Что такое обсешн по английски
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Мои примеры
They have an obsession with making money.
Они просто помешаны на деньгах.
She has an obsession about cleanliness.
У нее есть пунктик насчет чистоты. / Она одержима чистотой.
His obsession with cleanliness annoys everyone.
Его одержимость чистотой раздражает всех.
Money has become an obsession for him.
Он помешался на деньгах. / Деньги стали для него навязчивой идеей.
Gambling became an obsession, and he eventually lost everything.
Азартные игры стали для него одержимостью, и в конце концов он потерял всё.
He’s convinced he was unfairly treated and it’s become an obsession.
Он убежден, что с ним несправедливо обошлись, и это стало для него навязчивой идеей.
Всеобщая одержимость сексом породила поколение несчастных детей.
He was fascinated by the actress and tracking her every move had become an obsession.
Он был очарован актрисой и отслеживание каждого её шага стало для него одержимостью.
She has an unnatural obsession with money.
Она необычайно одержима деньгами.
She looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession.
Она заботилась о нём с рвением, граничащим с одержимостью.
The game pachinko became a national obsession.
На игре «патинко» помешалась вся страна.
Her concern about cleanliness approaches the level of obsession.
Её озабоченность чистотой граничит с одержимостью.
He has an enthusiasm for art, to the point of obsession in my opinion.
Его увлечение искусством, на мой взгляд, граничит с одержимостью.
The current obsession with exam results is actually harming children’s education.
Нынешняя одержимость результатами экзаменов приносит самый настоящий вред образованию детей.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
. a sermon against our obsession with earthly pursuits.
. the police suspect it is some sickie with an obsession for the actress.
Что такое обсешн по английски
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1 obsession
He’s convinced he was unfairly treated and it’s become an obsession. — Он убеждён, что с ним несправедливо обошлись, и это стало для него навязчивой идеей.
They have an obsession with making money. — Они просто помешаны на деньгах.
His obsession with cleanliness annoys everyone. — Его одержимость чистотой раздражает всех.
2 obsession
3 obsession
4 obsession
5 obsession
одержимость (желанием и т. п.)
6 obsession
7 obsession
8 obsession
9 obsession
10 obsession
11 obsession
12 obsession
13 Obsession
14 obsession
15 obsession
16 obsession
17 obsession
18 obsession
19 obsession
См. также в других словарях:
Obsession — Obsession … Deutsch Wörterbuch
obsession — [ ɔpsesjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1590; « siège » XVe; lat. obsessio 1 ♦ Vx État d une personne qu un démon obsède. On distinguait obsession et possession. ♢ (1690) Vx Action d importuner, d obséder; son résultat. « Il insistait, le lardait d une obsession de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Obsession — Ob*ses sion, n. [L. obsessio: cf. F. obsession.] 1. The act of besieging. [archaic] Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. The state of being besieged; used specifically of a person beset by a spirit from without. [archaic] Tylor. [1913 Webster] Whether by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obsession — Obsession. s. f. v. L action de celuy qui obsede. Il ne le quitte point, il ne s est jamais veu une pareille obsession … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
Obsession — (lat.), Besessenheit, Besessensein; vgl. Besessene … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
obsession — I noun absorption, application, attraction, compulsion, craze, crotchet, dominating action, engrossment, exclusive attention, fanaticism, fancy, fascination, fetish, fixation, fixed idea, immersion, infatuation, irresistible impulse, mania,… … Law dictionary
obsession — (n.) 1510s, action of besieging, from L. obsessionem (nom. obsessio) siege, noun of action from pp. stem of obsidere to besiege (see OBSESS (Cf. obsess)). Later, hostile action of an evil spirit (like possession but without the spirit actually… … Etymology dictionary
obsession — [n] fixation; consumption with belief, desire attraction, ax to grind*, bug in ear*, case*, complex, compulsion, concrete idea, craze*, crush, delusion, enthusiasm, fancy, fascination, fetish, hang up*, idée fixe, infatuation, mania, monkey*,… … New thesaurus
obsession — ► NOUN 1) the state of being obsessed. 2) an idea or thought that intrudes on someone s mind. DERIVATIVES obsessional adjective … English terms dictionary
obsession — [əb sesh′ən] n. [L obsessio] 1. the act of an evil spirit in possessing or ruling a person 2. a) the fact or state of being obsessed with an idea, desire, emotion, etc. b) such a persistent idea, desire, emotion, etc., esp. one that cannot be… … English World dictionary
Obsession — Contents 1 Literature 2 Film 3 Television 4 Music … Wikipedia
одержимость (желанием и т. п.)
