сайт хлои кинг тренировки 2 недели
2021 Get Fit Challenge
Type: Full Body, Resistance
Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Bands, Fitness Mat
2 workouts | 25 min (in total)
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
15 Min Legs & Booty (1st round)
15 Min Legs & Booty (2nd round)
2 workouts | 25 min (in total)
15 Min Arms Workout
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
15 Min Legs & Booty
3 workouts | 35 min (in total)
15 Min Arms Workout
3 workouts | 40 min (in total)
15 Min Legs & Booty
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
15 Min Arms Workout
Get Fit Arms Workout
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
3 workouts | 40 min (in total)
15 Min Legs & Booty
Get Fit Legs Workout
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
15 Min Arms Workout (1st round)
15 Min Arms Workout (2nd round)
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
15 Min Legs & Booty
3 workouts | 40 min (in total)
15 Min Arms Workout
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
15 Full Body with Dumbbells
2 workouts | 30 min (in total)
1 workouts | 23 min (in total)
Hourglass Booty Workout
What’s the difference between this challenge and 2020’s Get Fit Challenge?
Both of these challenges are resistance based workouts to help increase your muscle-to-fat ratio (which is also dependent on your diet), improve your strength, stamina and even improve mobility and balance! This new challenge is best suited for those who are a little further along in their fitness and training as it includes more advanced movements, and is an ideal follow up challenge for 2020’s Get Fit Challenge which may help with increasing muscle mass.
However, you can do any one you prefer, just choose the right weights to challenge you. Make sure that the last few reps are quite challenging but you’re still able to do it in good form. It doesn’t matter what weights other people use, use what suits your current ability. If you’re a beginner, simply take it slow and easy.
Do I need dumbbells for this program?
The program was created with using dumbbells in mind! However, If you don’t have any, that’s okay too. You could use kettlebells if you have them but please use kettlebells in caution as well as any weights, or you can get extremely creative and use water bottles, resistance bands, rice in socks and even canned food to create some sort of resistance! The whole thing can also be done entirely with body weight, so don’t worry. Again, making it a little more challenging each time will help to build strength and muscle mass with good diet.
What weights should I use/start with?
It really depends on how much weight training you’ve done in past. If you’re new to it, then start light. 1-4kg (2-8lbs) may be enough and you can slowly progress with heavier weights. Remember to take it slow, and focus on your form. It is far better to do the move with no/light weights with correct form, than to do the move incorrectly with weights. Do not feel pressured to use heavier weights because other people are using heavier weights. Make sure you are doing it in good form to avoid injuries.
When should I start increasing my weights?
Once you’re able to do the moves with perfect form with the weights you’re currently using, and you are finding it very easy to complete, then start increasing your weights by 0.5-2kg (1-4lbs) until you feel challenged and find yourself struggling with the last few reps. Don’t increase it by too much too soon or you may end up injuring yourself. Listen to your body, and if you need to decrease your weights half way through that’s totally fine too!
How many reps should I aim for?
This is all dependent on your experience and how heavy the weights you are using are. As many might be just starting out, 10-15 is a nice range to get to know the movement and full range of motion so that you are engaging the right muscles. These are just estimates so don’t fret if you end up doing more or less. This workout program is a follow along so don’t over worry about reps and you also don’t need to match my reps. Just make sure that you’re challenging yourself, but also understand that it’s going to look different for everybody!
Can I do some cardio while on this program, or should I stick to weights?
Am I going to put on heaps of muscle doing this program?
For the most part, no. It is a long process to build muscle. This program specifically uses lighter weights, and is not likely to result in that. Depending on the person, it takes A LOT of energy, time and progressive overload to grow their muscles. That being said, if you do want to put on more muscle, the program can definitely help out as well. There are many ways to do that just by adjusting the amount of weight you are using to increase the difficulty.
Is this challenge good for fat loss?
This challenge can also help you achieve fat loss if that is your goal. Energy balance and diet plays an important role in losing fat or gaining fat. Also, as you gain more muscle, your body burns more energy at rest. So, by training with resistance and constantly increasing the difficulty or intensity of the weights, there is large potential for fat loss. But it is also okay to do if you simply want to keep a balanced lifestyle with exercise.
2 Weeks Shred Challenge
Type: Abs, Weight Loss, Full Body
Equipment: Fitness Mat, Dumbells (Optional), Resistance Bands (Optional)
5 workouts | 38 min (in total)
Ep 1: Full Body Workout
5 workouts | 35 min (in total)
Ep 1: Full Body Workout
Ep 3: Upper Body Workout
5 workouts | 40 min (in total)
Ep 1: Full Body Workout
Ep 4: Lower Body Workout
6 workouts | 45 min (in total)
Ep 1: Full Body Workout
Ep 3: Upper Body Workout
6 workouts | 50 min (in total)
Ep 1: Full Body Workout
Ep 4: Lower Body Workout
5 workouts | 45 min (in total)
Ep 5: Full Body Burn
Ep 3: Upper Body Workout
5 workouts | 40 min (in total)
Ep 1: Full Body Workout
Ep 4: Lower Body Workout
5 workouts | 45 min (in total)
Ep 5: Full Body Burn
5 workouts | 50 min (in total)
Ep 5: Full Body Burn
Ep 4: Lower Body Workout
5 workouts | 35 min (in total)
Ep 1: Full Body Workout
Ep 3: Upper Body Workout
6 workouts | 60 min (in total)
Ep 5: Full Body Burn
Ep 4: Lower Body Workout
Can I really get abs in two weeks?
