Student k12 pre college что это

Образование в США

С ноября 2021 года Америка официально сняла ограничения на въезд для вакцинированных иностранцев.

В системе образования США четыре ступени: дошкольное, начальное, среднее и высшее. Учебный процесс на каждой из них отличается гибкостью, практикоориентированностью и индивидуальным подходом к студентам.

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регионСеверная Америка
ЯзыкАнглийский, Испанский
ВалютаUS Dollar
Иностранные студенты3.5%
Рейтинг популярности в мире1
Рейтинг университетов в мире1
Академическая репутация1
Репутация работодателей1
Качество преподавания1
Интернационализация преподавателей2
Интернационализация студентов1
Индекс цитирования1
Университетов в топ 10037
Университетов в топ 20059
Университетов в топ 500109
Университетов в топ 1000195
Университетов в топ 50001142

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Особенности образования в США

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Полная система образования в США

Дошкольное образование в США

Занятия у дошколят тоже самые разные. Главная цель — помочь им с социализацией и подготовить к учебе в kindergarten. Дети учатся, играя. Много времени отводится взаимодействию со сверстниками. Стандартный набор уроков в preschool:

С пяти лет дети поступают в kindergarten и начинают свой путь по системе K-12.

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Обучение в детском саду США

Начальное образование в США


Primary School

После kindergarten дети наконец поступают в начальную школу (primary / elementary school). Она длится с первого по шестой класс. В этот период все предметы ведет один учитель. Основные дисциплины: английский, математика, география, история и естественные науки. Школы с хорошим финансированием нанимают отдельных преподавателей по музыке, искусству или иностранным языкам. В среднем дети остаются в школе до 6-7 часов вечера. Они занимаются дополнительно или делают домашнее задание на продленке.

Система оценивания в первые два года очень простая:

Потом постепенно вводятся стандартные для американских школ оценки A, B, C, D и F, где A — отлично, а F — провал. Уже в elementary school дети проходят свои первые стандартизированные тесты. Они определяют прогресс учеников и готовят их к будущему вступительному для вузов — SAT. Выпускных экзаменов из начальной школы нет.

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Класс в начальной школе США

Среднее образование в США

Middle School / Junior High School

Тесты и контрольные проводятся регулярно. От них зависит итоговая оценка студента за все время обучения в средней школе. Выпускных экзаменов здесь нет. Достаточно иметь «удовлетворительно»‎ по всем предметам.

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Greenfield Central Junior high school

Senior High School

Завершающая ступень среднего образования — старшая школа. Туда берут детей от 14 лет. В Америке есть смешанные junior / senior high schools, где учатся шесть лет вплоть до выпускного. А есть отдельные, которые находятся в разных зданиях. Старшая школа длится с 9 по 12 класс. И это единственная возможность для иностранцев учиться в государственной школе по обмену (всего один год). Остальное время им доступны только частные учреждения. Но даже в государственных иностранные студенты должны заплатить от 3000 до 10,000 USD за год учебы. Подробнее о поступлении в школу США читайте в статье про среднее образование.

В старшей школе вся учеба фокусируется вокруг поступления в вуз: студенты подтягивают средний балл GPA и готовятся к SAT/ACT. Обязательные дисциплины:

Вероятнее всего в ближайшее время роль курсов AP значительно увеличится. В 2021 году College Board навсегда отменила SAT Subject Test. Он помогал выпускникам продемонстрировать свои знания по конкретным дисциплинам, например по физике или химии. Они были необходимы как профильные предметы для поступления на некоторые специальности. Advanced placements могут стать отличной альтернативой SAT Subject Test.

Старшие школы не проводят выпускных экзаменов. Вместо них студенты сдают стандартизированные тесты: SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) или ACT (American College Testing). Они необходимы для поступления в американские университеты. В 2021 году многие вузы США, включая Лигу Плюща, сделали SAT/ACT необязательным требованием из-за пандемии COVID-19. Возможно это решение сохранится и в будущем. Стандартизированные тесты в США уже давно критикуют.

Высшее образование в США

Профессиональное образование

Выпускники школ могут получить быстрое профессиональное образование vocational training в муниципальных колледжах — community colleges. Обучение в них длится два года. Нагрузка там чуть меньше, чем в университетах, а упор делается на практические навыки. В них студент получает степень ассоциата (associate) и устраивается на работу по специальности.