Смотреть что такое «obsession» в других словарях:
Obsession — Obsession … Deutsch Wörterbuch
obsession — [ ɔpsesjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1590; « siège » XVe; lat. obsessio 1 ♦ Vx État d une personne qu un démon obsède. On distinguait obsession et possession. ♢ (1690) Vx Action d importuner, d obséder; son résultat. « Il insistait, le lardait d une obsession de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Obsession — Ob*ses sion, n. [L. obsessio: cf. F. obsession.] 1. The act of besieging. [archaic] Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. The state of being besieged; used specifically of a person beset by a spirit from without. [archaic] Tylor. [1913 Webster] Whether by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obsession — Obsession. s. f. v. L action de celuy qui obsede. Il ne le quitte point, il ne s est jamais veu une pareille obsession … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
Obsession — (lat.), Besessenheit, Besessensein; vgl. Besessene … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
obsession — I noun absorption, application, attraction, compulsion, craze, crotchet, dominating action, engrossment, exclusive attention, fanaticism, fancy, fascination, fetish, fixation, fixed idea, immersion, infatuation, irresistible impulse, mania,… … Law dictionary
obsession — (n.) 1510s, action of besieging, from L. obsessionem (nom. obsessio) siege, noun of action from pp. stem of obsidere to besiege (see OBSESS (Cf. obsess)). Later, hostile action of an evil spirit (like possession but without the spirit actually… … Etymology dictionary
obsession — [n] fixation; consumption with belief, desire attraction, ax to grind*, bug in ear*, case*, complex, compulsion, concrete idea, craze*, crush, delusion, enthusiasm, fancy, fascination, fetish, hang up*, idée fixe, infatuation, mania, monkey*,… … New thesaurus
obsession — ► NOUN 1) the state of being obsessed. 2) an idea or thought that intrudes on someone s mind. DERIVATIVES obsessional adjective … English terms dictionary
obsession — [əb sesh′ən] n. [L obsessio] 1. the act of an evil spirit in possessing or ruling a person 2. a) the fact or state of being obsessed with an idea, desire, emotion, etc. b) such a persistent idea, desire, emotion, etc., esp. one that cannot be… … English World dictionary
Obsession — Contents 1 Literature 2 Film 3 Television 4 Music … Wikipedia
Смотреть что такое «obsession» в других словарях:
Obsession — Obsession … Deutsch Wörterbuch
obsession — [ ɔpsesjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1590; « siège » XVe; lat. obsessio 1 ♦ Vx État d une personne qu un démon obsède. On distinguait obsession et possession. ♢ (1690) Vx Action d importuner, d obséder; son résultat. « Il insistait, le lardait d une obsession de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Obsession — Ob*ses sion, n. [L. obsessio: cf. F. obsession.] 1. The act of besieging. [archaic] Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. The state of being besieged; used specifically of a person beset by a spirit from without. [archaic] Tylor. [1913 Webster] Whether by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obsession — Obsession. s. f. v. L action de celuy qui obsede. Il ne le quitte point, il ne s est jamais veu une pareille obsession … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
Obsession — (lat.), Besessenheit, Besessensein; vgl. Besessene … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
obsession — I noun absorption, application, attraction, compulsion, craze, crotchet, dominating action, engrossment, exclusive attention, fanaticism, fancy, fascination, fetish, fixation, fixed idea, immersion, infatuation, irresistible impulse, mania,… … Law dictionary
obsession — (n.) 1510s, action of besieging, from L. obsessionem (nom. obsessio) siege, noun of action from pp. stem of obsidere to besiege (see OBSESS (Cf. obsess)). Later, hostile action of an evil spirit (like possession but without the spirit actually… … Etymology dictionary
obsession — [n] fixation; consumption with belief, desire attraction, ax to grind*, bug in ear*, case*, complex, compulsion, concrete idea, craze*, crush, delusion, enthusiasm, fancy, fascination, fetish, hang up*, idée fixe, infatuation, mania, monkey*,… … New thesaurus
obsession — ► NOUN 1) the state of being obsessed. 2) an idea or thought that intrudes on someone s mind. DERIVATIVES obsessional adjective … English terms dictionary
obsession — [əb sesh′ən] n. [L obsessio] 1. the act of an evil spirit in possessing or ruling a person 2. a) the fact or state of being obsessed with an idea, desire, emotion, etc. b) such a persistent idea, desire, emotion, etc., esp. one that cannot be… … English World dictionary
Obsession — Contents 1 Literature 2 Film 3 Television 4 Music … Wikipedia