Student id number что это

Student Documents

Student ID

A Student ID is an official document confirming that you are an HSE University student.

This document is prepared by your Programme Office based on the directive on your admission / transfer / reinstatement. This is the document that you can use to acquire all of your other academic documents.

To prepare a Student ID, you need to bring a photo (size 3 * 4 cm, matte only, both colour and black & white may be accepted).

Your Student ID will be ready within 3-7 business days.

Electronic ID Badge

To access the HSE buildings you will have to get an electronic pass. This can be done at Pass Desk:
Take your student ID, temporary pass and passport. You may have to queue as the office can be quite busy during the first weeks of September.

Library Card

To register in the Library and receive a library card number, you must fill out the online form
The library card will be linked to your e-badge and the HSE App X, which will allow you to borrow books from all parts of the University Library.

To obtain remote access to electronic resources of the Library, fill out the form at

Social (Transport) Card

Social card is used as a transport card to take public transport in Moscow (metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses) at a lower price.

It must be activated and then refilled every month, separately for the metro (at a metro cashier’s) and the ground public transport (in grey ticket kiosks).

Check if your name (your full name in Cyrillic, written as in your visa) is on the social card database so that you could apply for the card.

1 month after submitting your application you can check if your social card is ready (enter your application No. and your passport No.).

Scholarship Bank Card

Scholarships are paid to MIR Scholarship Cards. To get a Scholarship Bank Card, you need to send a photo/scanned copy of a notarized translation of your passport and registration, to

You may also bring an application and copies of documents to Office K-422 (3a Krivokolenny Pereulok). Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am till 6.00pm (break from 1pm till 2pm).

Passport Translation

If you require translation services, please send a request to: with scans of your passport and visa attached.

Other Documents (Certificates, Directives/Referrals)

If you need any other paper, please contact your programme’s manager.

A student ID is an official document certifying that you are an HSE University student.

The document is prepared by the Programme Office on an order for your admission / transfer / reinstatement. This is the first document based on which you can receive all other student documents.

To prepare a student ID you need to bring a photo (size 3 * 4 cm, matte only, both colors black and white are possible).

Student ID are prepared within 3-7 business days. Th e prepared documen t is issued at the Programme Office organizational meeting in late August.

Updating (renewal) of student ID for students of the 2nd and subsequent courses is available in the first ten days of September of each academic year. C ollection and return of student ID is carried out by heads of student groups.

Social ( transport ) card

Scholarship Bank Card

To order other document s please contact your program manager.


Your Student ID Number

Your student ID is a 7-digit number assigned to every student as a unique identifier. It’s connected to your student record, so protect it the same as you do your Social Security number. The ID number is not useful anywhere else and will not transfer with you to any other college.

When you apply to the university, your student ID is generated randomly through an electronic process designed to provide a high level of security. This will be your student ID as both a student and, later, an alumnus. Please make note of your number and keep it in a secure location.

Your student ID number will be used when you conduct any university business, including logging into the ecampus, classroom, and library resources. It will be required along with additional information for verification purposes when you submit requests for information over the phone, by email, or in person.

Forgot Your ID or Password
If you don’t remember your student log-in credentials, click the Forgot ID or Password? link on the log-in screen. It will take you to a screen that asks a series of questions to verify your identity and help us locate your record. When your information has been verified, you will receive an email with either the password or ID (whichever you indicated was forgotten).

Your password or ID will be sent to the email address in your student record, so keep your record up-to-date. Read Updating Contact Information on File with the University to learn more.


student ID

Смотреть что такое «student ID» в других словарях:

student — STUDÉNT, Ă, studenţi, te s.m. şi f. Persoană care urmează cursurile unei universităţi sau ale unui institut de învăţământ superior. – Din it. studente, germ. Student, lat. studens, ntis. Trimis de RACAI, 07.12.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  studént s. m … Dicționar Român

