this?

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1 Answer 1

Read the cgo manual, notice there how the go tool calls the compilers for the foreign languages it supports.

and see at the variables CC and CXX it’ll show you: that are the C and C++ compilers the go toolchain would call to compile C and C++ code, respectively.

Notice that when a program on Windows is being run without specifying its full pathname (that is, beginning with a drive letter and followed by that :\ fun construct and then the rest of the path— ending in the actual program file’s name), the program’s file is looked up in a set of paths defined by the contents of the so-called environment variable called «PATH».

That PATH env. variable can be system-wide and per-user; the latter trumps the former.

and see whether there are listed any pathnames of the installed C/C++ compilers. I bet there will be a path of some 32-bit GCC but not your 64-bit suite.

Make sure your PATH env. variable contains an entry for the directory containing the executable program of your 64-bit compiler whose name matches the appropriate name listed in the go env output.

Please refer to the installation manual of your compiler for more details.


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