Syllabus curriculum в чем разница
Difference Between Syllabus and Curriculum
Last updated on May 18, 2017 by Surbhi S
When it comes to education, the two concepts which pop up in our mind which are commonly misconstrued are syllabus and curriculum. Syllabus connotes the subjects as well as the topics covered in the course of study. On the other hand, curriculum implies the chapters and academic content taught in school or college. It alludes to the knowledge, skills and competencies students should learn during study.
The fundamental difference between syllabus and curriculum is that the former is focused towards a particular subject. Unlike, the latter, which is related to the all-round development of a student. Similarly, there are other differences between these two, that are discussed in the article provided below, take a read.
Content: Syllabus Vs Curriculum
Comparison Chart
Basis for Comparison | Syllabus | Curriculum |
Meaning | Syllabus is the document that contains all the portion of the concepts covered in a subject. | Curriculum is the overall content, taught in an educational system or a course. |
Origin | Syllabus is a Greek term. | Curriculum is a Latin term. |
Set for | A subject | A course |
Nature | Descriptive | Prescriptive |
Scope | Narrow | Wide |
Set out by | Exam board | Government or the administration of school, college or institute. |
Term | For a fixed term, normally a year. | Till the course lasts. |
Uniformity | Varies from teacher to teacher. | Same for all teachers. |
Definition of Syllabus
The syllabus is defined as the documents that consist of topics or portion covered in a particular subject. It is determined by the examination board and created by the professors. The professors are responsible for the quality of the course. It is made available to the students by the teachers, either in hard copy or electronic form to bring their attention towards the subject and take their study seriously.
A syllabus is considered as a guide to the in charge as well as to the students. It helps the students to know about the subject in detail, why it is a part of their course of study, what are the expectations from students, consequences of failure, etc. It contains general rules, policies, instructions, topics covered, assignments, projects, test dates, and so on.
Definition of Curriculum
The curriculum is defined as the guideline of the chapters and academic content covered by an educational system while undergoing a particular course or program.
In a theoretical sense, curriculum refers to what is offered by the school or college. However, practically it has a wider scope which covers the knowledge, attitude, behaviour, manner, performance and skills that are imparted or inculcated in a student. It contains the teaching methods, lessons, assignments, physical and mental exercises, activities, projects, study material, tutorials, presentations, assessments, test series, learning objectives, and so on.
The curriculum is well planned, guided and designed by the government or the educational institution. It is aimed at both physical and mental development of a student. It is the overall learning experience that a student goes through during the particular course of study.
Key Differences Between Syllabus and Curriculum
The basic differences between syllabus and curriculum are explained in the point given below:
Curriculum and Syllabus are the terms of education, imparted to the students by teachers. It means the knowledge, skills or qualifications that are passed on from one generation to another. A subject syllabus is a unit of the curriculum. The two terms differ in a sense that curriculum is a combination of some factors which helps in the planning of an educational program, whereas a syllabus covers the portion of what topics should be taught in a particular subject.
Difference Between Syllabus and Curriculum
June 5, 2011 Posted by koshal
Syllabus vs Curriculum
One should carefully understand the difference between syllabus and curriculum as they are two important words in the field of education that are often confused as if they mean the same. Strictly speaking, they are two different words that give different meanings. Syllabus refers to the program or outline of a course of study. Curriculum, on the other hand, is a word that refers to the subjects that are studied or prescribed for study in a school or in a college. This is the main difference between syllabus and curriculum. Curriculum is a much broader concept whereas syllabus is much narrower. This with regard to the different areas they cover. Curriculum covers the whole course experience while the syllabus only covers a part of that course experience. More details about syllabus and curriculum is discussed below.
What is a Syllabus?
Syllabus refers to the program or outline of a course of study. In other words, syllabus refers to the portions of the study prescribed in a particular subject meant for a particular course of study. For example, if Physics is a subject meant for a course of study called ‘material science’, then the portions of study prescribed in the subject of Physics is called as syllabus.
As a matter syllabus is prescribed once in a year and the particular syllabus that is prescribed for the year should be completed both by the teacher or the professor and the student during the year. Examinations will be conducted at the end of the year only from the particular syllabus of the year in the particular subject. This shows that the student will follow another syllabus in the next year of a given three-year undergraduate course.