Student — Stu dent, n. [L. studens, entis, p. pr. of studere to study. See , n.] 1. A person engaged in study; one who is devoted to learning; a learner; a pupil; a scholar; especially, one who attends a school, or who seeks knowledge from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

student — UK US /ˈstjuːdənt/ noun [C] ► a person who is studying at a college, university, or school: »He was a student at Bristol University. »school/university/college students ► someone who knows about a subject and is interested in it, but may not have … Financial and business terms

student — <><>rz. mos I, Mc. studentncie; lm M. studentnci <><> osoba studiująca na wyższej uczelni; także słuchacz pomaturalnego kolegium, koledżu itp. : <><>Student filologii polskiej, medycyny. Student… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

student — late 14c., from O.Fr. estudient one who is studying, from M.L. studiare to study, from L. studium (see STUDY (Cf. study)). Student teacher is attested from 1907 … Etymology dictionary

student — [n] person actively learning apprentice, disciple, docent, first year student, grad, graduate, junior, learner, novice, observer, pupil, registrant, scholar, schoolchild, skill, sophomore, undergrad*, undergraduate; concept 350 Ant. professor,… … New thesaurus

student — ► NOUN 1) a person studying at a university or other place of higher education. 2) chiefly N. Amer. a school pupil. 3) (before another noun ) denoting someone who is studying to enter a particular profession: a student nurse. 4) a person who… … English terms dictionary

student — [sto͞od′ nt, styo͞od′ nt] n. [ME studiante, studente < OFr & L: OFr estudiant < L studens, prp. of studere, to STUDY] 1. a person who studies, or investigates [a student of human behavior] 2. a person who is enrolled for study at a school,… … English World dictionary

Student — Student, 1) Einer, welcher sich dem Studium irgend einer Wissenschaft widmet; 2) der immatriculirte Schüler einer Hohen Schule (Universität). Über die verschiedenen Einrichtungen, Sitten u. Vereine der S n (Studentenwesen), s.u. Universitäten … Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

Student — (Studiosus, lat., »Eifriger, Strebender«), ein Studierender, besonders auf Hochschulen (vgl. Universitäten); in Österreich auch auf höhern Lehranstalten (Mittelschulen). Vgl. Studentenverbindungen und Vereine (mit Literatur) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

Student — Student, s. Studieren … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon


How Do I Find Out My Student Id Number?

Not what you’re looking for? Try…

Student Reference Number is on the top left of very letter you got from the course department.

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Student Documents

Health Certificate

Every exchange and visiting student registered for the dormitory accommodation must provide the health certificate and the results of the test for COVID-19 by PCR to the dormitory administration upon his/her arrival. Please have this certificate signed by your physician.

NB! Please have exactly this health certificate signed. The dormitory does not accept other templates. Learn more about settling in at the dormitory here.

Student ID

A student ID is an official document certifying that you are an HSE University student.

Exchange students can get their student ID at SIMO, Pokrovsky boulevard 11, room 605D (after receiving a notification by email from SIMO that your ID is ready). In order to receive a student ID, a student should do the following:

Arrival form (you can also get the printed template at SIMO);

Informed consent (you can also get the printed template at SIMO);

Certificate with the results of the test for COVID-19 by PCR made in Moscow;

As soon as your documents are ready you will receive a confirmation by email.

A student ID allows students to apply for a social card (also known as transport card), which offers a significant discount on public transport in Moscow.

A student ID offers discounts and sometimes even free admission into some museums, theatres, cinemas, clubs, exhibition centres, and zoos. The student ID also allows for discounted purchase of railway tickets. On special occasions, some shops and cafes also offer certain discounts to students.

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Pass card

Have your student ID and passport with you all the time.

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If you lose your pass and need immediate access to the HSE building at 11 Pokrovsky boulevard, please inform us immediately either at or by phone +7 495 772-95-90* 27668. A document proving your identity must be shown to receive a pass.

Social (transport) card

Social card is provided to exchange students and is used as a bank card and a transport card to take public transport in Moscow (metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses) at a lower price.
It must be activated and then refilled every month, separately for the metro (at a metro cashier’s) and the ground public transport (in grey ticket kiosks).

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Check if your name (your full name in Cyrillic, written as in your visa) is on the social card database so that you could apply for the card.

1 month after submitting your application you can check if your social card is ready (enter your application No. and your passport No.).

Library card

1. Register in the library
2. Register to get remote access to e-resources
3. You will be able to keep track of the books your borrow in your account in the HSE App X app.
4. You can register to visit an HSE library in person and more info on

Enrollment documents (certificates, order/referral copies)

Exchange and vitising students may apply to SIMO for enrollment certificates, copies of enrollment order, signing learning agreements, arrival forms and other documents through online document request.

Passport translation

May be required at the banks and Multifunctional Centres while applying for the social card.


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