It depends on a number of factors. The leaner you start out this challenge the higher the chances you’ll be able to see strong definition in the ab area. Most people won’t get the shredded defined abs look in 2 weeks, but this does not mean you won’t develop your ab muscles, especially if you train them regularly. Abs are visible only when you are at a low enough body fat percentage! And while genetics do play a part, by working the core and slowly leaning out over a consistent period of time, the chances of getting defined abs are a lot higher.
What’s the difference between the 2019 and the 2020 2 Week Shred?
The 2 Week Shred 2020 is more challenging than the one released in 2019. Although the goals are similar, I have added more resistance and included new variations of some exercises. It is definitely a step up from 2019! But don’t be discouraged, this challenge is suitable for everybody! Remember, there are always low impact modifications for all exercises.
Which version should I do? 2019 or 2020?
This is very dependent on your fitness level and what you find most appropriate. The 2019 2 week shred is slightly easier than the 2020 and is great for people just starting out. The 2020 version is more challenging and does involve a bit of resistance. They are both great options, but it really depends on your goal!
I’m losing motivation despite it only being two weeks, what should I do?
This is my first time working out so consistently, I’m so sore!
A little bit of soreness is very normal, especially for someone just starting out on their fitness journey. I highly suggest doing the warm up and cool down to really loosen up those muscles you were working, and avoid exercising if you are too sore (or switch to the lower impact option / do less reps). If you think you’ve injured yourself, it’s important to stop exercising immediately and see a healthcare professional.
Two weeks is a short time, can I do the challenge twice in a row?
It’s okay to do the challenge for a month if you wish to. However, I suggest taking at least 4-5 rest days in between to let your body recover and not doing the challenge for any longer than a month. If you choose to continue please feel free to replace videos with other similar ones for more variety. It’ll be more fun that way too!
Some episodes require equipment but I don’t have any, what should I do?
If you do not have the dumbbells, don’t worry. You can substitute the dumbbells with filled water bottles, water bottles with rocks, canned food or any heavier handheld item. Please make sure you do not hurt yourself with whatever piece of equipment you choose to use. Alternatively, if you do not wish to use equipment, I have provided modifications which you can do with bodyweight alone.
What weights should I use/start with?
It really depends on how much weight training you’ve done in past. If you’re new to it, then start light. 1-4kg (2-8lbs) may be enough and you can slowly progress with heavier weights. Remember to take it slow, and focus on your form.
Free Workout Programs
Free Home Workout Programs
Release date: Nov 2021
Type: Full Body, Weight Loss
Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Bands, Fitness Mat
Release date: Oct 2021
Type: Full Body, Weight Loss
Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Bands, Fitness Mat
Release date: July 2021
2021 2 Weeks Shred Challenge
Type: Full Body, Weight Loss
Equipment: Fitness Mat
Release date: Jun 2021
2021 Get Fit Challenge
Type: Resistance, Full Body
Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Bands, Fitness Mat
Release date: Apr 2021
2021 Summer Shred Challenge
Type: Weight Loss, Full Body
Equipment: Fitness Mat
Release date: Mar 2021
Weight Loss Challenge
Type: Weight Loss, Full Body
Equipment: Fitness Mat
Release date: Feb 2021
Type: Booty, Abs, Full Body
Equipment: Fitness Mat, Dumbbells (Optional), Resistance Bands (Optional)
Release date: Jan 2021
Flat Stomach Challenge
Type: Abs, Full Body, Weight Loss
Equipment: Fitness Mat, Resistance Bands (Optional)
Release date: Nov 2020
2020 MOVE-mber Schedule
Type: Full Body, Weight Loss
Equipment: Fitness Mat, Dumbells (Optional), Resistance Bands (Optional)
Release date: Oct 2020
2020 Get Peachy Challenge
Type: Booty, Abs, Full Body
Equipment: Fitness Mat, Dumbbells (Optional), Resistance Bands (Optional)
Release date: Aug 2020
2020 2 Weeks Shred Challenge
Type: Abs, Weight Loss, Full Body
Equipment: Fitness Mat, Dumbbells (Optional), Resistance Bands (Optional)
Release date: Jul 2020
21 Days Get Fit Challenge
Type: Full Body, Resistance
Equipment: Fitness Mat, Dumbbells (Optional), Resistance Bands (Optional)