Другой вариант развития событий после community college — перевестись сразу на третий курс университета. Для этого необходимо иметь GPA от 3.5 из 4, при этом все оценки по профильным предметам должны быть отличными. Иностранцам иногда требуется сертификат TOEFL и SAT.

Учеба в университете

В университетской системе США три уровня:

Учиться в Штатах стоит 20,000-50,000 USD /год. Плюс затраты на проживание — еще примерно 10,000 USD /год. К счастью, многие университеты США присуждают студентам стипендии и гранты. Некоторые из них, например в Лиге Плюща, покрывают до 100% стоимости обучения.

Чтобы поступить в американский вуз иностранный абитуриент должен иметь высокий балл GPA, сертификат TOEFL или IELTS, сдать SAT/ACT, написать мотивационное письмо и получить рекомендации. Процесс подачи заявления на каждую ступень обучения и подробные требования расписаны в нашей статье про поступление в США. Там же вы найдете информацию про поступление в муниципальные колледжи и на программу Pathway.

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Университет Вирджинии, США

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K12, a Stride Company: Online Public School Programs

Concerned with COVID-19 safety and school closings?

Stride K12 leads the way in online curriculum!

Want to serve and protect your community?

Enrollment Is Open!

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Enrollment Is Open! Find a School Near Me.

Explore the 5 Tuition-Free and 5 Tuition-based, K12-Powered Schools in Texas

TX Lone Star Online Academy Roscoe

Texas Online Preparatory School

Texas Online Preparatory School with Stride Career

Texas Virtual Academy at Hallsville

Texas Virtual Academy at Hallsville with Stride Career Prep

K12 Private Academy

K12 Private Academy with Stride Career Prep

Stride Career Prep Flex

The Keystone School

The George Washington University Online High School

Need More Info


We are Stride K12, empowering high-quality, personalized learning. We make the most of technology to support inspired teaching and interactive curriculum, so students can learn in the ways that work for them. Over two million students have chosen Stride K12-powered schools. Will you be ONE, too? Learn how to get started.


Something for Anyone at Stride K12

K–12 students can take charge of their education with a combination of online and in-person learning.* Stride K12’s personalized approach is for anyone—no matter who or where you are. Check out the options below and get ready to love learning with Stride K12!

Online Public Schools

This tuition-free option meets your K–12 student where they are and helps them get where they want to be. With state-certified teachers, the support and structure of a school community, and curriculum that’s online and hands-on,** students learn in the way that’s right for them.

This tuition-free option meets your K–12 student where they are and helps them get where they want to be.

Stride Career Prep

Tuition-Free and Tuition-Based

With career readiness, core academics meet a career-focused, college-ready education. Your child can gain real-world skills, find their passion, and explore career options † —all while earning their diploma. Choose from tuition-free and tuition-based Stride K12-powered school options with Stride Career Prep programming for middle school and high school students.

With Stride Career Prep, traditional academics meet a career-focused, college-ready education.

Online Private Schools

When your K–12 student needs a little more flexibility, a tuition-based, online private school can be a great option. Choose from three fully accredited private schools with state-certified teachers and a rigorous online and hands-on curriculum.**

When your K–12 student needs a little more flexibility, a tuition-based, online private school can be a great option.

Independent Courses

The Stride K12 curriculum isn’t just for full-time students. You can purchase a course to supplement your child’s education or homeschool lessons. They can learn a new language, catch up in math, or explore an interest. These affordable online courses are available for grades PreK–12.

You can purchase a course to supplement your child’s education or homeschool lessons.

School, District, and Institutional Programs

Create a learning environment that’s right for your program’s students with Stride K12’s innovative digital curriculum, technology, instruction, and support. More than 2,000 schools and districts have tapped into Stride K12’s learning solutions to help them drive stronger student and district outcomes.

Create a learning environment that’s right for your program’s students with Stride K12’s innovative digital curriculum, technology, instruction, and support.


You Could Be One

A Stride K12-powered education is for anyone. Whether your child is an athlete, advanced learner, homeschooler, military kid, career- or college-bound—or any situation in between—they’ll enjoy a high quality education that fits their needs.

Our individualized approach meets students where they are—accommodating multiple learning styles and sparking the joy of learning.

Kindergartners through high schoolers can take advantage of advanced learning opportunities.

