Tba что это в играх
Tba что это в играх
TBA — аббревиатура, которая чаще всего расшифровывается в английском как to be announced или to be arranged и означает соответственно «будет объявлено позднее» или «будет сообщено». Другие похожие сокращения: TBC (to be confirmed — «будет подтверждено дополнительно») и TBD (to be determined — «будет определено дополнительно»).
Это обозначение используется для продукции, выход которой ещё ожидается.
См. также
Смотреть что такое «TBA» в других словарях:
TBA — or tba or t.b.a. abbrev. to be announced * * * TBA abbr. to be announced. * * * … Universalium
tba — is sometimes written in announcements about events to indicate that a date, time, or event has not yet been arranged and will be announced at a later date. tba is an abbreviation for to be arranged or to be announced … English dictionary
TBA — or tba or t.b.a. abbrev. to be announced … English World dictionary
tba — to be announced used in writing to show that a time, place etc will be given or decided later … Dictionary of contemporary English
TBA — abbreviation to be announced: used for saying that you will be told something at a later time because it has not yet been decided … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
TBA — (to be announced) yet to be announced … English contemporary dictionary
TBA — Acronym for to be announced. Most new MBS pass through bonds can be purchased on a TBA basis. American Banker Glossary See: to be announced TBA ( to be announced) A contract for the purchase or sale of a MBS to be delivered at an agreed upon… … Financial and business terms
TBA — abbreviation 1. table of basic allowances 2. tires, batteries, and accessories 3. to be announced * * * abbrev To be advised (or announced) * * * TBA abbreviation to be announced: used for saying that you will be told something at a later time… … Useful english dictionary