What is a Curriculum?
A curriculum, on the other hand, pertains to the entire period of study in a college or a school. For example, the curriculum of a certain course of study, say B.Sc Chemistry, includes all the subjects, including the allied subjects to be studied as part of the entire course of study. Hence, it can be said that syllabus is a subset of curriculum. In other words, it can be said that syllabus is contained in the curriculum. Syllabi make a curriculum. A curriculum gets completed once the syllabi get completed.
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What is the difference between Syllabus and Curriculum?
• Syllabus refers to the program or outline of a course of study. Curriculum, on the other hand, is a word that refers to the subjects that are studied or prescribed for study in a school or in a college. This is the main difference between syllabus and curriculum.
• Syllabus is the portions of study that should be covered in a subject. This subject can be a part of a course. What the whole course should cover, including different subjects and their relevant study areas are all included in the curriculum. So, syllabus is a subset of the curriculum.
• The plural of syllabus can be syllabi or syllabuses. The plural of curriculum can be curricula or curriculums.
• A syllabus is descriptive. This is because the syllabus is formed to create an understanding between the teacher and the student. A syllabus, therefore, explicitly describes what areas will be covered in a subject. A curriculum is prescriptive or specific. It is a guide the institution follows for the course as long as the course lasts.
• A syllabus is usually for a year. A curriculum can be as long as the course lasts. For example, think about a three year degree program. The syllabus will be for each subject that is covered throughout the period of three years. Let us say English is one subject. So, there will be different syllabuses that are followed for different sub-units under the subject called English for the three year period. American English will have one syllabus. Shakespeare will have one syllabus. However, when it comes to curriculum, it is the whole degree experience. That means it includes all the subjects that are covered in the three year period. This will contain all the objectives of the whole degree course.
• Syllabus is for a subject while curriculum is for a course.
This is the difference between syllabus and curriculum.
Разница между учебной программой и учебной программой
Основное различие между учебной программой и учебной программой заключается в том, что первая ориентирована на конкретный предмет. В отличие от последнего, который связан с всесторонним развитием ученика. Точно так же между этими двумя есть и другие различия, которые обсуждаются в статье, представленной ниже, прочтите.
Сравнительная таблица
Определение Syllabus
Учебный план определяется как документы, которые состоят из тем или частей, охватываемых определенным предметом. Он определяется экзаменационной комиссией и создается профессорами. Профессора несут ответственность за качество курса. Учителя предоставляют учащимся его в бумажной или электронной форме, чтобы привлечь их внимание к предмету и серьезно отнестись к изучению.
Учебный план рассматривается как руководство для руководителей, а также для студентов. Он помогает студентам подробно узнать о предмете, почему он является частью их курса обучения, каковы ожидания от студентов, последствия неудач и т. Д. Он содержит общие правила, политику, инструкции, охватываемые темы, задания, проекты, даты тестирования и т. д.
Определение учебной программы
Учебный план определяется как руководство по главам и академическому содержанию, охватываемому образовательной системой при прохождении определенного курса или программы.
В теоретическом смысле учебная программа относится к тому, что предлагается школой или колледжем. Однако на практике он имеет более широкий охват, который охватывает знания, отношение, поведение, манеры, производительность и навыки, которые передаются или прививаются учащемуся. Он содержит методы обучения, уроки, задания, физические и умственные упражнения, мероприятия, проекты, учебные материалы, учебные пособия, презентации, оценки, серии тестов, цели обучения и т. Д.
Учебная программа хорошо спланирована и разработана правительством или учебным заведением. Он направлен как на физическое, так и на умственное развитие ученика. Это общий опыт обучения, который студент проходит в течение определенного курса обучения.
Ключевые различия между учебной программой и учебной программой
Основные различия между учебной программой и учебной программой объясняются в приведенном ниже пункте:
Syllabus curriculum в чем разница
The syllabus tells you the curriculum. But can also be used in some cases to mean the same
Syllabus: an outline of the subjects in a course of study or teaching.