College- and Career-Minded Students

Middle and high school students can get a head start on the future with a career-focused, college-ready education with Stride Career Prep.

Personalized learning lets families like yours be involved in their child’s education.

As a military family, you’ll be able to count on the support, consistency, and quality of a Stride K12-powered education.

Our STEM-related courses are designed to teach teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving skills.


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*In-person learning opportunities vary by school. Please check with your school. Due to COVID-19, no in-person learning opportunities are currently available.
**Course materials vary by course and school. Please check with your school about offline course materials.
† Career fields vary by school. Please check with your school.

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Families do not pay tuition for a student to attend an online public school. Common household items and office supplies like printer ink and paper are not provided. Our enrollment consultants can help address your technological and computer questions and needs.

K12 Inc.’s corporate name change to Stride, Inc., is effective as of December 16, 2020. Stride trades on the NYSE under the symbol LRN.
Copyright © 2021 Stride, Inc. All rights reserved. The Stride word mark, logo and other marks referenced herein are trademarks of Stride, Inc. and its subsidiaries, and other company names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Find the right school, enroll, get ready for the first day, and track your student’s progress.

Families do not pay tuition for a student to attend an online public school. Common household items and office supplies like printer ink and paper are not provided. Our enrollment consultants can help address your technological and computer questions and needs.

*K12 Inc.’s corporate name change to Stride, Inc. will be effective December 16, 2020. Stride will trade on the NYSE under the symbol “LRN.”
Copyright © 2020 Stride, Inc. All rights reserved. The Stride word mark, logo and other marks referenced herein are trademarks of Stride, Inc. and its subsidiaries, and other company names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


How to Enroll

Find a K12-powered
online public school near you.

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It’s easy to get started.

To get started, you’ll want to check out the Stride K12-powered school options in your state and for your student’s grade level, interests, and needs. You can explore using the Find a School tool above.

Then what? It’s time to start your enrollment. Here’s a step-by-step of what to expect. In most cases, you can complete enrollment in these three simple steps. You can also learn about mid-year enrollment if you’re looking for a change once the school year has already started.

Three Simple Steps to Enroll

Create Your Account

Get started by creating an account in our Parent Portal. This will give you access to your online application, real-time alerts, and quick links to important info.

Choose Your School

You have options! You can explore the Stride K12-powered schools available in your state before you enroll. Use the Find a School tool above to start your search.

Complete Admissions Questions

There’s paperwork needed, such as proof of residency and birth certificates. The good news is, we’re here to guide you each step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about K12-powered schooling? Read some of the most common questions.

How much does it cost?

Costs vary depending on which option you choose. K12-powered online public schools, available in many states, are tuition-free. K12 powers a variety of private school options, each of which has its own fee structure. You can also purchase courses directly for supplemental or independent homeschool use.

What are Stride K12’s education standards?

The K12 team has developed a comprehensive program that provides children with an education that is comparable or superior to that provided by the nation’s best public and private schools, regardless of demographic constraints.

Is the Stride K12 program accredited?

K12 is a Cognia-accredited corporation. Cognia is a global nonprofit working to advance excellence in education worldwide through accreditation, research, and professional services. As a Cognia-accredited corporation, K12 meets the highest standards of educational management. Additionally, individual K12-powered schools are accredited by a variety of respected accreditation bodies.

Why K12?

K12 App

Download the app and make enrolling even easier.

Still have questions? Call us!

Our enrollment consultants are happy to help.

For tuition-free public schools, call:
From the U.S., toll-free:

For tuition-based private schools, call:

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Do you want to learn more about how online schooling works?

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Find the right school, enroll, get ready for the first day, and track your student’s progress.

Families do not pay tuition for a student to attend an online public school. Common household items and office supplies like printer ink and paper are not provided. Our enrollment consultants can help address your technological and computer questions and needs.

K12 Inc.’s corporate name change to Stride, Inc., is effective as of December 16, 2020. Stride trades on the NYSE under the symbol LRN.
Copyright © 2021 Stride, Inc. All rights reserved. The Stride word mark, logo and other marks referenced herein are trademarks of Stride, Inc. and its subsidiaries, and other company names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Find the right school, enroll, get ready for the first day, and track your student’s progress.

Do you want to learn more about how online schooling works?

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Find the right school, enroll, get ready for the first day, and track your student’s progress.

Families do not pay tuition for a student to attend an online public school. Common household items and office supplies like printer ink and paper are not provided. Our enrollment consultants can help address your technological and computer questions and needs.

*K12 Inc.’s corporate name change to Stride, Inc. will be effective December 16, 2020. Stride will trade on the NYSE under the symbol “LRN.”
Copyright © 2020 Stride, Inc. All rights reserved. The Stride word mark, logo and other marks referenced herein are trademarks of Stride, Inc. and its subsidiaries, and other company names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


What Is K12 Education?

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Many new parents start hearing about K12 since before their kids are born. However, they are not very clear about what K12 means, and why is necessary for them to start inform themselves about it as it will impact their kids’ future.

What Is K12 Education? This term was coined to describe primary and secondary education. This includes kindergarten (K) all the way to the 12 grade. This extremely popular type of education is very common among several countries around the world.

The term has become extremely popular among parents as it describes the years of education their kids will receive. Also, schools across the country use this term to identify the levels of education available for parents who are making research about education for their children.

Currently, K12 is becoming more significant because it is a type of education that prepares kids for their years in college and future employment. Statistics show that parents who choose the right K12 educational plan for their kids have helped them to choose and get into better universities and obtain better jobs.

That is why it is so important for parents to understand what is K12 education and choose the best educational plan for their kids. Many schools are preparing complete plans for new parents, which will allow them to choose something that will successfully prepare their children to get in competitive higher education institutions.

There are websites dedicated to explaining parents the different options they have to choose from, and also what are the best k12 schools across the country. There are many things that parents have to consider before choosing a K12 institution, and this website aid the parents to understand the different pros and cons of each one of them.

In many areas across the country, K12 public education is the best option, but in many other cities k12 private institutions provide better educational plans. This is why parents need to do research before deciding where they are going to send their kids for school.

Also, many K12 education institutions prepare educational plans for parents depending on their personal circumstances. Many parents lack the right amount of funds to send their kids to private education institutions, so these plans include options for public institutions or scholarships opportunities. This give parents the opportunity of choosing the K12 institution adequate for their personal situations.

K12 education has become a focus for current governmental programs aimed to improve education and provide kids with equal opportunities. It is a fact that some institutions are more competitive than others, and kids who attend these institutions have more chances of getting into their university or college of choice. That is why is so important for parents to do some research regarding the school they choose for their kids.

K12 education should be a priority for parents as it helps their kids to have better chances when they grow up. That is why parents should understand what is K12 education and where to find the best plan for their kids.

Additional articles about the current status of K12 education in America


About Stride K12

Let us introduce ourselves!

Through Stride K12-powered school options, we empower students to learn in the ways that are best for them—in their own place and at their own pace.

And as of December 16, 2020, K12 Inc., became Stride, Inc. As a Stride company, we’ll continue serving families and students of Stride K12-powered schools and will expand our reach to offer learning solutions to students of all ages. Learn more about Stride.

Key Facts About Stride K12

students have chosen Stride K12-powered schools

students have chosen K12-powered schools

Tuition-free Stride K12-powered schools offered in many states

Tuition-free Stride K12-powered schools offered in many states

Career preparation for middle and high school students

Career preparation for middle and high school students

Public and private school options to fit students’ needs

Public and private school options to fit students’ needs

Transforming education for decades

Transforming education for decades

Learn about Stride K12-powered online schools and programs.

Since 2000, Stride K12 has been a leader in K–12 online education, putting quality hands-on and online curriculum directly into the homes of the students and families we support. Stride K12-powered learning offers a personalized approach for students through a variety of education experiences. Every family is unique and has different requirements for their child’s learning environment. Explore the offerings below to learn about Stride K12-powered online learning programs and curriculum:

Hear about the Stride K12 approach to personalized learning.

An important distinction about Stride K12 online schools and programs is the approach to personalized learning and commitment to helping students learn and grow. Not all children succeed with a one-size-fits-all education experience. Learn more about the Stride K12 approach to personalized learning.

Discover all about the Stride K12 community.

We offer multiple resources for students and families. A vibrant online school community, academic support, and extracurricular activities help students connect, stay motivated, and succeed with online learning. Families can find answers, information, and inspiration to begin their learning journey or continue it. Learn more about the Stride K12 parent and student resources. Watch parent and student testimonials and hear how a Stride K12-powered school has made an impact in their education journey.


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