Curriculum: the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
A syllabus is usually a document or sheet of paper for the students with their assignments written on it. Curriculum is material the teacher plans to teach during a certain time frame, for example «the semester’s curriculum.» Hope that helps.
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Syllabus vs Curriculum
The difference between curriculum and syllabus is that a subject syllabus is just a unit of a course or subject curriculum. Curriculum can be termed as a combination of the syllabus, course design, classes timetable as well as lesson plans for the subject. A curriculum also helps in planning how a certain subject or course will be taught while the syllabus just includes topics and concepts that will be covered. We often use them as interchangeable terms without knowing that they are entirely different. Before pursuing an academic program, you can understand its structure in a more detailed way if you know the difference between syllabus and curriculum. So, let’s begin with the discussion of syllabus vs curriculum and explore their key differences.
This Blog Includes:
What’s the Difference Between Syllabus vs Curriculum?
The curriculum contains the overall content as provided by an education board for a particular course spanning across a stipulated time period. Whereas the syllabus explains the summary of different topics covered or units that will be taught in a specific subject or discipline under that particular course.
Syllabus Vs Curriculum: Key Differences
Syllabus and Curriculum PPT
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What is Syllabus?
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardour and attended to with diligence.” – Abigail Adams.
In simple terms, a syllabus is a document containing the information about the different topics or the portion that needs to be covered for a particular subject or a course. This document is determined by the board of examination and created by different professors. While forming a syllabus, the professors ensure that the fundamentals of a particular subject or course are added in a unique combination of theoretical and practical learning methods. A syllabus is provided to students and teachers at the beginning of an academic session.
Discussing syllabus vs curriculum, it’s important to understand that the syllabus of a subject is considered as a guide for the subject teacher as well as the students. It helps the students understand the subject in detail and why it is a part of their course. It also helps students to anticipate what is expected from them and the consequences in case of failing the subject. It also contains the general policies, rules, topics to be covered, instructions, assignments, test dates, projects, etc.
What is Curriculum?
A Curriculum is basically a set of guidelines for different academic contents and chapters that are covered in a specific program offered by a particular school or college. However, it covers the attitude, manner, knowledge, behaviour, performance, manner and the different skills that students will develop throughout the academic period. Also, for the differences between syllabus vs curriculum, the latter deals with different teaching methods, assignments, lessons, mental and physical exercises, assessments, presentations, learning objectives, test series, etc.
Generally, a curriculum is well-planned and carefully designed by educational institutions or the government. Focusing on the overall learning experience provided by a course, it emphasizes essentially on the mental and physical development of the students.
Relationship between Curriculum, Syllabus and Textbook
There is a close and interrelated relationship between Curriculum, Syllabus and Textbooks because these three are essential component of an academic session. Let’s understand this relationship in further detail:
Syllabus and curriculum both are important terms used in reference to an educational program but they have different meanings. A curriculum is a combination of topics, subjects or activities that are to be included in an educational program. Whereas, the syllabus covers portions of topics in a particular subject.
Here is the origin of both these words:
Syllabus is a Greek term
It is a set of a subject
It is descriptive in nature
It’s scope is narrow
Curriculum is a Lain term
It is a set of a course
It is Perspective in nature
It’s scope is wide
Syllabus design and curriculum development are the 2 terms used in language teaching. The syllabus is a specific set of the content of course and list of topics which are to be covered in a subject. While syllabus design or curriculum is the process of development of the entire syllabus.
These 3 terms are highly interlinked and interdependent. Scheme of work is derived from syllabus and syllabus is derived from the curriculum. A curriculum enlists the topics, activities and subjects covered in an academic program. These topics and activities become the syllabus for a particular subject and then gets divided into terms or semesters. The subtopics you cover in a particular term are actually scheme of work.
Thus, educational terms like syllabus and curriculum seem similar but have different elements and definitions. Once you comprehend the key points of syllabus vs curriculum, you will see the academic plan of a program or a course in an entirely different manner. If you are confused about any other educational terms or are looking for career guidance, Leverage Edu experts can assist through every step from profile and interest analysis to help you settle down in the country of your choice. Call today for the best career advice.